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package jdk.tools.jlink.internal;

import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import jdk.tools.jlink.builder.ImageBuilder;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.Plugin;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.Plugin.Category;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.PluginException;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.ResourcePool;

Plugins configuration.
/** * Plugins configuration. */
public final class ImagePluginConfiguration { // Order in which plugins are applied. Note that COMPRESSOR type plugins should come // after any plugin that reads .class resources and operate on binary data. // Plugin.Category enum element order matches this order for ease of read. private static final List<Category> CATEGORIES_ORDER = new ArrayList<>(); static { CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.FILTER); CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.ADDER); CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.TRANSFORMER); CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.MODULEINFO_TRANSFORMER); CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.SORTER); CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.METAINFO_ADDER); CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.COMPRESSOR); CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.VERIFIER); CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.PROCESSOR); CATEGORIES_ORDER.add(Category.PACKAGER); } private ImagePluginConfiguration() { } /* * Create a stack of plugins from a a configuration. */ public static ImagePluginStack parseConfiguration(Jlink.PluginsConfiguration pluginsConfiguration) throws Exception { if (pluginsConfiguration == null) { return new ImagePluginStack(); } Map<Category, List<Plugin>> plugins = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Category cat : CATEGORIES_ORDER) { plugins.put(cat, new ArrayList<>()); } List<String> seen = new ArrayList<>(); // split into categories and check for plugin with same name. for (Plugin plug : pluginsConfiguration.getPlugins()) { if (seen.contains(plug.getName())) { throw new Exception("Plugin " + plug.getName() + " added more than once to stack "); } seen.add(plug.getName()); Category category = plug.getType(); if (category == null) { throw new PluginException("Invalid category for " + plug.getName()); } List<Plugin> lst = plugins.get(category); lst.add(plug); } List<Plugin> orderedPlugins = new ArrayList<>(); plugins.entrySet().stream().forEach((entry) -> { orderedPlugins.addAll(entry.getValue()); }); Plugin lastSorter = null; for (Plugin plugin : orderedPlugins) { if (plugin.getName().equals(pluginsConfiguration.getLastSorterPluginName())) { lastSorter = plugin; break; } } if (pluginsConfiguration.getLastSorterPluginName() != null && lastSorter == null) { throw new IOException("Unknown last plugin " + pluginsConfiguration.getLastSorterPluginName()); } ImageBuilder builder = pluginsConfiguration.getImageBuilder(); if (builder == null) { // This should be the case for jimage only creation or post-install. builder = new ImageBuilder() { @Override public DataOutputStream getJImageOutputStream() { throw new PluginException("No directory setup to store files"); } @Override public ExecutableImage getExecutableImage() { throw new PluginException("No directory setup to store files"); } @Override public void storeFiles(ResourcePool files) { throw new PluginException("No directory setup to store files"); } }; } return new ImagePluginStack(builder, orderedPlugins, lastSorter); } }