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package sun.security.ssl;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException;

import sun.security.ssl.SSLCipher.SSLWriteCipher;

OutputRecord implementation for SSLEngine.
/** * {@code OutputRecord} implementation for {@code SSLEngine}. */
final class SSLEngineOutputRecord extends OutputRecord implements SSLRecord { private HandshakeFragment fragmenter; private boolean isTalkingToV2; // SSLv2Hello private ByteBuffer v2ClientHello; // SSLv2Hello private volatile boolean isCloseWaiting; SSLEngineOutputRecord(HandshakeHash handshakeHash) { super(handshakeHash, SSLWriteCipher.nullTlsWriteCipher()); this.packetSize = SSLRecord.maxRecordSize; this.protocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.NONE; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { recordLock.lock(); try { if (!isClosed) { if (fragmenter != null && fragmenter.hasAlert()) { isCloseWaiting = true; } else { super.close(); } } } finally { recordLock.unlock(); } } boolean isClosed() { return isClosed || isCloseWaiting; } @Override void encodeAlert(byte level, byte description) throws IOException { if (isClosed()) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { SSLLogger.warning("outbound has closed, ignore outbound " + "alert message: " + Alert.nameOf(description)); } return; } if (fragmenter == null) { fragmenter = new HandshakeFragment(); } fragmenter.queueUpAlert(level, description); } @Override void encodeHandshake(byte[] source, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (isClosed()) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { SSLLogger.warning("outbound has closed, ignore outbound " + "handshake message", ByteBuffer.wrap(source, offset, length)); } return; } if (fragmenter == null) { fragmenter = new HandshakeFragment(); } if (firstMessage) { firstMessage = false; if ((helloVersion == ProtocolVersion.SSL20Hello) && (source[offset] == SSLHandshake.CLIENT_HELLO.id) && // 5: recode header size (source[offset + 4 + 2 + 32] == 0)) { // V3 session ID is empty // 4: handshake header size // 2: client_version in ClientHello // 32: random in ClientHello // Double space should be big enough for the converted message. v2ClientHello = encodeV2ClientHello( source, (offset + 4), (length - 4)); v2ClientHello.position(2); // exclude the header handshakeHash.deliver(v2ClientHello); v2ClientHello.position(0); return; } } byte handshakeType = source[offset]; if (handshakeHash.isHashable(handshakeType)) { handshakeHash.deliver(source, offset, length); } fragmenter.queueUpFragment(source, offset, length); } @Override void encodeChangeCipherSpec() throws IOException { if (isClosed()) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { SSLLogger.warning("outbound has closed, ignore outbound " + "change_cipher_spec message"); } return; } if (fragmenter == null) { fragmenter = new HandshakeFragment(); } fragmenter.queueUpChangeCipherSpec(); } @Override void encodeV2NoCipher() throws IOException { isTalkingToV2 = true; } @Override Ciphertext encode( ByteBuffer[] srcs, int srcsOffset, int srcsLength, ByteBuffer[] dsts, int dstsOffset, int dstsLength) throws IOException { if (isClosed) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { SSLLogger.warning("outbound has closed, ignore outbound " + "application data or cached messages"); } return null; } else if (isCloseWaiting) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { SSLLogger.warning("outbound has closed, ignore outbound " + "application data"); } srcs = null; // use no application data. } return encode(srcs, srcsOffset, srcsLength, dsts[0]); } private Ciphertext encode(ByteBuffer[] sources, int offset, int length, ByteBuffer destination) throws IOException { if (writeCipher.authenticator.seqNumOverflow()) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { SSLLogger.fine( "sequence number extremely close to overflow " + "(2^64-1 packets). Closing connection."); } throw new SSLHandshakeException("sequence number overflow"); } // Don't process the incoming record until all of the // buffered records get handled. Ciphertext ct = acquireCiphertext(destination); if (ct != null) { return ct; } if (sources == null || sources.length == 0) { return null; } int srcsRemains = 0; for (int i = offset; i < offset + length; i++) { srcsRemains += sources[i].remaining(); } if (srcsRemains == 0) { return null; } int dstLim = destination.limit(); boolean isFirstRecordOfThePayload = true; int packetLeftSize = Math.min(maxRecordSize, packetSize); boolean needMorePayload = true; long recordSN = 0L; while (needMorePayload) { int fragLen; if (isFirstRecordOfThePayload && needToSplitPayload()) { needMorePayload = true; fragLen = 1; isFirstRecordOfThePayload = false; } else { needMorePayload = false; if (packetLeftSize > 0) { fragLen = writeCipher.calculateFragmentSize( packetLeftSize, headerSize); fragLen = Math.min(fragLen, Record.maxDataSize); } else { fragLen = Record.maxDataSize; } // Calculate more impact, for example TLS 1.3 padding. fragLen = calculateFragmentSize(fragLen); } int dstPos = destination.position(); int dstContent = dstPos + headerSize + writeCipher.getExplicitNonceSize(); destination.position(dstContent); int remains = Math.min(fragLen, destination.remaining()); fragLen = 0; int srcsLen = offset + length; for (int i = offset; (i < srcsLen) && (remains > 0); i++) { int amount = Math.min(sources[i].remaining(), remains); int srcLimit = sources[i].limit(); sources[i].limit(sources[i].position() + amount); destination.put(sources[i]); sources[i].limit(srcLimit); // restore the limit remains -= amount; fragLen += amount; if (remains > 0) { offset++; length--; } } destination.limit(destination.position()); destination.position(dstContent); if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("record")) { SSLLogger.fine( "WRITE: " + protocolVersion + " " + ContentType.APPLICATION_DATA.name + ", length = " + destination.remaining()); } // Encrypt the fragment and wrap up a record. recordSN = encrypt(writeCipher, ContentType.APPLICATION_DATA.id, destination, dstPos, dstLim, headerSize, protocolVersion); if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("packet")) { ByteBuffer temporary = destination.duplicate(); temporary.limit(temporary.position()); temporary.position(dstPos); SSLLogger.fine("Raw write", temporary); } packetLeftSize -= destination.position() - dstPos; // remain the limit unchanged destination.limit(dstLim); if (isFirstAppOutputRecord) { isFirstAppOutputRecord = false; } } return new Ciphertext(ContentType.APPLICATION_DATA.id, SSLHandshake.NOT_APPLICABLE.id, recordSN); } private Ciphertext acquireCiphertext( ByteBuffer destination) throws IOException { if (isTalkingToV2) { // SSLv2Hello // We don't support SSLv2. Send an SSLv2 error message // so that the connection can be closed gracefully. // // Please don't change the limit of the destination buffer. destination.put(SSLRecord.v2NoCipher); if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("packet")) { SSLLogger.fine("Raw write", SSLRecord.v2NoCipher); } isTalkingToV2 = false; return new Ciphertext(ContentType.ALERT.id, SSLHandshake.NOT_APPLICABLE.id, -1L); } if (v2ClientHello != null) { // deliver the SSLv2 format ClientHello message // // Please don't change the limit of the destination buffer. if (SSLLogger.isOn) { if (SSLLogger.isOn("record")) { SSLLogger.fine(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", WRITE: SSLv2 ClientHello message" + ", length = " + v2ClientHello.remaining()); } if (SSLLogger.isOn("packet")) { SSLLogger.fine("Raw write", v2ClientHello); } } destination.put(v2ClientHello); v2ClientHello = null; return new Ciphertext(ContentType.HANDSHAKE.id, SSLHandshake.CLIENT_HELLO.id, -1L); } if (fragmenter != null) { return fragmenter.acquireCiphertext(destination); } return null; } @Override boolean isEmpty() { return (!isTalkingToV2) && (v2ClientHello == null) && ((fragmenter == null) || fragmenter.isEmpty()); } // buffered record fragment private static class RecordMemo { byte contentType; byte majorVersion; byte minorVersion; SSLWriteCipher encodeCipher; byte[] fragment; } private static class HandshakeMemo extends RecordMemo { byte handshakeType; int acquireOffset; } final class HandshakeFragment { private LinkedList<RecordMemo> handshakeMemos = new LinkedList<>(); void queueUpFragment(byte[] source, int offset, int length) throws IOException { HandshakeMemo memo = new HandshakeMemo(); memo.contentType = ContentType.HANDSHAKE.id; memo.majorVersion = protocolVersion.major; // kick start version? memo.minorVersion = protocolVersion.minor; memo.encodeCipher = writeCipher; memo.handshakeType = source[offset]; memo.acquireOffset = 0; memo.fragment = new byte[length - 4]; // 4: header size // 1: HandshakeType // 3: message length System.arraycopy(source, offset + 4, memo.fragment, 0, length - 4); handshakeMemos.add(memo); } void queueUpChangeCipherSpec() { RecordMemo memo = new RecordMemo(); memo.contentType = ContentType.CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC.id; memo.majorVersion = protocolVersion.major; memo.minorVersion = protocolVersion.minor; memo.encodeCipher = writeCipher; memo.fragment = new byte[1]; memo.fragment[0] = 1; handshakeMemos.add(memo); } void queueUpAlert(byte level, byte description) { RecordMemo memo = new RecordMemo(); memo.contentType = ContentType.ALERT.id; memo.majorVersion = protocolVersion.major; memo.minorVersion = protocolVersion.minor; memo.encodeCipher = writeCipher; memo.fragment = new byte[2]; memo.fragment[0] = level; memo.fragment[1] = description; handshakeMemos.add(memo); } Ciphertext acquireCiphertext(ByteBuffer dstBuf) throws IOException { if (isEmpty()) { return null; } RecordMemo memo = handshakeMemos.getFirst(); HandshakeMemo hsMemo = null; if (memo.contentType == ContentType.HANDSHAKE.id) { hsMemo = (HandshakeMemo)memo; } // ChangeCipherSpec message is pretty small. Don't worry about // the fragmentation of ChangeCipherSpec record. int fragLen; if (packetSize > 0) { fragLen = Math.min(maxRecordSize, packetSize); fragLen = memo.encodeCipher.calculateFragmentSize( fragLen, headerSize); } else { fragLen = Record.maxDataSize; } // Calculate more impact, for example TLS 1.3 padding. fragLen = calculateFragmentSize(fragLen); int dstPos = dstBuf.position(); int dstLim = dstBuf.limit(); int dstContent = dstPos + headerSize + memo.encodeCipher.getExplicitNonceSize(); dstBuf.position(dstContent); if (hsMemo != null) { int remainingFragLen = fragLen; while ((remainingFragLen > 0) && !handshakeMemos.isEmpty()) { int memoFragLen = hsMemo.fragment.length; if (hsMemo.acquireOffset == 0) { // Don't fragment handshake message header if (remainingFragLen <= 4) { break; } dstBuf.put(hsMemo.handshakeType); dstBuf.put((byte)((memoFragLen >> 16) & 0xFF)); dstBuf.put((byte)((memoFragLen >> 8) & 0xFF)); dstBuf.put((byte)(memoFragLen & 0xFF)); remainingFragLen -= 4; } // Otherwise, handshake message is fragmented. int chipLen = Math.min(remainingFragLen, (memoFragLen - hsMemo.acquireOffset)); dstBuf.put(hsMemo.fragment, hsMemo.acquireOffset, chipLen); hsMemo.acquireOffset += chipLen; if (hsMemo.acquireOffset == memoFragLen) { handshakeMemos.removeFirst(); // still have space for more records? if ((remainingFragLen > chipLen) && !handshakeMemos.isEmpty()) { // look for the next buffered record fragment RecordMemo rm = handshakeMemos.getFirst(); if (rm.contentType == ContentType.HANDSHAKE.id && rm.encodeCipher == hsMemo.encodeCipher) { hsMemo = (HandshakeMemo)rm; } else { // not of the flight, break the loop break; } } } remainingFragLen -= chipLen; } } else { fragLen = Math.min(fragLen, memo.fragment.length); dstBuf.put(memo.fragment, 0, fragLen); handshakeMemos.removeFirst(); } dstBuf.limit(dstBuf.position()); dstBuf.position(dstContent); if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("record")) { SSLLogger.fine( "WRITE: " + protocolVersion + " " + ContentType.nameOf(memo.contentType) + ", length = " + dstBuf.remaining()); } // Encrypt the fragment and wrap up a record. long recordSN = encrypt( memo.encodeCipher, memo.contentType, dstBuf, dstPos, dstLim, headerSize, ProtocolVersion.valueOf(memo.majorVersion, memo.minorVersion)); if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("packet")) { ByteBuffer temporary = dstBuf.duplicate(); temporary.limit(temporary.position()); temporary.position(dstPos); SSLLogger.fine("Raw write", temporary); } // remain the limit unchanged dstBuf.limit(dstLim); // Reset the fragmentation offset. if (hsMemo != null) { return new Ciphertext(hsMemo.contentType, hsMemo.handshakeType, recordSN); } else { if (isCloseWaiting && memo.contentType == ContentType.ALERT.id) { close(); } return new Ciphertext(memo.contentType, SSLHandshake.NOT_APPLICABLE.id, recordSN); } } boolean isEmpty() { return handshakeMemos.isEmpty(); } boolean hasAlert() { for (RecordMemo memo : handshakeMemos) { if (memo.contentType == ContentType.ALERT.id) { return true; } } return false; } } /* * Need to split the payload except the following cases: * * 1. protocol version is TLS 1.1 or later; * 2. bulk cipher does not use CBC mode, including null bulk cipher suites. * 3. the payload is the first application record of a freshly * negotiated TLS session. * 4. the CBC protection is disabled; * * By default, we counter chosen plaintext issues on CBC mode * ciphersuites in SSLv3/TLS1.0 by sending one byte of application * data in the first record of every payload, and the rest in * subsequent record(s). Note that the issues have been solved in * TLS 1.1 or later. * * It is not necessary to split the very first application record of * a freshly negotiated TLS session, as there is no previous * application data to guess. To improve compatibility, we will not * split such records. * * This avoids issues in the outbound direction. For a full fix, * the peer must have similar protections. */ boolean needToSplitPayload() { return (!protocolVersion.useTLS11PlusSpec()) && writeCipher.isCBCMode() && !isFirstAppOutputRecord && Record.enableCBCProtection; } }