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package org.graalvm.compiler.microbenchmarks.graal;

import java.util.HashMap;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;

import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeBitMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.microbenchmarks.graal.util.GraalState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.microbenchmarks.graal.util.MethodSpec;
import org.graalvm.compiler.microbenchmarks.graal.util.NodesState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.microbenchmarks.graal.util.NodesState.NodePair;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.AddNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.util.GraphUtil;

public class NodeBenchmark extends GraalBenchmark {

    @MethodSpec(declaringClass = String.class, name = "equals")
    public static class StringEquals extends NodesState {

Variation of StringEquals that calls StructuredGraph.maybeCompress() after every N iterations. The prevents benchmarks that mutate the graph by adding and removing nodes from causing OutOfMemoryErrors.
/** * Variation of {@link StringEquals} that calls {@link StructuredGraph#maybeCompress()} after * every N iterations. The prevents benchmarks that mutate the graph by adding and removing * nodes from causing {@link OutOfMemoryError}s. */
@MethodSpec(declaringClass = String.class, name = "equals") public static class StringEqualsWithGraphCompression extends NodesState { private static final int N = 100_000; private int latch = N; @Override public void afterInvocation() { super.afterInvocation(); if (--latch == 0) { graph.maybeCompress(); latch = N; } } } @Benchmark public int getNodeClass(StringEquals s) { int sum = 0; for (Node n : s.nodes) { sum += n.getNodeClass().iterableId(); } return sum; } @Benchmark public void dataEquals(StringEquals s, Blackhole bh) { for (Node n : s.nodes) { bh.consume(n.getNodeClass().dataEquals(n, n)); } } @Benchmark public void replaceFirstInput(StringEquals s, Blackhole bh) { for (Node n : s.nodes) { bh.consume(n.getNodeClass().replaceFirstInput(n, n, n)); } } @Benchmark public void inputsEquals(StringEquals s, Blackhole bh) { for (Node n : s.nodes) { bh.consume(n.getNodeClass().equalInputs(n, n)); } } @Benchmark public void inputs(StringEquals s, Blackhole bh) { for (Node n : s.nodes) { for (Node input : n.inputs()) { bh.consume(input); } } } @Benchmark public void acceptInputs(StringEquals s, Blackhole bh) { Node.EdgeVisitor consumer = new Node.EdgeVisitor() { @Override public Node apply(Node t, Node u) { bh.consume(u); return u; } }; for (Node n : s.nodes) { n.applyInputs(consumer); } } @Benchmark public void createAndDeleteAdd(StringEqualsWithGraphCompression s, Blackhole bh) { AddNode addNode = new AddNode(ConstantNode.forInt(40), ConstantNode.forInt(2)); s.graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(addNode); GraphUtil.killWithUnusedFloatingInputs(addNode); bh.consume(addNode); } @Benchmark public void createAndDeleteConstant(StringEqualsWithGraphCompression s, Blackhole bh) { ConstantNode constantNode = ConstantNode.forInt(42); s.graph.addOrUnique(constantNode); GraphUtil.killWithUnusedFloatingInputs(constantNode); bh.consume(constantNode); } @Benchmark public void usages(StringEquals s, Blackhole bh) { for (Node n : s.nodes) { for (Node input : n.usages()) { bh.consume(input); } } } @Benchmark public void nodeBitmap(StringEquals s, @SuppressWarnings("unused") GraalState g) { NodeBitMap bitMap = s.graph.createNodeBitMap(); for (Node node : s.graph.getNodes()) { if (!bitMap.isMarked(node)) { bitMap.mark(node); } } for (Node node : s.graph.getNodes()) { if (bitMap.isMarked(node)) { bitMap.clear(node); } } } @MethodSpec(declaringClass = HashMap.class, name = "computeIfAbsent") public static class HashMapComputeIfAbsent extends NodesState { } // Checkstyle: stop method name check @Benchmark public int valueEquals_STRING_EQUALS(StringEquals s) { int result = 0; for (NodePair np : s.valueEqualsNodePairs) { if (np.n1.valueEquals(np.n2)) { result += 27; } else { result += 31; } } return result; } @Benchmark public int valueEquals_HASHMAP_COMPUTE_IF_ABSENT(HashMapComputeIfAbsent s) { int result = 0; for (NodePair np : s.valueEqualsNodePairs) { if (np.n1.valueEquals(np.n2)) { result += 27; } else { result += 31; } } return result; } @Benchmark public int valueNumberLeaf_HASHMAP_COMPUTE_IF_ABSENT(HashMapComputeIfAbsent s) { int result = 0; for (Node n : s.valueNumberableLeafNodes) { result += (n.getNodeClass().isLeafNode() ? 1 : 0); } return result; } @Benchmark public int valueNumberLeaf_STRING_EQUALS(StringEquals s) { int result = 0; for (Node n : s.valueNumberableLeafNodes) { result += (n.getNodeClass().isLeafNode() ? 1 : 0); } return result; } // Checkstyle: resume method name check }