 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package jdk.internal.access;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import jdk.internal.module.ServicesCatalog;
import jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool;
import sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationType;
import sun.nio.ch.Interruptible;

public interface JavaLangAccess {

Returns the list of Method objects for the declared public methods of this class or interface that have the specified method name and parameter types.
/** * Returns the list of {@code Method} objects for the declared public * methods of this class or interface that have the specified method name * and parameter types. */
List<Method> getDeclaredPublicMethods(Class<?> klass, String name, Class<?>... parameterTypes);
Return the constant pool for a class.
/** * Return the constant pool for a class. */
ConstantPool getConstantPool(Class<?> klass);
Compare-And-Set the AnnotationType instance corresponding to this class. (This method only applies to annotation types.)
/** * Compare-And-Set the AnnotationType instance corresponding to this class. * (This method only applies to annotation types.) */
boolean casAnnotationType(Class<?> klass, AnnotationType oldType, AnnotationType newType);
Get the AnnotationType instance corresponding to this class. (This method only applies to annotation types.)
/** * Get the AnnotationType instance corresponding to this class. * (This method only applies to annotation types.) */
AnnotationType getAnnotationType(Class<?> klass);
Get the declared annotations for a given class, indexed by their types.
/** * Get the declared annotations for a given class, indexed by their types. */
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> getDeclaredAnnotationMap(Class<?> klass);
Get the array of bytes that is the class-file representation of this Class' annotations.
/** * Get the array of bytes that is the class-file representation * of this Class' annotations. */
byte[] getRawClassAnnotations(Class<?> klass);
Get the array of bytes that is the class-file representation of this Class' type annotations.
/** * Get the array of bytes that is the class-file representation * of this Class' type annotations. */
byte[] getRawClassTypeAnnotations(Class<?> klass);
Get the array of bytes that is the class-file representation of this Executable's type annotations.
/** * Get the array of bytes that is the class-file representation * of this Executable's type annotations. */
byte[] getRawExecutableTypeAnnotations(Executable executable);
Returns the elements of an enum class or null if the Class object does not represent an enum type; the result is uncloned, cached, and shared by all callers.
/** * Returns the elements of an enum class or null if the * Class object does not represent an enum type; * the result is uncloned, cached, and shared by all callers. */
<E extends Enum<E>> E[] getEnumConstantsShared(Class<E> klass);
Set current thread's blocker field.
/** * Set current thread's blocker field. */
void blockedOn(Interruptible b);
Registers a shutdown hook. It is expected that this method with registerShutdownInProgress=true is only used to register DeleteOnExitHook since the first file may be added to the delete on exit list by the application shutdown hooks.
  • slot – the slot in the shutdown hook array, whose element will be invoked in order during shutdown
  • registerShutdownInProgress – true to allow the hook to be registered even if the shutdown is in progress.
  • hook – the hook to be registered
/** * Registers a shutdown hook. * * It is expected that this method with registerShutdownInProgress=true * is only used to register DeleteOnExitHook since the first file * may be added to the delete on exit list by the application shutdown * hooks. * * @param slot the slot in the shutdown hook array, whose element * will be invoked in order during shutdown * @param registerShutdownInProgress true to allow the hook * to be registered even if the shutdown is in progress. * @param hook the hook to be registered * * @throws IllegalStateException if shutdown is in progress and * the slot is not valid to register. */
void registerShutdownHook(int slot, boolean registerShutdownInProgress, Runnable hook);
Returns a new Thread with the given Runnable and an inherited AccessControlContext.
/** * Returns a new Thread with the given Runnable and an * inherited AccessControlContext. */
Thread newThreadWithAcc(Runnable target, AccessControlContext acc);
Invokes the finalize method of the given object.
/** * Invokes the finalize method of the given object. */
void invokeFinalize(Object o) throws Throwable;
Returns the ConcurrentHashMap used as a storage for ClassLoaderValue(s) associated with the given class loader, creating it if it doesn't already exist.
/** * Returns the ConcurrentHashMap used as a storage for ClassLoaderValue(s) * associated with the given class loader, creating it if it doesn't already exist. */
ConcurrentHashMap<?, ?> createOrGetClassLoaderValueMap(ClassLoader cl);
Defines a class with the given name to a class loader.
/** * Defines a class with the given name to a class loader. */
Class<?> defineClass(ClassLoader cl, String name, byte[] b, ProtectionDomain pd, String source);
Defines a class with the given name to a class loader with the given flags and class data.
See Also:
  • defineClass.defineClass
/** * Defines a class with the given name to a class loader with * the given flags and class data. * * @see java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup#defineClass */
Class<?> defineClass(ClassLoader cl, Class<?> lookup, String name, byte[] b, ProtectionDomain pd, boolean initialize, int flags, Object classData);
Returns a class loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
/** * Returns a class loaded by the bootstrap class loader. */
Class<?> findBootstrapClassOrNull(ClassLoader cl, String name);
Define a Package of the given name and module by the given class loader.
/** * Define a Package of the given name and module by the given class loader. */
Package definePackage(ClassLoader cl, String name, Module module);
Invokes Long.fastUUID
/** * Invokes Long.fastUUID */
String fastUUID(long lsb, long msb);
Record the non-exported packages of the modules in the given layer
/** * Record the non-exported packages of the modules in the given layer */
void addNonExportedPackages(ModuleLayer layer);
Invalidate package access cache
/** * Invalidate package access cache */
void invalidatePackageAccessCache();
Defines a new module to the Java virtual machine. The module is defined to the given class loader. The URI is for information purposes only, it can be null.
/** * Defines a new module to the Java virtual machine. The module * is defined to the given class loader. * * The URI is for information purposes only, it can be {@code null}. */
Module defineModule(ClassLoader loader, ModuleDescriptor descriptor, URI uri);
Defines the unnamed module for the given class loader.
/** * Defines the unnamed module for the given class loader. */
Module defineUnnamedModule(ClassLoader loader);
Updates the readability so that module m1 reads m2. The new read edge does not result in a strong reference to m2 (m2 can be GC'ed). This method is the same as m1.addReads(m2) but without a permission check.
/** * Updates the readability so that module m1 reads m2. The new read edge * does not result in a strong reference to m2 (m2 can be GC'ed). * * This method is the same as m1.addReads(m2) but without a permission check. */
void addReads(Module m1, Module m2);
Updates module m to read all unnamed modules.
/** * Updates module m to read all unnamed modules. */
void addReadsAllUnnamed(Module m);
Updates module m1 to export a package unconditionally.
/** * Updates module m1 to export a package unconditionally. */
void addExports(Module m1, String pkg);
Updates module m1 to export a package to module m2. The export does not result in a strong reference to m2 (m2 can be GC'ed).
/** * Updates module m1 to export a package to module m2. The export does * not result in a strong reference to m2 (m2 can be GC'ed). */
void addExports(Module m1, String pkg, Module m2);
Updates a module m to export a package to all unnamed modules.
/** * Updates a module m to export a package to all unnamed modules. */
void addExportsToAllUnnamed(Module m, String pkg);
Updates module m1 to open a package to module m2. Opening the package does not result in a strong reference to m2 (m2 can be GC'ed).
/** * Updates module m1 to open a package to module m2. Opening the * package does not result in a strong reference to m2 (m2 can be GC'ed). */
void addOpens(Module m1, String pkg, Module m2);
Updates module m to open a package to all unnamed modules.
/** * Updates module m to open a package to all unnamed modules. */
void addOpensToAllUnnamed(Module m, String pkg);
Updates module m to open all packages in the given sets.
/** * Updates module m to open all packages in the given sets. */
void addOpensToAllUnnamed(Module m, Set<String> concealedPkgs, Set<String> exportedPkgs);
Updates module m to use a service.
/** * Updates module m to use a service. */
void addUses(Module m, Class<?> service);
Returns true if module m reflectively exports a package to other
/** * Returns true if module m reflectively exports a package to other */
boolean isReflectivelyExported(Module module, String pn, Module other);
Returns true if module m reflectively opens a package to other
/** * Returns true if module m reflectively opens a package to other */
boolean isReflectivelyOpened(Module module, String pn, Module other);
Returns the ServicesCatalog for the given Layer.
/** * Returns the ServicesCatalog for the given Layer. */
ServicesCatalog getServicesCatalog(ModuleLayer layer);
Record that this layer has at least one module defined to the given class loader.
/** * Record that this layer has at least one module defined to the given * class loader. */
void bindToLoader(ModuleLayer layer, ClassLoader loader);
Returns an ordered stream of layers. The first element is the given layer, the remaining elements are its parents, in DFS order.
/** * Returns an ordered stream of layers. The first element is the * given layer, the remaining elements are its parents, in DFS order. */
Stream<ModuleLayer> layers(ModuleLayer layer);
Returns a stream of the layers that have modules defined to the given class loader.
/** * Returns a stream of the layers that have modules defined to the * given class loader. */
Stream<ModuleLayer> layers(ClassLoader loader);
Constructs a new String by decoding the specified subarray of bytes using the specified charset. The caller of this method shall relinquish and transfer the ownership of the byte array to the callee since the later will not make a copy.
  • bytes – the byte array source
  • cs – the Charset
Returns:the newly created string
/** * Constructs a new {@code String} by decoding the specified subarray of * bytes using the specified {@linkplain java.nio.charset.Charset charset}. * * The caller of this method shall relinquish and transfer the ownership of * the byte array to the callee since the later will not make a copy. * * @param bytes the byte array source * @param cs the Charset * @return the newly created string * @throws CharacterCodingException for malformed or unmappable bytes */
String newStringNoRepl(byte[] bytes, Charset cs) throws CharacterCodingException;
Encode the given string into a sequence of bytes using the specified Charset. This method avoids copying the String's internal representation if the input is ASCII. This method throws CharacterCodingException instead of replacing when malformed input or unmappable characters are encountered.
  • s – the string to encode
  • cs – the charset
Returns:the encoded bytes
/** * Encode the given string into a sequence of bytes using the specified Charset. * * This method avoids copying the String's internal representation if the input * is ASCII. * * This method throws CharacterCodingException instead of replacing when * malformed input or unmappable characters are encountered. * * @param s the string to encode * @param cs the charset * @return the encoded bytes * @throws CharacterCodingException for malformed input or unmappable characters */
byte[] getBytesNoRepl(String s, Charset cs) throws CharacterCodingException;
Returns a new string by decoding from the given utf8 bytes array.
  • off – the index of the first byte to decode
  • len – the number of bytes to decode
Returns:the newly created string
/** * Returns a new string by decoding from the given utf8 bytes array. * * @param off the index of the first byte to decode * @param len the number of bytes to decode * @return the newly created string * @throws IllegalArgumentException for malformed or unmappable bytes. */
String newStringUTF8NoRepl(byte[] bytes, int off, int len);
Encode the given string into a sequence of bytes using utf8.
  • s – the string to encode
Returns:the encoded bytes in utf8
/** * Encode the given string into a sequence of bytes using utf8. * * @param s the string to encode * @return the encoded bytes in utf8 * @throws IllegalArgumentException for malformed surrogates */
byte[] getBytesUTF8NoRepl(String s);
Inflated copy from byte[] to char[], as defined by StringLatin1.inflate
/** * Inflated copy from byte[] to char[], as defined by StringLatin1.inflate */
void inflateBytesToChars(byte[] src, int srcOff, char[] dst, int dstOff, int len);
Decodes ASCII from the source byte array into the destination char array.
Returns:the number of bytes successfully decoded, at most len
/** * Decodes ASCII from the source byte array into the destination * char array. * * @return the number of bytes successfully decoded, at most len */
int decodeASCII(byte[] src, int srcOff, char[] dst, int dstOff, int len);
Set the cause of Throwable
  • cause – set t's cause to new value
/** * Set the cause of Throwable * @param cause set t's cause to new value */
void setCause(Throwable t, Throwable cause);
Get protection domain of the given Class
/** * Get protection domain of the given Class */
ProtectionDomain protectionDomain(Class<?> c);
Get a method handle of string concat helper method
/** * Get a method handle of string concat helper method */
MethodHandle stringConcatHelper(String name, MethodType methodType);
Get the string concat initial coder
/** * Get the string concat initial coder */
long stringConcatInitialCoder();
Update lengthCoder for constant
/** * Update lengthCoder for constant */
long stringConcatMix(long lengthCoder, String constant); /* * Get the class data associated with the given class. * @param c the class * @see java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup#defineHiddenClass(byte[], boolean, MethodHandles.Lookup.ClassOption...) */ Object classData(Class<?> c); }