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package sun.security.provider.certpath;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.security.cert.CertificateException;
import java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException;
import java.security.cert.PKIXCertPathChecker;
import java.security.cert.PKIXReason;
import java.security.cert.PolicyNode;
import java.security.cert.PolicyQualifierInfo;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.util.*;

import sun.security.util.Debug;
import sun.security.util.KnownOIDs;
import sun.security.x509.CertificatePoliciesExtension;
import sun.security.x509.PolicyConstraintsExtension;
import sun.security.x509.PolicyMappingsExtension;
import sun.security.x509.CertificatePolicyMap;
import static sun.security.x509.PKIXExtensions.*;
import sun.security.x509.PolicyInformation;
import sun.security.x509.X509CertImpl;
import sun.security.x509.InhibitAnyPolicyExtension;

PolicyChecker is a PKIXCertPathChecker that checks policy information on a PKIX certificate, namely certificate policies, policy mappings, policy constraints and policy qualifiers.
Author: Yassir Elley
Since: 1.4
/** * PolicyChecker is a <code>PKIXCertPathChecker</code> that checks policy * information on a PKIX certificate, namely certificate policies, policy * mappings, policy constraints and policy qualifiers. * * @since 1.4 * @author Yassir Elley */
class PolicyChecker extends PKIXCertPathChecker { private final Set<String> initPolicies; private final int certPathLen; private final boolean expPolicyRequired; private final boolean polMappingInhibited; private final boolean anyPolicyInhibited; private final boolean rejectPolicyQualifiers; private PolicyNodeImpl rootNode; private int explicitPolicy; private int policyMapping; private int inhibitAnyPolicy; private int certIndex; private Set<String> supportedExts; private static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("certpath"); static final String ANY_POLICY = KnownOIDs.CE_CERT_POLICIES_ANY.value();
Constructs a Policy Checker.
  • initialPolicies – Set of initial policies
  • certPathLen – length of the certification path to be checked
  • expPolicyRequired – true if explicit policy is required
  • polMappingInhibited – true if policy mapping is inhibited
  • anyPolicyInhibited – true if the ANY_POLICY OID should be inhibited
  • rejectPolicyQualifiers – true if pol qualifiers are to be rejected
  • rootNode – the initial root node of the valid policy tree
/** * Constructs a Policy Checker. * * @param initialPolicies Set of initial policies * @param certPathLen length of the certification path to be checked * @param expPolicyRequired true if explicit policy is required * @param polMappingInhibited true if policy mapping is inhibited * @param anyPolicyInhibited true if the ANY_POLICY OID should be inhibited * @param rejectPolicyQualifiers true if pol qualifiers are to be rejected * @param rootNode the initial root node of the valid policy tree */
PolicyChecker(Set<String> initialPolicies, int certPathLen, boolean expPolicyRequired, boolean polMappingInhibited, boolean anyPolicyInhibited, boolean rejectPolicyQualifiers, PolicyNodeImpl rootNode) { if (initialPolicies.isEmpty()) { // if no initialPolicies are specified by user, set // initPolicies to be anyPolicy by default this.initPolicies = new HashSet<String>(1); this.initPolicies.add(ANY_POLICY); } else { this.initPolicies = new HashSet<String>(initialPolicies); } this.certPathLen = certPathLen; this.expPolicyRequired = expPolicyRequired; this.polMappingInhibited = polMappingInhibited; this.anyPolicyInhibited = anyPolicyInhibited; this.rejectPolicyQualifiers = rejectPolicyQualifiers; this.rootNode = rootNode; }
Initializes the internal state of the checker from parameters specified in the constructor
  • forward – a boolean indicating whether this checker should be initialized capable of building in the forward direction
/** * Initializes the internal state of the checker from parameters * specified in the constructor * * @param forward a boolean indicating whether this checker should be * initialized capable of building in the forward direction * @throws CertPathValidatorException if user wants to enable forward * checking and forward checking is not supported. */
@Override public void init(boolean forward) throws CertPathValidatorException { if (forward) { throw new CertPathValidatorException ("forward checking not supported"); } certIndex = 1; explicitPolicy = (expPolicyRequired ? 0 : certPathLen + 1); policyMapping = (polMappingInhibited ? 0 : certPathLen + 1); inhibitAnyPolicy = (anyPolicyInhibited ? 0 : certPathLen + 1); }
Checks if forward checking is supported. Forward checking refers to the ability of the PKIXCertPathChecker to perform its checks when presented with certificates in the forward direction (from target to anchor).
Returns:true if forward checking is supported, false otherwise
/** * Checks if forward checking is supported. Forward checking refers * to the ability of the PKIXCertPathChecker to perform its checks * when presented with certificates in the forward direction (from * target to anchor). * * @return true if forward checking is supported, false otherwise */
@Override public boolean isForwardCheckingSupported() { return false; }
Gets an immutable Set of the OID strings for the extensions that the PKIXCertPathChecker supports (i.e. recognizes, is able to process), or null if no extensions are supported. All OID strings that a PKIXCertPathChecker might possibly be able to process should be included.
Returns:the Set of extensions supported by this PKIXCertPathChecker, or null if no extensions are supported
/** * Gets an immutable Set of the OID strings for the extensions that * the PKIXCertPathChecker supports (i.e. recognizes, is able to * process), or null if no extensions are * supported. All OID strings that a PKIXCertPathChecker might * possibly be able to process should be included. * * @return the Set of extensions supported by this PKIXCertPathChecker, * or null if no extensions are supported */
@Override public Set<String> getSupportedExtensions() { if (supportedExts == null) { supportedExts = new HashSet<String>(4); supportedExts.add(CertificatePolicies_Id.toString()); supportedExts.add(PolicyMappings_Id.toString()); supportedExts.add(PolicyConstraints_Id.toString()); supportedExts.add(InhibitAnyPolicy_Id.toString()); supportedExts = Collections.unmodifiableSet(supportedExts); } return supportedExts; }
Performs the policy processing checks on the certificate using its internal state.
  • cert – the Certificate to be processed
  • unresCritExts – the unresolved critical extensions
/** * Performs the policy processing checks on the certificate using its * internal state. * * @param cert the Certificate to be processed * @param unresCritExts the unresolved critical extensions * @throws CertPathValidatorException if the certificate does not verify */
@Override public void check(Certificate cert, Collection<String> unresCritExts) throws CertPathValidatorException { // now do the policy checks checkPolicy((X509Certificate) cert); if (unresCritExts != null && !unresCritExts.isEmpty()) { unresCritExts.remove(CertificatePolicies_Id.toString()); unresCritExts.remove(PolicyMappings_Id.toString()); unresCritExts.remove(PolicyConstraints_Id.toString()); unresCritExts.remove(InhibitAnyPolicy_Id.toString()); } }
Internal method to run through all the checks.
  • currCert – the certificate to be processed
/** * Internal method to run through all the checks. * * @param currCert the certificate to be processed * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if * the certificate does not verify */
private void checkPolicy(X509Certificate currCert) throws CertPathValidatorException { String msg = "certificate policies"; if (debug != null) { debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() ---checking " + msg + "..."); debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() certIndex = " + certIndex); debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() BEFORE PROCESSING: " + "explicitPolicy = " + explicitPolicy); debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() BEFORE PROCESSING: " + "policyMapping = " + policyMapping); debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() BEFORE PROCESSING: " + "inhibitAnyPolicy = " + inhibitAnyPolicy); debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() BEFORE PROCESSING: " + "policyTree = " + rootNode); } X509CertImpl currCertImpl = null; try { currCertImpl = X509CertImpl.toImpl(currCert); } catch (CertificateException ce) { throw new CertPathValidatorException(ce); } boolean finalCert = (certIndex == certPathLen); rootNode = processPolicies(certIndex, initPolicies, explicitPolicy, policyMapping, inhibitAnyPolicy, rejectPolicyQualifiers, rootNode, currCertImpl, finalCert); if (!finalCert) { explicitPolicy = mergeExplicitPolicy(explicitPolicy, currCertImpl, finalCert); policyMapping = mergePolicyMapping(policyMapping, currCertImpl); inhibitAnyPolicy = mergeInhibitAnyPolicy(inhibitAnyPolicy, currCertImpl); } certIndex++; if (debug != null) { debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() AFTER PROCESSING: " + "explicitPolicy = " + explicitPolicy); debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() AFTER PROCESSING: " + "policyMapping = " + policyMapping); debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() AFTER PROCESSING: " + "inhibitAnyPolicy = " + inhibitAnyPolicy); debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() AFTER PROCESSING: " + "policyTree = " + rootNode); debug.println("PolicyChecker.checkPolicy() " + msg + " verified"); } }
Merges the specified explicitPolicy value with the requireExplicitPolicy field of the PolicyConstraints extension obtained from the certificate. An explicitPolicy value of -1 implies no constraint.
  • explicitPolicy – an integer which indicates if a non-null valid policy tree is required
  • currCert – the Certificate to be processed
  • finalCert – a boolean indicating whether currCert is the final cert in the cert path
Returns:returns the new explicitPolicy value
/** * Merges the specified explicitPolicy value with the * requireExplicitPolicy field of the <code>PolicyConstraints</code> * extension obtained from the certificate. An explicitPolicy * value of -1 implies no constraint. * * @param explicitPolicy an integer which indicates if a non-null * valid policy tree is required * @param currCert the Certificate to be processed * @param finalCert a boolean indicating whether currCert is * the final cert in the cert path * @return returns the new explicitPolicy value * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if an error * occurs */
static int mergeExplicitPolicy(int explicitPolicy, X509CertImpl currCert, boolean finalCert) throws CertPathValidatorException { if ((explicitPolicy > 0) && !X509CertImpl.isSelfIssued(currCert)) { explicitPolicy--; } try { PolicyConstraintsExtension polConstExt = currCert.getPolicyConstraintsExtension(); if (polConstExt == null) return explicitPolicy; int require = polConstExt.get(PolicyConstraintsExtension.REQUIRE).intValue(); if (debug != null) { debug.println("PolicyChecker.mergeExplicitPolicy() " + "require Index from cert = " + require); } if (!finalCert) { if (require != -1) { if ((explicitPolicy == -1) || (require < explicitPolicy)) { explicitPolicy = require; } } } else { if (require == 0) explicitPolicy = require; } } catch (IOException e) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("PolicyChecker.mergeExplicitPolicy " + "unexpected exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } throw new CertPathValidatorException(e); } return explicitPolicy; }
Merges the specified policyMapping value with the inhibitPolicyMapping field of the PolicyConstraints extension obtained from the certificate. A policyMapping value of -1 implies no constraint.
  • policyMapping – an integer which indicates if policy mapping is inhibited
  • currCert – the Certificate to be processed
Returns:returns the new policyMapping value
/** * Merges the specified policyMapping value with the * inhibitPolicyMapping field of the <code>PolicyConstraints</code> * extension obtained from the certificate. A policyMapping * value of -1 implies no constraint. * * @param policyMapping an integer which indicates if policy mapping * is inhibited * @param currCert the Certificate to be processed * @return returns the new policyMapping value * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if an error * occurs */
static int mergePolicyMapping(int policyMapping, X509CertImpl currCert) throws CertPathValidatorException { if ((policyMapping > 0) && !X509CertImpl.isSelfIssued(currCert)) { policyMapping--; } try { PolicyConstraintsExtension polConstExt = currCert.getPolicyConstraintsExtension(); if (polConstExt == null) return policyMapping; int inhibit = polConstExt.get(PolicyConstraintsExtension.INHIBIT).intValue(); if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.mergePolicyMapping() " + "inhibit Index from cert = " + inhibit); if (inhibit != -1) { if ((policyMapping == -1) || (inhibit < policyMapping)) { policyMapping = inhibit; } } } catch (IOException e) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("PolicyChecker.mergePolicyMapping " + "unexpected exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } throw new CertPathValidatorException(e); } return policyMapping; }
Merges the specified inhibitAnyPolicy value with the SkipCerts value of the InhibitAnyPolicy extension obtained from the certificate.
  • inhibitAnyPolicy – an integer which indicates whether "any-policy" is considered a match
  • currCert – the Certificate to be processed
Returns:returns the new inhibitAnyPolicy value
/** * Merges the specified inhibitAnyPolicy value with the * SkipCerts value of the InhibitAnyPolicy * extension obtained from the certificate. * * @param inhibitAnyPolicy an integer which indicates whether * "any-policy" is considered a match * @param currCert the Certificate to be processed * @return returns the new inhibitAnyPolicy value * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if an error * occurs */
static int mergeInhibitAnyPolicy(int inhibitAnyPolicy, X509CertImpl currCert) throws CertPathValidatorException { if ((inhibitAnyPolicy > 0) && !X509CertImpl.isSelfIssued(currCert)) { inhibitAnyPolicy--; } try { InhibitAnyPolicyExtension inhAnyPolExt = (InhibitAnyPolicyExtension) currCert.getExtension(InhibitAnyPolicy_Id); if (inhAnyPolExt == null) return inhibitAnyPolicy; int skipCerts = inhAnyPolExt.get(InhibitAnyPolicyExtension.SKIP_CERTS).intValue(); if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.mergeInhibitAnyPolicy() " + "skipCerts Index from cert = " + skipCerts); if (skipCerts != -1) { if (skipCerts < inhibitAnyPolicy) { inhibitAnyPolicy = skipCerts; } } } catch (IOException e) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("PolicyChecker.mergeInhibitAnyPolicy " + "unexpected exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } throw new CertPathValidatorException(e); } return inhibitAnyPolicy; }
Processes certificate policies in the certificate.
  • certIndex – the index of the certificate
  • initPolicies – the initial policies required by the user
  • explicitPolicy – an integer which indicates if a non-null valid policy tree is required
  • policyMapping – an integer which indicates if policy mapping is inhibited
  • inhibitAnyPolicy – an integer which indicates whether "any-policy" is considered a match
  • rejectPolicyQualifiers – a boolean indicating whether the user wants to reject policies that have qualifiers
  • origRootNode – the root node of the valid policy tree
  • currCert – the Certificate to be processed
  • finalCert – a boolean indicating whether currCert is the final cert in the cert path
Returns:the root node of the valid policy tree after modification
/** * Processes certificate policies in the certificate. * * @param certIndex the index of the certificate * @param initPolicies the initial policies required by the user * @param explicitPolicy an integer which indicates if a non-null * valid policy tree is required * @param policyMapping an integer which indicates if policy * mapping is inhibited * @param inhibitAnyPolicy an integer which indicates whether * "any-policy" is considered a match * @param rejectPolicyQualifiers a boolean indicating whether the * user wants to reject policies that have qualifiers * @param origRootNode the root node of the valid policy tree * @param currCert the Certificate to be processed * @param finalCert a boolean indicating whether currCert is the final * cert in the cert path * @return the root node of the valid policy tree after modification * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if an * error occurs while processing policies. */
static PolicyNodeImpl processPolicies(int certIndex, Set<String> initPolicies, int explicitPolicy, int policyMapping, int inhibitAnyPolicy, boolean rejectPolicyQualifiers, PolicyNodeImpl origRootNode, X509CertImpl currCert, boolean finalCert) throws CertPathValidatorException { boolean policiesCritical = false; List<PolicyInformation> policyInfo; PolicyNodeImpl rootNode = null; Set<PolicyQualifierInfo> anyQuals = new HashSet<>(); if (origRootNode == null) rootNode = null; else rootNode = origRootNode.copyTree(); // retrieve policyOIDs from currCert CertificatePoliciesExtension currCertPolicies = currCert.getCertificatePoliciesExtension(); // PKIX: Section 6.1.3: Step (d) if ((currCertPolicies != null) && (rootNode != null)) { policiesCritical = currCertPolicies.isCritical(); if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() " + "policiesCritical = " + policiesCritical); try { policyInfo = currCertPolicies.get(CertificatePoliciesExtension.POLICIES); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new CertPathValidatorException("Exception while " + "retrieving policyOIDs", ioe); } if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() " + "rejectPolicyQualifiers = " + rejectPolicyQualifiers); boolean foundAnyPolicy = false; // process each policy in cert for (PolicyInformation curPolInfo : policyInfo) { String curPolicy = curPolInfo.getPolicyIdentifier().getIdentifier().toString(); if (curPolicy.equals(ANY_POLICY)) { foundAnyPolicy = true; anyQuals = curPolInfo.getPolicyQualifiers(); } else { // PKIX: Section 6.1.3: Step (d)(1) if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() " + "processing policy: " + curPolicy); // retrieve policy qualifiers from cert Set<PolicyQualifierInfo> pQuals = curPolInfo.getPolicyQualifiers(); // reject cert if we find critical policy qualifiers and // the policyQualifiersRejected flag is set in the params if (!pQuals.isEmpty() && rejectPolicyQualifiers && policiesCritical) { throw new CertPathValidatorException( "critical policy qualifiers present in certificate", null, null, -1, PKIXReason.INVALID_POLICY); } // PKIX: Section 6.1.3: Step (d)(1)(i) boolean foundMatch = processParents(certIndex, policiesCritical, rejectPolicyQualifiers, rootNode, curPolicy, pQuals, false); if (!foundMatch) { // PKIX: Section 6.1.3: Step (d)(1)(ii) processParents(certIndex, policiesCritical, rejectPolicyQualifiers, rootNode, curPolicy, pQuals, true); } } } // PKIX: Section 6.1.3: Step (d)(2) if (foundAnyPolicy) { if ((inhibitAnyPolicy > 0) || (!finalCert && X509CertImpl.isSelfIssued(currCert))) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() " + "processing policy: " + ANY_POLICY); } processParents(certIndex, policiesCritical, rejectPolicyQualifiers, rootNode, ANY_POLICY, anyQuals, true); } } // PKIX: Section 6.1.3: Step (d)(3) rootNode.prune(certIndex); if (!rootNode.getChildren().hasNext()) { rootNode = null; } } else if (currCertPolicies == null) { if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() " + "no policies present in cert"); // PKIX: Section 6.1.3: Step (e) rootNode = null; } // We delay PKIX: Section 6.1.3: Step (f) to the end // because the code that follows may delete some nodes // resulting in a null tree if (rootNode != null) { if (!finalCert) { // PKIX: Section 6.1.4: Steps (a)-(b) rootNode = processPolicyMappings(currCert, certIndex, policyMapping, rootNode, policiesCritical, anyQuals); } } // At this point, we optimize the PKIX algorithm by // removing those nodes which would later have // been removed by PKIX: Section 6.1.5: Step (g)(iii) if ((rootNode != null) && (!initPolicies.contains(ANY_POLICY)) && (currCertPolicies != null)) { rootNode = removeInvalidNodes(rootNode, certIndex, initPolicies, currCertPolicies); // PKIX: Section 6.1.5: Step (g)(iii) if ((rootNode != null) && finalCert) { // rewrite anyPolicy leaf nodes (see method comments) rootNode = rewriteLeafNodes(certIndex, initPolicies, rootNode); } } if (finalCert) { // PKIX: Section 6.1.5: Steps (a) and (b) explicitPolicy = mergeExplicitPolicy(explicitPolicy, currCert, finalCert); } // PKIX: Section 6.1.3: Step (f) // verify that either explicit policy is greater than 0 or // the valid_policy_tree is not equal to NULL if ((explicitPolicy == 0) && (rootNode == null)) { throw new CertPathValidatorException ("non-null policy tree required and policy tree is null", null, null, -1, PKIXReason.INVALID_POLICY); } return rootNode; }
Rewrite leaf nodes at the end of validation as described in RFC 5280 section 6.1.5: Step (g)(iii). Leaf nodes with anyPolicy are replaced by nodes explicitly representing initial policies not already represented by leaf nodes. This method should only be called when processing the final cert and if the policy tree is not null and initial policies is not anyPolicy.
  • certIndex – the depth of the tree
  • initPolicies – Set of user specified initial policies
  • rootNode – the root of the policy tree
/** * Rewrite leaf nodes at the end of validation as described in RFC 5280 * section 6.1.5: Step (g)(iii). Leaf nodes with anyPolicy are replaced * by nodes explicitly representing initial policies not already * represented by leaf nodes. * * This method should only be called when processing the final cert * and if the policy tree is not null and initial policies is not * anyPolicy. * * @param certIndex the depth of the tree * @param initPolicies Set of user specified initial policies * @param rootNode the root of the policy tree */
private static PolicyNodeImpl rewriteLeafNodes(int certIndex, Set<String> initPolicies, PolicyNodeImpl rootNode) { Set<PolicyNodeImpl> anyNodes = rootNode.getPolicyNodesValid(certIndex, ANY_POLICY); if (anyNodes.isEmpty()) { return rootNode; } PolicyNodeImpl anyNode = anyNodes.iterator().next(); PolicyNodeImpl parentNode = (PolicyNodeImpl)anyNode.getParent(); parentNode.deleteChild(anyNode); // see if there are any initialPolicies not represented by leaf nodes Set<String> initial = new HashSet<>(initPolicies); for (PolicyNodeImpl node : rootNode.getPolicyNodes(certIndex)) { initial.remove(node.getValidPolicy()); } if (initial.isEmpty()) { // we deleted the anyPolicy node and have nothing to re-add, // so we need to prune the tree rootNode.prune(certIndex); if (rootNode.getChildren().hasNext() == false) { rootNode = null; } } else { boolean anyCritical = anyNode.isCritical(); Set<PolicyQualifierInfo> anyQualifiers = anyNode.getPolicyQualifiers(); for (String policy : initial) { Set<String> expectedPolicies = Collections.singleton(policy); PolicyNodeImpl node = new PolicyNodeImpl(parentNode, policy, anyQualifiers, anyCritical, expectedPolicies, false); } } return rootNode; }
Finds the policy nodes of depth (certIndex-1) where curPolicy is in the expected policy set and creates a new child node appropriately. If matchAny is true, then a value of ANY_POLICY in the expected policy set will match any curPolicy. If matchAny is false, then the expected policy set must exactly contain the curPolicy to be considered a match. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether a match was found.
  • certIndex – the index of the certificate whose policy is being processed
  • policiesCritical – a boolean indicating whether the certificate policies extension is critical
  • rejectPolicyQualifiers – a boolean indicating whether the user wants to reject policies that have qualifiers
  • rootNode – the root node of the valid policy tree
  • curPolicy – a String representing the policy being processed
  • pQuals – the policy qualifiers of the policy being processed or an empty Set if there are no qualifiers
  • matchAny – a boolean indicating whether a value of ANY_POLICY in the expected policy set will be considered a match
Returns:a boolean indicating whether a match was found
/** * Finds the policy nodes of depth (certIndex-1) where curPolicy * is in the expected policy set and creates a new child node * appropriately. If matchAny is true, then a value of ANY_POLICY * in the expected policy set will match any curPolicy. If matchAny * is false, then the expected policy set must exactly contain the * curPolicy to be considered a match. This method returns a boolean * value indicating whether a match was found. * * @param certIndex the index of the certificate whose policy is * being processed * @param policiesCritical a boolean indicating whether the certificate * policies extension is critical * @param rejectPolicyQualifiers a boolean indicating whether the * user wants to reject policies that have qualifiers * @param rootNode the root node of the valid policy tree * @param curPolicy a String representing the policy being processed * @param pQuals the policy qualifiers of the policy being processed or an * empty Set if there are no qualifiers * @param matchAny a boolean indicating whether a value of ANY_POLICY * in the expected policy set will be considered a match * @return a boolean indicating whether a match was found * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if error occurs. */
private static boolean processParents(int certIndex, boolean policiesCritical, boolean rejectPolicyQualifiers, PolicyNodeImpl rootNode, String curPolicy, Set<PolicyQualifierInfo> pQuals, boolean matchAny) throws CertPathValidatorException { boolean foundMatch = false; if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processParents(): matchAny = " + matchAny); // find matching parents Set<PolicyNodeImpl> parentNodes = rootNode.getPolicyNodesExpected(certIndex - 1, curPolicy, matchAny); // for each matching parent, extend policy tree for (PolicyNodeImpl curParent : parentNodes) { if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processParents() " + "found parent:\n" + curParent.asString()); foundMatch = true; String curParPolicy = curParent.getValidPolicy(); PolicyNodeImpl curNode = null; Set<String> curExpPols = null; if (curPolicy.equals(ANY_POLICY)) { // do step 2 Set<String> parExpPols = curParent.getExpectedPolicies(); parentExplicitPolicies: for (String curParExpPol : parExpPols) { Iterator<PolicyNodeImpl> childIter = curParent.getChildren(); while (childIter.hasNext()) { PolicyNodeImpl childNode = childIter.next(); String childPolicy = childNode.getValidPolicy(); if (curParExpPol.equals(childPolicy)) { if (debug != null) debug.println(childPolicy + " in parent's " + "expected policy set already appears in " + "child node"); continue parentExplicitPolicies; } } Set<String> expPols = new HashSet<>(); expPols.add(curParExpPol); curNode = new PolicyNodeImpl (curParent, curParExpPol, pQuals, policiesCritical, expPols, false); } } else { curExpPols = new HashSet<String>(); curExpPols.add(curPolicy); curNode = new PolicyNodeImpl (curParent, curPolicy, pQuals, policiesCritical, curExpPols, false); } } return foundMatch; }
Processes policy mappings in the certificate.
  • currCert – the Certificate to be processed
  • certIndex – the index of the current certificate
  • policyMapping – an integer which indicates if policy mapping is inhibited
  • rootNode – the root node of the valid policy tree
  • policiesCritical – a boolean indicating if the certificate policies extension is critical
  • anyQuals – the qualifiers associated with ANY-POLICY, or an empty Set if there are no qualifiers associated with ANY-POLICY
Returns:the root node of the valid policy tree after modification
/** * Processes policy mappings in the certificate. * * @param currCert the Certificate to be processed * @param certIndex the index of the current certificate * @param policyMapping an integer which indicates if policy * mapping is inhibited * @param rootNode the root node of the valid policy tree * @param policiesCritical a boolean indicating if the certificate policies * extension is critical * @param anyQuals the qualifiers associated with ANY-POLICY, or an empty * Set if there are no qualifiers associated with ANY-POLICY * @return the root node of the valid policy tree after modification * @exception CertPathValidatorException exception thrown if an error * occurs while processing policy mappings */
private static PolicyNodeImpl processPolicyMappings(X509CertImpl currCert, int certIndex, int policyMapping, PolicyNodeImpl rootNode, boolean policiesCritical, Set<PolicyQualifierInfo> anyQuals) throws CertPathValidatorException { PolicyMappingsExtension polMappingsExt = currCert.getPolicyMappingsExtension(); if (polMappingsExt == null) return rootNode; if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicyMappings() " + "inside policyMapping check"); List<CertificatePolicyMap> maps = null; try { maps = polMappingsExt.get(PolicyMappingsExtension.MAP); } catch (IOException e) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicyMappings() " + "mapping exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } throw new CertPathValidatorException("Exception while checking " + "mapping", e); } boolean childDeleted = false; for (CertificatePolicyMap polMap : maps) { String issuerDomain = polMap.getIssuerIdentifier().getIdentifier().toString(); String subjectDomain = polMap.getSubjectIdentifier().getIdentifier().toString(); if (debug != null) { debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicyMappings() " + "issuerDomain = " + issuerDomain); debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicyMappings() " + "subjectDomain = " + subjectDomain); } if (issuerDomain.equals(ANY_POLICY)) { throw new CertPathValidatorException ("encountered an issuerDomainPolicy of ANY_POLICY", null, null, -1, PKIXReason.INVALID_POLICY); } if (subjectDomain.equals(ANY_POLICY)) { throw new CertPathValidatorException ("encountered a subjectDomainPolicy of ANY_POLICY", null, null, -1, PKIXReason.INVALID_POLICY); } Set<PolicyNodeImpl> validNodes = rootNode.getPolicyNodesValid(certIndex, issuerDomain); if (!validNodes.isEmpty()) { for (PolicyNodeImpl curNode : validNodes) { if ((policyMapping > 0) || (policyMapping == -1)) { curNode.addExpectedPolicy(subjectDomain); } else if (policyMapping == 0) { PolicyNodeImpl parentNode = (PolicyNodeImpl) curNode.getParent(); if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicyMappings" + "() before deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode); parentNode.deleteChild(curNode); childDeleted = true; if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicyMappings" + "() after deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode); } } } else { // no node of depth i has a valid policy if ((policyMapping > 0) || (policyMapping == -1)) { Set<PolicyNodeImpl> validAnyNodes = rootNode.getPolicyNodesValid(certIndex, ANY_POLICY); for (PolicyNodeImpl curAnyNode : validAnyNodes) { PolicyNodeImpl curAnyNodeParent = (PolicyNodeImpl) curAnyNode.getParent(); Set<String> expPols = new HashSet<>(); expPols.add(subjectDomain); PolicyNodeImpl curNode = new PolicyNodeImpl (curAnyNodeParent, issuerDomain, anyQuals, policiesCritical, expPols, true); } } } } if (childDeleted) { rootNode.prune(certIndex); if (!rootNode.getChildren().hasNext()) { if (debug != null) debug.println("setting rootNode to null"); rootNode = null; } } return rootNode; }
Removes those nodes which do not intersect with the initial policies specified by the user.
  • rootNode – the root node of the valid policy tree
  • certIndex – the index of the certificate being processed
  • initPolicies – the Set of policies required by the user
  • currCertPolicies – the CertificatePoliciesExtension of the certificate being processed
Returns:the root node of the valid policy tree after modification
/** * Removes those nodes which do not intersect with the initial policies * specified by the user. * * @param rootNode the root node of the valid policy tree * @param certIndex the index of the certificate being processed * @param initPolicies the Set of policies required by the user * @param currCertPolicies the CertificatePoliciesExtension of the * certificate being processed * @return the root node of the valid policy tree after modification * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if error occurs. */
private static PolicyNodeImpl removeInvalidNodes(PolicyNodeImpl rootNode, int certIndex, Set<String> initPolicies, CertificatePoliciesExtension currCertPolicies) throws CertPathValidatorException { List<PolicyInformation> policyInfo = null; try { policyInfo = currCertPolicies.get(CertificatePoliciesExtension.POLICIES); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new CertPathValidatorException("Exception while " + "retrieving policyOIDs", ioe); } boolean childDeleted = false; for (PolicyInformation curPolInfo : policyInfo) { String curPolicy = curPolInfo.getPolicyIdentifier().getIdentifier().toString(); if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() " + "processing policy second time: " + curPolicy); Set<PolicyNodeImpl> validNodes = rootNode.getPolicyNodesValid(certIndex, curPolicy); for (PolicyNodeImpl curNode : validNodes) { PolicyNodeImpl parentNode = (PolicyNodeImpl)curNode.getParent(); if (parentNode.getValidPolicy().equals(ANY_POLICY)) { if ((!initPolicies.contains(curPolicy)) && (!curPolicy.equals(ANY_POLICY))) { if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() " + "before deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode); parentNode.deleteChild(curNode); childDeleted = true; if (debug != null) debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() " + "after deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode); } } } } if (childDeleted) { rootNode.prune(certIndex); if (!rootNode.getChildren().hasNext()) { rootNode = null; } } return rootNode; }
Gets the root node of the valid policy tree, or null if the valid policy tree is null. Marks each node of the returned tree immutable and thread-safe.
Returns:the root node of the valid policy tree, or null if the valid policy tree is null
/** * Gets the root node of the valid policy tree, or null if the * valid policy tree is null. Marks each node of the returned tree * immutable and thread-safe. * * @return the root node of the valid policy tree, or null if * the valid policy tree is null */
PolicyNode getPolicyTree() { if (rootNode == null) return null; else { PolicyNodeImpl policyTree = rootNode.copyTree(); policyTree.setImmutable(); return policyTree; } } }