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package com.sun.tools.javac.parser;

import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Lint;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Lint.LintCategory;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Preview;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Source;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Source.Feature;
import com.sun.tools.javac.file.JavacFileManager;
import com.sun.tools.javac.parser.Tokens.Comment.CommentStyle;
import com.sun.tools.javac.resources.CompilerProperties.Errors;
import com.sun.tools.javac.resources.CompilerProperties.Warnings;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.*;

import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static com.sun.tools.javac.parser.Tokens.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.util.LayoutCharacters.EOI;

The lexical analyzer maps an input stream consisting of UTF-8 characters and unicode escape sequences into a token sequence.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** * The lexical analyzer maps an input stream consisting of UTF-8 characters and unicode * escape sequences into a token sequence. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class JavaTokenizer extends UnicodeReader {
If true then prints token information after each nextToken().
/** * If true then prints token information after each nextToken(). */
private static final boolean scannerDebug = false;
Sentinal for non-value.
/** * Sentinal for non-value. */
private int NOT_FOUND = -1;
The source language setting. Copied from scanner factory.
/** * The source language setting. Copied from scanner factory. */
private Source source;
The preview language setting. Copied from scanner factory.
/** * The preview language setting. Copied from scanner factory. */
private Preview preview;
The log to be used for error reporting. Copied from scanner factory.
/** * The log to be used for error reporting. Copied from scanner factory. */
private final Log log;
The token factory. Copied from scanner factory.
/** * The token factory. Copied from scanner factory. */
private final Tokens tokens;
The names factory. Copied from scanner factory.
/** * The names factory. Copied from scanner factory. */
private final Names names;
The token kind, set by nextToken().
/** * The token kind, set by nextToken(). */
protected TokenKind tk;
The token's radix, set by nextToken().
/** * The token's radix, set by nextToken(). */
protected int radix;
The token's name, set by nextToken().
/** * The token's name, set by nextToken(). */
protected Name name;
The position where a lexical error occurred;
/** * The position where a lexical error occurred; */
protected int errPos = Position.NOPOS;
true if is a text block, set by nextToken().
/** * true if is a text block, set by nextToken(). */
protected boolean isTextBlock;
true if contains escape sequences, set by nextToken().
/** * true if contains escape sequences, set by nextToken(). */
protected boolean hasEscapeSequences;
Buffer for building literals, used by nextToken().
/** * Buffer for building literals, used by nextToken(). */
protected StringBuilder sb;
Origin scanner factory.
/** * Origin scanner factory. */
protected ScannerFactory fac;
The set of lint options currently in effect. It is initialized from the context, and then is set/reset as needed by Attr as it visits all the various parts of the trees during attribution.
/** * The set of lint options currently in effect. It is initialized * from the context, and then is set/reset as needed by Attr as it * visits all the various parts of the trees during attribution. */
protected Lint lint;
Construct a Java token scanner from the input character buffer.
  • fac – the factory which created this Scanner.
  • cb – the input character buffer.
/** * Construct a Java token scanner from the input character buffer. * * @param fac the factory which created this Scanner. * @param cb the input character buffer. */
protected JavaTokenizer(ScannerFactory fac, CharBuffer cb) { this(fac, JavacFileManager.toArray(cb), cb.limit()); }
Construct a Java token scanner from the input character array.
  • fac – the factory which created this Scanner
  • array – the input character array.
  • length – The length of the meaningful content in the array.
/** * Construct a Java token scanner from the input character array. * * @param fac the factory which created this Scanner * @param array the input character array. * @param length The length of the meaningful content in the array. */
protected JavaTokenizer(ScannerFactory fac, char[] array, int length) { super(fac, array, length); this.fac = fac; this.log = fac.log; this.names = fac.names; this.tokens = fac.tokens; this.source = fac.source; this.preview = fac.preview; this.lint = fac.lint; this.sb = new StringBuilder(256); }
Check the source level for a lexical feature.
  • pos – position in input buffer.
  • feature – feature to verify.
/** * Check the source level for a lexical feature. * * @param pos position in input buffer. * @param feature feature to verify. */
protected void checkSourceLevel(int pos, Feature feature) { if (preview.isPreview(feature) && !preview.isEnabled()) { //preview feature without --preview flag, error lexError(DiagnosticFlag.SOURCE_LEVEL, pos, preview.disabledError(feature)); } else if (!feature.allowedInSource(source)) { //incompatible source level, error lexError(DiagnosticFlag.SOURCE_LEVEL, pos, feature.error(source.name)); } else if (preview.isPreview(feature)) { //use of preview feature, warn preview.warnPreview(pos, feature); } }
Report an error at the given position using the provided arguments.
  • pos – position in input buffer.
  • key – error key to report.
/** * Report an error at the given position using the provided arguments. * * @param pos position in input buffer. * @param key error key to report. */
protected void lexError(int pos, JCDiagnostic.Error key) { log.error(pos, key); tk = TokenKind.ERROR; errPos = pos; }
Report an error at the given position using the provided arguments.
  • flags – diagnostic flags.
  • pos – position in input buffer.
  • key – error key to report.
/** * Report an error at the given position using the provided arguments. * * @param flags diagnostic flags. * @param pos position in input buffer. * @param key error key to report. */
protected void lexError(DiagnosticFlag flags, int pos, JCDiagnostic.Error key) { log.error(flags, pos, key); tk = TokenKind.ERROR; errPos = pos; }
Report an error at the given position using the provided arguments.
  • lc – lint category.
  • pos – position in input buffer.
  • key – error key to report.
/** * Report an error at the given position using the provided arguments. * * @param lc lint category. * @param pos position in input buffer. * @param key error key to report. */
protected void lexWarning(LintCategory lc, int pos, JCDiagnostic.Warning key) { DiagnosticPosition dp = new SimpleDiagnosticPosition(pos) ; log.warning(lc, dp, key); }
Add a character to the literal buffer.
  • ch – character to add.
/** * Add a character to the literal buffer. * * @param ch character to add. */
protected void put(char ch) { sb.append(ch); }
Add a codepoint to the literal buffer.
  • codePoint – codepoint to add.
/** * Add a codepoint to the literal buffer. * * @param codePoint codepoint to add. */
protected void putCodePoint(int codePoint) { sb.appendCodePoint(codePoint); }
Add current character or codepoint to the literal buffer.
/** * Add current character or codepoint to the literal buffer. */
protected void put() { if (isSurrogate()) { putCodePoint(getCodepoint()); } else { put(get()); } }
Add a string to the literal buffer.
/** * Add a string to the literal buffer. */
protected void put(String string) { sb.append(string); }
Add current character or codepoint to the literal buffer then return next character.
/** * Add current character or codepoint to the literal buffer then return next character. */
protected char putThenNext() { put(); return next(); }
If the specified character ch matches the current character then add current character to the literal buffer and then advance.
  • ch – character to match.
Returns:true if ch matches current character.
/** * If the specified character ch matches the current character then add current character * to the literal buffer and then advance. * * @param ch character to match. * * @return true if ch matches current character. */
protected boolean acceptThenPut(char ch) { if (is(ch)) { put(get()); next(); return true; } return false; }
If either ch1 or ch2 matches the current character then add current character to the literal buffer and then advance.
  • ch1 – first character to match.
  • ch2 – second character to match.
Returns:true if either ch1 or ch2 matches current character.
/** * If either ch1 or ch2 matches the current character then add current character * to the literal buffer and then advance. * * @param ch1 first character to match. * @param ch2 second character to match. * * @return true if either ch1 or ch2 matches current character. */
protected boolean acceptOneOfThenPut(char ch1, char ch2) { if (isOneOf(ch1, ch2)) { put(get()); next(); return true; } return false; }
Test if the current character is a line terminator.
Returns:true if current character is a line terminator.
/** * Test if the current character is a line terminator. * * @return true if current character is a line terminator. */
private boolean isEOLN() { return isOneOf('\n', '\r'); }
Skip and process a line terminator sequence.
/** * Skip and process a line terminator sequence. */
private void skipLineTerminator() { int start = position(); accept('\r'); accept('\n'); processLineTerminator(start, position()); }
Processes the current character and places in the literal buffer. If the current character is a backslash then the next character is validated as a proper escape character. Conversion of escape sequences takes place at end of nextToken().
  • pos – position of the first character in literal.
/** * Processes the current character and places in the literal buffer. If the current * character is a backslash then the next character is validated as a proper * escape character. Conversion of escape sequences takes place at end of nextToken(). * * @param pos position of the first character in literal. */
private void scanLitChar(int pos) { if (acceptThenPut('\\')) { hasEscapeSequences = true; switch (get()) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': char leadch = get(); putThenNext(); if (inRange('0', '7')) { putThenNext(); if (leadch <= '3' && inRange('0', '7')) { putThenNext(); } } break; case 'b': case 't': case 'n': case 'f': case 'r': case '\'': case '\"': case '\\': putThenNext(); break; case 's': checkSourceLevel(position(), Feature.TEXT_BLOCKS); putThenNext(); break; case '\n': case '\r': if (isTextBlock) { skipLineTerminator(); // Normalize line terminator. put('\n'); } else { lexError(position(), Errors.IllegalEscChar); } break; default: lexError(position(), Errors.IllegalEscChar); break; } } else { putThenNext(); } }
Scan a string literal or text block.
  • pos – position of the first character in literal.
/** * Scan a string literal or text block. * * @param pos position of the first character in literal. */
private void scanString(int pos) { // Assume the best. tk = Tokens.TokenKind.STRINGLITERAL; // Track the end of first line for error recovery. int firstEOLN = NOT_FOUND; // Check for text block delimiter. isTextBlock = accept("\"\"\""); if (isTextBlock) { // Check if preview feature is enabled for text blocks. checkSourceLevel(pos, Feature.TEXT_BLOCKS); // Verify the open delimiter sequence. // Error if the open delimiter sequence is not """<white space>*<LineTerminator>. skipWhitespace(); if (isEOLN()) { skipLineTerminator(); } else { lexError(position(), Errors.IllegalTextBlockOpen); return; } // While characters are available. while (isAvailable()) { if (accept("\"\"\"")) { return; } if (isEOLN()) { skipLineTerminator(); // Add normalized line terminator to literal buffer. put('\n'); // Record first line terminator for error recovery. if (firstEOLN == NOT_FOUND) { firstEOLN = position(); } } else { // Add character to string buffer. scanLitChar(pos); } } } else { // Skip first quote. next(); // While characters are available. while (isAvailable()) { if (accept('\"')) { return; } if (isEOLN()) { // Line terminator in string literal is an error. // Fall out to unclosed string literal error. break; } else { // Add character to string buffer. scanLitChar(pos); } } } // String ended without close delimiter sequence. lexError(pos, isTextBlock ? Errors.UnclosedTextBlock : Errors.UnclosedStrLit); if (firstEOLN != NOT_FOUND) { // Reset recovery position to point after text block open delimiter sequence. reset(firstEOLN); } }
Scan sequence of digits.
  • pos – position of the first character in literal.
  • digitRadix – radix of numeric literal.
/** * Scan sequence of digits. * * @param pos position of the first character in literal. * @param digitRadix radix of numeric literal. */
private void scanDigits(int pos, int digitRadix) { int leadingUnderscorePos = is('_') ? position() : NOT_FOUND; int trailingUnderscorePos; do { if (!is('_')) { put(); trailingUnderscorePos = NOT_FOUND; } else { trailingUnderscorePos = position(); } next(); } while (digit(pos, digitRadix) >= 0 || is('_')); if (leadingUnderscorePos != NOT_FOUND) { lexError(leadingUnderscorePos, Errors.IllegalUnderscore); } else if (trailingUnderscorePos != NOT_FOUND) { lexError(trailingUnderscorePos, Errors.IllegalUnderscore); } }
Read fractional part of hexadecimal floating point number.
  • pos – position of the first character in literal.
/** * Read fractional part of hexadecimal floating point number. * * @param pos position of the first character in literal. */
private void scanHexExponentAndSuffix(int pos) { if (acceptOneOfThenPut('p', 'P')) { skipIllegalUnderscores(); acceptOneOfThenPut('+', '-'); skipIllegalUnderscores(); if (digit(pos, 10) >= 0) { scanDigits(pos, 10); } else { lexError(pos, Errors.MalformedFpLit); } } else { lexError(pos, Errors.MalformedFpLit); } if (acceptOneOfThenPut('f', 'F')) { tk = TokenKind.FLOATLITERAL; radix = 16; } else { acceptOneOfThenPut('d', 'D'); tk = TokenKind.DOUBLELITERAL; radix = 16; } }
Read fractional part of floating point number.
  • pos – position of the first character in literal.
/** * Read fractional part of floating point number. * * @param pos position of the first character in literal. */
private void scanFraction(int pos) { skipIllegalUnderscores(); if (digit(pos, 10) >= 0) { scanDigits(pos, 10); } int index = sb.length(); if (acceptOneOfThenPut('e', 'E')) { skipIllegalUnderscores(); acceptOneOfThenPut('+', '-'); skipIllegalUnderscores(); if (digit(pos, 10) >= 0) { scanDigits(pos, 10); return; } lexError(pos, Errors.MalformedFpLit); sb.setLength(index); } }
Read fractional part and 'd' or 'f' suffix of floating point number.
  • pos – position of the first character in literal.
/** * Read fractional part and 'd' or 'f' suffix of floating point number. * * @param pos position of the first character in literal. */
private void scanFractionAndSuffix(int pos) { radix = 10; scanFraction(pos); if (acceptOneOfThenPut('f', 'F')) { tk = TokenKind.FLOATLITERAL; } else { acceptOneOfThenPut('d', 'D'); tk = TokenKind.DOUBLELITERAL; } }
Read fractional part and 'd' or 'f' suffix of hexadecimal floating point number.
  • pos – position of the first character in literal.
/** * Read fractional part and 'd' or 'f' suffix of hexadecimal floating point number. * * @param pos position of the first character in literal. */
private void scanHexFractionAndSuffix(int pos, boolean seendigit) { radix = 16; Assert.check(is('.')); putThenNext(); skipIllegalUnderscores(); if (digit(pos, 16) >= 0) { seendigit = true; scanDigits(pos, 16); } if (!seendigit) lexError(pos, Errors.InvalidHexNumber); else scanHexExponentAndSuffix(pos); }
Skip over underscores and report as a error if found.
/** * Skip over underscores and report as a error if found. */
private void skipIllegalUnderscores() { if (is('_')) { lexError(position(), Errors.IllegalUnderscore); skip('_'); } }
Read a number. (Spec. 3.10)
  • pos – position of the first character in literal.
  • radix – the radix of the number; one of 2, 8, 10, 16.
/** * Read a number. (Spec. 3.10) * * @param pos position of the first character in literal. * @param radix the radix of the number; one of 2, 8, 10, 16. */
private void scanNumber(int pos, int radix) { // for octal, allow base-10 digit in case it's a float literal this.radix = radix; int digitRadix = (radix == 8 ? 10 : radix); int firstDigit = digit(pos, Math.max(10, digitRadix)); boolean seendigit = firstDigit >= 0; boolean seenValidDigit = firstDigit >= 0 && firstDigit < digitRadix; if (seendigit) { scanDigits(pos, digitRadix); } if (radix == 16 && is('.')) { scanHexFractionAndSuffix(pos, seendigit); } else if (seendigit && radix == 16 && isOneOf('p', 'P')) { scanHexExponentAndSuffix(pos); } else if (digitRadix == 10 && is('.')) { putThenNext(); scanFractionAndSuffix(pos); } else if (digitRadix == 10 && isOneOf('e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'd', 'D')) { scanFractionAndSuffix(pos); } else { if (!seenValidDigit) { switch (radix) { case 2: lexError(pos, Errors.InvalidBinaryNumber); break; case 16: lexError(pos, Errors.InvalidHexNumber); break; } } if (acceptOneOf('l', 'L')) { tk = TokenKind.LONGLITERAL; } else { tk = TokenKind.INTLITERAL; } } }
Determines if the sequence in the literal buffer is a token (keyword, operator.)
/** * Determines if the sequence in the literal buffer is a token (keyword, operator.) */
private void checkIdent() { name = names.fromString(sb.toString()); tk = tokens.lookupKind(name); }
Read an identifier. (Spec. 3.8)
/** * Read an identifier. (Spec. 3.8) */
private void scanIdent() { putThenNext(); do { switch (get()) { case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': case '$': case '_': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': break; case '\u0000': case '\u0001': case '\u0002': case '\u0003': case '\u0004': case '\u0005': case '\u0006': case '\u0007': case '\u0008': case '\u000E': case '\u000F': case '\u0010': case '\u0011': case '\u0012': case '\u0013': case '\u0014': case '\u0015': case '\u0016': case '\u0017': case '\u0018': case '\u0019': case '\u001B': case '\u007F': next(); continue; case '\u001A': // EOI is also a legal identifier part if (isAvailable()) { next(); continue; } checkIdent(); return; default: boolean isJavaIdentifierPart; if (isASCII()) { // all ASCII range chars already handled, above isJavaIdentifierPart = false; } else { if (Character.isIdentifierIgnorable(get())) { next(); continue; } isJavaIdentifierPart = isSurrogate() ? Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(getCodepoint()) : Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(get()); } if (!isJavaIdentifierPart) { checkIdent(); return; } } putThenNext(); } while (true); }
Return true if ch can be part of an operator.
  • ch – character to check.
Returns:true if ch can be part of an operator.
/** * Return true if ch can be part of an operator. * * @param ch character to check. * * @return true if ch can be part of an operator. */
private boolean isSpecial(char ch) { switch (ch) { case '!': case '%': case '&': case '*': case '?': case '+': case '-': case ':': case '<': case '=': case '>': case '^': case '|': case '~': case '@': return true; default: return false; } }
Read longest possible sequence of special characters and convert to token.
/** * Read longest possible sequence of special characters and convert to token. */
private void scanOperator() { while (true) { put(); TokenKind newtk = tokens.lookupKind(sb.toString()); if (newtk == TokenKind.IDENTIFIER) { sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); break; } tk = newtk; next(); if (!isSpecial(get())) { break; } } }
Read token (main entrypoint.)
/** * Read token (main entrypoint.) */
public Token readToken() { sb.setLength(0); name = null; radix = 0; isTextBlock = false; hasEscapeSequences = false; int pos; List<Comment> comments = null; try { loop: while (true) { pos = position(); switch (get()) { case ' ': // (Spec 3.6) case '\t': // (Spec 3.6) case '\f': // (Spec 3.6) skipWhitespace(); processWhiteSpace(pos, position()); break; case '\n': // (Spec 3.4) next(); processLineTerminator(pos, position()); break; case '\r': // (Spec 3.4) next(); accept('\n'); processLineTerminator(pos, position()); break; case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': case '$': case '_': // (Spec. 3.8) scanIdent(); break loop; case '0': // (Spec. 3.10) next(); if (acceptOneOf('x', 'X')) { skipIllegalUnderscores(); scanNumber(pos, 16); } else if (acceptOneOf('b', 'B')) { skipIllegalUnderscores(); scanNumber(pos, 2); } else { put('0'); if (is('_')) { int savePos = position(); skip('_'); if (digit(pos, 10) < 0) { lexError(savePos, Errors.IllegalUnderscore); } } scanNumber(pos, 8); } break loop; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': // (Spec. 3.10) scanNumber(pos, 10); break loop; case '.': // (Spec. 3.12) if (accept("...")) { put("..."); tk = TokenKind.ELLIPSIS; } else { next(); int savePos = position(); if (accept('.')) { lexError(savePos, Errors.IllegalDot); } else if (digit(pos, 10) >= 0) { put('.'); scanFractionAndSuffix(pos); // (Spec. 3.10) } else { tk = TokenKind.DOT; } } break loop; case ',': // (Spec. 3.12) next(); tk = TokenKind.COMMA; break loop; case ';': // (Spec. 3.12) next(); tk = TokenKind.SEMI; break loop; case '(': // (Spec. 3.12) next(); tk = TokenKind.LPAREN; break loop; case ')': // (Spec. 3.12) next(); tk = TokenKind.RPAREN; break loop; case '[': // (Spec. 3.12) next(); tk = TokenKind.LBRACKET; break loop; case ']': // (Spec. 3.12) next(); tk = TokenKind.RBRACKET; break loop; case '{': // (Spec. 3.12) next(); tk = TokenKind.LBRACE; break loop; case '}': // (Spec. 3.12) next(); tk = TokenKind.RBRACE; break loop; case '/': next(); if (accept('/')) { // (Spec. 3.7) skipToEOLN(); if (isAvailable()) { comments = appendComment(comments, processComment(pos, position(), CommentStyle.LINE)); } break; } else if (accept('*')) { // (Spec. 3.7) boolean isEmpty = false; CommentStyle style; if (accept('*')) { style = CommentStyle.JAVADOC; if (is('/')) { isEmpty = true; } } else { style = CommentStyle.BLOCK; } if (!isEmpty) { while (isAvailable()) { if (accept('*')) { if (is('/')) { break; } } else { next(); } } } if (accept('/')) { comments = appendComment(comments, processComment(pos, position(), style)); break; } else { lexError(pos, Errors.UnclosedComment); break loop; } } else if (accept('=')) { tk = TokenKind.SLASHEQ; // (Spec. 3.12) } else { tk = TokenKind.SLASH; // (Spec. 3.12) } break loop; case '\'': // (Spec. 3.10) next(); if (accept('\'')) { lexError(pos, Errors.EmptyCharLit); } else { if (isEOLN()) { lexError(pos, Errors.IllegalLineEndInCharLit); } scanLitChar(pos); if (accept('\'')) { tk = TokenKind.CHARLITERAL; } else { lexError(pos, Errors.UnclosedCharLit); } } break loop; case '\"': // (Spec. 3.10) scanString(pos); break loop; default: if (isSpecial(get())) { scanOperator(); } else { boolean isJavaIdentifierStart; if (isASCII()) { // all ASCII range chars already handled, above isJavaIdentifierStart = false; } else { isJavaIdentifierStart = isSurrogate() ? Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(getCodepoint()) : Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(get()); } if (isJavaIdentifierStart) { scanIdent(); } else if (digit(pos, 10) >= 0) { scanNumber(pos, 10); } else if (is((char)EOI) || !isAvailable()) { tk = TokenKind.EOF; pos = position(); } else { String arg; if (isSurrogate()) { int codePoint = getCodepoint(); char hi = Character.highSurrogate(codePoint); char lo = Character.lowSurrogate(codePoint); arg = String.format("\\u%04x\\u%04x", (int) hi, (int) lo); } else { char ch = get(); arg = (32 < ch && ch < 127) ? String.format("%s", ch) : String.format("\\u%04x", (int) ch); } lexError(pos, Errors.IllegalChar(arg)); next(); } } break loop; } } int endPos = position(); if (tk.tag == Token.Tag.DEFAULT) { return new Token(tk, pos, endPos, comments); } else if (tk.tag == Token.Tag.NAMED) { return new NamedToken(tk, pos, endPos, name, comments); } else { // Get characters from string buffer. String string = sb.toString(); // If a text block. if (isTextBlock) { // Verify that the incidental indentation is consistent. if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.TEXT_BLOCKS)) { Set<TextBlockSupport.WhitespaceChecks> checks = TextBlockSupport.checkWhitespace(string); if (checks.contains(TextBlockSupport.WhitespaceChecks.INCONSISTENT)) { lexWarning(LintCategory.TEXT_BLOCKS, pos, Warnings.InconsistentWhiteSpaceIndentation); } if (checks.contains(TextBlockSupport.WhitespaceChecks.TRAILING)) { lexWarning(LintCategory.TEXT_BLOCKS, pos, Warnings.TrailingWhiteSpaceWillBeRemoved); } } // Remove incidental indentation. try { string = string.stripIndent(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Error already reported, just use unstripped string. } } // Translate escape sequences if present. if (hasEscapeSequences) { try { string = string.translateEscapes(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Error already reported, just use untranslated string. } } if (tk.tag == Token.Tag.STRING) { // Build string token. return new StringToken(tk, pos, endPos, string, comments); } else { // Build numeric token. return new NumericToken(tk, pos, endPos, string, radix, comments); } } } finally { int endPos = position(); if (scannerDebug) { System.out.println("nextToken(" + pos + "," + endPos + ")=|" + new String(getRawCharacters(pos, endPos)) + "|"); } } }
Appends a comment to the list of comments preceding the current token.
  • comments – existing list of comments.
  • comment – comment to append.
Returns:new list with comment prepended to the existing list.
/** * Appends a comment to the list of comments preceding the current token. * * @param comments existing list of comments. * @param comment comment to append. * * @return new list with comment prepended to the existing list. */
List<Comment> appendComment(List<Comment> comments, Comment comment) { return comments == null ? List.of(comment) : comments.prepend(comment); }
Return the position where a lexical error occurred.
Returns:position in the input buffer of where the error occurred.
/** * Return the position where a lexical error occurred. * * @return position in the input buffer of where the error occurred. */
public int errPos() { return errPos; }
Set the position where a lexical error occurred.
  • pos – position in the input buffer of where the error occurred.
/** * Set the position where a lexical error occurred. * * @param pos position in the input buffer of where the error occurred. */
public void errPos(int pos) { errPos = pos; }
Called when a complete comment has been scanned. pos and endPos will mark the comment boundary.
  • pos – position of the opening / in the input buffer.
  • endPos – position + 1 of the closing / in the input buffer.
  • style – style of comment.
Returns:the constructed BasicComment.
/** * Called when a complete comment has been scanned. pos and endPos * will mark the comment boundary. * * @param pos position of the opening / in the input buffer. * @param endPos position + 1 of the closing / in the input buffer. * @param style style of comment. * * @return the constructed BasicComment. */
protected Tokens.Comment processComment(int pos, int endPos, CommentStyle style) { if (scannerDebug) { System.out.println("processComment(" + pos + "," + endPos + "," + style + ")=|" + new String(getRawCharacters(pos, endPos)) + "|"); } char[] buf = getRawCharacters(pos, endPos); return new BasicComment(style, fac, buf, pos); }
Called when a complete whitespace run has been scanned. pos and endPos will mark the whitespace boundary. (Spec 3.6)
  • pos – position in input buffer of first whitespace character.
  • endPos – position + 1 in input buffer of last whitespace character.
/** * Called when a complete whitespace run has been scanned. pos and endPos * will mark the whitespace boundary. * * (Spec 3.6) * * @param pos position in input buffer of first whitespace character. * @param endPos position + 1 in input buffer of last whitespace character. */
protected void processWhiteSpace(int pos, int endPos) { if (scannerDebug) { System.out.println("processWhitespace(" + pos + "," + endPos + ")=|" + new String(getRawCharacters(pos, endPos)) + "|"); } }
Called when a line terminator has been processed.
  • pos – position in input buffer of first character in sequence.
  • endPos – position + 1 in input buffer of last character in sequence.
/** * Called when a line terminator has been processed. * * @param pos position in input buffer of first character in sequence. * @param endPos position + 1 in input buffer of last character in sequence. */
protected void processLineTerminator(int pos, int endPos) { if (scannerDebug) { System.out.println("processTerminator(" + pos + "," + endPos + ")=|" + new String(getRawCharacters(pos, endPos)) + "|"); } }
Build a map for translating between line numbers and positions in the input.
Returns:a LineMap
/** * Build a map for translating between line numbers and positions in the input. * * @return a LineMap */
public Position.LineMap getLineMap() { return Position.makeLineMap(getRawCharacters(), length(), false); }
Scan a documentation comment; determine if a deprecated tag is present. Called once the initial /, * have been skipped, positioned at the second * (which is treated as the beginning of the first line). Stops positioned at the closing '/'.
/** * Scan a documentation comment; determine if a deprecated tag is present. * Called once the initial /, * have been skipped, positioned at the second * * (which is treated as the beginning of the first line). * Stops positioned at the closing '/'. */
protected static class BasicComment extends PositionTrackingReader implements Comment {
Style of comment LINE starting with // BLOCK starting with /* JAVADOC starting with /**
/** * Style of comment * LINE starting with // * BLOCK starting with /* * JAVADOC starting with /** */
CommentStyle cs;
true if comment contains @deprecated at beginning of a line.
/** * true if comment contains @deprecated at beginning of a line. */
protected boolean deprecatedFlag = false;
true if comment has been fully scanned.
/** * true if comment has been fully scanned. */
protected boolean scanned = false;
  • cs – comment style
  • sf – Scan factory.
  • array – Array containing contents of source.
  • offset – Position offset in original source buffer.
/** * Constructor. * * @param cs comment style * @param sf Scan factory. * @param array Array containing contents of source. * @param offset Position offset in original source buffer. */
protected BasicComment(CommentStyle cs, ScannerFactory sf, char[] array, int offset) { super(sf, array, offset); this.cs = cs; }
Return comment body text minus comment adornments or null if not scanned.
Returns:comment body text.
/** * Return comment body text minus comment adornments or null if not scanned. * * @return comment body text. */
public String getText() { return null; }
Return buffer position in original buffer mapped from buffer position in comment.
  • pos – buffer position in comment.
Returns:buffer position in original buffer.
/** * Return buffer position in original buffer mapped from buffer position in comment. * * @param pos buffer position in comment. * * @return buffer position in original buffer. */
public int getSourcePos(int pos) { return -1; }
Return style of comment. LINE starting with // BLOCK starting with /* JAVADOC starting with /**
/** * Return style of comment. * LINE starting with // * BLOCK starting with /* * JAVADOC starting with /** * * @return */
public CommentStyle getStyle() { return cs; }
true if comment contains @deprecated at beginning of a line.
Returns:true if comment contains @deprecated.
/** * true if comment contains @deprecated at beginning of a line. * * @return true if comment contains @deprecated. */
public boolean isDeprecated() { if (!scanned && cs == CommentStyle.JAVADOC) { scanDocComment(); } return deprecatedFlag; }
Scan JAVADOC comment for details.
/** * Scan JAVADOC comment for details. */
protected void scanDocComment() { try { boolean deprecatedPrefix = false; accept("/**"); forEachLine: while (isAvailable()) { // Skip optional WhiteSpace at beginning of line skipWhitespace(); // Skip optional consecutive Stars while (accept('*')) { if (is('/')) { return; } } // Skip optional WhiteSpace after Stars skipWhitespace(); // At beginning of line in the JavaDoc sense. deprecatedPrefix = deprecatedFlag || accept("@deprecated"); if (deprecatedPrefix && isAvailable()) { if (Character.isWhitespace(get())) { deprecatedFlag = true; } else if (accept('*')) { if (is('/')) { deprecatedFlag = true; return; } } } // Skip rest of line while (isAvailable()) { switch (get()) { case '*': next(); if (is('/')) { return; } break; case '\r': // (Spec 3.4) case '\n': // (Spec 3.4) accept('\r'); accept('\n'); continue forEachLine; default: next(); break; } } // rest of line } // forEachLine return; } finally { scanned = true; } } } }