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package com.sun.crypto.provider;

import java.security.*;
import java.security.spec.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;

This class represents password-based encryption as defined by the PKCS #5 standard.
Author:Jan Luehe
See Also:
/** * This class represents password-based encryption as defined by the PKCS #5 * standard. * * @author Jan Luehe * * * @see javax.crypto.Cipher */
final class PBES1Core { // the encapsulated DES cipher private CipherCore cipher; private MessageDigest md; private int blkSize; private String algo = null; private byte[] salt = null; private int iCount = 10;
Creates an instance of PBE Cipher using the specified CipherSpi instance.
/** * Creates an instance of PBE Cipher using the specified CipherSpi * instance. * */
PBES1Core(String cipherAlg) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException { algo = cipherAlg; if (algo.equals("DES")) { cipher = new CipherCore(new DESCrypt(), DESConstants.DES_BLOCK_SIZE); } else if (algo.equals("DESede")) { cipher = new CipherCore(new DESedeCrypt(), DESConstants.DES_BLOCK_SIZE); } else { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("No Cipher implementation " + "for PBEWithMD5And" + algo); } cipher.setMode("CBC"); cipher.setPadding("PKCS5Padding"); // get instance of MD5 md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); }
Sets the mode of this cipher. This algorithm can only be run in CBC mode.
  • mode – the cipher mode
/** * Sets the mode of this cipher. This algorithm can only be run in CBC * mode. * * @param mode the cipher mode * * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if the requested cipher mode is * invalid */
void setMode(String mode) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { cipher.setMode(mode); }
Sets the padding mechanism of this cipher. This algorithm only uses PKCS #5 padding.
  • paddingScheme – the padding mechanism
/** * Sets the padding mechanism of this cipher. This algorithm only uses * PKCS #5 padding. * * @param paddingScheme the padding mechanism * * @exception NoSuchPaddingException if the requested padding mechanism * is invalid */
void setPadding(String paddingScheme) throws NoSuchPaddingException { cipher.setPadding(paddingScheme); }
Returns the block size (in bytes).
Returns:the block size (in bytes)
/** * Returns the block size (in bytes). * * @return the block size (in bytes) */
int getBlockSize() { return DESConstants.DES_BLOCK_SIZE; }
Returns the length in bytes that an output buffer would need to be in order to hold the result of the next update or doFinal operation, given the input length inputLen (in bytes).

This call takes into account any unprocessed (buffered) data from a previous update call, and padding.

The actual output length of the next update or doFinal call may be smaller than the length returned by this method.

  • inputLen – the input length (in bytes)
Returns:the required output buffer size (in bytes)
/** * Returns the length in bytes that an output buffer would need to be in * order to hold the result of the next <code>update</code> or * <code>doFinal</code> operation, given the input length * <code>inputLen</code> (in bytes). * * <p>This call takes into account any unprocessed (buffered) data from a * previous <code>update</code> call, and padding. * * <p>The actual output length of the next <code>update</code> or * <code>doFinal</code> call may be smaller than the length returned by * this method. * * @param inputLen the input length (in bytes) * * @return the required output buffer size (in bytes) * */
int getOutputSize(int inputLen) { return cipher.getOutputSize(inputLen); }
Returns the initialization vector (IV) in a new buffer.

This is useful in the case where a random IV has been created (see init), or in the context of password-based encryption or decryption, where the IV is derived from a user-supplied password.

Returns:the initialization vector in a new buffer, or null if the underlying algorithm does not use an IV, or if the IV has not yet been set.
/** * Returns the initialization vector (IV) in a new buffer. * * <p> This is useful in the case where a random IV has been created * (see <a href = "#init">init</a>), * or in the context of password-based encryption or * decryption, where the IV is derived from a user-supplied password. * * @return the initialization vector in a new buffer, or null if the * underlying algorithm does not use an IV, or if the IV has not yet * been set. */
byte[] getIV() { return cipher.getIV(); }
Returns the parameters used with this cipher.

The returned parameters may be the same that were used to initialize this cipher, or may contain the default set of parameters or a set of randomly generated parameters used by the underlying cipher implementation (provided that the underlying cipher implementation uses a default set of parameters or creates new parameters if it needs parameters but was not initialized with any).

Returns:the parameters used with this cipher, or null if this cipher does not use any parameters.
/** * Returns the parameters used with this cipher. * * <p>The returned parameters may be the same that were used to initialize * this cipher, or may contain the default set of parameters or a set of * randomly generated parameters used by the underlying cipher * implementation (provided that the underlying cipher implementation * uses a default set of parameters or creates new parameters if it needs * parameters but was not initialized with any). * * @return the parameters used with this cipher, or null if this cipher * does not use any parameters. */
AlgorithmParameters getParameters() { AlgorithmParameters params = null; if (salt == null) { salt = new byte[8]; SunJCE.getRandom().nextBytes(salt); } PBEParameterSpec pbeSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, iCount); try { params = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("PBEWithMD5And" + (algo.equalsIgnoreCase("DES")? "DES":"TripleDES"), SunJCE.getInstance()); params.init(pbeSpec); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { // should never happen throw new RuntimeException("SunJCE called, but not configured"); } catch (InvalidParameterSpecException ipse) { // should never happen throw new RuntimeException("PBEParameterSpec not supported"); } return params; }
Initializes this cipher with a key, a set of algorithm parameters, and a source of randomness. The cipher is initialized for one of the following four operations: encryption, decryption, key wrapping or key unwrapping, depending on the value of opmode.

If this cipher (including its underlying feedback or padding scheme) requires any random bytes, it will get them from random.

  • opmode – the operation mode of this cipher (this is one of the following: ENCRYPT_MODE, DECRYPT_MODE), WRAP_MODE or UNWRAP_MODE)
  • key – the encryption key
  • params – the algorithm parameters
  • random – the source of randomness
/** * Initializes this cipher with a key, a set of * algorithm parameters, and a source of randomness. * The cipher is initialized for one of the following four operations: * encryption, decryption, key wrapping or key unwrapping, depending on * the value of <code>opmode</code>. * * <p>If this cipher (including its underlying feedback or padding scheme) * requires any random bytes, it will get them from <code>random</code>. * * @param opmode the operation mode of this cipher (this is one of * the following: * <code>ENCRYPT_MODE</code>, <code>DECRYPT_MODE</code>), * <code>WRAP_MODE</code> or <code>UNWRAP_MODE</code>) * @param key the encryption key * @param params the algorithm parameters * @param random the source of randomness * * @exception InvalidKeyException if the given key is inappropriate for * initializing this cipher * @exception InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the given algorithm * parameters are inappropriate for this cipher */
void init(int opmode, Key key, AlgorithmParameterSpec params, SecureRandom random) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { if (((opmode == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE) || (opmode == Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE)) && (params == null)) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("Parameters " + "missing"); } if (key == null) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Null key"); } byte[] derivedKey; byte[] passwdBytes = key.getEncoded(); try { if ((passwdBytes == null) || !(key.getAlgorithm().regionMatches(true, 0, "PBE", 0, 3))) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Missing password"); } if (params == null) { // create random salt and use default iteration count salt = new byte[8]; random.nextBytes(salt); } else { if (!(params instanceof PBEParameterSpec)) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ("Wrong parameter type: PBE expected"); } salt = ((PBEParameterSpec) params).getSalt(); // salt must be 8 bytes long (by definition) if (salt.length != 8) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ("Salt must be 8 bytes long"); } iCount = ((PBEParameterSpec) params).getIterationCount(); if (iCount <= 0) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ("IterationCount must be a positive number"); } } derivedKey = deriveCipherKey(passwdBytes); } finally { if (passwdBytes != null) Arrays.fill(passwdBytes, (byte) 0x00); } // use all but the last 8 bytes as the key value SecretKeySpec cipherKey = new SecretKeySpec(derivedKey, 0, derivedKey.length-8, algo); // use the last 8 bytes as the IV IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(derivedKey, derivedKey.length-8, 8); // initialize the underlying cipher cipher.init(opmode, cipherKey, ivSpec, random); } private byte[] deriveCipherKey(byte[] passwdBytes) { byte[] result = null; if (algo.equals("DES")) { // P || S (password concatenated with salt) md.update(passwdBytes); md.update(salt); // digest P || S with iCount iterations // first iteration byte[] toBeHashed = md.digest(); // this resets the digest // remaining (iCount - 1) iterations for (int i = 1; i < iCount; ++i) { md.update(toBeHashed); try { md.digest(toBeHashed, 0, toBeHashed.length); } catch (DigestException e) { throw new ProviderException("Internal error", e); } } result = toBeHashed; } else if (algo.equals("DESede")) { // if the 2 salt halves are the same, invert one of them int i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { if (salt[i] != salt[i+4]) break; } if (i==4) { // same, invert 1st half for (i=0; i<2; i++) { byte tmp = salt[i]; salt[i] = salt[3-i]; salt[3-i] = tmp; } } // Now digest each half (concatenated with password). For each // half, go through the loop as many times as specified by the // iteration count parameter (inner for loop). // Concatenate the output from each digest round with the // password, and use the result as the input to the next digest // operation. byte[] toBeHashed = null; result = new byte[DESedeKeySpec.DES_EDE_KEY_LEN + DESConstants.DES_BLOCK_SIZE]; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // first iteration md.update(salt, i * (salt.length / 2), salt.length / 2); md.update(passwdBytes); toBeHashed = md.digest(); // remaining (iCount - 1) iterations for (int j = 1; j < iCount; ++j) { md.update(toBeHashed); md.update(passwdBytes); try { md.digest(toBeHashed, 0, toBeHashed.length); } catch (DigestException e) { throw new ProviderException("Internal error", e); } } System.arraycopy(toBeHashed, 0, result, i*16, toBeHashed.length); } } // clear data used in message md.reset(); return result; } void init(int opmode, Key key, AlgorithmParameters params, SecureRandom random) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { PBEParameterSpec pbeSpec = null; if (params != null) { try { pbeSpec = params.getParameterSpec(PBEParameterSpec.class); } catch (InvalidParameterSpecException ipse) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("Wrong parameter " + "type: PBE " + "expected"); } } init(opmode, key, pbeSpec, random); }
Continues a multiple-part encryption or decryption operation (depending on how this cipher was initialized), processing another data part.

The first inputLen bytes in the input buffer, starting at inputOffset, are processed, and the result is stored in a new buffer.

  • input – the input buffer
  • inputOffset – the offset in input where the input starts
  • inputLen – the input length
Returns:the new buffer with the result
/** * Continues a multiple-part encryption or decryption operation * (depending on how this cipher was initialized), processing another data * part. * * <p>The first <code>inputLen</code> bytes in the <code>input</code> * buffer, starting at <code>inputOffset</code>, are processed, and the * result is stored in a new buffer. * * @param input the input buffer * @param inputOffset the offset in <code>input</code> where the input * starts * @param inputLen the input length * * @return the new buffer with the result * */
byte[] update(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLen) { return cipher.update(input, inputOffset, inputLen); }
Continues a multiple-part encryption or decryption operation (depending on how this cipher was initialized), processing another data part.

The first inputLen bytes in the input buffer, starting at inputOffset, are processed, and the result is stored in the output buffer, starting at outputOffset.

  • input – the input buffer
  • inputOffset – the offset in input where the input starts
  • inputLen – the input length
  • output – the buffer for the result
  • outputOffset – the offset in output where the result is stored
Returns:the number of bytes stored in output
/** * Continues a multiple-part encryption or decryption operation * (depending on how this cipher was initialized), processing another data * part. * * <p>The first <code>inputLen</code> bytes in the <code>input</code> * buffer, starting at <code>inputOffset</code>, are processed, and the * result is stored in the <code>output</code> buffer, starting at * <code>outputOffset</code>. * * @param input the input buffer * @param inputOffset the offset in <code>input</code> where the input * starts * @param inputLen the input length * @param output the buffer for the result * @param outputOffset the offset in <code>output</code> where the result * is stored * * @return the number of bytes stored in <code>output</code> * * @exception ShortBufferException if the given output buffer is too small * to hold the result */
int update(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLen, byte[] output, int outputOffset) throws ShortBufferException { return cipher.update(input, inputOffset, inputLen, output, outputOffset); }
Encrypts or decrypts data in a single-part operation, or finishes a multiple-part operation. The data is encrypted or decrypted, depending on how this cipher was initialized.

The first inputLen bytes in the input buffer, starting at inputOffset, and any input bytes that may have been buffered during a previous update operation, are processed, with padding (if requested) being applied. The result is stored in a new buffer.

The cipher is reset to its initial state (uninitialized) after this call.

  • input – the input buffer
  • inputOffset – the offset in input where the input starts
  • inputLen – the input length
  • IllegalBlockSizeException – if this cipher is a block cipher, no padding has been requested (only in encryption mode), and the total input length of the data processed by this cipher is not a multiple of block size
  • BadPaddingException – if decrypting and padding is chosen, but the last input data does not have proper padding bytes.
Returns:the new buffer with the result
/** * Encrypts or decrypts data in a single-part operation, * or finishes a multiple-part operation. * The data is encrypted or decrypted, depending on how this cipher was * initialized. * * <p>The first <code>inputLen</code> bytes in the <code>input</code> * buffer, starting at <code>inputOffset</code>, and any input bytes that * may have been buffered during a previous <code>update</code> operation, * are processed, with padding (if requested) being applied. * The result is stored in a new buffer. * * <p>The cipher is reset to its initial state (uninitialized) after this * call. * * @param input the input buffer * @param inputOffset the offset in <code>input</code> where the input * starts * @param inputLen the input length * * @return the new buffer with the result * * @exception IllegalBlockSizeException if this cipher is a block cipher, * no padding has been requested (only in encryption mode), and the total * input length of the data processed by this cipher is not a multiple of * block size * @exception BadPaddingException if decrypting and padding is chosen, * but the last input data does not have proper padding bytes. */
byte[] doFinal(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLen) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { return cipher.doFinal(input, inputOffset, inputLen); }
Encrypts or decrypts data in a single-part operation, or finishes a multiple-part operation. The data is encrypted or decrypted, depending on how this cipher was initialized.

The first inputLen bytes in the input buffer, starting at inputOffset, and any input bytes that may have been buffered during a previous update operation, are processed, with padding (if requested) being applied. The result is stored in the output buffer, starting at outputOffset.

The cipher is reset to its initial state (uninitialized) after this call.

  • input – the input buffer
  • inputOffset – the offset in input where the input starts
  • inputLen – the input length
  • output – the buffer for the result
  • outputOffset – the offset in output where the result is stored
  • IllegalBlockSizeException – if this cipher is a block cipher, no padding has been requested (only in encryption mode), and the total input length of the data processed by this cipher is not a multiple of block size
  • ShortBufferException – if the given output buffer is too small to hold the result
  • BadPaddingException – if decrypting and padding is chosen, but the last input data does not have proper padding bytes.
Returns:the number of bytes stored in output
/** * Encrypts or decrypts data in a single-part operation, * or finishes a multiple-part operation. * The data is encrypted or decrypted, depending on how this cipher was * initialized. * * <p>The first <code>inputLen</code> bytes in the <code>input</code> * buffer, starting at <code>inputOffset</code>, and any input bytes that * may have been buffered during a previous <code>update</code> operation, * are processed, with padding (if requested) being applied. * The result is stored in the <code>output</code> buffer, starting at * <code>outputOffset</code>. * * <p>The cipher is reset to its initial state (uninitialized) after this * call. * * @param input the input buffer * @param inputOffset the offset in <code>input</code> where the input * starts * @param inputLen the input length * @param output the buffer for the result * @param outputOffset the offset in <code>output</code> where the result * is stored * * @return the number of bytes stored in <code>output</code> * * @exception IllegalBlockSizeException if this cipher is a block cipher, * no padding has been requested (only in encryption mode), and the total * input length of the data processed by this cipher is not a multiple of * block size * @exception ShortBufferException if the given output buffer is too small * to hold the result * @exception BadPaddingException if decrypting and padding is chosen, * but the last input data does not have proper padding bytes. */
int doFinal(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLen, byte[] output, int outputOffset) throws ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { return cipher.doFinal(input, inputOffset, inputLen, output, outputOffset); }
Wrap a key.
  • key – the key to be wrapped.
  • IllegalBlockSizeException – if this cipher is a block cipher, no padding has been requested, and the length of the encoding of the key to be wrapped is not a multiple of the block size.
  • InvalidKeyException – if it is impossible or unsafe to wrap the key with this cipher (e.g., a hardware protected key is being passed to a software only cipher).
Returns:the wrapped key.
/** * Wrap a key. * * @param key the key to be wrapped. * * @return the wrapped key. * * @exception IllegalBlockSizeException if this cipher is a block * cipher, no padding has been requested, and the length of the * encoding of the key to be wrapped is not a * multiple of the block size. * * @exception InvalidKeyException if it is impossible or unsafe to * wrap the key with this cipher (e.g., a hardware protected key is * being passed to a software only cipher). */
byte[] wrap(Key key) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, InvalidKeyException { byte[] result = null; byte[] encodedKey = null; try { encodedKey = key.getEncoded(); if ((encodedKey == null) || (encodedKey.length == 0)) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Cannot get an encoding of " + "the key to be wrapped"); } result = doFinal(encodedKey, 0, encodedKey.length); } catch (BadPaddingException e) { // Should never happen } finally { if (encodedKey != null) Arrays.fill(encodedKey, (byte)0x00); } return result; }
Unwrap a previously wrapped key.
  • wrappedKey – the key to be unwrapped.
  • wrappedKeyAlgorithm – the algorithm the wrapped key is for.
  • wrappedKeyType – the type of the wrapped key. This is one of Cipher.SECRET_KEY, Cipher.PRIVATE_KEY, or Cipher.PUBLIC_KEY.
  • NoSuchAlgorithmException – if no installed providers can create keys of type wrappedKeyType for the wrappedKeyAlgorithm.
  • InvalidKeyException – if wrappedKey does not represent a wrapped key of type wrappedKeyType for the wrappedKeyAlgorithm.
Returns:the unwrapped key.
/** * Unwrap a previously wrapped key. * * @param wrappedKey the key to be unwrapped. * * @param wrappedKeyAlgorithm the algorithm the wrapped key is for. * * @param wrappedKeyType the type of the wrapped key. * This is one of <code>Cipher.SECRET_KEY</code>, * <code>Cipher.PRIVATE_KEY</code>, or <code>Cipher.PUBLIC_KEY</code>. * * @return the unwrapped key. * * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if no installed providers * can create keys of type <code>wrappedKeyType</code> for the * <code>wrappedKeyAlgorithm</code>. * * @exception InvalidKeyException if <code>wrappedKey</code> does not * represent a wrapped key of type <code>wrappedKeyType</code> for * the <code>wrappedKeyAlgorithm</code>. */
Key unwrap(byte[] wrappedKey, String wrappedKeyAlgorithm, int wrappedKeyType) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { byte[] encodedKey; try { encodedKey = doFinal(wrappedKey, 0, wrappedKey.length); } catch (BadPaddingException ePadding) { throw new InvalidKeyException("The wrapped key is not padded " + "correctly"); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException eBlockSize) { throw new InvalidKeyException("The wrapped key does not have " + "the correct length"); } return ConstructKeys.constructKey(encodedKey, wrappedKeyAlgorithm, wrappedKeyType); } }