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package sun.net.www.http;

import java.io.*;

import sun.net.ProgressSource;
import sun.net.www.MeteredStream;
import jdk.internal.misc.InnocuousThread;

A stream that has the property of being able to be kept alive for multiple downloads from the same server.
Author:Stephen R. Pietrowicz (NCSA), Dave Brown
/** * A stream that has the property of being able to be kept alive for * multiple downloads from the same server. * * @author Stephen R. Pietrowicz (NCSA) * @author Dave Brown */
public class KeepAliveStream extends MeteredStream implements Hurryable { // instance variables HttpClient hc; boolean hurried; // has this KeepAliveStream been put on the queue for asynchronous cleanup. // This flag is read from within KeepAliveCleanerEntry outside of any lock. protected volatile boolean queuedForCleanup = false; private static final KeepAliveStreamCleaner queue = new KeepAliveStreamCleaner(); private static Thread cleanerThread; // null
/** * Constructor */
public KeepAliveStream(InputStream is, ProgressSource pi, long expected, HttpClient hc) { super(is, pi, expected); this.hc = hc; }
Attempt to cache this connection
/** * Attempt to cache this connection */
public void close() throws IOException { // If the inputstream is queued for cleanup, just return. if (queuedForCleanup) return; // Skip past the data that's left in the Inputstream because // some sort of error may have occurred. // Do this ONLY if the skip won't block. The stream may have // been closed at the beginning of a big file and we don't want // to hang around for nothing. So if we can't skip without blocking // we just close the socket and, therefore, terminate the keepAlive // NOTE: Don't close super class // For consistency, access to `expected` and `count` should be // protected by readLock lock(); try { // If the inputstream is closed already, or if this stream // has already been queued for cleanup, just return. if (closed || queuedForCleanup) return; try { if (expected > count) { long nskip = expected - count; if (nskip <= available()) { do { } while ((nskip = (expected - count)) > 0L && skip(Math.min(nskip, available())) > 0L); } else if (expected <= KeepAliveStreamCleaner.MAX_DATA_REMAINING && !hurried) { //put this KeepAliveStream on the queue so that the data remaining //on the socket can be cleanup asyncronously. queueForCleanup(new KeepAliveCleanerEntry(this, hc)); } else { hc.closeServer(); } } if (!closed && !hurried && !queuedForCleanup) { hc.finished(); } } finally { if (pi != null) pi.finishTracking(); if (!queuedForCleanup) { // nulling out the underlying inputstream as well as // httpClient to let gc collect the memories faster in = null; hc = null; closed = true; } } } finally { unlock(); } } /* we explicitly do not support mark/reset */ public boolean markSupported() { return false; } public void mark(int limit) {} public void reset() throws IOException { throw new IOException("mark/reset not supported"); } public boolean hurry() { lock(); try { /* CASE 0: we're actually already done */ if (closed || count >= expected) { return false; } else if (in.available() < (expected - count)) { /* CASE I: can't meet the demand */ return false; } else { /* CASE II: fill our internal buffer * Remind: possibly check memory here */ int size = (int) (expected - count); byte[] buf = new byte[size]; DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in); dis.readFully(buf); in = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf); hurried = true; return true; } } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); return false; } finally { unlock(); } } private static void queueForCleanup(KeepAliveCleanerEntry kace) { queue.lock(); try { if(!kace.getQueuedForCleanup()) { if (!queue.offer(kace)) { kace.getHttpClient().closeServer(); return; } kace.setQueuedForCleanup(); queue.signalAll(); } boolean startCleanupThread = (cleanerThread == null); if (!startCleanupThread) { if (!cleanerThread.isAlive()) { startCleanupThread = true; } } if (startCleanupThread) { java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Void>() { public Void run() { cleanerThread = InnocuousThread.newSystemThread("Keep-Alive-SocketCleaner", queue); cleanerThread.setDaemon(true); cleanerThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY - 2); cleanerThread.start(); return null; } }); } } finally { queue.unlock(); } } // Only called from KeepAliveStreamCleaner protected long remainingToRead() { assert isLockHeldByCurrentThread(); return expected - count; } // Only called from KeepAliveStreamCleaner protected void setClosed() { assert isLockHeldByCurrentThread(); in = null; hc = null; closed = true; } }