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package org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.test;

import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.lang.management.MonitorInfo;
import java.lang.management.ThreadInfo;
import java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;

import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.directives.GraalDirectives;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.phases.HighTier;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.TTY;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.phases.OnStackReplacementPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;
import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.GraalServices;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;

Test on-stack-replacement with locks.
/** * Test on-stack-replacement with locks. */
public class GraalOSRLockTest extends GraalOSRTestBase { private static boolean TestInSeparateThread = false; private static final String COMPILE_ONLY_FLAG = "-Xcomp"; @BeforeClass public static void checkVMArguments() { assumeManagementLibraryIsLoadable(); /* * Note: The -Xcomp execution mode of the VM will stop most of the OSR test cases from * working as every method is compiled at level3 (followed by level4 on the second * invocation). The tests in this class are written in a way that they expect a method to be * executed at the invocation BCI with the interpreter and then perform an OSR to an * installed nmethod at a given BCI. * */ List<String> arguments = GraalServices.getInputArguments(); Assume.assumeTrue("cannot check for monitors without", arguments != null); for (String arg : arguments) { Assume.assumeFalse(arg.equals(COMPILE_ONLY_FLAG)); } } // testing only public static boolean isMonitorLockHeld(Object o) { return isMonitorLockHeldByThread(o, null); } public static boolean isMonitorLockHeldByThread(Object o, Thread t) { int oihc = System.identityHashCode(o); ThreadMXBean tmxbean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); ThreadInfo[] tinfos = tmxbean.dumpAllThreads(true, false); for (ThreadInfo ti : tinfos) { if (!(t != null && t.getId() != ti.getThreadId())) { for (MonitorInfo mi : ti.getLockedMonitors()) { if (mi.getIdentityHashCode() == oihc) { return true; } } } } return false; } protected static void run(Runnable r) { if (TestInSeparateThread) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { beforeOSRLockTest(); r.run(); afterOSRLockTest(); } }); t.start(); try { t.join(); } catch (Throwable t1) { throw new GraalError(t1); } } else { beforeOSRLockTest(); r.run(); afterOSRLockTest(); } } private static boolean wasLocked() { return isMonitorLockHeld(lock) || isMonitorLockHeld(lock1); } protected static EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> osrLockNoDeopt() { EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> overrides = OptionValues.newOptionMap(); overrides.put(OnStackReplacementPhase.Options.DeoptAfterOSR, false); overrides.put(OnStackReplacementPhase.Options.SupportOSRWithLocks, true); return overrides; } protected static EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> osrLockDeopt() { EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> overrides = OptionValues.newOptionMap(); overrides.put(OnStackReplacementPhase.Options.SupportOSRWithLocks, true); return overrides; } public static int SideEffectI; private static void lockOnObject(Object o, String msg) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (o) { SideEffectI = 1; } } }); t.start(); try { t.join(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Assert.fail("Object " + msg + " was locked"); } } private static void beforeOSRLockTest() { // try lock both objects lockOnObject(lock, "lock"); lockOnObject(lock1, "lock1"); Assert.assertFalse(wasLocked()); } private static void afterOSRLockTest() { // try lock both objects lockOnObject(lock, "lock"); lockOnObject(lock1, "lock1"); Assert.assertFalse(wasLocked()); // force a safepoint and hope the inflated locks are deflated System.gc(); } // @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterImmediateDeoptAfter() { run(() -> { OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), osrLockDeopt()); testOSR(options, "testOuterLockImmediateDeoptAfter"); }); } static class A { } static class B { @SuppressWarnings("unused") B(A a) { } } HashMap<String, HashSet<A>> listeners = new HashMap<>(); public synchronized ReturnValue synchronizedSnippet() { /* * Test method for which liveness would conclude the original object is no longer alive * although it is. */ Collection<HashSet<A>> allListeners = listeners.values(); for (HashSet<A> group : allListeners) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(group); } return ReturnValue.SUCCESS; } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testSynchronizedSnippet() { GraalOSRLockTest instance = new GraalOSRLockTest(); // enough entries to trigger OSR for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { instance.listeners.put("hello" + i, null); } testOSR(getInitialOptions(), "synchronizedSnippet", instance); Assert.assertFalse(isMonitorLockHeld(instance)); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testOSRTrivialLoop() { run(() -> { OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), osrLockDeopt()); try { testOSR(options, "testReduceOSRTrivialLoop"); } catch (Throwable t) { Assert.assertEquals("OSR compilation without OSR entry loop.", t.getMessage()); } }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterInnerImmediateDeoptAfter() { run(() -> { OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), osrLockDeopt()); testOSR(options, "testOuterInnerLockImmediateDeoptAfter"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterCompileRestOfMethod() { run(() -> { EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> overrides = osrLockNoDeopt(); overrides.put(HighTier.Options.Inline, false); OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), overrides); testOSR(options, "testOuterLockCompileRestOfMethod"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterInnerCompileRestOfMethod() { run(() -> { OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), osrLockNoDeopt()); testOSR(options, "testOuterInnerLockCompileRestOfMethod"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterInnerLockDepthCompileRestOfMethod() { run(() -> { EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> overrides = osrLockNoDeopt(); overrides.put(HighTier.Options.Inline, false); OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), overrides); testOSR(options, "testOuterInnerLockDepth1CompileRestOfMethod"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterInnerLockDepthDeopt() { run(() -> { EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> overrides = osrLockNoDeopt(); overrides.put(HighTier.Options.Inline, false); OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), overrides); testOSR(options, "testOuterInnerLockDepth1DeoptAfter"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterInnerLockDepthRecursiveCompileRestOfMethod0() { run(() -> { OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), osrLockNoDeopt()); testOSR(options, "testOuterInnerLockDepth1RecursiveCompileRestOfMethod1"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterInnerLockDepthRecursiveCompileRestOfMethod1() { run(() -> { OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), osrLockNoDeopt()); testOSR(options, "testOuterInnerLockDepth1RecursiveCompileRestOfMethod2"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterCompileRestOfMethodSubsequentLock() { run(() -> { OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), osrLockNoDeopt()); testOSR(options, "testOuterLockCompileRestOfMethodSubsequentLock"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSROuterInnerSameLockCompileRestOfMethod() { run(() -> { OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), osrLockNoDeopt()); testOSR(options, "testOuterInnerSameLockCompileRestOfMethod"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSRRecursive() { run(() -> { // call it testRecursiveLockingLeaf(); ResolvedJavaMethod leaf = getResolvedJavaMethod("testRecursiveLockingLeaf"); // profile it leaf.reprofile(); testRecursiveLockingLeaf(); EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> overrides = osrLockNoDeopt(); overrides.put(HighTier.Options.Inline, false); OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), overrides); DebugContext debug = getDebugContext(options); compile(debug, leaf, -1); testOSR(options, "testRecursiveLockingRoot"); }); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("try") public void testLockOSRRecursiveLeafOSR() { run(() -> { testRecursiveRootNoOSR(); ResolvedJavaMethod root = getResolvedJavaMethod("testRecursiveRootNoOSR"); EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> overrides = osrLockNoDeopt(); overrides.put(HighTier.Options.Inline, false); OptionValues options = new OptionValues(getInitialOptions(), overrides); DebugContext debug = getDebugContext(options); compile(debug, root, -1); testOSR(options, "testRecursiveLeafOSR"); // force a safepoint and hope the inflated locks are deflated System.gc(); // call the root to call into the leaf and enter the osr-ed code testRecursiveRootNoOSR(); }); } protected static int limit = 10000; protected static Object lock = new Object(); protected static Object lock1 = new Object(); private static final boolean LOG = false; static { // force identity hash code for easy displaced mark identification int h1 = System.identityHashCode(lock); int h2 = System.identityHashCode(lock1); if (LOG) { TTY.println("Forcing a system identity hashcode on lock object " + h1); TTY.println("Forcing a system identity hashcode on lock1 object " + h2); } } public static ReturnValue testReduceOSRTrivialLoop() { for (int i = 0; i < limit * limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return ReturnValue.SUCCESS; } } return ReturnValue.FAILURE; } public static ReturnValue testOuterLockImmediateDeoptAfter() { ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (lock) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { throw new Error("Must not be part of compiled code"); } return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testOuterInnerLockImmediateDeoptAfter() { ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (lock) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { synchronized (lock1) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); } } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); GraalDirectives.deoptimize(); return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testOuterLockCompileRestOfMethod() { ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (lock) { for (int i = 1; i < limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 1001 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; System.gc(); } } return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testOuterInnerLockCompileRestOfMethod() { ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (lock) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { synchronized (lock1) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); System.gc(); } } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); if (!GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { throw new Error("Must be part of compiled code"); } return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testOuterInnerLockDepth1CompileRestOfMethod() { // testing the order of the lock releasing ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (lock) { synchronized (lock1) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); System.gc(); } } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); if (!GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { throw new Error("Must be part of compiled code already hereeeeee"); } else { // lock 1 must be free if (isMonitorLockHeld(lock1)) { throw new Error("Lock 1 must have been released already"); } // lock 2 must still be locked and cannot be acquired by another thread if (!isMonitorLockHeldByThread(lock, Thread.currentThread())) { throw new Error("Lock must not have been released already"); } } return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testOuterInnerLockDepth1DeoptAfter() { // testing the order of the lock releasing ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (lock) { synchronized (lock1) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); GraalDirectives.deoptimize(); if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { throw new Error("Must not part of compiled code"); } } } return ret; } public static ReturnValue testOuterInnerLockDepth1RecursiveCompileRestOfMethod1() { // testing the order of the lock releasing ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (lock) { synchronized (lock) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); } } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); if (!GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { throw new Error("Must be part of compiled code"); } return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testOuterInnerLockDepth1RecursiveCompileRestOfMethod2() { // testing the order of the lock releasing final Object l = lock; ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (l) { synchronized (l) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); } } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); if (!GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { throw new Error("Must be part of compiled code"); } return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testRecursiveLockingRoot() { // testing the order of the lock releasing final Object l = lock; ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (l) { synchronized (l) { for (int i = 1; i < limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); testRecursiveLockingLeaf(); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); } } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); if (!GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { throw new Error("Must be part of compiled code"); } return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testRecursiveLockingLeaf() { // testing the order of the lock releasing final Object l = lock; ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (l) { synchronized (l) { for (int i = 1; i < limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; } } } return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testRecursiveRootNoOSR() { // testing the order of the lock releasing final Object l = lock; synchronized (l) { ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { ret = testRecursiveLeafOSR(); } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); if (ret == ReturnValue.FAILURE) { return ret; } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); return ret; } } public static ReturnValue testRecursiveLeafOSR() { ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; // lock is already locked by the caller synchronized (lock) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); return ret; } } // test cases for optimizations public static ReturnValue testOuterLockCompileRestOfMethodSubsequentLock() { final Object monitor = lock; ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (monitor) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); } } } } synchronized (monitor) { GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); if (!GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { throw new Error("Must be part of compiled code"); } } return ret; } public static ReturnValue testOuterInnerSameLockCompileRestOfMethod() { final Object monitor = lock; ReturnValue ret = ReturnValue.FAILURE; synchronized (monitor) { for (int i = 1; i < 10 * limit; i++) { synchronized (monitor) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(i); if (i % 33 == 0) { ret = ReturnValue.SUCCESS; if (GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode() && i + 33 > (10 * limit)) { GraalDirectives.blackhole(ret); } } } } GraalDirectives.controlFlowAnchor(); if (!GraalDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { throw new Error("Must be part of compiled code"); } return ret; } } }