 * Copyright (c) 2002-2019, the original author or authors.
 * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
 * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
 * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
package jdk.internal.org.jline.terminal.impl;

import jdk.internal.org.jline.terminal.Attributes;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.terminal.Size;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.Curses;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.InfoCmp;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.Log;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.NonBlocking;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.NonBlockingInputStream;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.NonBlockingPumpReader;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.NonBlockingReader;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.ShutdownHooks;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.Signals;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.WriterOutputStream;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;

The AbstractWindowsTerminal is used as the base class for windows terminal. Due to windows limitations, mostly the missing support for ansi sequences, the only way to create a correct terminal is to use the windows api to set character attributes, move the cursor, erasing, etc... UTF-8 support is also lacking in windows and the code page supposed to emulate UTF-8 is a bit broken. In order to work around this broken code page, windows api WriteConsoleW is used directly. This means that the writer() becomes the primary output, while the output() is bridged to the writer() using a WriterOutputStream wrapper.
/** * The AbstractWindowsTerminal is used as the base class for windows terminal. * Due to windows limitations, mostly the missing support for ansi sequences, * the only way to create a correct terminal is to use the windows api to set * character attributes, move the cursor, erasing, etc... * * UTF-8 support is also lacking in windows and the code page supposed to * emulate UTF-8 is a bit broken. In order to work around this broken * code page, windows api WriteConsoleW is used directly. This means that * the writer() becomes the primary output, while the output() is bridged * to the writer() using a WriterOutputStream wrapper. */
public abstract class AbstractWindowsTerminal extends AbstractTerminal { public static final String TYPE_WINDOWS = "windows"; public static final String TYPE_WINDOWS_256_COLOR = "windows-256color"; public static final String TYPE_WINDOWS_CONEMU = "windows-conemu"; public static final String TYPE_WINDOWS_VTP = "windows-vtp"; public static final int ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING = 0x0004; private static final int UTF8_CODE_PAGE = 65001; protected static final int ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT = 0x0001; protected static final int ENABLE_LINE_INPUT = 0x0002; protected static final int ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT = 0x0004; protected static final int ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT = 0x0008; protected static final int ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT = 0x0010; protected static final int ENABLE_INSERT_MODE = 0x0020; protected static final int ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE = 0x0040; protected final Writer slaveInputPipe; protected final InputStream input; protected final OutputStream output; protected final NonBlockingReader reader; protected final PrintWriter writer; protected final Map<Signal, Object> nativeHandlers = new HashMap<>(); protected final ShutdownHooks.Task closer; protected final Attributes attributes = new Attributes(); protected final int originalConsoleMode; protected final Object lock = new Object(); protected boolean paused = true; protected Thread pump; protected MouseTracking tracking = MouseTracking.Off; protected boolean focusTracking = false; private volatile boolean closing; public AbstractWindowsTerminal(Writer writer, String name, String type, Charset encoding, int codepage, boolean nativeSignals, SignalHandler signalHandler, Function<InputStream, InputStream> inputStreamWrapper) throws IOException { super(name, type, selectCharset(encoding, codepage), signalHandler); NonBlockingPumpReader reader = NonBlocking.nonBlockingPumpReader(); this.slaveInputPipe = reader.getWriter(); this.input = inputStreamWrapper.apply(NonBlocking.nonBlockingStream(reader, encoding())); this.reader = NonBlocking.nonBlocking(name, input, encoding()); this.writer = new PrintWriter(writer); this.output = new WriterOutputStream(writer, encoding()); parseInfoCmp(); // Attributes originalConsoleMode = getConsoleMode(); attributes.setLocalFlag(Attributes.LocalFlag.ISIG, true); attributes.setControlChar(Attributes.ControlChar.VINTR, ctrl('C')); attributes.setControlChar(Attributes.ControlChar.VEOF, ctrl('D')); attributes.setControlChar(Attributes.ControlChar.VSUSP, ctrl('Z')); // Handle signals if (nativeSignals) { for (final Signal signal : Signal.values()) { if (signalHandler == SignalHandler.SIG_DFL) { nativeHandlers.put(signal, Signals.registerDefault(signal.name())); } else { nativeHandlers.put(signal, Signals.register(signal.name(), () -> raise(signal))); } } } closer = this::close; ShutdownHooks.add(closer); // ConEMU extended fonts support if (TYPE_WINDOWS_CONEMU.equals(getType()) && !Boolean.getBoolean("org.jline.terminal.conemu.disable-activate")) { writer.write("\u001b[9999E"); writer.flush(); } } private static Charset selectCharset(Charset encoding, int codepage) { if (encoding != null) { return encoding; } if (codepage >= 0) { return getCodepageCharset(codepage); } // Use UTF-8 as default return StandardCharsets.UTF_8; } private static Charset getCodepageCharset(int codepage) { //http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/intl/encoding.doc.html if (codepage == UTF8_CODE_PAGE) { return StandardCharsets.UTF_8; } String charsetMS = "ms" + codepage; if (Charset.isSupported(charsetMS)) { return Charset.forName(charsetMS); } String charsetCP = "cp" + codepage; if (Charset.isSupported(charsetCP)) { return Charset.forName(charsetCP); } return Charset.defaultCharset(); } @Override public SignalHandler handle(Signal signal, SignalHandler handler) { SignalHandler prev = super.handle(signal, handler); if (prev != handler) { if (handler == SignalHandler.SIG_DFL) { Signals.registerDefault(signal.name()); } else { Signals.register(signal.name(), () -> raise(signal)); } } return prev; } public NonBlockingReader reader() { return reader; } public PrintWriter writer() { return writer; } @Override public InputStream input() { return input; } @Override public OutputStream output() { return output; } public Attributes getAttributes() { int mode = getConsoleMode(); if ((mode & ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT) != 0) { attributes.setLocalFlag(Attributes.LocalFlag.ECHO, true); } if ((mode & ENABLE_LINE_INPUT) != 0) { attributes.setLocalFlag(Attributes.LocalFlag.ICANON, true); } return new Attributes(attributes); } public void setAttributes(Attributes attr) { attributes.copy(attr); updateConsoleMode(); } protected void updateConsoleMode() { int mode = ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT; if (attributes.getLocalFlag(Attributes.LocalFlag.ECHO)) { mode |= ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT; } if (attributes.getLocalFlag(Attributes.LocalFlag.ICANON)) { mode |= ENABLE_LINE_INPUT; } if (tracking != MouseTracking.Off) { mode |= ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT; } setConsoleMode(mode); } protected int ctrl(char key) { return (Character.toUpperCase(key) & 0x1f); } public void setSize(Size size) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not resize windows terminal"); } protected void doClose() throws IOException { super.doClose(); closing = true; if (pump != null) { pump.interrupt(); } ShutdownHooks.remove(closer); for (Map.Entry<Signal, Object> entry : nativeHandlers.entrySet()) { Signals.unregister(entry.getKey().name(), entry.getValue()); } reader.close(); writer.close(); setConsoleMode(originalConsoleMode); } static final int SHIFT_FLAG = 0x01; static final int ALT_FLAG = 0x02; static final int CTRL_FLAG = 0x04; static final int RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED = 0x0001; static final int LEFT_ALT_PRESSED = 0x0002; static final int RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED = 0x0004; static final int LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED = 0x0008; static final int SHIFT_PRESSED = 0x0010; static final int NUMLOCK_ON = 0x0020; static final int SCROLLLOCK_ON = 0x0040; static final int CAPSLOCK_ON = 0x0080; protected void processKeyEvent(final boolean isKeyDown, final short virtualKeyCode, char ch, final int controlKeyState) throws IOException { final boolean isCtrl = (controlKeyState & (RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED | LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED)) > 0; final boolean isAlt = (controlKeyState & (RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED | LEFT_ALT_PRESSED)) > 0; final boolean isShift = (controlKeyState & SHIFT_PRESSED) > 0; // key down event if (isKeyDown && ch != '\3') { // Pressing "Alt Gr" is translated to Alt-Ctrl, hence it has to be checked that Ctrl is _not_ pressed, // otherwise inserting of "Alt Gr" codes on non-US keyboards would yield errors if (ch != 0 && (controlKeyState & (RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED | LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED | LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | SHIFT_PRESSED)) == (RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED | LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED)) { processInputChar(ch); } else { final String keySeq = getEscapeSequence(virtualKeyCode, (isCtrl ? CTRL_FLAG : 0) + (isAlt ? ALT_FLAG : 0) + (isShift ? SHIFT_FLAG : 0)); if (keySeq != null) { for (char c : keySeq.toCharArray()) { processInputChar(c); } return; } /* uchar value in Windows when CTRL is pressed: * 1). Ctrl + <0x41 to 0x5e> : uchar=<keyCode> - 'A' + 1 * 2). Ctrl + Backspace(0x08) : uchar=0x7f * 3). Ctrl + Enter(0x0d) : uchar=0x0a * 4). Ctrl + Space(0x20) : uchar=0x20 * 5). Ctrl + <Other key> : uchar=0 * 6). Ctrl + Alt + <Any key> : uchar=0 */ if (ch > 0) { if (isAlt) { processInputChar('\033'); } if (isCtrl && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n' && ch != 0x7f) { processInputChar((char) (ch == '?' ? 0x7f : Character.toUpperCase(ch) & 0x1f)); } else if (isCtrl && ch == '\n') { //simulate Alt-Enter: processInputChar('\033'); processInputChar('\r'); } else { processInputChar(ch); } } else if (isCtrl) { //Handles the ctrl key events(uchar=0) if (virtualKeyCode >= 'A' && virtualKeyCode <= 'Z') { ch = (char) (virtualKeyCode - 0x40); } else if (virtualKeyCode == 191) { //? ch = 127; } if (ch > 0) { if (isAlt) { processInputChar('\033'); } processInputChar(ch); } } } } else if (isKeyDown && ch == '\3') { processInputChar('\3'); } // key up event else { // support ALT+NumPad input method if (virtualKeyCode == 0x12 /*VK_MENU ALT key*/ && ch > 0) { processInputChar(ch); // no such combination in Windows } } } protected String getEscapeSequence(short keyCode, int keyState) { // virtual keycodes: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx // TODO: numpad keys, modifiers String escapeSequence = null; switch (keyCode) { case 0x08: // VK_BACK BackSpace escapeSequence = (keyState & ALT_FLAG) > 0 ? "\\E^H" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_backspace); break; case 0x09: escapeSequence = (keyState & SHIFT_FLAG) > 0 ? getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_btab) : null; break; case 0x21: // VK_PRIOR PageUp escapeSequence = getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_ppage); break; case 0x22: // VK_NEXT PageDown escapeSequence = getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_npage); break; case 0x23: // VK_END escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dF" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_end); break; case 0x24: // VK_HOME escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dH" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_home); break; case 0x25: // VK_LEFT escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dD" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_left); break; case 0x26: // VK_UP escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dA" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_up); break; case 0x27: // VK_RIGHT escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dC" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_right); break; case 0x28: // VK_DOWN escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dB" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_down); break; case 0x2D: // VK_INSERT escapeSequence = getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_ic); break; case 0x2E: // VK_DELETE escapeSequence = getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_dc); break; case 0x70: // VK_F1 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dP" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f1); break; case 0x71: // VK_F2 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dQ" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f2); break; case 0x72: // VK_F3 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dR" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f3); break; case 0x73: // VK_F4 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[1;%p1%dS" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f4); break; case 0x74: // VK_F5 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[15;%p1%d~" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f5); break; case 0x75: // VK_F6 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[17;%p1%d~" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f6); break; case 0x76: // VK_F7 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[18;%p1%d~" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f7); break; case 0x77: // VK_F8 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[19;%p1%d~" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f8); break; case 0x78: // VK_F9 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[20;%p1%d~" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f9); break; case 0x79: // VK_F10 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[21;%p1%d~" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f10); break; case 0x7A: // VK_F11 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[23;%p1%d~" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f11); break; case 0x7B: // VK_F12 escapeSequence = keyState > 0 ? "\\E[24;%p1%d~" : getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability.key_f12); break; case 0x5D: // VK_CLOSE_BRACKET(Menu key) case 0x5B: // VK_OPEN_BRACKET(Window key) default: return null; } return Curses.tputs(escapeSequence, keyState + 1); } protected String getRawSequence(InfoCmp.Capability cap) { return strings.get(cap); } @Override public boolean hasFocusSupport() { return true; } @Override public boolean trackFocus(boolean tracking) { focusTracking = tracking; return true; } @Override public boolean canPauseResume() { return true; } @Override public void pause() { synchronized (lock) { paused = true; } } @Override public void pause(boolean wait) throws InterruptedException { Thread p; synchronized (lock) { paused = true; p = pump; } if (p != null) { p.interrupt(); p.join(); } } @Override public void resume() { synchronized (lock) { paused = false; if (pump == null) { pump = new Thread(this::pump, "WindowsStreamPump"); pump.setDaemon(true); pump.start(); } } } @Override public boolean paused() { synchronized (lock) { return paused; } } protected void pump() { try { while (!closing) { synchronized (lock) { if (paused) { pump = null; break; } } if (processConsoleInput()) { slaveInputPipe.flush(); } } } catch (IOException e) { if (!closing) { Log.warn("Error in WindowsStreamPump", e); try { close(); } catch (IOException e1) { Log.warn("Error closing terminal", e); } } } finally { synchronized (lock) { pump = null; } } } public void processInputChar(char c) throws IOException { if (attributes.getLocalFlag(Attributes.LocalFlag.ISIG)) { if (c == attributes.getControlChar(Attributes.ControlChar.VINTR)) { raise(Signal.INT); return; } else if (c == attributes.getControlChar(Attributes.ControlChar.VQUIT)) { raise(Signal.QUIT); return; } else if (c == attributes.getControlChar(Attributes.ControlChar.VSUSP)) { raise(Signal.TSTP); return; } else if (c == attributes.getControlChar(Attributes.ControlChar.VSTATUS)) { raise(Signal.INFO); } } if (c == '\r') { if (attributes.getInputFlag(Attributes.InputFlag.IGNCR)) { return; } if (attributes.getInputFlag(Attributes.InputFlag.ICRNL)) { c = '\n'; } } else if (c == '\n' && attributes.getInputFlag(Attributes.InputFlag.INLCR)) { c = '\r'; } // if (attributes.getLocalFlag(Attributes.LocalFlag.ECHO)) { // processOutputByte(c); // masterOutput.flush(); // } slaveInputPipe.write(c); } @Override public boolean trackMouse(MouseTracking tracking) { this.tracking = tracking; updateConsoleMode(); return true; } protected abstract int getConsoleOutputCP(); protected abstract int getConsoleMode(); protected abstract void setConsoleMode(int mode);
Read a single input event from the input buffer and process it.
Returns:true if new input was generated from the event
/** * Read a single input event from the input buffer and process it. * * @return true if new input was generated from the event * @throws IOException if anything wrong happens */
protected abstract boolean processConsoleInput() throws IOException; }