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package org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.debug;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeCycles.CYCLES_IGNORED;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeSize.SIZE_IGNORED;

import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.StampFactory;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeClass;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRInstruction;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.gen.LIRGeneratorTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeInfo;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedWithNextNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.LIRLowerable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.NodeLIRBuilderTool;

This node can be used to add a counter to the code that will estimate the dynamic number of calls by adding an increment to the compiled code. This should of course only be used for debugging/testing purposes. A unique counter will be created for each unique name passed to the constructor. Depending on the value of withContext, the name of the root method is added to the counter's name.
/** * This node can be used to add a counter to the code that will estimate the dynamic number of calls * by adding an increment to the compiled code. This should of course only be used for * debugging/testing purposes. * * A unique counter will be created for each unique name passed to the constructor. Depending on the * value of withContext, the name of the root method is added to the counter's name. */
//@formatter:off @NodeInfo(size = SIZE_IGNORED, sizeRationale = "Node is a debugging node that should not be used in production.", cycles = CYCLES_IGNORED, cyclesRationale = "Node is a debugging node that should not be used in production.") //@formatter:on public class DynamicCounterNode extends FixedWithNextNode implements LIRLowerable { public static final NodeClass<DynamicCounterNode> TYPE = NodeClass.create(DynamicCounterNode.class); @Input ValueNode increment; protected final String group; protected final String name; protected final boolean withContext; public DynamicCounterNode(String group, String name, ValueNode increment, boolean withContext) { this(TYPE, group, name, increment, withContext); } public static final long MIN_INCREMENT = 0; public static final long MAX_INCREMENT = 10_000;
Clamps value to a value between MIN_INCREMENT and MAX_INCREMENT. This mitigates the possibility of overflowing benchmark counters.
/** * Clamps {@code value} to a value between {@link #MIN_INCREMENT} and {@link #MAX_INCREMENT}. * This mitigates the possibility of overflowing benchmark counters. */
public static long clampIncrement(long value) { return Math.min(Math.max(value, MIN_INCREMENT), MAX_INCREMENT); } private boolean checkIncrement() { if (increment.isJavaConstant()) { long incValue = increment.asJavaConstant().asLong(); if (incValue < MIN_INCREMENT || incValue > MAX_INCREMENT) { String message = String.format("Benchmark counter %s:%s has increment out of range [%d .. %d]: %d", group, getNameWithContext(), MIN_INCREMENT, MAX_INCREMENT, incValue); assert false : message; } } return true; } protected DynamicCounterNode(NodeClass<? extends DynamicCounterNode> c, String group, String name, ValueNode increment, boolean withContext) { super(c, StampFactory.forVoid()); this.group = group; this.name = name; this.increment = increment; this.withContext = withContext; assert checkIncrement(); } public ValueNode getIncrement() { return increment; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getGroup() { return group; } public boolean isWithContext() { return withContext; } public static void addCounterBefore(String group, String name, long increment, boolean withContext, FixedNode position) { StructuredGraph graph = position.graph(); graph.addBeforeFixed(position, position.graph().add(new DynamicCounterNode(group, name, ConstantNode.forLong(increment, position.graph()), withContext))); } @NodeIntrinsic public static native void counter(@ConstantNodeParameter String group, @ConstantNodeParameter String name, long increment, @ConstantNodeParameter boolean addContext); @Override public void generate(NodeLIRBuilderTool generator) { LIRGeneratorTool lirGen = generator.getLIRGeneratorTool(); String nameWithContext = getNameWithContext(); LIRInstruction counterOp = lirGen.createBenchmarkCounter(nameWithContext, getGroup(), generator.operand(increment)); if (counterOp != null) { lirGen.append(counterOp); } else { throw GraalError.unimplemented("Benchmark counters not enabled or not implemented by the back end."); } } private String getNameWithContext() { String nameWithContext; if (isWithContext()) { nameWithContext = getName() + " @ "; if (graph().method() != null) { StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = graph().method().asStackTraceElement(0); if (stackTraceElement != null) { nameWithContext += " " + stackTraceElement.toString(); } else { nameWithContext += graph().method().format("%h.%n"); } } if (graph().name != null) { nameWithContext += " (" + graph().name + ")"; } } else { nameWithContext = getName(); } return nameWithContext; } }