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package sun.security.jgss;

import org.ietf.jgss.*;
import sun.security.jgss.spi.*;
import sun.security.util.ObjectIdentifier;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

This class represents the JGSS security context and its associated operations. JGSS security contexts are established between peers using locally established credentials. Multiple contexts may exist simultaneously between a pair of peers, using the same or different set of credentials. The JGSS is independent of the underlying transport protocols and depends on its callers to transport the tokens between peers.

The context object can be thought of as having 3 implicit states: before it is established, during its context establishment, and after a fully established context exists.

Before the context establishment phase is initiated, the context initiator may request specific characteristics desired of the established context. These can be set using the set methods. After the context is established, the caller can check the actual characteristic and services offered by the context using the query methods.

The context establishment phase begins with the first call to the initSecContext method by the context initiator. During this phase the initSecContext and acceptSecContext methods will produce GSS-API authentication tokens which the calling application needs to send to its peer. The initSecContext and acceptSecContext methods may return a CONTINUE_NEEDED code which indicates that a token is needed from its peer in order to continue the context establishment phase. A return code of COMPLETE signals that the local end of the context is established. This may still require that a token be sent to the peer, depending if one is produced by GSS-API. The isEstablished method can also be used to determine if the local end of the context has been fully established. During the context establishment phase, the isProtReady method may be called to determine if the context can be used for the per-message operations. This allows implementation to use per-message operations on contexts which aren't fully established.

After the context has been established or the isProtReady method returns "true", the query routines can be invoked to determine the actual characteristics and services of the established context. The application can also start using the per-message methods of wrap and getMIC to obtain cryptographic operations on application supplied data.

When the context is no longer needed, the application should call dispose to release any system resources the context may be using.

RFC 2078
This class corresponds to the context level calls together with the per message calls of RFC 2078. The gss_init_sec_context and gss_accept_sec_context calls have been made simpler by only taking required parameters. The context can have its properties set before the first call to initSecContext. The supplementary status codes for the per-message operations are returned in an instance of the MessageProp class, which is used as an argument in these calls.
/** * This class represents the JGSS security context and its associated * operations. JGSS security contexts are established between * peers using locally established credentials. Multiple contexts * may exist simultaneously between a pair of peers, using the same * or different set of credentials. The JGSS is independent of * the underlying transport protocols and depends on its callers to * transport the tokens between peers. * <p> * The context object can be thought of as having 3 implicit states: * before it is established, during its context establishment, and * after a fully established context exists. * <p> * Before the context establishment phase is initiated, the context * initiator may request specific characteristics desired of the * established context. These can be set using the set methods. After the * context is established, the caller can check the actual characteristic * and services offered by the context using the query methods. * <p> * The context establishment phase begins with the first call to the * initSecContext method by the context initiator. During this phase the * initSecContext and acceptSecContext methods will produce GSS-API * authentication tokens which the calling application needs to send to its * peer. The initSecContext and acceptSecContext methods may * return a CONTINUE_NEEDED code which indicates that a token is needed * from its peer in order to continue the context establishment phase. A * return code of COMPLETE signals that the local end of the context is * established. This may still require that a token be sent to the peer, * depending if one is produced by GSS-API. The isEstablished method can * also be used to determine if the local end of the context has been * fully established. During the context establishment phase, the * isProtReady method may be called to determine if the context can be * used for the per-message operations. This allows implementation to * use per-message operations on contexts which aren't fully established. * <p> * After the context has been established or the isProtReady method * returns "true", the query routines can be invoked to determine the actual * characteristics and services of the established context. The * application can also start using the per-message methods of wrap and * getMIC to obtain cryptographic operations on application supplied data. * <p> * When the context is no longer needed, the application should call * dispose to release any system resources the context may be using. * <DL><DT><B>RFC 2078</b> * <DD>This class corresponds to the context level calls together with * the per message calls of RFC 2078. The gss_init_sec_context and * gss_accept_sec_context calls have been made simpler by only taking * required parameters. The context can have its properties set before * the first call to initSecContext. The supplementary status codes for the * per-message operations are returned in an instance of the MessageProp * class, which is used as an argument in these calls.</dl> */
public class GSSContextImpl implements GSSContext { private GSSManagerImpl gssManager; private boolean initiator; // private flags for the context state private static final int PRE_INIT = 1; private static final int IN_PROGRESS = 2; private static final int READY = 3; private static final int DELETED = 4; // instance variables private int currentState = PRE_INIT; private GSSContextSpi mechCtxt = null; private Oid mechOid = null; private ObjectIdentifier objId = null; private GSSCredentialImpl myCred = null; private GSSNameImpl srcName = null; private GSSNameImpl targName = null; private int reqLifetime = INDEFINITE_LIFETIME; private ChannelBinding channelBindings = null; private boolean reqConfState = true; private boolean reqIntegState = true; private boolean reqMutualAuthState = true; private boolean reqReplayDetState = true; private boolean reqSequenceDetState = true; private boolean reqCredDelegState = false; private boolean reqAnonState = false; private boolean reqDelegPolicyState = false; public GSSContextImpl() { // Useless } // Used by new ExtendedGSSContext.ExtendedGSSContextImpl(ctxt) protected GSSContextImpl(GSSContextImpl src) { for (Field f: GSSContextImpl.class.getDeclaredFields()) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) { try { f.set(this, f.get(src)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }
Creates a GSSContextImp on the context initiator's side.
/** * Creates a GSSContextImp on the context initiator's side. */
public GSSContextImpl(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, GSSName peer, Oid mech, GSSCredential myCred, int lifetime) throws GSSException { if ((peer == null) || !(peer instanceof GSSNameImpl)) { throw new GSSException(GSSException.BAD_NAME); } if (mech == null) mech = ProviderList.DEFAULT_MECH_OID; this.gssManager = gssManager; this.myCred = (GSSCredentialImpl) myCred; // XXX Check first reqLifetime = lifetime; targName = (GSSNameImpl)peer; this.mechOid = mech; initiator = true; }
Creates a GSSContextImpl on the context acceptor's side.
/** * Creates a GSSContextImpl on the context acceptor's side. */
public GSSContextImpl(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, GSSCredential myCred) throws GSSException { this.gssManager = gssManager; this.myCred = (GSSCredentialImpl) myCred; // XXX Check first initiator = false; }
Creates a GSSContextImpl out of a previously exported GSSContext.
See Also:
  • isTransferable
/** * Creates a GSSContextImpl out of a previously exported * GSSContext. * * @see #isTransferable */
public GSSContextImpl(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, byte[] interProcessToken) throws GSSException { this.gssManager = gssManager; mechCtxt = gssManager.getMechanismContext(interProcessToken); initiator = mechCtxt.isInitiator(); this.mechOid = mechCtxt.getMech(); } public byte[] initSecContext(byte inputBuf[], int offset, int len) throws GSSException { /* * Size of ByteArrayOutputStream will double each time that extra * bytes are to be written. Usually, without delegation, a GSS * initial token containing the Kerberos AP-REQ is between 400 and * 600 bytes. */ ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(600); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputBuf, offset, len); int size = initSecContext(bin, bos); return (size == 0? null : bos.toByteArray()); } @Deprecated(since="11") public int initSecContext(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null && currentState != IN_PROGRESS) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.FAILURE, "Illegal call to initSecContext"); } GSSHeader gssHeader = null; int inTokenLen = -1; GSSCredentialSpi credElement = null; boolean firstToken = false; try { if (mechCtxt == null) { if (myCred != null) { try { credElement = myCred.getElement(mechOid, true); } catch (GSSException ge) { if (GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid) && ge.getMajor() == GSSException.NO_CRED) { credElement = myCred.getElement (myCred.getMechs()[0], true); } else { throw ge; } } } GSSNameSpi nameElement = targName.getElement(mechOid); mechCtxt = gssManager.getMechanismContext(nameElement, credElement, reqLifetime, mechOid); mechCtxt.requestConf(reqConfState); mechCtxt.requestInteg(reqIntegState); mechCtxt.requestCredDeleg(reqCredDelegState); mechCtxt.requestMutualAuth(reqMutualAuthState); mechCtxt.requestReplayDet(reqReplayDetState); mechCtxt.requestSequenceDet(reqSequenceDetState); mechCtxt.requestAnonymity(reqAnonState); mechCtxt.setChannelBinding(channelBindings); mechCtxt.requestDelegPolicy(reqDelegPolicyState); objId = ObjectIdentifier.of(mechOid.toString()); currentState = IN_PROGRESS; firstToken = true; } else { if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") || GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid)) { // do not parse GSS header for native provider or SPNEGO // mech } else { // parse GSS header gssHeader = new GSSHeader(inStream); if (!gssHeader.getOid().equals(objId)) throw new GSSExceptionImpl (GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, "Mechanism not equal to " + mechOid.toString() + " in initSecContext token"); inTokenLen = gssHeader.getMechTokenLength(); } } byte[] obuf = mechCtxt.initSecContext(inStream, inTokenLen); int retVal = 0; if (obuf != null) { retVal = obuf.length; if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") || (!firstToken && GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid))) { // do not add GSS header for native provider or SPNEGO // except for the first SPNEGO token } else { // add GSS header gssHeader = new GSSHeader(objId, obuf.length); retVal += gssHeader.encode(outStream); } outStream.write(obuf); } if (mechCtxt.isEstablished()) currentState = READY; return retVal; } catch (IOException e) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, e.getMessage()); } } public byte[] acceptSecContext(byte inTok[], int offset, int len) throws GSSException { /* * Usually initial GSS token containing a Kerberos AP-REP is less * than 100 bytes. */ ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(100); acceptSecContext(new ByteArrayInputStream(inTok, offset, len), bos); byte[] out = bos.toByteArray(); return (out.length == 0) ? null : out; } @Deprecated(since="11") public void acceptSecContext(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null && currentState != IN_PROGRESS) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.FAILURE, "Illegal call to acceptSecContext"); } GSSHeader gssHeader = null; int inTokenLen = -1; GSSCredentialSpi credElement = null; try { if (mechCtxt == null) { // mechOid will be null for an acceptor's context gssHeader = new GSSHeader(inStream); inTokenLen = gssHeader.getMechTokenLength(); /* * Convert ObjectIdentifier to Oid */ objId = gssHeader.getOid(); mechOid = new Oid(objId.toString()); // System.out.println("Entered GSSContextImpl.acceptSecContext" // + " with mechanism = " + mechOid); if (myCred != null) { credElement = myCred.getElement(mechOid, false); } mechCtxt = gssManager.getMechanismContext(credElement, mechOid); mechCtxt.setChannelBinding(channelBindings); currentState = IN_PROGRESS; } else { if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") || (GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid))) { // do not parse GSS header for native provider and SPNEGO } else { // parse GSS Header gssHeader = new GSSHeader(inStream); if (!gssHeader.getOid().equals(objId)) throw new GSSExceptionImpl (GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, "Mechanism not equal to " + mechOid.toString() + " in acceptSecContext token"); inTokenLen = gssHeader.getMechTokenLength(); } } byte[] obuf = mechCtxt.acceptSecContext(inStream, inTokenLen); if (obuf != null) { int retVal = obuf.length; if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") || (GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid))) { // do not add GSS header for native provider and SPNEGO } else { // add GSS header gssHeader = new GSSHeader(objId, obuf.length); retVal += gssHeader.encode(outStream); } outStream.write(obuf); } if (mechCtxt.isEstablished()) { currentState = READY; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, e.getMessage()); } } public boolean isEstablished() { if (mechCtxt == null) return false; else return (currentState == READY); } public int getWrapSizeLimit(int qop, boolean confReq, int maxTokenSize) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getWrapSizeLimit(qop, confReq, maxTokenSize); else throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); } public byte[] wrap(byte inBuf[], int offset, int len, MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.wrap(inBuf, offset, len, msgProp); else throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); } @Deprecated(since="11") public void wrap(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream, MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) mechCtxt.wrap(inStream, outStream, msgProp); else throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); } public byte [] unwrap(byte[] inBuf, int offset, int len, MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.unwrap(inBuf, offset, len, msgProp); else throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); } @Deprecated(since="11") public void unwrap(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream, MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) mechCtxt.unwrap(inStream, outStream, msgProp); else throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); } public byte[] getMIC(byte []inMsg, int offset, int len, MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getMIC(inMsg, offset, len, msgProp); else throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); } @Deprecated(since="11") public void getMIC(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream, MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) mechCtxt.getMIC(inStream, outStream, msgProp); else throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); } public void verifyMIC(byte[] inTok, int tokOffset, int tokLen, byte[] inMsg, int msgOffset, int msgLen, MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) mechCtxt.verifyMIC(inTok, tokOffset, tokLen, inMsg, msgOffset, msgLen, msgProp); else throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); } @Deprecated(since="11") public void verifyMIC(InputStream tokStream, InputStream msgStream, MessageProp msgProp) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) mechCtxt.verifyMIC(tokStream, msgStream, msgProp); else throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); } public byte[] export() throws GSSException { // Defaults to null to match old behavior byte[] result = null; // Only allow context export from native provider since JGSS // still has not defined its own interprocess token format if (mechCtxt.isTransferable() && mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS")) { result = mechCtxt.export(); } return result; } public void requestMutualAuth(boolean state) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null && initiator) reqMutualAuthState = state; } public void requestReplayDet(boolean state) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null && initiator) reqReplayDetState = state; } public void requestSequenceDet(boolean state) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null && initiator) reqSequenceDetState = state; } public void requestCredDeleg(boolean state) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null && initiator) reqCredDelegState = state; } public void requestAnonymity(boolean state) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null && initiator) reqAnonState = state; } public void requestConf(boolean state) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null && initiator) reqConfState = state; } public void requestInteg(boolean state) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null && initiator) reqIntegState = state; } public void requestLifetime(int lifetime) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null && initiator) reqLifetime = lifetime; } public void setChannelBinding(ChannelBinding channelBindings) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null) this.channelBindings = channelBindings; } public boolean getCredDelegState() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getCredDelegState(); else return reqCredDelegState; } public boolean getMutualAuthState() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getMutualAuthState(); else return reqMutualAuthState; } public boolean getReplayDetState() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getReplayDetState(); else return reqReplayDetState; } public boolean getSequenceDetState() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getSequenceDetState(); else return reqSequenceDetState; } public boolean getAnonymityState() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getAnonymityState(); else return reqAnonState; } public boolean isTransferable() throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.isTransferable(); else return false; } public boolean isProtReady() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.isProtReady(); else return false; } public boolean getConfState() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getConfState(); else return reqConfState; } public boolean getIntegState() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getIntegState(); else return reqIntegState; } public int getLifetime() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getLifetime(); else return reqLifetime; } public GSSName getSrcName() throws GSSException { if (srcName == null) { srcName = GSSNameImpl.wrapElement (gssManager, mechCtxt.getSrcName()); } return srcName; } public GSSName getTargName() throws GSSException { if (targName == null) { targName = GSSNameImpl.wrapElement (gssManager, mechCtxt.getTargName()); } return targName; } public Oid getMech() throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null) { return mechCtxt.getMech(); } return mechOid; } public GSSCredential getDelegCred() throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null) throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT, "No mechanism context yet!"); GSSCredentialSpi delCredElement = mechCtxt.getDelegCred(); return (delCredElement == null ? null : GSSManagerImpl.wrap(new GSSCredentialImpl(gssManager, delCredElement))); } public boolean isInitiator() throws GSSException { return initiator; } public void dispose() throws GSSException { currentState = DELETED; if (mechCtxt != null) { mechCtxt.dispose(); mechCtxt = null; } myCred = null; srcName = null; targName = null; } // ExtendedGSSContext methods: public Object inquireSecContext(String type) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null) { throw new GSSException(GSSException.NO_CONTEXT); } return mechCtxt.inquireSecContext(type); } public void requestDelegPolicy(boolean state) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt == null && initiator) reqDelegPolicyState = state; } public boolean getDelegPolicyState() { if (mechCtxt != null) return mechCtxt.getDelegPolicyState(); else return reqDelegPolicyState; } }