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package com.sun.jndi.ldap;

import javax.naming.*;
import javax.naming.directory.*;
import javax.naming.event.*;
import javax.naming.ldap.*;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName;

import java.util.Vector;
import com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.Continuation;

Gathers information to generate events by using the Persistent Search control.

This class maintains a list of listeners all interested in the same "search" request. It creates a thread that does the persistent search and blocks, collecting the results of the search. For each result that it receives from the search, it fires the corresponding event to its listeners. If an exception is encountered, it fires a NamingExceptionEvent.

Author:Rosanna Lee
/** * Gathers information to generate events by using the Persistent Search * control. *<p> * This class maintains a list of listeners all interested in the same * "search" request. It creates a thread that does the persistent search * and blocks, collecting the results of the search. * For each result that it receives from the search, it fires the * corresponding event to its listeners. If an exception is encountered, * it fires a NamingExceptionEvent. * * @author Rosanna Lee */
final class NamingEventNotifier implements Runnable { private final static boolean debug = false; private Vector<NamingListener> namingListeners; private Thread worker; private LdapCtx context; private EventContext eventSrc; private EventSupport support; private NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results; // package private; used by EventSupport to remove it NotifierArgs info; NamingEventNotifier(EventSupport support, LdapCtx ctx, NotifierArgs info, NamingListener firstListener) throws NamingException { this.info = info; this.support = support; Control psearch; try { psearch = new PersistentSearchControl( info.mask, true /* no info about original entry(s) */, true /* additional info about changes */, Control.CRITICAL); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { NamingException ne = new NamingException( "Problem creating persistent search control"); ne.setRootCause(e); throw ne; } // Add psearch control to existing list context = (LdapCtx)ctx.newInstance(new Control[]{psearch}); eventSrc = ctx; namingListeners = new Vector<>(); namingListeners.addElement(firstListener); worker = Obj.helper.createThread(this); worker.setDaemon(true); // not a user thread worker.start(); } // package private; used by EventSupport; namingListener already synchronized void addNamingListener(NamingListener l) { namingListeners.addElement(l); } // package private; used by EventSupport; namingListener already synchronized void removeNamingListener(NamingListener l) { namingListeners.removeElement(l); } // package private; used by EventSupport; namingListener already synchronized boolean hasNamingListeners() { return namingListeners.size() > 0; }
Execute "persistent search". For each result, create the appropriate NamingEvent and queue to be dispatched to listeners.
/** * Execute "persistent search". * For each result, create the appropriate NamingEvent and * queue to be dispatched to listeners. */
public void run() { try { Continuation cont = new Continuation(); cont.setError(this, info.name); Name nm = (info.name == null || info.name.isEmpty()) ? new CompositeName() : new CompositeName().add(info.name); results = context.searchAux(nm, info.filter, info.controls, true, false, cont); // Change root of search results so that it will generate // names relative to the event context instead of that // named by nm ((LdapSearchEnumeration)(NamingEnumeration)results) .setStartName(context.currentParsedDN); SearchResult si; Control[] respctls; EntryChangeResponseControl ec; long changeNum; while (results.hasMore()) { si = results.next(); respctls = (si instanceof HasControls) ? ((HasControls) si).getControls() : null; if (debug) { System.err.println("notifier: " + si); System.err.println("respCtls: " + respctls); } // Just process ECs; ignore all the rest if (respctls != null) { for (int i = 0; i < respctls.length; i++) { // %%% Should be checking OID instead of class // %%% in case using someone else's EC ctl if (respctls[i] instanceof EntryChangeResponseControl) { ec = (EntryChangeResponseControl)respctls[i]; changeNum = ec.getChangeNumber(); switch (ec.getChangeType()) { case EntryChangeResponseControl.ADD: fireObjectAdded(si, changeNum); break; case EntryChangeResponseControl.DELETE: fireObjectRemoved(si, changeNum); break; case EntryChangeResponseControl.MODIFY: fireObjectChanged(si, changeNum); break; case EntryChangeResponseControl.RENAME: fireObjectRenamed(si, ec.getPreviousDN(), changeNum); break; } } break; } } } } catch (InterruptedNamingException e) { if (debug) System.err.println("NamingEventNotifier Interrupted"); } catch (NamingException e) { // Fire event to notify NamingExceptionEvent listeners fireNamingException(e); // This notifier is no longer valid support.removeDeadNotifier(info); } finally { cleanup(); } if (debug) System.err.println("NamingEventNotifier finished"); } private void cleanup() { if (debug) System.err.println("NamingEventNotifier cleanup"); try { if (results != null) { if (debug) System.err.println("NamingEventNotifier enum closing"); results.close(); // this will abandon the search results = null; } if (context != null) { if (debug) System.err.println("NamingEventNotifier ctx closing"); context.close(); context = null; } } catch (NamingException e) {} }
Stop the dispatcher so we can be destroyed. package private; used by EventSupport
/** * Stop the dispatcher so we can be destroyed. * package private; used by EventSupport */
void stop() { if (debug) System.err.println("NamingEventNotifier being stopping"); if (worker != null) { worker.interrupt(); // kill our thread worker = null; } }
Fire an "object added" event to registered NamingListeners.
/** * Fire an "object added" event to registered NamingListeners. */
private void fireObjectAdded(Binding newBd, long changeID) { if (namingListeners == null || namingListeners.size() == 0) return; NamingEvent e = new NamingEvent(eventSrc, NamingEvent.OBJECT_ADDED, newBd, null, changeID); support.queueEvent(e, namingListeners); }
Fire an "object removed" event to registered NamingListeners.
/** * Fire an "object removed" event to registered NamingListeners. */
private void fireObjectRemoved(Binding oldBd, long changeID) { if (namingListeners == null || namingListeners.size() == 0) return; NamingEvent e = new NamingEvent(eventSrc, NamingEvent.OBJECT_REMOVED, null, oldBd, changeID); support.queueEvent(e, namingListeners); }
Fires an "object changed" event to registered NamingListeners.
/** * Fires an "object changed" event to registered NamingListeners. */
private void fireObjectChanged(Binding newBd, long changeID) { if (namingListeners == null || namingListeners.size() == 0) return; // Name hasn't changed; construct old binding using name from new binding Binding oldBd = new Binding(newBd.getName(), null, newBd.isRelative()); NamingEvent e = new NamingEvent( eventSrc, NamingEvent.OBJECT_CHANGED, newBd, oldBd, changeID); support.queueEvent(e, namingListeners); }
Fires an "object renamed" to registered NamingListeners.
/** * Fires an "object renamed" to registered NamingListeners. */
private void fireObjectRenamed(Binding newBd, String oldDN, long changeID) { if (namingListeners == null || namingListeners.size() == 0) return; Binding oldBd = null; try { LdapName dn = new LdapName(oldDN); if (dn.startsWith(context.currentParsedDN)) { String relDN = dn.getSuffix(context.currentParsedDN.size()).toString(); oldBd = new Binding(relDN, null); } } catch (NamingException e) {} if (oldBd == null) { oldBd = new Binding(oldDN, null, false /* not relative name */); } NamingEvent e = new NamingEvent( eventSrc, NamingEvent.OBJECT_RENAMED, newBd, oldBd, changeID); support.queueEvent(e, namingListeners); } private void fireNamingException(NamingException e) { if (namingListeners == null || namingListeners.size() == 0) return; NamingExceptionEvent evt = new NamingExceptionEvent(eventSrc, e); support.queueEvent(evt, namingListeners); } }