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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package org.graalvm.compiler.lir.alloc.lsra;

import static jdk.vm.ci.code.ValueUtil.asRegister;
import static jdk.vm.ci.code.ValueUtil.isRegister;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRValueUtil.isStackSlotValue;

import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.AbstractBlockBase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Indent;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.alloc.lsra.Interval.RegisterBinding;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.alloc.lsra.Interval.RegisterBindingLists;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.alloc.lsra.Interval.RegisterPriority;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.alloc.lsra.Interval.State;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.Register;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.AllocatableValue;

public class OptimizingLinearScanWalker extends LinearScanWalker {

    public static class Options {
        // @formatter:off
        @Option(help = "Enable LSRA optimization", type = OptionType.Debug)
        public static final OptionKey<Boolean> LSRAOptimization = new OptionKey<>(false);
        @Option(help = "LSRA optimization: Only split but do not reassign", type = OptionType.Debug)
        public static final OptionKey<Boolean> LSRAOptSplitOnly = new OptionKey<>(false);
        // @formatter:on

    OptimizingLinearScanWalker(LinearScan allocator, Interval unhandledFixedFirst, Interval unhandledAnyFirst) {
        super(allocator, unhandledFixedFirst, unhandledAnyFirst);

    protected void handleSpillSlot(Interval interval) {
        assert interval.location() != null : "interval  not assigned " + interval;
        if (interval.canMaterialize()) {
            assert !isStackSlotValue(interval.location()) : "interval can materialize but assigned to a stack slot " + interval;
        assert isStackSlotValue(interval.location()) : "interval not assigned to a stack slot " + interval;
        DebugContext debug = allocator.getDebug();
        try (DebugContext.Scope s1 = debug.scope("LSRAOptimization")) {
            debug.log("adding stack to unhandled list %s", interval);
            unhandledLists.addToListSortedByStartAndUsePositions(RegisterBinding.Stack, interval);

    private static void printRegisterBindingList(DebugContext debug, RegisterBindingLists list, RegisterBinding binding) {
        for (Interval interval = list.get(binding); !interval.isEndMarker(); interval = interval.next) {
            debug.log("%s", interval);

    void walk() {
        try (DebugContext.Scope s = allocator.getDebug().scope("OptimizingLinearScanWalker")) {
            for (AbstractBlockBase<?> block : allocator.sortedBlocks()) {

    private void optimizeBlock(AbstractBlockBase<?> block) {
        if (block.getPredecessorCount() == 1) {
            int nextBlock = allocator.getFirstLirInstructionId(block);
            DebugContext debug = allocator.getDebug();
            try (DebugContext.Scope s1 = debug.scope("LSRAOptimization")) {
                debug.log("next block: %s (%d)", block, nextBlock);
            try (Indent indent0 = debug.indent()) {

                try (DebugContext.Scope s1 = debug.scope("LSRAOptimization")) {
                    boolean changed = true;
                    // we need to do this because the active lists might change
                    loop: while (changed) {
                        changed = false;
                        try (Indent indent1 = debug.logAndIndent("Active intervals: (block %s [%d])", block, nextBlock)) {
                            for (Interval active = activeLists.get(RegisterBinding.Any); !active.isEndMarker(); active = active.next) {
                                debug.log("active   (any): %s", active);
                                if (optimize(nextBlock, block, active, RegisterBinding.Any)) {
                                    changed = true;
                                    break loop;
                            for (Interval active = activeLists.get(RegisterBinding.Stack); !active.isEndMarker(); active = active.next) {
                                debug.log("active (stack): %s", active);
                                if (optimize(nextBlock, block, active, RegisterBinding.Stack)) {
                                    changed = true;
                                    break loop;

    private boolean optimize(int currentPos, AbstractBlockBase<?> currentBlock, Interval currentInterval, RegisterBinding binding) {
        // BEGIN initialize and sanity checks
        assert currentBlock != null : "block must not be null";
        assert currentInterval != null : "interval must not be null";

        assert currentBlock.getPredecessorCount() == 1 : "more than one predecessors -> optimization not possible";

        if (!currentInterval.isSplitChild()) {
            // interval is not a split child -> no need for optimization
            return false;

        if (currentInterval.from() == currentPos) {
            // the interval starts at the current position so no need for splitting
            return false;

        // get current location
        AllocatableValue currentLocation = currentInterval.location();
        assert currentLocation != null : "active intervals must have a location assigned!";

        // get predecessor stuff
        AbstractBlockBase<?> predecessorBlock = currentBlock.getPredecessors()[0];
        int predEndId = allocator.getLastLirInstructionId(predecessorBlock);
        Interval predecessorInterval = currentInterval.getIntervalCoveringOpId(predEndId);
        assert predecessorInterval != null : "variable not live at the end of the only predecessor! " + predecessorBlock + " -> " + currentBlock + " interval: " + currentInterval;
        AllocatableValue predecessorLocation = predecessorInterval.location();
        assert predecessorLocation != null : "handled intervals must have a location assigned!";

        // END initialize and sanity checks

        if (currentLocation.equals(predecessorLocation)) {
            // locations are already equal -> nothing to optimize
            return false;

        if (!isStackSlotValue(predecessorLocation) && !isRegister(predecessorLocation)) {
            assert predecessorInterval.canMaterialize();
            // value is materialized -> no need for optimization
            return false;

        assert isStackSlotValue(currentLocation) || isRegister(currentLocation) : "current location not a register or stack slot " + currentLocation;

        DebugContext debug = allocator.getDebug();
        try (Indent indent = debug.logAndIndent("location differs: %s vs. %s", predecessorLocation, currentLocation)) {
            // split current interval at current position
            debug.log("splitting at position %d", currentPos);

            assert allocator.isBlockBegin(currentPos) && ((currentPos & 1) == 0) : "split pos must be even when on block boundary";

            Interval splitPart = currentInterval.split(currentPos, allocator);
            activeLists.remove(binding, currentInterval);

            assert splitPart.from() >= currentPosition : "cannot append new interval before current walk position";

            // the currentSplitChild is needed later when moves are inserted for reloading
            assert splitPart.currentSplitChild() == currentInterval : "overwriting wrong currentSplitChild";

            if (debug.isLogEnabled()) {
                debug.log("left interval  : %s", currentInterval.logString(allocator));
                debug.log("right interval : %s", splitPart.logString(allocator));

            if (Options.LSRAOptSplitOnly.getValue(allocator.getOptions())) {
                // just add the split interval to the unhandled list
                unhandledLists.addToListSortedByStartAndUsePositions(RegisterBinding.Any, splitPart);
            } else {
                if (isRegister(predecessorLocation)) {
                    splitRegisterInterval(splitPart, asRegister(predecessorLocation));
                } else {
                    assert isStackSlotValue(predecessorLocation);
                    debug.log("assigning interval %s to %s", splitPart, predecessorLocation);
                    // activate interval
                    activeLists.addToListSortedByCurrentFromPositions(RegisterBinding.Stack, splitPart);
                    splitPart.state = State.Active;

        return true;

    private void splitRegisterInterval(Interval interval, Register reg) {
        // collect current usage of registers
        // spillBlockUnhandledFixed(cur);
        assert unhandledLists.get(RegisterBinding.Fixed).isEndMarker() : "must not have unhandled fixed intervals because all fixed intervals have a use at position 0";

        DebugContext debug = allocator.getDebug();
        if (debug.isLogEnabled()) {
            try (Indent indent2 = debug.logAndIndent("state of registers:")) {
                for (Register register : availableRegs) {
                    int i = register.number;
                    try (Indent indent3 = debug.logAndIndent("reg %d: usePos: %d, blockPos: %d, intervals: ", i, usePos[i], blockPos[i])) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < spillIntervals[i].size(); j++) {
                            debug.log("%d ", spillIntervals[i].get(j).operandNumber);

        // the register must be free at least until this position
        boolean needSplit = blockPos[reg.number] <= interval.to();

        int splitPos = blockPos[reg.number];

        assert splitPos > 0 : "invalid splitPos";
        assert needSplit || splitPos > interval.from() : "splitting interval at from";

        debug.log("assigning interval %s to %s", interval, reg);
        if (needSplit) {
            // register not available for full interval : so split it
            splitWhenPartialRegisterAvailable(interval, splitPos);

        // perform splitting and spilling for all affected intervals

        // activate interval
        activeLists.addToListSortedByCurrentFromPositions(RegisterBinding.Any, interval);
        interval.state = State.Active;
