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package com.sun.org.slf4j.internal;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.logging.Level;

// Bridge to java.util.logging.
public class Logger {

StackWalker to find out the caller of this class so that it can be shown in the log output. The multiple private log0() methods below skip exactly 2 frames -- one log0() itself, the other one of the public debug()/warn()/error()/trace() methods in this class -- to find the caller.
/** * StackWalker to find out the caller of this class so that it can be * shown in the log output. The multiple private log0() methods below * skip exactly 2 frames -- one log0() itself, the other one of the * public debug()/warn()/error()/trace() methods in this class -- * to find the caller. */
private static final StackWalker WALKER; static { final PrivilegedAction<StackWalker> action = () -> StackWalker.getInstance(StackWalker.Option .RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE); WALKER = AccessController.doPrivileged(action); } private final java.util.logging.Logger impl; public Logger(String name) { impl = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(name); } public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return impl.isLoggable(Level.FINE); } public boolean isTraceEnabled() { return impl.isLoggable(Level.FINE); } public void debug(String s) { log0(Level.FINE, s); } public void debug(String s, Throwable e) { log0(Level.FINE, s, e); } public void debug(String s, Object... o) { log0(Level.FINE, s, o); } public void trace(String s) { log0(Level.FINE, s); } public void error(String s) { log0(Level.SEVERE, s); } public void error(String s, Throwable e) { log0(Level.SEVERE, s, e); } public void error(String s, Object... o) { log0(Level.SEVERE, s, o); } public void warn(String s) { log0(Level.WARNING, s); } public void warn(String s, Throwable e) { log0(Level.WARNING, s, e); } private void log0(Level level, String s) { if (impl.isLoggable(level)) { var sf = WALKER.walk(f -> f.skip(2).findFirst()).get(); impl.logp(Level.FINE, sf.getClassName(), sf.getMethodName(), s); } } private void log0(Level level, String s, Throwable e) { if (impl.isLoggable(level)) { var sf = WALKER.walk(f -> f.skip(2).findFirst()).get(); impl.logp(Level.FINE, sf.getClassName(), sf.getMethodName(), s, e); } } private void log0(Level level, String s, Object... o) { if (impl.isLoggable(level)) { var sf = WALKER.walk(f -> f.skip(2).findFirst()).get(); impl.logp(Level.FINE, sf.getClassName(), sf.getMethodName(), addIndex(s), o); } }
Translate the log4j message format "Hello {}, {}" to the java.util.logging format "Hello {0}, {1}".
/** * Translate the log4j message format "Hello {}, {}" to the * java.util.logging format "Hello {0}, {1}". */
private static String addIndex(String s) { int start = 0; int index = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { int pos = s.indexOf("{}", start); if (pos < 0) { break; } sb.append(s, start, pos + 1).append(index++); start = pos + 1; } if (index == 0) { return s; } else { sb.append(s, start, s.length()); return sb.toString(); } } }