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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package com.sun.tools.javac.comp;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;

import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;

import com.sun.tools.javac.code.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.KindName;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.KindSelector;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Scope.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.main.Option.PkgInfo;
import com.sun.tools.javac.resources.CompilerProperties.Errors;
import com.sun.tools.javac.resources.CompilerProperties.Warnings;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticPosition;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;

import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.Kind.*;

This class enters symbols for all encountered definitions into the symbol table. The pass consists of high-level two phases, organized as follows:

In the first phase, all class symbols are entered into their enclosing scope, descending recursively down the tree for classes which are members of other classes. The class symbols are given a TypeEnter object as completer.

In the second phase classes are completed using TypeEnter.complete(). Completion might occur on demand, but any classes that are not completed that way will be eventually completed by processing the `uncompleted' queue. Completion entails determination of a class's parameters, supertype and interfaces, as well as entering all symbols defined in the class into its scope, with the exception of class symbols which have been entered in phase 1.

Whereas the first phase is organized as a sweep through all compiled syntax trees, the second phase is on-demand. Members of a class are entered when the contents of a class are first accessed. This is accomplished by installing completer objects in class symbols for compiled classes which invoke the type-enter phase for the corresponding class tree.

Classes migrate from one phase to the next via queues:

 class enter -> (Enter.uncompleted)         --> type enter
             -> (Todo)                      --> attribute
                                             (only for toplevel classes)

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** This class enters symbols for all encountered definitions into * the symbol table. The pass consists of high-level two phases, * organized as follows: * * <p>In the first phase, all class symbols are entered into their * enclosing scope, descending recursively down the tree for classes * which are members of other classes. The class symbols are given a * TypeEnter object as completer. * * <p>In the second phase classes are completed using * TypeEnter.complete(). Completion might occur on demand, but * any classes that are not completed that way will be eventually * completed by processing the `uncompleted' queue. Completion * entails determination of a class's parameters, supertype and * interfaces, as well as entering all symbols defined in the * class into its scope, with the exception of class symbols which * have been entered in phase 1. * * <p>Whereas the first phase is organized as a sweep through all * compiled syntax trees, the second phase is on-demand. Members of a * class are entered when the contents of a class are first * accessed. This is accomplished by installing completer objects in * class symbols for compiled classes which invoke the type-enter * phase for the corresponding class tree. * * <p>Classes migrate from one phase to the next via queues: * * <pre>{@literal * class enter -> (Enter.uncompleted) --> type enter * -> (Todo) --> attribute * (only for toplevel classes) * }</pre> * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class Enter extends JCTree.Visitor { protected static final Context.Key<Enter> enterKey = new Context.Key<>(); Annotate annotate; Log log; Symtab syms; Check chk; TreeMaker make; TypeEnter typeEnter; Types types; Lint lint; Names names; JavaFileManager fileManager; PkgInfo pkginfoOpt; TypeEnvs typeEnvs; Modules modules; JCDiagnostic.Factory diags; private final Todo todo; public static Enter instance(Context context) { Enter instance = context.get(enterKey); if (instance == null) instance = new Enter(context); return instance; } protected Enter(Context context) { context.put(enterKey, this); log = Log.instance(context); make = TreeMaker.instance(context); syms = Symtab.instance(context); chk = Check.instance(context); typeEnter = TypeEnter.instance(context); types = Types.instance(context); annotate = Annotate.instance(context); lint = Lint.instance(context); names = Names.instance(context); modules = Modules.instance(context); diags = JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(context); predefClassDef = make.ClassDef( make.Modifiers(PUBLIC), syms.predefClass.name, List.nil(), null, List.nil(), List.nil()); predefClassDef.sym = syms.predefClass; todo = Todo.instance(context); fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class); Options options = Options.instance(context); pkginfoOpt = PkgInfo.get(options); typeEnvs = TypeEnvs.instance(context); }
Accessor for typeEnvs
/** Accessor for typeEnvs */
public Env<AttrContext> getEnv(TypeSymbol sym) { return typeEnvs.get(sym); } public Iterable<Env<AttrContext>> getEnvs() { return typeEnvs.values(); } public Env<AttrContext> getClassEnv(TypeSymbol sym) { Env<AttrContext> localEnv = getEnv(sym); if (localEnv == null) return null; Env<AttrContext> lintEnv = localEnv; while (lintEnv.info.lint == null) lintEnv = lintEnv.next; localEnv.info.lint = lintEnv.info.lint.augment(sym); return localEnv; }
The queue of all classes that might still need to be completed; saved and initialized by main().
/** The queue of all classes that might still need to be completed; * saved and initialized by main(). */
ListBuffer<ClassSymbol> uncompleted;
The queue of modules whose imports still need to be checked.
/** The queue of modules whose imports still need to be checked. */
ListBuffer<JCCompilationUnit> unfinishedModules = new ListBuffer<>();
A dummy class to serve as enclClass for toplevel environments.
/** A dummy class to serve as enclClass for toplevel environments. */
private JCClassDecl predefClassDef; /* ************************************************************************ * environment construction *************************************************************************/
Create a fresh environment for class bodies. This will create a fresh scope for local symbols of a class, referred to by the environments info.scope field. This scope will contain - symbols for this and super - symbols for any type parameters In addition, it serves as an anchor for scopes of methods and initializers which are nested in this scope via Scope.dup(). This scope should not be confused with the members scope of a class. @param tree The class definition. @param env The environment current outside of the class definition.
/** Create a fresh environment for class bodies. * This will create a fresh scope for local symbols of a class, referred * to by the environments info.scope field. * This scope will contain * - symbols for this and super * - symbols for any type parameters * In addition, it serves as an anchor for scopes of methods and initializers * which are nested in this scope via Scope.dup(). * This scope should not be confused with the members scope of a class. * * @param tree The class definition. * @param env The environment current outside of the class definition. */
public Env<AttrContext> classEnv(JCClassDecl tree, Env<AttrContext> env) { Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(tree, env.info.dup(WriteableScope.create(tree.sym))); localEnv.enclClass = tree; localEnv.outer = env; localEnv.info.isSelfCall = false; localEnv.info.lint = null; // leave this to be filled in by Attr, // when annotations have been processed localEnv.info.isAnonymousDiamond = TreeInfo.isDiamond(env.tree); return localEnv; }
Create a fresh environment for toplevels. @param tree The toplevel tree.
/** Create a fresh environment for toplevels. * @param tree The toplevel tree. */
Env<AttrContext> topLevelEnv(JCCompilationUnit tree) { Env<AttrContext> localEnv = new Env<>(tree, new AttrContext()); localEnv.toplevel = tree; localEnv.enclClass = predefClassDef; tree.toplevelScope = WriteableScope.create(tree.packge); tree.namedImportScope = new NamedImportScope(tree.packge); tree.starImportScope = new StarImportScope(tree.packge); localEnv.info.scope = tree.toplevelScope; localEnv.info.lint = lint; return localEnv; } public Env<AttrContext> getTopLevelEnv(JCCompilationUnit tree) { Env<AttrContext> localEnv = new Env<>(tree, new AttrContext()); localEnv.toplevel = tree; localEnv.enclClass = predefClassDef; localEnv.info.scope = tree.toplevelScope; localEnv.info.lint = lint; return localEnv; }
The scope in which a member definition in environment env is to be entered This is usually the environment's scope, except for class environments, where the local scope is for type variables, and the this and super symbol only, and members go into the class member scope.
/** The scope in which a member definition in environment env is to be entered * This is usually the environment's scope, except for class environments, * where the local scope is for type variables, and the this and super symbol * only, and members go into the class member scope. */
WriteableScope enterScope(Env<AttrContext> env) { return (env.tree.hasTag(JCTree.Tag.CLASSDEF)) ? ((JCClassDecl) env.tree).sym.members_field : env.info.scope; }
Create a fresh environment for modules. @param tree The module definition. @param env The environment current outside of the module definition.
/** Create a fresh environment for modules. * * @param tree The module definition. * @param env The environment current outside of the module definition. */
public Env<AttrContext> moduleEnv(JCModuleDecl tree, Env<AttrContext> env) { Assert.checkNonNull(tree.sym); Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(tree, env.info.dup(WriteableScope.create(tree.sym))); localEnv.enclClass = predefClassDef; localEnv.outer = env; localEnv.info.isSelfCall = false; localEnv.info.lint = null; // leave this to be filled in by Attr, // when annotations have been processed return localEnv; } /* ************************************************************************ * Visitor methods for phase 1: class enter *************************************************************************/
Visitor argument: the current environment.
/** Visitor argument: the current environment. */
protected Env<AttrContext> env;
Visitor result: the computed type.
/** Visitor result: the computed type. */
Type result;
Visitor method: enter all classes in given tree, catching any completion failure exceptions. Return the tree's type. @param tree The tree to be visited. @param env The environment visitor argument.
/** Visitor method: enter all classes in given tree, catching any * completion failure exceptions. Return the tree's type. * * @param tree The tree to be visited. * @param env The environment visitor argument. */
Type classEnter(JCTree tree, Env<AttrContext> env) { Env<AttrContext> prevEnv = this.env; try { this.env = env; annotate.blockAnnotations(); tree.accept(this); return result; } catch (CompletionFailure ex) { return chk.completionError(tree.pos(), ex); } finally { annotate.unblockAnnotations(); this.env = prevEnv; } }
Visitor method: enter classes of a list of trees, returning a list of types.
/** Visitor method: enter classes of a list of trees, returning a list of types. */
<T extends JCTree> List<Type> classEnter(List<T> trees, Env<AttrContext> env) { ListBuffer<Type> ts = new ListBuffer<>(); for (List<T> l = trees; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { Type t = classEnter(l.head, env); if (t != null) ts.append(t); } return ts.toList(); } @Override public void visitTopLevel(JCCompilationUnit tree) { // Assert.checkNonNull(tree.modle, tree.sourcefile.toString()); JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(tree.sourcefile); boolean addEnv = false; boolean isPkgInfo = tree.sourcefile.isNameCompatible("package-info", JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE); if (TreeInfo.isModuleInfo(tree)) { JCPackageDecl pd = tree.getPackage(); if (pd != null) { log.error(pd.pos(), Errors.NoPkgInModuleInfoJava); } tree.packge = syms.rootPackage; Env<AttrContext> topEnv = topLevelEnv(tree); classEnter(tree.defs, topEnv); tree.modle.usesProvidesCompleter = modules.getUsesProvidesCompleter(); } else { JCPackageDecl pd = tree.getPackage(); if (pd != null) { tree.packge = pd.packge = syms.enterPackage(tree.modle, TreeInfo.fullName(pd.pid)); if ( pd.annotations.nonEmpty() || pkginfoOpt == PkgInfo.ALWAYS || tree.docComments != null) { if (isPkgInfo) { addEnv = true; } else if (pd.annotations.nonEmpty()) { log.error(pd.annotations.head.pos(), Errors.PkgAnnotationsSbInPackageInfoJava); } } } else { tree.packge = tree.modle.unnamedPackage; } Map<Name, PackageSymbol> visiblePackages = tree.modle.visiblePackages; Optional<ModuleSymbol> dependencyWithPackage = syms.listPackageModules(tree.packge.fullname) .stream() .filter(m -> m != tree.modle) .filter(cand -> visiblePackages.get(tree.packge.fullname) == syms.getPackage(cand, tree.packge.fullname)) .findAny(); if (dependencyWithPackage.isPresent()) { log.error(pd, Errors.PackageInOtherModule(dependencyWithPackage.get())); } tree.packge.complete(); // Find all classes in package. Env<AttrContext> topEnv = topLevelEnv(tree); Env<AttrContext> packageEnv = isPkgInfo ? topEnv.dup(pd) : null; // Save environment of package-info.java file. if (isPkgInfo) { Env<AttrContext> env0 = typeEnvs.get(tree.packge); if (env0 != null) { JCCompilationUnit tree0 = env0.toplevel; if (!fileManager.isSameFile(tree.sourcefile, tree0.sourcefile)) { log.warning(pd != null ? pd.pid.pos() : null, Warnings.PkgInfoAlreadySeen(tree.packge)); } } typeEnvs.put(tree.packge, packageEnv); for (Symbol q = tree.packge; q != null && q.kind == PCK; q = q.owner) q.flags_field |= EXISTS; Name name = names.package_info; ClassSymbol c = syms.enterClass(tree.modle, name, tree.packge); c.flatname = names.fromString(tree.packge + "." + name); c.sourcefile = tree.sourcefile; c.completer = Completer.NULL_COMPLETER; c.members_field = WriteableScope.create(c); tree.packge.package_info = c; tree.packge.sourcefile = tree.sourcefile; } classEnter(tree.defs, topEnv); if (addEnv) { todo.append(packageEnv); } } log.useSource(prev); result = null; } @Override public void visitClassDef(JCClassDecl tree) { Symbol owner = env.info.scope.owner; WriteableScope enclScope = enterScope(env); ClassSymbol c; if (owner.kind == PCK) { // We are seeing a toplevel class. PackageSymbol packge = (PackageSymbol)owner; for (Symbol q = packge; q != null && q.kind == PCK; q = q.owner) q.flags_field |= EXISTS; c = syms.enterClass(env.toplevel.modle, tree.name, packge); packge.members().enterIfAbsent(c); if ((tree.mods.flags & PUBLIC) != 0 && !classNameMatchesFileName(c, env)) { KindName topElement = KindName.CLASS; if ((tree.mods.flags & ENUM) != 0) { topElement = KindName.ENUM; } else if ((tree.mods.flags & INTERFACE) != 0) { topElement = KindName.INTERFACE; } log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.ClassPublicShouldBeInFile(topElement, tree.name)); } } else { if (!tree.name.isEmpty() && !chk.checkUniqueClassName(tree.pos(), tree.name, enclScope)) { result = null; return; } if (owner.kind == TYP) { // We are seeing a member class. c = syms.enterClass(env.toplevel.modle, tree.name, (TypeSymbol)owner); if (c.owner != owner) { if (c.name != tree.name) { log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.SameBinaryName(c.name, tree.name)); result = types.createErrorType(tree.name, (TypeSymbol)owner, Type.noType); tree.sym = (ClassSymbol)result.tsym; return; } //anonymous class loaded from a classfile may be recreated from source (see below) //if this class is a member of such an anonymous class, fix the owner: Assert.check(owner.owner.kind != TYP, owner::toString); Assert.check(c.owner.kind == TYP, () -> c.owner.toString()); ClassSymbol cowner = (ClassSymbol) c.owner; if (cowner.members_field != null) { cowner.members_field.remove(c); } c.owner = owner; } if ((owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) != 0) { tree.mods.flags |= PUBLIC | STATIC; } } else { // We are seeing a local class. c = syms.defineClass(tree.name, owner); c.flatname = chk.localClassName(c); if (!c.name.isEmpty()) chk.checkTransparentClass(tree.pos(), c, env.info.scope); } } tree.sym = c; // Enter class into `compiled' table and enclosing scope. if (chk.getCompiled(c) != null) { duplicateClass(tree.pos(), c); result = types.createErrorType(tree.name, (TypeSymbol)owner, Type.noType); tree.sym = (ClassSymbol)result.tsym; return; } chk.putCompiled(c); enclScope.enter(c); // Set up an environment for class block and store in `typeEnvs' // table, to be retrieved later in memberEnter and attribution. Env<AttrContext> localEnv = classEnv(tree, env); typeEnvs.put(c, localEnv); // Fill out class fields. c.completer = Completer.NULL_COMPLETER; // do not allow the initial completer linger on. c.flags_field = chk.checkFlags(tree.pos(), tree.mods.flags, c, tree); c.sourcefile = env.toplevel.sourcefile; c.members_field = WriteableScope.create(c); c.clearAnnotationMetadata(); ClassType ct = (ClassType)c.type; if (owner.kind != PCK && (c.flags_field & STATIC) == 0) { // We are seeing a local or inner class. // Set outer_field of this class to closest enclosing class // which contains this class in a non-static context // (its "enclosing instance class"), provided such a class exists. Symbol owner1 = owner; while (owner1.kind.matches(KindSelector.VAL_MTH) && (owner1.flags_field & STATIC) == 0) { owner1 = owner1.owner; } if (owner1.kind == TYP) { ct.setEnclosingType(owner1.type); } } // Enter type parameters. ct.typarams_field = classEnter(tree.typarams, localEnv); ct.allparams_field = null; // install further completer for this type. c.completer = typeEnter; // Add non-local class to uncompleted, to make sure it will be // completed later. if (!c.isDirectlyOrIndirectlyLocal() && uncompleted != null) uncompleted.append(c); // System.err.println("entering " + c.fullname + " in " + c.owner);//DEBUG // Recursively enter all member classes. classEnter(tree.defs, localEnv); // Assert.checkNonNull(c.modle, c.sourcefile.toString()); result = c.type; } //where
Does class have the same name as the file it appears in?
/** Does class have the same name as the file it appears in? */
private static boolean classNameMatchesFileName(ClassSymbol c, Env<AttrContext> env) { return env.toplevel.sourcefile.isNameCompatible(c.name.toString(), JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE); }
Complain about a duplicate class.
/** Complain about a duplicate class. */
protected void duplicateClass(DiagnosticPosition pos, ClassSymbol c) { log.error(pos, Errors.DuplicateClass(c.fullname)); }
Class enter visitor method for type parameters. Enter a symbol for type parameter in local scope, after checking that it is unique.
/** Class enter visitor method for type parameters. * Enter a symbol for type parameter in local scope, after checking that it * is unique. */
@Override public void visitTypeParameter(JCTypeParameter tree) { TypeVar a = (tree.type != null) ? (TypeVar)tree.type : new TypeVar(tree.name, env.info.scope.owner, syms.botType); tree.type = a; if (chk.checkUnique(tree.pos(), a.tsym, env.info.scope)) { env.info.scope.enter(a.tsym); } result = a; } @Override public void visitModuleDef(JCModuleDecl tree) { Env<AttrContext> moduleEnv = moduleEnv(tree, env); typeEnvs.put(tree.sym, moduleEnv); if (modules.isInModuleGraph(tree.sym)) { todo.append(moduleEnv); } }
Default class enter visitor method: do nothing.
/** Default class enter visitor method: do nothing. */
@Override public void visitTree(JCTree tree) { result = null; }
Main method: enter all classes in a list of toplevel trees. @param trees The list of trees to be processed.
/** Main method: enter all classes in a list of toplevel trees. * @param trees The list of trees to be processed. */
public void main(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees) { complete(trees, null); }
Main method: enter classes from the list of toplevel trees, possibly skipping TypeEnter for all but 'c' by placing them on the uncompleted list. @param trees The list of trees to be processed. @param c The class symbol to be processed or null to process all.
/** Main method: enter classes from the list of toplevel trees, possibly * skipping TypeEnter for all but 'c' by placing them on the uncompleted * list. * @param trees The list of trees to be processed. * @param c The class symbol to be processed or null to process all. */
public void complete(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees, ClassSymbol c) { annotate.blockAnnotations(); ListBuffer<ClassSymbol> prevUncompleted = uncompleted; if (typeEnter.completionEnabled) uncompleted = new ListBuffer<>(); try { // enter all classes, and construct uncompleted list classEnter(trees, null); // complete all uncompleted classes in memberEnter if (typeEnter.completionEnabled) { while (uncompleted.nonEmpty()) { ClassSymbol clazz = uncompleted.next(); if (c == null || c == clazz || prevUncompleted == null) clazz.complete(); else // defer prevUncompleted.append(clazz); } if (!modules.modulesInitialized()) { for (JCCompilationUnit cut : trees) { if (cut.getModuleDecl() != null) { unfinishedModules.append(cut); } else { typeEnter.ensureImportsChecked(List.of(cut)); } } } else { typeEnter.ensureImportsChecked(unfinishedModules.toList()); unfinishedModules.clear(); typeEnter.ensureImportsChecked(trees); } } } finally { uncompleted = prevUncompleted; annotate.unblockAnnotations(); } } public void newRound() { typeEnvs.clear(); } public void unenter(JCCompilationUnit topLevel, JCTree tree) { new UnenterScanner(topLevel.modle).scan(tree); } class UnenterScanner extends TreeScanner { private final ModuleSymbol msym; public UnenterScanner(ModuleSymbol msym) { this.msym = msym; } @Override public void visitClassDef(JCClassDecl tree) { ClassSymbol csym = tree.sym; //if something went wrong during method applicability check //it is possible that nested expressions inside argument expression //are left unchecked - in such cases there's nothing to clean up. if (csym == null) return; typeEnvs.remove(csym); chk.removeCompiled(csym); chk.clearLocalClassNameIndexes(csym); syms.removeClass(msym, csym.flatname); super.visitClassDef(tree); } } }