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package com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.axes;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.Axis;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTM;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTMAxisTraverser;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTMIterator;
import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.XPathContext;
import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.compiler.Compiler;
import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.compiler.OpMap;
import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.objects.XObject;
import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.patterns.NodeTest;
import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.patterns.StepPattern;

This class treats a LocationPath as a filtered iteration over the tree, evaluating each node in a super axis traversal against the LocationPath interpreted as a match pattern. This class is useful to find nodes in document order that are complex paths whose steps probably criss-cross each other.
@LastModified: Oct 2017
/** * This class treats a * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#location-paths">LocationPath</a> as a * filtered iteration over the tree, evaluating each node in a super axis * traversal against the LocationPath interpreted as a match pattern. This * class is useful to find nodes in document order that are complex paths * whose steps probably criss-cross each other. * * @LastModified: Oct 2017 */
public class MatchPatternIterator extends LocPathIterator { static final long serialVersionUID = -5201153767396296474L;
This is the select pattern, translated into a match pattern.
/** This is the select pattern, translated into a match pattern. */
protected StepPattern m_pattern;
The traversal axis from where the nodes will be filtered.
/** The traversal axis from where the nodes will be filtered. */
protected int m_superAxis = -1;
The DTM inner traversal class, that corresponds to the super axis.
/** The DTM inner traversal class, that corresponds to the super axis. */
protected DTMAxisTraverser m_traverser;
DEBUG flag for diagnostic dumps.
/** DEBUG flag for diagnostic dumps. */
private static final boolean DEBUG = false; // protected int m_nsElemBase = DTM.NULL;
Create a LocPathIterator object, including creation of step walkers from the opcode list, and call back into the Compiler to create predicate expressions.
  • compiler – The Compiler which is creating this expression.
  • opPos – The position of this iterator in the opcode list from the compiler.
  • analysis – Analysis bits that give general information about the LocationPath.
/** * Create a LocPathIterator object, including creation * of step walkers from the opcode list, and call back * into the Compiler to create predicate expressions. * * @param compiler The Compiler which is creating * this expression. * @param opPos The position of this iterator in the * opcode list from the compiler. * @param analysis Analysis bits that give general information about the * LocationPath. * * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException */
MatchPatternIterator(Compiler compiler, int opPos, int analysis) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException { super(compiler, opPos, analysis, false); int firstStepPos = OpMap.getFirstChildPos(opPos); m_pattern = WalkerFactory.loadSteps(this, compiler, firstStepPos, 0); boolean fromRoot = false; boolean walkBack = false; boolean walkDescendants = false; boolean walkAttributes = false; if (0 != (analysis & (WalkerFactory.BIT_ROOT | WalkerFactory.BIT_ANY_DESCENDANT_FROM_ROOT))) fromRoot = true; if (0 != (analysis & (WalkerFactory.BIT_ANCESTOR | WalkerFactory.BIT_ANCESTOR_OR_SELF | WalkerFactory.BIT_PRECEDING | WalkerFactory.BIT_PRECEDING_SIBLING | WalkerFactory.BIT_FOLLOWING | WalkerFactory.BIT_FOLLOWING_SIBLING | WalkerFactory.BIT_PARENT | WalkerFactory.BIT_FILTER))) walkBack = true; if (0 != (analysis & (WalkerFactory.BIT_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF | WalkerFactory.BIT_DESCENDANT | WalkerFactory.BIT_CHILD))) walkDescendants = true; if (0 != (analysis & (WalkerFactory.BIT_ATTRIBUTE | WalkerFactory.BIT_NAMESPACE))) walkAttributes = true; if(false || DEBUG) { System.out.print("analysis: "+Integer.toBinaryString(analysis)); System.out.println(", "+WalkerFactory.getAnalysisString(analysis)); } if(fromRoot || walkBack) { if(walkAttributes) { m_superAxis = Axis.ALL; } else { m_superAxis = Axis.DESCENDANTSFROMROOT; } } else if(walkDescendants) { if(walkAttributes) { m_superAxis = Axis.ALLFROMNODE; } else { m_superAxis = Axis.DESCENDANTORSELF; } } else { m_superAxis = Axis.ALL; } if(false || DEBUG) { System.out.println("axis: "+Axis.getNames(m_superAxis)); } }
Initialize the context values for this expression after it is cloned.
  • context – The XPath runtime context for this transformation.
/** * Initialize the context values for this expression * after it is cloned. * * @param context The XPath runtime context for this * transformation. */
public void setRoot(int context, Object environment) { super.setRoot(context, environment); m_traverser = m_cdtm.getAxisTraverser(m_superAxis); }
Detaches the iterator from the set which it iterated over, releasing any computational resources and placing the iterator in the INVALID state. Afterdetach has been invoked, calls to nextNode orpreviousNode will raise the exception INVALID_STATE_ERR.
/** * Detaches the iterator from the set which it iterated over, releasing * any computational resources and placing the iterator in the INVALID * state. After<code>detach</code> has been invoked, calls to * <code>nextNode</code> or<code>previousNode</code> will raise the * exception INVALID_STATE_ERR. */
public void detach() { if(m_allowDetach) { m_traverser = null; // Always call the superclass detach last! super.detach(); } }
Get the next node via getNextXXX. Bottlenecked for derived class override.
Returns:The next node on the axis, or DTM.NULL.
/** * Get the next node via getNextXXX. Bottlenecked for derived class override. * @return The next node on the axis, or DTM.NULL. */
protected int getNextNode() { m_lastFetched = (DTM.NULL == m_lastFetched) ? m_traverser.first(m_context) : m_traverser.next(m_context, m_lastFetched); return m_lastFetched; }
Returns the next node in the set and advances the position of the iterator in the set. After a NodeIterator is created, the first call to nextNode() returns the first node in the set.
Returns: The next Node in the set being iterated over, or null if there are no more members in that set.
/** * Returns the next node in the set and advances the position of the * iterator in the set. After a NodeIterator is created, the first call * to nextNode() returns the first node in the set. * @return The next <code>Node</code> in the set being iterated over, or * <code>null</code> if there are no more members in that set. */
public int nextNode() { if(m_foundLast) return DTM.NULL; int next; com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.VariableStack vars; int savedStart; if (-1 != m_stackFrame) { vars = m_execContext.getVarStack(); // These three statements need to be combined into one operation. savedStart = vars.getStackFrame(); vars.setStackFrame(m_stackFrame); } else { // Yuck. Just to shut up the compiler! vars = null; savedStart = 0; } try { if(DEBUG) System.out.println("m_pattern"+m_pattern.toString()); do { next = getNextNode(); if (DTM.NULL != next) { if(DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT == acceptNode(next, m_execContext)) break; else continue; } else break; } while (next != DTM.NULL); if (DTM.NULL != next) { if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("next: "+next); System.out.println("name: "+m_cdtm.getNodeName(next)); } incrementCurrentPos(); return next; } else { m_foundLast = true; return DTM.NULL; } } finally { if (-1 != m_stackFrame) { // These two statements need to be combined into one operation. vars.setStackFrame(savedStart); } } }
Test whether a specified node is visible in the logical view of a TreeWalker or NodeIterator. This function will be called by the implementation of TreeWalker and NodeIterator; it is not intended to be called directly from user code.
  • n – The node to check to see if it passes the filter or not.
Returns: a constant to determine whether the node is accepted, rejected, or skipped, as defined above .
/** * Test whether a specified node is visible in the logical view of a * TreeWalker or NodeIterator. This function will be called by the * implementation of TreeWalker and NodeIterator; it is not intended to * be called directly from user code. * @param n The node to check to see if it passes the filter or not. * @return a constant to determine whether the node is accepted, * rejected, or skipped, as defined above . */
public short acceptNode(int n, XPathContext xctxt) { try { xctxt.pushCurrentNode(n); xctxt.pushIteratorRoot(m_context); if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("traverser: "+m_traverser); System.out.print("node: "+n); System.out.println(", "+m_cdtm.getNodeName(n)); // if(m_cdtm.getNodeName(n).equals("near-east")) System.out.println("pattern: "+m_pattern.toString()); NodeTest.debugWhatToShow(m_pattern.getWhatToShow()); } XObject score = m_pattern.execute(xctxt); if(DEBUG) { // System.out.println("analysis: "+Integer.toBinaryString(m_analysis)); System.out.println("score: "+score); System.out.println("skip: "+(score == NodeTest.SCORE_NONE)); } // System.out.println("\n::acceptNode - score: "+score.num()+"::"); return (score == NodeTest.SCORE_NONE) ? DTMIterator.FILTER_SKIP : DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT; } catch (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException se) { // TODO: Fix this. throw new RuntimeException(se.getMessage()); } finally { xctxt.popCurrentNode(); xctxt.popIteratorRoot(); } } }