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package jdk.vm.ci.hotspot;

import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.CompilerToVM.compilerToVM;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.BailoutException;
import jdk.vm.ci.common.JVMCIError;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.SpeculationLog;

Implements a SpeculationLog that can be used to:
  • Query failed speculations recorded in a native linked list of FailedSpeculations (see methodData.hpp).
  • Make speculations during compilation and record them in compiled code. This must only be done on compilation-local HotSpotSpeculationLog objects.
The choice of constructor determines whether the native failed speculations list is managed by a HotSpotSpeculationLog object.
/** * Implements a {@link SpeculationLog} that can be used to: * <ul> * <li>Query failed speculations recorded in a native linked list of {@code FailedSpeculation}s (see * methodData.hpp).</li> * <li>Make speculations during compilation and record them in compiled code. This must only be done * on compilation-local {@link HotSpotSpeculationLog} objects.</li> * </ul> * * The choice of constructor determines whether the native failed speculations list is * {@linkplain #managesFailedSpeculations() managed} by a {@link HotSpotSpeculationLog} object. */
public class HotSpotSpeculationLog implements SpeculationLog { private static final byte[] NO_FLATTENED_SPECULATIONS = {};
Creates a speculation log that manages a failed speculation list. That is, when this object dies, the native resources of the list are freed.
See Also:
/** * Creates a speculation log that manages a failed speculation list. That is, when this object * dies, the native resources of the list are freed. * * @see #managesFailedSpeculations() * @see #getFailedSpeculationsAddress() */
public HotSpotSpeculationLog() { managesFailedSpeculations = true; }
Creates a speculation log that reads from an externally managed failed speculation list. That is, the lifetime of the list is independent of this object.
  • failedSpeculationsAddress – an address in native memory at which the pointer to the externally managed sailed speculation list resides
/** * Creates a speculation log that reads from an externally managed failed speculation list. That * is, the lifetime of the list is independent of this object. * * @param failedSpeculationsAddress an address in native memory at which the pointer to the * externally managed sailed speculation list resides */
public HotSpotSpeculationLog(long failedSpeculationsAddress) { if (failedSpeculationsAddress == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("failedSpeculationsAddress cannot be 0"); } this.failedSpeculationsAddress = failedSpeculationsAddress; managesFailedSpeculations = false; }
Gets the address of the pointer to the native failed speculations list.
See Also:
  • managesFailedSpeculations()
/** * Gets the address of the pointer to the native failed speculations list. * * @see #managesFailedSpeculations() */
public long getFailedSpeculationsAddress() { if (managesFailedSpeculations) { synchronized (this) { if (failedSpeculationsAddress == 0L) { failedSpeculationsAddress = UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE.allocateMemory(HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.getHostWordKind().getByteCount()); UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE.putAddress(failedSpeculationsAddress, 0L); LogCleaner c = new LogCleaner(this, failedSpeculationsAddress); assert c.address == failedSpeculationsAddress; } } } return failedSpeculationsAddress; }
Adds speculation to the native list of failed speculations. To update this object's view of the failed speculations, collectFailedSpeculations() must be called after this method returns. This method exists primarily for testing purposes. Speculations are normally only added to the list by HotSpot during deoptimization.
Returns:false if the speculation could not be appended to the list
/** * Adds {@code speculation} to the native list of failed speculations. To update this object's * view of the failed speculations, {@link #collectFailedSpeculations()} must be called after * this method returns. * * This method exists primarily for testing purposes. Speculations are normally only added to * the list by HotSpot during deoptimization. * * @return {@code false} if the speculation could not be appended to the list */
public boolean addFailedSpeculation(Speculation speculation) { return compilerToVM().addFailedSpeculation(getFailedSpeculationsAddress(), ((HotSpotSpeculation) speculation).encoding); }
Returns true if the value returned by getFailedSpeculationsAddress() is only valid only as long as this object is alive, false otherwise.
/** * Returns {@code true} if the value returned by {@link #getFailedSpeculationsAddress()} is only * valid only as long as this object is alive, {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean managesFailedSpeculations() { return managesFailedSpeculations; } public static final class HotSpotSpeculation extends Speculation {
A speculation id is a long encoding a length (low 5 bits) and an index into a byte[]. Combined, the index and length denote where the encoded speculation is in a flattened speculations array.
/** * A speculation id is a long encoding a length (low 5 bits) and an index into a * {@code byte[]}. Combined, the index and length denote where the {@linkplain #encoding * encoded speculation} is in a {@linkplain HotSpotSpeculationLog#getFlattenedSpeculations * flattened} speculations array. */
private final JavaConstant id; private final byte[] encoding; HotSpotSpeculation(SpeculationReason reason, JavaConstant id, byte[] encoding) { super(reason); this.id = id; this.encoding = encoding; } public JavaConstant getEncoding() { return id; } @Override public String toString() { long indexAndLength = id.asLong(); int index = decodeIndex(indexAndLength); int length = decodeLength(indexAndLength); return String.format("{0x%016x[index: %d, len: %d, hash: 0x%x]: %s}", indexAndLength, index, length, Arrays.hashCode(encoding), getReason()); } }
Address of a pointer to a set of failed speculations. The address is recorded in the nmethod compiled with this speculation log such that when it fails a speculation, the speculation is added to the list.
/** * Address of a pointer to a set of failed speculations. The address is recorded in the nmethod * compiled with this speculation log such that when it fails a speculation, the speculation is * added to the list. */
private long failedSpeculationsAddress; private final boolean managesFailedSpeculations;
The list of failed speculations read from native memory via CompilerToVM.getFailedSpeculations.
/** * The list of failed speculations read from native memory via * {@link CompilerToVM#getFailedSpeculations}. */
private byte[][] failedSpeculations;
Speculations made during the compilation associated with this log.
/** * Speculations made during the compilation associated with this log. */
private List<byte[]> speculations; private List<SpeculationReason> speculationReasons; @Override public void collectFailedSpeculations() { if (failedSpeculationsAddress != 0 && UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE.getLong(failedSpeculationsAddress) != 0) { failedSpeculations = compilerToVM().getFailedSpeculations(failedSpeculationsAddress, failedSpeculations); assert failedSpeculations.getClass() == byte[][].class; } } byte[] getFlattenedSpeculations(boolean validate) { if (speculations == null) { return NO_FLATTENED_SPECULATIONS; } if (validate) { int newFailuresStart = failedSpeculations == null ? 0 : failedSpeculations.length; collectFailedSpeculations(); if (failedSpeculations != null && failedSpeculations.length != newFailuresStart) { for (SpeculationReason reason : speculationReasons) { byte[] encoding = encode(reason); // Only check against new failures if (contains(failedSpeculations, newFailuresStart, encoding)) { throw new BailoutException(false, "Speculation failed: " + reason); } } } } int size = 0; for (byte[] s : speculations) { size += s.length; } byte[] result = new byte[size]; size = 0; for (byte[] s : speculations) { System.arraycopy(s, 0, result, size, s.length); size += s.length; } return result; } @Override public boolean maySpeculate(SpeculationReason reason) { if (failedSpeculations == null) { collectFailedSpeculations(); } if (failedSpeculations != null && failedSpeculations.length != 0) { byte[] encoding = encode(reason); return !contains(failedSpeculations, 0, encoding); } return true; }
Returns:true if needle is in haystack[fromIndex..haystack.length-1]
/** * @return {@code true} if {@code needle} is in {@code haystack[fromIndex..haystack.length-1]} */
private static boolean contains(byte[][] haystack, int fromIndex, byte[] needle) { for (int i = fromIndex; i < haystack.length; i++) { byte[] fs = haystack[i]; if (Arrays.equals(fs, needle)) { return true; } } return false; } private static long encodeIndexAndLength(int index, int length) { if (length > HotSpotSpeculationEncoding.MAX_LENGTH || length < 0) { throw new InternalError(String.format("Invalid encoded speculation length: %d (0x%x)", length, length)); } if (index < 0) { throw new JVMCIError("Encoded speculation index is negative: %d (0x%x)", index, index); } return (index << HotSpotSpeculationEncoding.LENGTH_BITS) | length; } private static int decodeIndex(long indexAndLength) { return (int) (indexAndLength >>> HotSpotSpeculationEncoding.LENGTH_BITS); } private static int decodeLength(long indexAndLength) { return (int) (indexAndLength & HotSpotSpeculationEncoding.LENGTH_MASK); } @Override public Speculation speculate(SpeculationReason reason) { byte[] encoding = encode(reason); JavaConstant id; if (speculations == null) { speculations = new ArrayList<>(); speculationReasons = new ArrayList<>(); id = JavaConstant.forLong(encodeIndexAndLength(0, encoding.length)); speculations.add(encoding); speculationReasons.add(reason); } else { id = null; int flattenedIndex = 0; for (byte[] fs : speculations) { if (Arrays.equals(fs, encoding)) { id = JavaConstant.forLong(encodeIndexAndLength(flattenedIndex, fs.length)); break; } flattenedIndex += fs.length; } if (id == null) { id = JavaConstant.forLong(encodeIndexAndLength(flattenedIndex, encoding.length)); speculations.add(encoding); speculationReasons.add(reason); } } return new HotSpotSpeculation(reason, id, encoding); } private static byte[] encode(SpeculationReason reason) { HotSpotSpeculationEncoding encoding = (HotSpotSpeculationEncoding) reason.encode(HotSpotSpeculationEncoding::new); byte[] result = encoding == null ? null : encoding.getByteArray(); if (result == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(HotSpotSpeculationLog.class.getName() + " expects " + reason.getClass().getName() + ".encode() to return a non-empty encoding"); } return result; } @Override public boolean hasSpeculations() { return speculations != null; } @Override public Speculation lookupSpeculation(JavaConstant constant) { if (constant.isDefaultForKind()) { return NO_SPECULATION; } int flattenedIndex = decodeIndex(constant.asLong()); int index = 0; for (byte[] s : speculations) { if (flattenedIndex == 0) { SpeculationReason reason = speculationReasons.get(index); return new HotSpotSpeculation(reason, constant, s); } index++; flattenedIndex -= s.length; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown encoded speculation: " + constant); } @Override public String toString() { Formatter buf = new Formatter(); buf.format("{managed:%s, failedSpeculationsAddress:0x%x, failedSpeculations:[", managesFailedSpeculations, failedSpeculationsAddress); String sep = ""; if (failedSpeculations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < failedSpeculations.length; i++) { buf.format("%s{len:%d, hash:0x%x}", sep, failedSpeculations[i].length, Arrays.hashCode(failedSpeculations[i])); sep = ", "; } } buf.format("], speculations:["); int size = 0; if (speculations != null) { sep = ""; for (int i = 0; i < speculations.size(); i++) { byte[] s = speculations.get(i); size += s.length; buf.format("%s{len:%d, hash:0x%x, reason:{%s}}", sep, s.length, Arrays.hashCode(s), speculationReasons.get(i)); sep = ", "; } } buf.format("], len:%d, hash:0x%x}", size, Arrays.hashCode(getFlattenedSpeculations(false))); return buf.toString(); }
Frees the native memory resources associated with HotSpotSpeculationLogs once they become reclaimable.
/** * Frees the native memory resources associated with {@link HotSpotSpeculationLog}s once they * become reclaimable. */
private static final class LogCleaner extends Cleaner { LogCleaner(HotSpotSpeculationLog referent, long address) { super(referent); this.address = address; } @Override void doCleanup() { long pointer = UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE.getAddress(address); if (pointer != 0) { compilerToVM().releaseFailedSpeculations(address); } UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE.freeMemory(address); } final long address; } }