public final class sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser
  minor version: 0
  major version: 59
  flags: flags: (0x0031) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_FINAL, ACC_SUPER
  this_class: sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser
  super_class: java.lang.Object
  private static final sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY;
    descriptor: [Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL

  private static final byte CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 0

  private static final byte METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 1

  private static final byte CLASS_EXTENDS;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 16

  private static final byte CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 17

  private static final byte METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 18

  private static final byte FIELD;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 19

  private static final byte METHOD_RETURN;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 20

  private static final byte METHOD_RECEIVER;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 21

  private static final byte METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 22

  private static final byte THROWS;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 23

  private static final byte LOCAL_VARIABLE;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 64

  private static final byte RESOURCE_VARIABLE;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 65

  private static final byte EXCEPTION_PARAMETER;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 66

  private static final byte INSTANCEOF;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 67

  private static final byte NEW;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 68

  private static final byte CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 69

  private static final byte METHOD_REFERENCE;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 70

  private static final byte CAST;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 71

    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 72

  private static final byte METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 73

  private static final byte CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 74

  private static final byte METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT;
    descriptor: B
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 75

  static void <clinit>();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0008) ACC_STATIC
      stack=1, locals=0, args_size=0
         0: .line 47
            anewarray sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation
            putstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY:[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
         1: .line 419
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature

  public void <init>();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
        start local 0 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser this
         0: .line 46
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokespecial java.lang.Object.<init>:()V
        end local 0 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotationParser;

  public static java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType buildAnnotatedType(byte[], jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool, java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement, java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.reflect.Type, sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget);
    descriptor: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
    flags: (0x0009) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC
      stack=5, locals=13, args_size=6
        start local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        start local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        start local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
        start local 3 // java.lang.Class container
        start local 4 // java.lang.reflect.Type type
        start local 5 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget filter
         0: .line 68
            aload 0 /* rawAnnotations */
         1: .line 69
            aload 1 /* cp */
            aload 2 /* decl */
            aload 3 /* container */
         2: .line 68
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parseTypeAnnotations:([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;)[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            astore 6 /* tas */
        start local 6 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] tas
         3: .line 71
            new java.util.ArrayList
            aload 6 /* tas */
            invokespecial java.util.ArrayList.<init>:(I)V
            astore 7 /* l */
        start local 7 // java.util.List l
         4: .line 72
            aload 6 /* tas */
            astore 11
            istore 10
            istore 9
            goto 10
      StackMap locals: byte[] jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Type sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] java.util.List top int int sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]
      StackMap stack:
         5: aload 11
            iload 9
            astore 8 /* t */
        start local 8 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
         6: .line 73
            aload 8 /* t */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.getTargetInfo:()Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
            astore 12 /* ti */
        start local 12 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo ti
         7: .line 74
            aload 12 /* ti */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.getTarget:()Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            aload 5 /* filter */
            if_acmpne 9
         8: .line 75
            aload 7 /* l */
            aload 8 /* t */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
        end local 12 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo ti
        end local 8 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
         9: .line 72
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            iinc 9 1
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        10: iload 9
            iload 10
            if_icmplt 5
        11: .line 77
            aload 7 /* l */
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY:[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            invokeinterface java.util.List.toArray:([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
            checkcast sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]
            astore 8 /* typeAnnotations */
        start local 8 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations
        12: .line 78
            aload 4 /* type */
        13: .line 79
            aload 4 /* type */
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo.BASE_LOCATION:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotatedTypeFactory.nestingForType:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;
        14: .line 80
            aload 8 /* typeAnnotations */
        15: .line 81
            aload 8 /* typeAnnotations */
        16: .line 82
            aload 2 /* decl */
        17: .line 78
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotatedTypeFactory.buildAnnotatedType:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;)Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
        end local 8 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations
        end local 7 // java.util.List l
        end local 6 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] tas
        end local 5 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget filter
        end local 4 // java.lang.reflect.Type type
        end local 3 // java.lang.Class container
        end local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
        end local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        end local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        Start  End  Slot             Name  Signature
            0   18     0   rawAnnotations  [B
            0   18     1               cp  Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;
            0   18     2             decl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            0   18     3        container  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
            0   18     4             type  Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;
            0   18     5           filter  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            3   18     6              tas  [Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            4   18     7                l  Ljava/util/List<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
            6    9     8                t  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            7    9    12               ti  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
           12   18     8  typeAnnotations  [Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
    Signature: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
                Name  Flags

  public static java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] buildAnnotatedTypes(byte[], jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool, java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement, java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.reflect.Type[], sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget);
    descriptor: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;[Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
    flags: (0x0009) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC
      stack=7, locals=17, args_size=6
        start local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        start local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        start local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
        start local 3 // java.lang.Class container
        start local 4 // java.lang.reflect.Type[] types
        start local 5 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget filter
         0: .line 104
            aload 4 /* types */
            istore 6 /* size */
        start local 6 // int size
         1: .line 105
            iload 6 /* size */
            anewarray java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType
            astore 7 /* result */
        start local 7 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] result
         2: .line 106
            aload 7 /* result */
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotatedTypeFactory.EMPTY_ANNOTATED_TYPE:Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
            invokestatic java.util.Arrays.fill:([Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
         3: .line 108
            iload 6 /* size */
            anewarray java.util.ArrayList
            astore 8 /* l */
        start local 8 // java.util.ArrayList[] l
         4: .line 110
            aload 0 /* rawAnnotations */
         5: .line 111
            aload 1 /* cp */
            aload 2 /* decl */
            aload 3 /* container */
         6: .line 110
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parseTypeAnnotations:([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;)[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            astore 9 /* tas */
        start local 9 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] tas
         7: .line 113
            aload 9 /* tas */
            astore 13
            istore 12
            istore 11
            goto 18
      StackMap locals: byte[] jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Type[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget int java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] java.util.ArrayList[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] top int int sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]
      StackMap stack:
         8: aload 13
            iload 11
            astore 10 /* t */
        start local 10 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
         9: .line 114
            aload 10 /* t */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.getTargetInfo:()Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
            astore 14 /* ti */
        start local 14 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo ti
        10: .line 115
            aload 14 /* ti */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.getTarget:()Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            aload 5 /* filter */
            if_acmpne 17
        11: .line 116
            aload 14 /* ti */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.getCount:()I
            istore 15 /* pos */
        start local 15 // int pos
        12: .line 117
            aload 8 /* l */
            iload 15 /* pos */
            ifnonnull 15
        13: .line 118
            new java.util.ArrayList
            aload 9 /* tas */
            invokespecial java.util.ArrayList.<init>:(I)V
            astore 16 /* tmp */
        start local 16 // java.util.ArrayList tmp
        14: .line 119
            aload 8 /* l */
            iload 15 /* pos */
            aload 16 /* tmp */
        end local 16 // java.util.ArrayList tmp
        15: .line 122
      StackMap locals: byte[] jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Type[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget int java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] java.util.ArrayList[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation int int sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo int
      StackMap stack:
            aload 8 /* l */
            iload 15 /* pos */
            astore 16 /* tmp */
        start local 16 // java.util.ArrayList tmp
        16: .line 123
            aload 16 /* tmp */
            aload 10 /* t */
            invokevirtual java.util.ArrayList.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
        end local 16 // java.util.ArrayList tmp
        end local 15 // int pos
        end local 14 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo ti
        end local 10 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
        17: .line 113
      StackMap locals: byte[] jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Type[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget int java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] java.util.ArrayList[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] top int int sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]
      StackMap stack:
            iinc 11 1
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        18: iload 11
            iload 12
            if_icmplt 8
        19: .line 129
            istore 10 /* offset */
        start local 10 // boolean offset
        20: .line 130
            aload 2 /* decl */
            instanceof java.lang.reflect.Constructor
            ifeq 27
        21: .line 131
            aload 2 /* decl */
            checkcast java.lang.reflect.Constructor
            astore 11 /* ctor */
        start local 11 // java.lang.reflect.Constructor ctor
        22: .line 132
            aload 11 /* ctor */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getDeclaringClass:()Ljava/lang/Class;
            astore 12 /* declaringClass */
        start local 12 // java.lang.Class declaringClass
        23: .line 133
            aload 12 /* declaringClass */
            invokevirtual java.lang.Class.isEnum:()Z
            ifne 27
        24: .line 134
            aload 12 /* declaringClass */
            invokevirtual java.lang.Class.isMemberClass:()Z
            ifeq 27
        25: .line 135
            aload 12 /* declaringClass */
            invokevirtual java.lang.Class.getModifiers:()I
            bipush 8
            ifne 27
        26: .line 136
            istore 10 /* offset */
        end local 12 // java.lang.Class declaringClass
        end local 11 // java.lang.reflect.Constructor ctor
        27: .line 139
      StackMap locals: byte[] jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Type[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget int java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] java.util.ArrayList[] sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] int
      StackMap stack:
            istore 11 /* i */
        start local 11 // int i
        28: goto 48
        29: .line 141
      StackMap locals: int
      StackMap stack:
            iload 10 /* offset */
            ifeq 35
        30: .line 143
            iload 11 /* i */
            ifne 31
            goto 32
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        31: aload 8 /* l */
            iload 11 /* i */
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.util.ArrayList
        32: astore 13 /* tmp */
        start local 13 // java.util.ArrayList tmp
        33: .line 144
            aload 13 /* tmp */
            astore 12 /* list */
        end local 13 // java.util.ArrayList tmp
        start local 12 // java.util.ArrayList list
        34: .line 145
            goto 37
        end local 12 // java.util.ArrayList list
        35: .line 147
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 8 /* l */
            iload 11 /* i */
            astore 13 /* tmp */
        start local 13 // java.util.ArrayList tmp
        36: .line 148
            aload 13 /* tmp */
            astore 12 /* list */
        end local 13 // java.util.ArrayList tmp
        start local 12 // java.util.ArrayList list
        37: .line 151
      StackMap locals: java.util.ArrayList
      StackMap stack:
            aload 12 /* list */
            ifnull 40
        38: .line 152
            aload 12 /* list */
            aload 12 /* list */
            invokevirtual java.util.ArrayList.size:()I
            anewarray sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation
            invokevirtual java.util.ArrayList.toArray:([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
            checkcast sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]
            astore 13 /* typeAnnotations */
        start local 13 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations
        39: .line 153
            goto 41
        end local 13 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations
        40: .line 154
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY:[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            astore 13 /* typeAnnotations */
        start local 13 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations
        41: .line 156
      StackMap locals: sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]
      StackMap stack:
            aload 7 /* result */
            iload 11 /* i */
            aload 4 /* types */
            iload 11 /* i */
        42: .line 157
            aload 4 /* types */
            iload 11 /* i */
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo.BASE_LOCATION:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotatedTypeFactory.nestingForType:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;
        43: .line 158
            aload 13 /* typeAnnotations */
        44: .line 159
            aload 13 /* typeAnnotations */
        45: .line 160
            aload 2 /* decl */
        46: .line 156
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotatedTypeFactory.buildAnnotatedType:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;)Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
        end local 13 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations
        end local 12 // java.util.ArrayList list
        47: .line 139
            iinc 11 /* i */ 1
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        48: iload 11 /* i */
            iload 6 /* size */
            if_icmplt 29
        end local 11 // int i
        49: .line 163
            aload 7 /* result */
        end local 10 // boolean offset
        end local 9 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] tas
        end local 8 // java.util.ArrayList[] l
        end local 7 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] result
        end local 6 // int size
        end local 5 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget filter
        end local 4 // java.lang.reflect.Type[] types
        end local 3 // java.lang.Class container
        end local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
        end local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        end local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        Start  End  Slot             Name  Signature
            0   50     0   rawAnnotations  [B
            0   50     1               cp  Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;
            0   50     2             decl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            0   50     3        container  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
            0   50     4            types  [Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;
            0   50     5           filter  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            1   50     6             size  I
            2   50     7           result  [Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
            4   50     8                l  [Ljava/util/ArrayList;
            7   50     9              tas  [Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            9   17    10                t  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
           10   17    14               ti  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
           12   17    15              pos  I
           14   15    16              tmp  Ljava/util/ArrayList<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
           16   17    16              tmp  Ljava/util/ArrayList<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
           20   50    10           offset  Z
           22   27    11             ctor  Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor<*>;
           23   27    12   declaringClass  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
           28   49    11                i  I
           34   35    12             list  Ljava/util/ArrayList<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
           37   47    12             list  Ljava/util/ArrayList<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
           33   34    13              tmp  Ljava/util/ArrayList<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
           36   37    13              tmp  Ljava/util/ArrayList<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
           39   40    13  typeAnnotations  [Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
           41   47    13  typeAnnotations  [Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
    Signature: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;[Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
                Name  Flags

  public static java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType buildAnnotatedSuperclass(byte[], jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool, java.lang.Class<?>);
    descriptor: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
    flags: (0x0009) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC
      stack=6, locals=4, args_size=3
        start local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        start local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        start local 2 // java.lang.Class decl
         0: .line 178
            aload 2 /* decl */
            invokevirtual java.lang.Class.getGenericSuperclass:()Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;
            astore 3 /* supertype */
        start local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Type supertype
         1: .line 179
            aload 3 /* supertype */
            ifnonnull 3
         2: .line 180
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotatedTypeFactory.EMPTY_ANNOTATED_TYPE:Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
         3: .line 181
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Type
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* rawAnnotations */
         4: .line 182
            aload 1 /* cp */
         5: .line 183
            aload 2 /* decl */
         6: .line 184
            aload 2 /* decl */
         7: .line 185
            aload 3 /* supertype */
         8: .line 186
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_EXTENDS:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
         9: .line 181
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.buildAnnotatedType:([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
        end local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Type supertype
        end local 2 // java.lang.Class decl
        end local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        end local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        Start  End  Slot            Name  Signature
            0   10     0  rawAnnotations  [B
            0   10     1              cp  Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;
            0   10     2            decl  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
            1   10     3       supertype  Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;
    Signature: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;)Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
                Name  Flags

  public static java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] buildAnnotatedInterfaces(byte[], jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool, java.lang.Class<?>);
    descriptor: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/Class;)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
    flags: (0x0009) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC
      stack=6, locals=3, args_size=3
        start local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        start local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        start local 2 // java.lang.Class decl
         0: .line 200
            aload 2 /* decl */
            ldc Ljava/lang/Object;
            if_acmpeq 4
         1: .line 201
            aload 2 /* decl */
            invokevirtual java.lang.Class.isArray:()Z
            ifne 4
         2: .line 202
            aload 2 /* decl */
            invokevirtual java.lang.Class.isPrimitive:()Z
            ifne 4
         3: .line 203
            aload 2 /* decl */
            getstatic java.lang.Void.TYPE:Ljava/lang/Class;
            if_acmpne 5
         4: .line 204
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotatedTypeFactory.EMPTY_ANNOTATED_TYPE_ARRAY:[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
         5: .line 205
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* rawAnnotations */
         6: .line 206
            aload 1 /* cp */
         7: .line 207
            aload 2 /* decl */
         8: .line 208
            aload 2 /* decl */
         9: .line 209
            aload 2 /* decl */
            invokevirtual java.lang.Class.getGenericInterfaces:()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;
        10: .line 210
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_IMPLEMENTS:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
        11: .line 205
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.buildAnnotatedTypes:([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;[Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
        end local 2 // java.lang.Class decl
        end local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        end local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        Start  End  Slot            Name  Signature
            0   12     0  rawAnnotations  [B
            0   12     1              cp  Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;
            0   12     2            decl  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
    Signature: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
                Name  Flags

  public static <D extends java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration> java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] parseTypeVariableAnnotations(D, int);
    descriptor: (Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;I)[Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;
    flags: (0x0009) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC
      stack=5, locals=8, args_size=2
        start local 0 // java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration genericDecl
        start local 1 // int typeVarIndex
         0: .line 228
            aload 0 /* genericDecl */
            instanceof java.lang.Class
            ifeq 4
         1: .line 229
            aload 0 /* genericDecl */
            checkcast java.lang.Class
            astore 2 /* decl */
        start local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
         2: .line 230
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            astore 3 /* predicate */
        start local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget predicate
         3: .line 231
            goto 9
        end local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget predicate
        end local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
         4: aload 0 /* genericDecl */
            instanceof java.lang.reflect.Executable
            ifeq 8
         5: .line 232
            aload 0 /* genericDecl */
            checkcast java.lang.reflect.Executable
            astore 2 /* decl */
        start local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
         6: .line 233
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            astore 3 /* predicate */
        start local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget predicate
         7: .line 234
            goto 9
        end local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget predicate
        end local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
         8: .line 235
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            new java.lang.AssertionError
            new java.lang.StringBuilder
            ldc "Unknown GenericDeclaration "
            invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
            aload 0 /* genericDecl */
            invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
            ldc "\nthis should not happen."
            invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
            invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
            invokespecial java.lang.AssertionError.<init>:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
        start local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
        start local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget predicate
         9: .line 237
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget
      StackMap stack:
            aload 2 /* decl */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parseAllTypeAnnotations:(Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;)[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
        10: .line 238
            aload 3 /* predicate */
        11: .line 237
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.filter:([Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)Ljava/util/List;
            astore 4 /* typeVarAnnos */
        start local 4 // java.util.List typeVarAnnos
        12: .line 239
            new java.util.ArrayList
            aload 4 /* typeVarAnnos */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.size:()I
            invokespecial java.util.ArrayList.<init>:(I)V
            astore 5 /* res */
        start local 5 // java.util.List res
        13: .line 240
            aload 4 /* typeVarAnnos */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.iterator:()Ljava/util/Iterator;
            astore 7
            goto 17
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration int java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget java.util.List java.util.List top java.util.Iterator
      StackMap stack:
        14: aload 7
            checkcast sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation
            astore 6 /* t */
        start local 6 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
        15: .line 241
            aload 6 /* t */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.getTargetInfo:()Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.getCount:()I
            iload 1 /* typeVarIndex */
            if_icmpne 17
        16: .line 242
            aload 5 /* res */
            aload 6 /* t */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.getAnnotation:()Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;
            invokeinterface java.util.List.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
        end local 6 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
        17: .line 240
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 7
            invokeinterface java.util.Iterator.hasNext:()Z
            ifne 14
        18: .line 243
            aload 5 /* res */
            anewarray java.lang.annotation.Annotation
            invokeinterface java.util.List.toArray:([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
            checkcast java.lang.annotation.Annotation[]
        end local 5 // java.util.List res
        end local 4 // java.util.List typeVarAnnos
        end local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget predicate
        end local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
        end local 1 // int typeVarIndex
        end local 0 // java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration genericDecl
        Start  End  Slot          Name  Signature
            0   19     0   genericDecl  TD;
            0   19     1  typeVarIndex  I
            2    4     2          decl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            6    8     2          decl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            9   19     2          decl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            3    4     3     predicate  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            7    8     3     predicate  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            9   19     3     predicate  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
           12   19     4  typeVarAnnos  Ljava/util/List<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
           13   19     5           res  Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;>;
           15   17     6             t  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
    Signature: <D::Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;>(TD;I)[Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;
              Name  Flags

  public static <D extends java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration> java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] parseAnnotatedBounds(java.lang.reflect.Type[], D, int);
    descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;I)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
    flags: (0x0009) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC
      stack=4, locals=3, args_size=3
        start local 0 // java.lang.reflect.Type[] bounds
        start local 1 // java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration decl
        start local 2 // int typeVarIndex
         0: .line 256
            aload 0 /* bounds */
            aload 1 /* decl */
            iload 2 /* typeVarIndex */
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo.BASE_LOCATION:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parseAnnotatedBounds:([Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;ILsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
        end local 2 // int typeVarIndex
        end local 1 // java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration decl
        end local 0 // java.lang.reflect.Type[] bounds
        Start  End  Slot          Name  Signature
            0    1     0        bounds  [Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;
            0    1     1          decl  TD;
            0    1     2  typeVarIndex  I
    Signature: <D::Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;>([Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;TD;I)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
              Name  Flags

  private static <D extends java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration> java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] parseAnnotatedBounds(java.lang.reflect.Type[], D, int, sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo);
    descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;ILsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=7, locals=12, args_size=4
        start local 0 // java.lang.reflect.Type[] bounds
        start local 1 // java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration decl
        start local 2 // int typeVarIndex
        start local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo loc
         0: .line 263
            aload 1 /* decl */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.fetchBounds:(Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;)Ljava/util/List;
            astore 4 /* candidates */
        start local 4 // java.util.List candidates
         1: .line 264
            aload 0 /* bounds */
            ifnull 36
         2: .line 265
            istore 5 /* startIndex */
        start local 5 // int startIndex
         3: .line 266
            aload 0 /* bounds */
            anewarray java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType
            astore 6 /* res */
        start local 6 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] res
         4: .line 279
            aload 0 /* bounds */
            ifle 16
         5: .line 280
            aload 0 /* bounds */
            astore 7 /* b0 */
        start local 7 // java.lang.reflect.Type b0
         6: .line 281
            aload 7 /* b0 */
            instanceof java.lang.Class
            ifeq 11
         7: .line 282
            aload 7 /* b0 */
            checkcast java.lang.Class
            astore 8 /* c */
        start local 8 // java.lang.Class c
         8: .line 283
            aload 8 /* c */
            invokevirtual java.lang.Class.isInterface:()Z
            ifeq 16
         9: .line 284
            istore 5 /* startIndex */
        end local 8 // java.lang.Class c
        10: .line 286
            goto 16
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Type[] java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration int sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo java.util.List int java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] java.lang.reflect.Type
      StackMap stack:
        11: aload 7 /* b0 */
            instanceof java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
            ifeq 16
        12: .line 287
            aload 7 /* b0 */
            checkcast java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
            astore 8 /* p */
        start local 8 // java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType p
        13: .line 288
            aload 8 /* p */
            invokeinterface java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType.getRawType:()Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;
            checkcast java.lang.Class
            astore 9 /* c */
        start local 9 // java.lang.Class c
        14: .line 289
            aload 9 /* c */
            invokevirtual java.lang.Class.isInterface:()Z
            ifeq 16
        15: .line 290
            istore 5 /* startIndex */
        end local 9 // java.lang.Class c
        end local 8 // java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType p
        end local 7 // java.lang.reflect.Type b0
        16: .line 295
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            istore 7 /* i */
        start local 7 // int i
        17: goto 34
        18: .line 296
      StackMap locals: int
      StackMap stack:
            new java.util.ArrayList
            aload 4 /* candidates */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.size:()I
            invokespecial java.util.ArrayList.<init>:(I)V
            astore 8 /* l */
        start local 8 // java.util.List l
        19: .line 297
            aload 4 /* candidates */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.iterator:()Ljava/util/Iterator;
            astore 10
            goto 25
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Type[] java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration int sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo java.util.List int java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] int java.util.List top java.util.Iterator
      StackMap stack:
        20: aload 10
            checkcast sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation
            astore 9 /* t */
        start local 9 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
        21: .line 298
            aload 9 /* t */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.getTargetInfo:()Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
            astore 11 /* tInfo */
        start local 11 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo tInfo
        22: .line 299
            aload 11 /* tInfo */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.getSecondaryIndex:()I
            iload 7 /* i */
            iload 5 /* startIndex */
            if_icmpne 25
        23: .line 300
            aload 11 /* tInfo */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.getCount:()I
            iload 2 /* typeVarIndex */
            if_icmpne 25
        24: .line 301
            aload 8 /* l */
            aload 9 /* t */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
        end local 11 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo tInfo
        end local 9 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
        25: .line 297
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 10
            invokeinterface java.util.Iterator.hasNext:()Z
            ifne 20
        26: .line 304
            aload 8 /* l */
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY:[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            invokeinterface java.util.List.toArray:([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
            checkcast sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]
            astore 9 /* typeAnnotations */
        start local 9 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations
        27: .line 305
            aload 6 /* res */
            iload 7 /* i */
            aload 0 /* bounds */
            iload 7 /* i */
        28: .line 306
            aload 0 /* bounds */
            iload 7 /* i */
            aload 3 /* loc */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotatedTypeFactory.nestingForType:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;
        29: .line 307
            aload 9 /* typeAnnotations */
        30: .line 308
            aload 9 /* typeAnnotations */
        31: .line 309
            aload 1 /* decl */
        32: .line 305
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotatedTypeFactory.buildAnnotatedType:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;)Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
        end local 9 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations
        end local 8 // java.util.List l
        33: .line 295
            iinc 7 /* i */ 1
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Type[] java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration int sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo java.util.List int java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] int
      StackMap stack:
        34: iload 7 /* i */
            aload 0 /* bounds */
            if_icmplt 18
        end local 7 // int i
        35: .line 311
            aload 6 /* res */
        end local 6 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType[] res
        end local 5 // int startIndex
        36: .line 313
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            anewarray java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType
        end local 4 // java.util.List candidates
        end local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo loc
        end local 2 // int typeVarIndex
        end local 1 // java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration decl
        end local 0 // java.lang.reflect.Type[] bounds
        Start  End  Slot             Name  Signature
            0   37     0           bounds  [Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;
            0   37     1             decl  TD;
            0   37     2     typeVarIndex  I
            0   37     3              loc  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;
            1   37     4       candidates  Ljava/util/List<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
            3   36     5       startIndex  I
            4   36     6              res  [Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
            6   16     7               b0  Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;
            8   10     8                c  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
           13   16     8                p  Ljava/lang/reflect/ParameterizedType;
           14   16     9                c  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
           17   35     7                i  I
           19   33     8                l  Ljava/util/List<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
           21   25     9                t  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
           22   25    11            tInfo  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
           27   33     9  typeAnnotations  [Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
    Signature: <D::Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;>([Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;TD;ILsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;)[Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedType;
              Name  Flags

  private static <D extends java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration> java.util.List<sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation> fetchBounds(D);
    descriptor: (Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;)Ljava/util/List;
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=2, locals=3, args_size=1
        start local 0 // java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration decl
         0: .line 318
            aload 0 /* decl */
            instanceof java.lang.Class
            ifeq 4
         1: .line 319
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            astore 2 /* target */
        start local 2 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget target
         2: .line 320
            aload 0 /* decl */
            checkcast java.lang.Class
            astore 1 /* boundsDecl */
        start local 1 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement boundsDecl
         3: .line 321
            goto 6
        end local 2 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget target
        end local 1 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement boundsDecl
         4: .line 322
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            astore 2 /* target */
        start local 2 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget target
         5: .line 323
            aload 0 /* decl */
            checkcast java.lang.reflect.Executable
            astore 1 /* boundsDecl */
        start local 1 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement boundsDecl
         6: .line 325
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget
      StackMap stack:
            aload 1 /* boundsDecl */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parseAllTypeAnnotations:(Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;)[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            aload 2 /* target */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.filter:([Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)Ljava/util/List;
        end local 2 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget target
        end local 1 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement boundsDecl
        end local 0 // java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration decl
        Start  End  Slot        Name  Signature
            0    7     0        decl  TD;
            3    4     1  boundsDecl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            6    7     1  boundsDecl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            2    4     2      target  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            5    7     2      target  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
    Signature: <D::Ljava/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration;>(TD;)Ljava/util/List<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
      Name  Flags

  static sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] parseAllTypeAnnotations(java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement);
    descriptor: (Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;)[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
    flags: (0x0008) ACC_STATIC
      stack=4, locals=4, args_size=1
        start local 0 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
         0: .line 338
            invokestatic jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess:()Ljdk/internal/access/JavaLangAccess;
            astore 3 /* javaLangAccess */
        start local 3 // jdk.internal.access.JavaLangAccess javaLangAccess
         1: .line 339
            aload 0 /* decl */
            instanceof java.lang.Class
            ifeq 5
         2: .line 340
            aload 0 /* decl */
            checkcast java.lang.Class
            astore 1 /* container */
        start local 1 // java.lang.Class container
         3: .line 341
            aload 3 /* javaLangAccess */
            aload 1 /* container */
            invokeinterface jdk.internal.access.JavaLangAccess.getRawClassTypeAnnotations:(Ljava/lang/Class;)[B
            astore 2 /* rawBytes */
        start local 2 // byte[] rawBytes
         4: .line 342
            goto 10
        end local 2 // byte[] rawBytes
        end local 1 // java.lang.Class container
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement top top jdk.internal.access.JavaLangAccess
      StackMap stack:
         5: aload 0 /* decl */
            instanceof java.lang.reflect.Executable
            ifeq 9
         6: .line 343
            aload 0 /* decl */
            checkcast java.lang.reflect.Executable
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Executable.getDeclaringClass:()Ljava/lang/Class;
            astore 1 /* container */
        start local 1 // java.lang.Class container
         7: .line 344
            aload 3 /* javaLangAccess */
            aload 0 /* decl */
            checkcast java.lang.reflect.Executable
            invokeinterface jdk.internal.access.JavaLangAccess.getRawExecutableTypeAnnotations:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Executable;)[B
            astore 2 /* rawBytes */
        start local 2 // byte[] rawBytes
         8: .line 345
            goto 10
        end local 2 // byte[] rawBytes
        end local 1 // java.lang.Class container
         9: .line 347
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY:[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
        start local 1 // java.lang.Class container
        start local 2 // byte[] rawBytes
        10: .line 349
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement java.lang.Class byte[] jdk.internal.access.JavaLangAccess
      StackMap stack:
            aload 2 /* rawBytes */
            aload 3 /* javaLangAccess */
            aload 1 /* container */
            invokeinterface jdk.internal.access.JavaLangAccess.getConstantPool:(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;
        11: .line 350
            aload 0 /* decl */
            aload 1 /* container */
        12: .line 349
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parseTypeAnnotations:([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;)[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
        end local 3 // jdk.internal.access.JavaLangAccess javaLangAccess
        end local 2 // byte[] rawBytes
        end local 1 // java.lang.Class container
        end local 0 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement decl
        Start  End  Slot            Name  Signature
            0   13     0            decl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            3    5     1       container  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
            7    9     1       container  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
           10   13     1       container  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
            4    5     2        rawBytes  [B
            8    9     2        rawBytes  [B
           10   13     2        rawBytes  [B
            1   13     3  javaLangAccess  Ljdk/internal/access/JavaLangAccess;
      Name  Flags

  private static sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] parseTypeAnnotations(byte[], jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool, java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement, java.lang.Class<?>);
    descriptor: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;)[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=4, locals=9, args_size=4
        start local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        start local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        start local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement baseDecl
        start local 3 // java.lang.Class container
         0: .line 358
            aload 0 /* rawAnnotations */
            ifnonnull 2
         1: .line 359
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY:[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
         2: .line 361
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* rawAnnotations */
            invokestatic java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap:([B)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
            astore 4 /* buf */
        start local 4 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
         3: .line 362
            aload 4 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.getShort:()S
            ldc 65535
            istore 5 /* annotationCount */
        start local 5 // int annotationCount
         4: .line 363
            new java.util.ArrayList
            iload 5 /* annotationCount */
            invokespecial java.util.ArrayList.<init>:(I)V
            astore 6 /* typeAnnotations */
        start local 6 // java.util.List typeAnnotations
         5: .line 366
            istore 7 /* i */
        start local 7 // int i
         6: goto 11
         7: .line 367
      StackMap locals: byte[] jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement java.lang.Class java.nio.ByteBuffer int java.util.List int
      StackMap stack:
            aload 4 /* buf */
            aload 1 /* cp */
            aload 2 /* baseDecl */
            aload 3 /* container */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parseTypeAnnotation:(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            astore 8 /* ta */
        start local 8 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation ta
         8: .line 368
            aload 8 /* ta */
            ifnull 10
         9: .line 369
            aload 6 /* typeAnnotations */
            aload 8 /* ta */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
        end local 8 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation ta
        10: .line 366
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            iinc 7 /* i */ 1
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        11: iload 7 /* i */
            iload 5 /* annotationCount */
            if_icmplt 7
        end local 7 // int i
        12: .line 372
            aload 6 /* typeAnnotations */
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY:[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            invokeinterface java.util.List.toArray:([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
            checkcast sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]
        end local 6 // java.util.List typeAnnotations
        end local 5 // int annotationCount
        end local 4 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
        end local 3 // java.lang.Class container
        end local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement baseDecl
        end local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        end local 0 // byte[] rawAnnotations
        Start  End  Slot             Name  Signature
            0   13     0   rawAnnotations  [B
            0   13     1               cp  Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;
            0   13     2         baseDecl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            0   13     3        container  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
            3   13     4              buf  Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
            4   13     5  annotationCount  I
            5   13     6  typeAnnotations  Ljava/util/List<Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;>;
            6   12     7                i  I
            8   10     8               ta  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
    Signature: ([BLjdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;)[Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
                Name  Flags

  static java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>, java.lang.annotation.Annotation> mapTypeAnnotations(sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]);
    descriptor: ([Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;)Ljava/util/Map;
    flags: (0x0008) ACC_STATIC
      stack=5, locals=9, args_size=1
        start local 0 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnos
         0: .line 379
            new java.util.LinkedHashMap
            invokespecial java.util.LinkedHashMap.<init>:()V
         1: .line 378
            astore 1 /* result */
        start local 1 // java.util.Map result
         2: .line 380
            aload 0 /* typeAnnos */
            astore 5
            istore 4
            istore 3
            goto 12
      StackMap locals: sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] java.util.Map top int int sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[]
      StackMap stack:
         3: aload 5
            iload 3
            astore 2 /* t */
        start local 2 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
         4: .line 381
            aload 2 /* t */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.getAnnotation:()Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;
            astore 6 /* a */
        start local 6 // java.lang.annotation.Annotation a
         5: .line 382
            aload 6 /* a */
            ifnull 11
         6: .line 383
            aload 6 /* a */
            invokeinterface java.lang.annotation.Annotation.annotationType:()Ljava/lang/Class;
            astore 7 /* klass */
        start local 7 // java.lang.Class klass
         7: .line 384
            aload 7 /* klass */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationType.getInstance:(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationType;
            astore 8 /* type */
        start local 8 // sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationType type
         8: .line 385
            aload 8 /* type */
            invokevirtual sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationType.retention:()Ljava/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy;
            getstatic java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME:Ljava/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy;
            if_acmpne 11
         9: .line 386
            aload 1 /* result */
            aload 7 /* klass */
            aload 6 /* a */
            invokeinterface java.util.Map.put:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
            ifnull 11
        10: .line 387
            new java.lang.annotation.AnnotationFormatError
            new java.lang.StringBuilder
            ldc "Duplicate annotation for class: "
            invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
            aload 7 /* klass */
            invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
            ldc ": "
            invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
            aload 6 /* a */
            invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
            invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
            invokespecial java.lang.annotation.AnnotationFormatError.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        end local 8 // sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationType type
        end local 7 // java.lang.Class klass
        end local 6 // java.lang.annotation.Annotation a
        end local 2 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation t
        11: .line 380
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            iinc 3 1
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        12: iload 3
            iload 4
            if_icmplt 3
        13: .line 391
            aload 1 /* result */
        end local 1 // java.util.Map result
        end local 0 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnos
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   14     0  typeAnnos  [Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            2   14     1     result  Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/Class<+Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;>;Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;>;
            4   11     2          t  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
            5   11     6          a  Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;
            7   11     7      klass  Ljava/lang/Class<+Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;>;
            8   11     8       type  Lsun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationType;
    Signature: ([Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;)Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/Class<+Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;>;Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;>;
           Name  Flags

  private static sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation parseTypeAnnotation(java.nio.ByteBuffer, jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool, java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement, java.lang.Class<?>);
    descriptor: (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=6, locals=7, args_size=4
        start local 0 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
        start local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        start local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement baseDecl
        start local 3 // java.lang.Class container
         0: .line 426
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parseTargetInfo:(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
            astore 4 /* ti */
        start local 4 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo ti
         1: .line 427
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo.parseLocationInfo:(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;
            astore 5 /* locationInfo */
        start local 5 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo locationInfo
         2: .line 428
            aload 0 /* buf */
            aload 1 /* cp */
            aload 3 /* container */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotation:(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/Class;Z)Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;
            astore 6 /* a */
        start local 6 // java.lang.annotation.Annotation a
         3: .line 429
            aload 4 /* ti */
            ifnonnull 5
         4: .line 430
         5: .line 431
      StackMap locals: sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo java.lang.annotation.Annotation
      StackMap stack:
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation
            aload 4 /* ti */
            aload 5 /* locationInfo */
            aload 6 /* a */
            aload 2 /* baseDecl */
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;)V
         6: areturn
        end local 6 // java.lang.annotation.Annotation a
        end local 5 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo locationInfo
        end local 4 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo ti
         7: .line 433
      StackMap locals: java.nio.ByteBuffer jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement java.lang.Class
      StackMap stack: java.lang.RuntimeException
            astore 4 /* e */
        start local 4 // java.lang.RuntimeException e
         8: .line 434
            new java.lang.annotation.AnnotationFormatError
            aload 4 /* e */
            invokespecial java.lang.annotation.AnnotationFormatError.<init>:(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
        end local 4 // java.lang.RuntimeException e
        end local 3 // java.lang.Class container
        end local 2 // java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement baseDecl
        end local 1 // jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool cp
        end local 0 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
        Start  End  Slot          Name  Signature
            0    9     0           buf  Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
            0    9     1            cp  Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;
            0    9     2      baseDecl  Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;
            0    9     3     container  Ljava/lang/Class<*>;
            1    7     4            ti  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
            2    7     5  locationInfo  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo;
            3    7     6             a  Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;
            8    9     4             e  Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           0     4       7  Class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
           5     6       7  Class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
           0     4       7  Class java.nio.BufferUnderflowException
           5     6       7  Class java.nio.BufferUnderflowException
    Signature: (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljdk/internal/reflect/ConstantPool;Ljava/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation;
           Name  Flags

  private static sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo parseTargetInfo(java.nio.ByteBuffer);
    descriptor: (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=4, locals=4, args_size=1
        start local 0 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
         0: .line 439
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.get:()B
            sipush 255
            istore 1 /* posCode */
        start local 1 // int posCode
         1: .line 440
            iload 1 /* posCode */
            lookupswitch { // 22
                    0: 2
                    1: 2
                   16: 12
                   17: 20
                   18: 21
                   19: 22
                   20: 23
                   21: 24
                   22: 25
                   23: 29
                   64: 30
                   65: 30
                   66: 39
                   67: 41
                   68: 41
                   69: 41
                   70: 41
                   71: 43
                   72: 43
                   73: 43
                   74: 43
                   75: 43
              default: 46
         2: .line 443
      StackMap locals: int
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.get:()B
            sipush 255
            istore 2 /* index */
        start local 2 // int index
         3: .line 445
            iload 1 /* posCode */
            ifne 8
         4: .line 446
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
         5: .line 447
            iload 2 /* index */
         6: .line 446
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;I)V
            astore 3 /* res */
        start local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo res
         7: .line 447
            goto 11
        end local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo res
         8: .line 449
      StackMap locals: int
      StackMap stack:
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
         9: .line 450
            iload 2 /* index */
        10: .line 449
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;I)V
            astore 3 /* res */
        start local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo res
        11: .line 451
      StackMap locals: sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
      StackMap stack:
            aload 3 /* res */
        end local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo res
        end local 2 // int index
        12: .line 454
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.getShort:()S
            istore 2 /* index */
        start local 2 // short index
        13: .line 455
            iload 2 /* index */
            if_icmpne 15
        14: .line 456
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_EXTENDS:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)V
        15: .line 457
      StackMap locals: int
      StackMap stack:
            iload 2 /* index */
            iflt 46
        16: .line 458
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_IMPLEMENTS:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
        17: .line 459
            iload 2 /* index */
        18: .line 458
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;I)V
            astore 3 /* res */
        start local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo res
        19: .line 460
            aload 3 /* res */
        end local 3 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo res
        end local 2 // short index
        20: .line 463
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parse2ByteTarget:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
        21: .line 465
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parse2ByteTarget:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
        22: .line 467
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.FIELD:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)V
        23: .line 469
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_RETURN:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)V
        24: .line 471
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_RECEIVER:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;)V
        25: .line 473
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.get:()B
            sipush 255
            istore 2 /* index */
        start local 2 // int index
        26: .line 474
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
        27: .line 475
            iload 2 /* index */
        28: .line 474
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;I)V
        end local 2 // int index
        29: .line 478
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            getstatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget.THROWS:Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokestatic sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotationParser.parseShortTarget:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
        30: .line 486
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.getShort:()S
            istore 2 /* length */
        start local 2 // short length
        31: .line 487
            istore 3 /* i */
        start local 3 // int i
        32: goto 37
        33: .line 488
      StackMap locals: int int
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.getShort:()S
        34: .line 489
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.getShort:()S
        35: .line 490
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.getShort:()S
        36: .line 487
            iinc 3 /* i */ 1
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        37: iload 3 /* i */
            iload 2 /* length */
            if_icmplt 33
        end local 3 // int i
        38: .line 492
        end local 2 // short length
        39: .line 494
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.get:()B
        40: .line 496
        41: .line 501
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.getShort:()S
        42: .line 503
        43: .line 509
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.getShort:()S
        44: .line 510
            aload 0 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.get:()B
        45: .line 512
        46: .line 518
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            new java.lang.annotation.AnnotationFormatError
            ldc "Could not parse bytes for type annotations"
            invokespecial java.lang.annotation.AnnotationFormatError.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        end local 1 // int posCode
        end local 0 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
        Start  End  Slot     Name  Signature
            0   47     0      buf  Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
            1   47     1  posCode  I
            3   12     2    index  I
            7    8     3      res  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
           11   12     3      res  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
           13   20     2    index  S
           19   20     3      res  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
           26   29     2    index  I
           31   39     2   length  S
           32   38     3        i  I
      Name  Flags

  private static sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo parseShortTarget(sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget, java.nio.ByteBuffer);
    descriptor: (Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=4, locals=3, args_size=2
        start local 0 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget target
        start local 1 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
         0: .line 522
            aload 1 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.getShort:()S
            ldc 65535
            istore 2 /* index */
        start local 2 // int index
         1: .line 523
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            aload 0 /* target */
            iload 2 /* index */
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;I)V
        end local 2 // int index
        end local 1 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
        end local 0 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget target
        Start  End  Slot    Name  Signature
            0    2     0  target  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            0    2     1     buf  Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
            1    2     2   index  I
        Name  Flags

  private static sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo parse2ByteTarget(sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget, java.nio.ByteBuffer);
    descriptor: (Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo;
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=5, locals=4, args_size=2
        start local 0 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget target
        start local 1 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
         0: .line 526
            aload 1 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.get:()B
            sipush 255
            istore 2 /* count */
        start local 2 // int count
         1: .line 527
            aload 1 /* buf */
            invokevirtual java.nio.ByteBuffer.get:()B
            sipush 255
            istore 3 /* secondaryIndex */
        start local 3 // int secondaryIndex
         2: .line 528
            new sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo
            aload 0 /* target */
         3: .line 529
            iload 2 /* count */
         4: .line 530
            iload 3 /* secondaryIndex */
         5: .line 528
            invokespecial sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo.<init>:(Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;II)V
        end local 3 // int secondaryIndex
        end local 2 // int count
        end local 1 // java.nio.ByteBuffer buf
        end local 0 // sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget target
        Start  End  Slot            Name  Signature
            0    6     0          target  Lsun/reflect/annotation/TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget;
            0    6     1             buf  Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
            1    6     2           count  I
            2    6     3  secondaryIndex  I
        Name  Flags
SourceFile: ""
  public final LocationInfo = sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$LocationInfo of sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation
  public final TypeAnnotationTarget = sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTarget of sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation
  public final TypeAnnotationTargetInfo = sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation$TypeAnnotationTargetInfo of sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation