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package sun.security.ec;

import sun.security.ec.point.*;
import sun.security.util.ArrayUtil;
import sun.security.util.math.*;
import static sun.security.ec.ECOperations.IntermediateValueException;

import java.security.ProviderException;
import java.security.spec.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;

public class ECDSAOperations {

    public static class Seed {
        private final byte[] seedValue;

        public Seed(byte[] seedValue) {
            this.seedValue = seedValue;

        public byte[] getSeedValue() {
            return seedValue;

    public static class Nonce {
        private final byte[] nonceValue;

        public Nonce(byte[] nonceValue) {
            this.nonceValue = nonceValue;

        public byte[] getNonceValue() {
            return nonceValue;

    private final ECOperations ecOps;
    private final AffinePoint basePoint;

    public ECDSAOperations(ECOperations ecOps, ECPoint basePoint) {
        this.ecOps = ecOps;
        this.basePoint = toAffinePoint(basePoint, ecOps.getField());

    public ECOperations getEcOperations() {
        return ecOps;

    public AffinePoint basePointMultiply(byte[] scalar) {
        return ecOps.multiply(basePoint, scalar).asAffine();

    public static AffinePoint toAffinePoint(ECPoint point,
        IntegerFieldModuloP field) {

        ImmutableIntegerModuloP affineX = field.getElement(point.getAffineX());
        ImmutableIntegerModuloP affineY = field.getElement(point.getAffineY());
        return new AffinePoint(affineX, affineY);

    public static
    Optional<ECDSAOperations> forParameters(ECParameterSpec ecParams) {
        Optional<ECOperations> curveOps =
        return curveOps.map(
            ops -> new ECDSAOperations(ops, ecParams.getGenerator())

Sign a digest using the provided private key and seed. IMPORTANT: The private key is a scalar represented using a little-endian byte array. This is backwards from the conventional representation in ECDSA. The routines that produce and consume this value uses little-endian, so this deviation from convention removes the requirement to swap the byte order. The returned signature is in the conventional byte order.
  • privateKey – the private key scalar as a little-endian byte array
  • digest – the digest to be signed
  • seed – the seed that will be used to produce the nonce. This object should contain an array that is at least 64 bits longer than the number of bits required to represent the group order.
  • IntermediateValueException – if the signature cannot be produced due to an unacceptable intermediate or final value. If this exception is thrown, then the caller should discard the nonnce and try again with an entirely new nonce value.
Returns:the ECDSA signature value
/** * * Sign a digest using the provided private key and seed. * IMPORTANT: The private key is a scalar represented using a * little-endian byte array. This is backwards from the conventional * representation in ECDSA. The routines that produce and consume this * value uses little-endian, so this deviation from convention removes * the requirement to swap the byte order. The returned signature is in * the conventional byte order. * * @param privateKey the private key scalar as a little-endian byte array * @param digest the digest to be signed * @param seed the seed that will be used to produce the nonce. This object * should contain an array that is at least 64 bits longer than * the number of bits required to represent the group order. * @return the ECDSA signature value * @throws IntermediateValueException if the signature cannot be produced * due to an unacceptable intermediate or final value. If this * exception is thrown, then the caller should discard the nonnce and * try again with an entirely new nonce value. */
public byte[] signDigest(byte[] privateKey, byte[] digest, Seed seed) throws IntermediateValueException { byte[] nonceArr = ecOps.seedToScalar(seed.getSeedValue()); Nonce nonce = new Nonce(nonceArr); return signDigest(privateKey, digest, nonce); }
Sign a digest using the provided private key and nonce. IMPORTANT: The private key and nonce are scalars represented by a little-endian byte array. This is backwards from the conventional representation in ECDSA. The routines that produce and consume these values use little-endian, so this deviation from convention removes the requirement to swap the byte order. The returned signature is in the conventional byte order.
  • privateKey – the private key scalar as a little-endian byte array
  • digest – the digest to be signed
  • nonce – the nonce object containing a little-endian scalar value.
  • IntermediateValueException – if the signature cannot be produced due to an unacceptable intermediate or final value. If this exception is thrown, then the caller should discard the nonnce and try again with an entirely new nonce value.
Returns:the ECDSA signature value
/** * * Sign a digest using the provided private key and nonce. * IMPORTANT: The private key and nonce are scalars represented by a * little-endian byte array. This is backwards from the conventional * representation in ECDSA. The routines that produce and consume these * values use little-endian, so this deviation from convention removes * the requirement to swap the byte order. The returned signature is in * the conventional byte order. * * @param privateKey the private key scalar as a little-endian byte array * @param digest the digest to be signed * @param nonce the nonce object containing a little-endian scalar value. * @return the ECDSA signature value * @throws IntermediateValueException if the signature cannot be produced * due to an unacceptable intermediate or final value. If this * exception is thrown, then the caller should discard the nonnce and * try again with an entirely new nonce value. */
public byte[] signDigest(byte[] privateKey, byte[] digest, Nonce nonce) throws IntermediateValueException { IntegerFieldModuloP orderField = ecOps.getOrderField(); int orderBits = orderField.getSize().bitLength(); if (orderBits % 8 != 0 && orderBits < digest.length * 8) { // This implementation does not support truncating digests to // a length that is not a multiple of 8. throw new ProviderException("Invalid digest length"); } byte[] k = nonce.getNonceValue(); // check nonce length int length = (orderField.getSize().bitLength() + 7) / 8; if (k.length != length) { throw new ProviderException("Incorrect nonce length"); } MutablePoint R = ecOps.multiply(basePoint, k); IntegerModuloP r = R.asAffine().getX(); // put r into the correct field by fully reducing to an array byte[] temp = new byte[length]; r = b2a(r, orderField, temp); byte[] result = new byte[2 * length]; ArrayUtil.reverse(temp); System.arraycopy(temp, 0, result, 0, length); // compare r to 0 if (ECOperations.allZero(temp)) { throw new IntermediateValueException(); } IntegerModuloP dU = orderField.getElement(privateKey); int lengthE = Math.min(length, digest.length); byte[] E = new byte[lengthE]; System.arraycopy(digest, 0, E, 0, lengthE); ArrayUtil.reverse(E); IntegerModuloP e = orderField.getElement(E); IntegerModuloP kElem = orderField.getElement(k); IntegerModuloP kInv = kElem.multiplicativeInverse(); MutableIntegerModuloP s = r.mutable(); s.setProduct(dU).setSum(e).setProduct(kInv); // store s in result s.asByteArray(temp); ArrayUtil.reverse(temp); System.arraycopy(temp, 0, result, length, length); // compare s to 0 if (ECOperations.allZero(temp)) { throw new IntermediateValueException(); } return result; } public boolean verifySignedDigest(byte[] digest, byte[] sig, ECPoint pp) { IntegerFieldModuloP field = ecOps.getField(); IntegerFieldModuloP orderField = ecOps.getOrderField(); int length = (orderField.getSize().bitLength() + 7) / 8; byte[] r; byte[] s; int encodeLength = sig.length / 2; if (sig.length %2 != 0 || encodeLength > length) { return false; } else if (encodeLength == length) { r = Arrays.copyOf(sig, length); s = Arrays.copyOfRange(sig, length, length * 2); } else { r = new byte[length]; s = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(sig, 0, r, length - encodeLength, encodeLength); System.arraycopy(sig, encodeLength, s, length - encodeLength, encodeLength); } ArrayUtil.reverse(r); ArrayUtil.reverse(s); IntegerModuloP ri = orderField.getElement(r); IntegerModuloP si = orderField.getElement(s); // z int lengthE = Math.min(length, digest.length); byte[] E = new byte[lengthE]; System.arraycopy(digest, 0, E, 0, lengthE); ArrayUtil.reverse(E); IntegerModuloP e = orderField.getElement(E); IntegerModuloP sInv = si.multiplicativeInverse(); ImmutableIntegerModuloP u1 = e.multiply(sInv); ImmutableIntegerModuloP u2 = ri.multiply(sInv); AffinePoint pub = new AffinePoint(field.getElement(pp.getAffineX()), field.getElement(pp.getAffineY())); byte[] temp1 = new byte[length]; b2a(u1, orderField, temp1); byte[] temp2 = new byte[length]; b2a(u2, orderField, temp2); MutablePoint p1 = ecOps.multiply(basePoint, temp1); MutablePoint p2 = ecOps.multiply(pub, temp2); ecOps.setSum(p1, p2.asAffine()); IntegerModuloP result = p1.asAffine().getX(); result = result.additiveInverse().add(ri); b2a(result, orderField, temp1); return ECOperations.allZero(temp1); } static public ImmutableIntegerModuloP b2a(IntegerModuloP b, IntegerFieldModuloP orderField, byte[] temp1) { b.asByteArray(temp1); ImmutableIntegerModuloP b2 = orderField.getElement(temp1); b2.asByteArray(temp1); return b2; } }