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// (c) 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License

// created: 2018may04 Markus W. Scherer

package jdk.internal.icu.util;

import jdk.internal.icu.impl.ICUBinary;

import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;

import static jdk.internal.icu.impl.NormalizerImpl.UTF16Plus;

Immutable Unicode code point trie. Fast, reasonably compact, map from Unicode code points (U+0000..U+10FFFF) to integer values. For details see http://site.icu-project.org/design/struct/utrie

This class is not intended for public subclassing.

See Also:
  • MutableCodePointTrie
@stableICU 63
/** * Immutable Unicode code point trie. * Fast, reasonably compact, map from Unicode code points (U+0000..U+10FFFF) to integer values. * For details see http://site.icu-project.org/design/struct/utrie * * <p>This class is not intended for public subclassing. * * @see MutableCodePointTrie * @stable ICU 63 */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public abstract class CodePointTrie extends CodePointMap {
Selectors for the type of a CodePointTrie. Different trade-offs for size vs. speed.

Use null for fromBinary to accept any type; getType will return the actual type.

See Also:
  • buildImmutable.buildImmutable(Type, ValueWidth)
  • fromBinary
  • getType
@stableICU 63
/** * Selectors for the type of a CodePointTrie. * Different trade-offs for size vs. speed. * * <p>Use null for {@link #fromBinary} to accept any type; * {@link #getType} will return the actual type. * * @see MutableCodePointTrie#buildImmutable(CodePointTrie.Type, CodePointTrie.ValueWidth) * @see #fromBinary * @see #getType * @stable ICU 63 */
public enum Type {
Fast/simple/larger BMP data structure. The Fast subclasses have additional functions for lookup for BMP and supplementary code points.
See Also:
@stableICU 63
/** * Fast/simple/larger BMP data structure. * The {@link Fast} subclasses have additional functions for lookup for BMP and supplementary code points. * * @see Fast * @stable ICU 63 */
Small/slower BMP data structure.
See Also:
  • Small
@stableICU 63
/** * Small/slower BMP data structure. * * @see Small * @stable ICU 63 */
Selectors for the number of bits in a CodePointTrie data value.

Use null for fromBinary to accept any data value width; getValueWidth will return the actual data value width.

@stableICU 63
/** * Selectors for the number of bits in a CodePointTrie data value. * * <p>Use null for {@link #fromBinary} to accept any data value width; * {@link #getValueWidth} will return the actual data value width. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public enum ValueWidth {
The trie stores 16 bits per data value. It returns them as unsigned values 0..0xffff=65535.
@stableICU 63
/** * The trie stores 16 bits per data value. * It returns them as unsigned values 0..0xffff=65535. * * @stable ICU 63 */
The trie stores 32 bits per data value.
@stableICU 63
/** * The trie stores 32 bits per data value. * * @stable ICU 63 */
The trie stores 8 bits per data value. It returns them as unsigned values 0..0xff=255.
@stableICU 63
/** * The trie stores 8 bits per data value. * It returns them as unsigned values 0..0xff=255. * * @stable ICU 63 */
BITS_8 } private CodePointTrie(char[] index, Data data, int highStart, int index3NullOffset, int dataNullOffset) { this.ascii = new int[ASCII_LIMIT]; this.index = index; this.data = data; this.dataLength = data.getDataLength(); this.highStart = highStart; this.index3NullOffset = index3NullOffset; this.dataNullOffset = dataNullOffset; for (int c = 0; c < ASCII_LIMIT; ++c) { ascii[c] = data.getFromIndex(c); } int nullValueOffset = dataNullOffset; if (nullValueOffset >= dataLength) { nullValueOffset = dataLength - HIGH_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; } nullValue = data.getFromIndex(nullValueOffset); }
Creates a trie from its binary form, stored in the ByteBuffer starting at the current position. Advances the buffer position to just after the trie data. Inverse of toBinary(OutputStream).

The data is copied from the buffer; later modification of the buffer will not affect the trie.

  • type – selects the trie type; this method throws an exception if the type does not match the binary data; use null to accept any type
  • valueWidth – selects the number of bits in a data value; this method throws an exception if the valueWidth does not match the binary data; use null to accept any data value width
  • bytes – a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie
See Also:
  • MutableCodePointTrie.MutableCodePointTrie(int, int)
  • buildImmutable.buildImmutable(Type, ValueWidth)
  • toBinary(OutputStream)
Returns:the trie
@stableICU 63
/** * Creates a trie from its binary form, * stored in the ByteBuffer starting at the current position. * Advances the buffer position to just after the trie data. * Inverse of {@link #toBinary(OutputStream)}. * * <p>The data is copied from the buffer; * later modification of the buffer will not affect the trie. * * @param type selects the trie type; this method throws an exception * if the type does not match the binary data; * use null to accept any type * @param valueWidth selects the number of bits in a data value; this method throws an exception * if the valueWidth does not match the binary data; * use null to accept any data value width * @param bytes a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie * @return the trie * @see MutableCodePointTrie#MutableCodePointTrie(int, int) * @see MutableCodePointTrie#buildImmutable(CodePointTrie.Type, CodePointTrie.ValueWidth) * @see #toBinary(OutputStream) * @stable ICU 63 */
public static CodePointTrie fromBinary(Type type, ValueWidth valueWidth, ByteBuffer bytes) { ByteOrder outerByteOrder = bytes.order(); try { // Enough data for a trie header? if (bytes.remaining() < 16 /* sizeof(UCPTrieHeader) */) { throw new InternalError("Buffer too short for a CodePointTrie header"); } // struct UCPTrieHeader /** "Tri3" in big-endian US-ASCII (0x54726933) */ int signature = bytes.getInt(); // Check the signature. switch (signature) { case 0x54726933: // The buffer is already set to the trie data byte order. break; case 0x33697254: // Temporarily reverse the byte order. boolean isBigEndian = outerByteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; bytes.order(isBigEndian ? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); signature = 0x54726933; break; default: throw new InternalError("Buffer does not contain a serialized CodePointTrie"); } // struct UCPTrieHeader continued /** * Options bit field: * Bits 15..12: Data length bits 19..16. * Bits 11..8: Data null block offset bits 19..16. * Bits 7..6: UCPTrieType * Bits 5..3: Reserved (0). * Bits 2..0: UCPTrieValueWidth */ int options = bytes.getChar(); /** Total length of the index tables. */ int indexLength = bytes.getChar(); /** Data length bits 15..0. */ int dataLength = bytes.getChar(); /** Index-3 null block offset, 0x7fff or 0xffff if none. */ int index3NullOffset = bytes.getChar(); /** Data null block offset bits 15..0, 0xfffff if none. */ int dataNullOffset = bytes.getChar(); /** * First code point of the single-value range ending with U+10ffff, * rounded up and then shifted right by SHIFT_2. */ int shiftedHighStart = bytes.getChar(); // struct UCPTrieHeader end int typeInt = (options >> 6) & 3; Type actualType; switch (typeInt) { case 0: actualType = Type.FAST; break; case 1: actualType = Type.SMALL; break; default: throw new InternalError("CodePointTrie data header has an unsupported type"); } int valueWidthInt = options & OPTIONS_VALUE_BITS_MASK; ValueWidth actualValueWidth; switch (valueWidthInt) { case 0: actualValueWidth = ValueWidth.BITS_16; break; case 1: actualValueWidth = ValueWidth.BITS_32; break; case 2: actualValueWidth = ValueWidth.BITS_8; break; default: throw new InternalError("CodePointTrie data header has an unsupported value width"); } if ((options & OPTIONS_RESERVED_MASK) != 0) { throw new InternalError("CodePointTrie data header has unsupported options"); } if (type == null) { type = actualType; } if (valueWidth == null) { valueWidth = actualValueWidth; } if (type != actualType || valueWidth != actualValueWidth) { throw new InternalError("CodePointTrie data header has a different type or value width than required"); } // Get the length values and offsets. dataLength |= ((options & OPTIONS_DATA_LENGTH_MASK) << 4); dataNullOffset |= ((options & OPTIONS_DATA_NULL_OFFSET_MASK) << 8); int highStart = shiftedHighStart << SHIFT_2; // Calculate the actual length, minus the header. int actualLength = indexLength * 2; if (valueWidth == ValueWidth.BITS_16) { actualLength += dataLength * 2; } else if (valueWidth == ValueWidth.BITS_32) { actualLength += dataLength * 4; } else { actualLength += dataLength; } if (bytes.remaining() < actualLength) { throw new InternalError("Buffer too short for the CodePointTrie data"); } char[] index = ICUBinary.getChars(bytes, indexLength, 0); switch (valueWidth) { case BITS_16: { char[] data16 = ICUBinary.getChars(bytes, dataLength, 0); return type == Type.FAST ? new Fast16(index, data16, highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset) : new Small16(index, data16, highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); } case BITS_32: { int[] data32 = ICUBinary.getInts(bytes, dataLength, 0); return type == Type.FAST ? new Fast32(index, data32, highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset) : new Small32(index, data32, highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); } case BITS_8: { byte[] data8 = ICUBinary.getBytes(bytes, dataLength, 0); return type == Type.FAST ? new Fast8(index, data8, highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset) : new Small8(index, data8, highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); } default: throw new AssertionError("should be unreachable"); } } finally { bytes.order(outerByteOrder); } }
Returns the trie type.
Returns:the trie type
@stableICU 63
/** * Returns the trie type. * * @return the trie type * @stable ICU 63 */
public abstract Type getType();
Returns the number of bits in a trie data value.
Returns:the number of bits in a trie data value
@stableICU 63
/** * Returns the number of bits in a trie data value. * * @return the number of bits in a trie data value * @stable ICU 63 */
public final ValueWidth getValueWidth() { return data.getValueWidth(); }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public int get(int c) { return data.getFromIndex(cpIndex(c)); }
Returns a trie value for an ASCII code point, without range checking.
  • c – the input code point; must be U+0000..U+007F
Returns:The ASCII code point's trie value.
@stableICU 63
/** * Returns a trie value for an ASCII code point, without range checking. * * @param c the input code point; must be U+0000..U+007F * @return The ASCII code point's trie value. * @stable ICU 63 */
public final int asciiGet(int c) { return ascii[c]; } private static final int MAX_UNICODE = 0x10ffff; private static final int ASCII_LIMIT = 0x80; private static final int maybeFilterValue(int value, int trieNullValue, int nullValue, ValueFilter filter) { if (value == trieNullValue) { value = nullValue; } else if (filter != null) { value = filter.apply(value); } return value; }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final boolean getRange(int start, ValueFilter filter, Range range) { if (start < 0 || MAX_UNICODE < start) { return false; } if (start >= highStart) { int di = dataLength - HIGH_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; int value = data.getFromIndex(di); if (filter != null) { value = filter.apply(value); } range.set(start, MAX_UNICODE, value); return true; } int nullValue = this.nullValue; if (filter != null) { nullValue = filter.apply(nullValue); } Type type = getType(); int prevI3Block = -1; int prevBlock = -1; int c = start; // Initialize to make compiler happy. Real value when haveValue is true. int trieValue = 0, value = 0; boolean haveValue = false; do { int i3Block; int i3; int i3BlockLength; int dataBlockLength; if (c <= 0xffff && (type == Type.FAST || c <= SMALL_MAX)) { i3Block = 0; i3 = c >> FAST_SHIFT; i3BlockLength = type == Type.FAST ? BMP_INDEX_LENGTH : SMALL_INDEX_LENGTH; dataBlockLength = FAST_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH; } else { // Use the multi-stage index. int i1 = c >> SHIFT_1; if (type == Type.FAST) { assert(0xffff < c && c < highStart); i1 += BMP_INDEX_LENGTH - OMITTED_BMP_INDEX_1_LENGTH; } else { assert(c < highStart && highStart > SMALL_LIMIT); i1 += SMALL_INDEX_LENGTH; } i3Block = index[index[i1] + ((c >> SHIFT_2) & INDEX_2_MASK)]; if (i3Block == prevI3Block && (c - start) >= CP_PER_INDEX_2_ENTRY) { // The index-3 block is the same as the previous one, and filled with value. assert((c & (CP_PER_INDEX_2_ENTRY - 1)) == 0); c += CP_PER_INDEX_2_ENTRY; continue; } prevI3Block = i3Block; if (i3Block == index3NullOffset) { // This is the index-3 null block. if (haveValue) { if (nullValue != value) { range.set(start, c - 1, value); return true; } } else { trieValue = this.nullValue; value = nullValue; haveValue = true; } prevBlock = dataNullOffset; c = (c + CP_PER_INDEX_2_ENTRY) & ~(CP_PER_INDEX_2_ENTRY - 1); continue; } i3 = (c >> SHIFT_3) & INDEX_3_MASK; i3BlockLength = INDEX_3_BLOCK_LENGTH; dataBlockLength = SMALL_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH; } // Enumerate data blocks for one index-3 block. do { int block; if ((i3Block & 0x8000) == 0) { block = index[i3Block + i3]; } else { // 18-bit indexes stored in groups of 9 entries per 8 indexes. int group = (i3Block & 0x7fff) + (i3 & ~7) + (i3 >> 3); int gi = i3 & 7; block = (index[group++] << (2 + (2 * gi))) & 0x30000; block |= index[group + gi]; } if (block == prevBlock && (c - start) >= dataBlockLength) { // The block is the same as the previous one, and filled with value. assert((c & (dataBlockLength - 1)) == 0); c += dataBlockLength; } else { int dataMask = dataBlockLength - 1; prevBlock = block; if (block == dataNullOffset) { // This is the data null block. if (haveValue) { if (nullValue != value) { range.set(start, c - 1, value); return true; } } else { trieValue = this.nullValue; value = nullValue; haveValue = true; } c = (c + dataBlockLength) & ~dataMask; } else { int di = block + (c & dataMask); int trieValue2 = data.getFromIndex(di); if (haveValue) { if (trieValue2 != trieValue) { if (filter == null || maybeFilterValue(trieValue2, this.nullValue, nullValue, filter) != value) { range.set(start, c - 1, value); return true; } trieValue = trieValue2; // may or may not help } } else { trieValue = trieValue2; value = maybeFilterValue(trieValue2, this.nullValue, nullValue, filter); haveValue = true; } while ((++c & dataMask) != 0) { trieValue2 = data.getFromIndex(++di); if (trieValue2 != trieValue) { if (filter == null || maybeFilterValue(trieValue2, this.nullValue, nullValue, filter) != value) { range.set(start, c - 1, value); return true; } trieValue = trieValue2; // may or may not help } } } } } while (++i3 < i3BlockLength); } while (c < highStart); assert(haveValue); int di = dataLength - HIGH_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; int highValue = data.getFromIndex(di); if (maybeFilterValue(highValue, this.nullValue, nullValue, filter) != value) { --c; } else { c = MAX_UNICODE; } range.set(start, c, value); return true; }
Writes a representation of the trie to the output stream. Inverse of fromBinary.
  • os – the output stream
Returns:the number of bytes written
@stableICU 63
/** * Writes a representation of the trie to the output stream. * Inverse of {@link #fromBinary}. * * @param os the output stream * @return the number of bytes written * @stable ICU 63 */
public final int toBinary(OutputStream os) { try { DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(os); // Write the UCPTrieHeader dos.writeInt(0x54726933); // signature="Tri3" dos.writeChar( // options ((dataLength & 0xf0000) >> 4) | ((dataNullOffset & 0xf0000) >> 8) | (getType().ordinal() << 6) | getValueWidth().ordinal()); dos.writeChar(index.length); dos.writeChar(dataLength); dos.writeChar(index3NullOffset); dos.writeChar(dataNullOffset); dos.writeChar(highStart >> SHIFT_2); // shiftedHighStart int length = 16; // sizeof(UCPTrieHeader) for (char i : index) { dos.writeChar(i); } length += index.length * 2; length += data.write(dos); return length; } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } }
/** @internal */
static final int FAST_SHIFT = 6;
Number of entries in a data block for code points below the fast limit. 64=0x40 @internal
/** Number of entries in a data block for code points below the fast limit. 64=0x40 @internal */
static final int FAST_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH = 1 << FAST_SHIFT;
Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-fast-data-block offset. @internal
/** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-fast-data-block offset. @internal */
private static final int FAST_DATA_MASK = FAST_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1;
/** @internal */
private static final int SMALL_MAX = 0xfff;
Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the value returned for out-of-range code points and ill-formed UTF-8/16.
/** * Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the * value returned for out-of-range code points and ill-formed UTF-8/16. * @internal */
private static final int ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET = 1;
Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the value returned for code points highStart..U+10FFFF.
/** * Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the * value returned for code points highStart..U+10FFFF. * @internal */
private static final int HIGH_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET = 2; // ucptrie_impl.h
The length of the BMP index table. 1024=0x400
/** The length of the BMP index table. 1024=0x400 */
private static final int BMP_INDEX_LENGTH = 0x10000 >> FAST_SHIFT; static final int SMALL_LIMIT = 0x1000; private static final int SMALL_INDEX_LENGTH = SMALL_LIMIT >> FAST_SHIFT;
Shift size for getting the index-3 table offset.
/** Shift size for getting the index-3 table offset. */
static final int SHIFT_3 = 4;
Shift size for getting the index-2 table offset.
/** Shift size for getting the index-2 table offset. */
private static final int SHIFT_2 = 5 + SHIFT_3;
Shift size for getting the index-1 table offset.
/** Shift size for getting the index-1 table offset. */
private static final int SHIFT_1 = 5 + SHIFT_2;
Difference between two shift sizes, for getting an index-2 offset from an index-3 offset. 5=9-4
/** * Difference between two shift sizes, * for getting an index-2 offset from an index-3 offset. 5=9-4 */
static final int SHIFT_2_3 = SHIFT_2 - SHIFT_3;
Difference between two shift sizes, for getting an index-1 offset from an index-2 offset. 5=14-9
/** * Difference between two shift sizes, * for getting an index-1 offset from an index-2 offset. 5=14-9 */
static final int SHIFT_1_2 = SHIFT_1 - SHIFT_2;
Number of index-1 entries for the BMP. (4) This part of the index-1 table is omitted from the serialized form.
/** * Number of index-1 entries for the BMP. (4) * This part of the index-1 table is omitted from the serialized form. */
private static final int OMITTED_BMP_INDEX_1_LENGTH = 0x10000 >> SHIFT_1;
Number of entries in an index-2 block. 32=0x20
/** Number of entries in an index-2 block. 32=0x20 */
static final int INDEX_2_BLOCK_LENGTH = 1 << SHIFT_1_2;
Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-2-block offset.
/** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-2-block offset. */
static final int INDEX_2_MASK = INDEX_2_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1;
Number of code points per index-2 table entry. 512=0x200
/** Number of code points per index-2 table entry. 512=0x200 */
static final int CP_PER_INDEX_2_ENTRY = 1 << SHIFT_2;
Number of entries in an index-3 block. 32=0x20
/** Number of entries in an index-3 block. 32=0x20 */
static final int INDEX_3_BLOCK_LENGTH = 1 << SHIFT_2_3;
Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-3-block offset.
/** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-3-block offset. */
private static final int INDEX_3_MASK = INDEX_3_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1;
Number of entries in a small data block. 16=0x10
/** Number of entries in a small data block. 16=0x10 */
static final int SMALL_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH = 1 << SHIFT_3;
Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-small-data-block offset.
/** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-small-data-block offset. */
static final int SMALL_DATA_MASK = SMALL_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1; // ucptrie_impl.h: Constants for use with UCPTrieHeader.options. private static final int OPTIONS_DATA_LENGTH_MASK = 0xf000; private static final int OPTIONS_DATA_NULL_OFFSET_MASK = 0xf00; private static final int OPTIONS_RESERVED_MASK = 0x38; private static final int OPTIONS_VALUE_BITS_MASK = 7;
Value for index3NullOffset which indicates that there is no index-3 null block. Bit 15 is unused for this value because this bit is used if the index-3 contains 18-bit indexes.
/** * Value for index3NullOffset which indicates that there is no index-3 null block. * Bit 15 is unused for this value because this bit is used if the index-3 contains * 18-bit indexes. */
static final int NO_INDEX3_NULL_OFFSET = 0x7fff; static final int NO_DATA_NULL_OFFSET = 0xfffff; private static abstract class Data { abstract ValueWidth getValueWidth(); abstract int getDataLength(); abstract int getFromIndex(int index); abstract int write(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException; } private static final class Data16 extends Data { char[] array; Data16(char[] a) { array = a; } @Override ValueWidth getValueWidth() { return ValueWidth.BITS_16; } @Override int getDataLength() { return array.length; } @Override int getFromIndex(int index) { return array[index]; } @Override int write(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { for (char v : array) { dos.writeChar(v); } return array.length * 2; } } private static final class Data32 extends Data { int[] array; Data32(int[] a) { array = a; } @Override ValueWidth getValueWidth() { return ValueWidth.BITS_32; } @Override int getDataLength() { return array.length; } @Override int getFromIndex(int index) { return array[index]; } @Override int write(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { for (int v : array) { dos.writeInt(v); } return array.length * 4; } } private static final class Data8 extends Data { byte[] array; Data8(byte[] a) { array = a; } @Override ValueWidth getValueWidth() { return ValueWidth.BITS_8; } @Override int getDataLength() { return array.length; } @Override int getFromIndex(int index) { return array[index] & 0xff; } @Override int write(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { for (byte v : array) { dos.writeByte(v); } return array.length; } }
/** @internal */
private final int[] ascii;
/** @internal */
private final char[] index;
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected final Data data;
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected final int dataLength;
Start of the last range which ends at U+10FFFF.
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * Start of the last range which ends at U+10FFFF. * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected final int highStart;
Internal index-3 null block offset. Set to an impossibly high value (e.g., 0xffff) if there is no dedicated index-3 null block.
/** * Internal index-3 null block offset. * Set to an impossibly high value (e.g., 0xffff) if there is no dedicated index-3 null block. * @internal */
private final int index3NullOffset;
Internal data null block offset, not shifted. Set to an impossibly high value (e.g., 0xfffff) if there is no dedicated data null block.
/** * Internal data null block offset, not shifted. * Set to an impossibly high value (e.g., 0xfffff) if there is no dedicated data null block. * @internal */
private final int dataNullOffset;
/** @internal */
private final int nullValue;
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected final int fastIndex(int c) { return index[c >> FAST_SHIFT] + (c & FAST_DATA_MASK); }
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected final int smallIndex(Type type, int c) { // Split into two methods to make this part inline-friendly. // In C, this part is a macro. if (c >= highStart) { return dataLength - HIGH_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; } return internalSmallIndex(type, c); } private final int internalSmallIndex(Type type, int c) { int i1 = c >> SHIFT_1; if (type == Type.FAST) { assert(0xffff < c && c < highStart); i1 += BMP_INDEX_LENGTH - OMITTED_BMP_INDEX_1_LENGTH; } else { assert(0 <= c && c < highStart && highStart > SMALL_LIMIT); i1 += SMALL_INDEX_LENGTH; } int i3Block = index[index[i1] + ((c >> SHIFT_2) & INDEX_2_MASK)]; int i3 = (c >> SHIFT_3) & INDEX_3_MASK; int dataBlock; if ((i3Block & 0x8000) == 0) { // 16-bit indexes dataBlock = index[i3Block + i3]; } else { // 18-bit indexes stored in groups of 9 entries per 8 indexes. i3Block = (i3Block & 0x7fff) + (i3 & ~7) + (i3 >> 3); i3 &= 7; dataBlock = (index[i3Block++] << (2 + (2 * i3))) & 0x30000; dataBlock |= index[i3Block + i3]; } return dataBlock + (c & SMALL_DATA_MASK); }
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected abstract int cpIndex(int c);
A CodePointTrie with Type.FAST.
@stableICU 63
/** * A CodePointTrie with {@link Type#FAST}. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public static abstract class Fast extends CodePointTrie { private Fast(char[] index, Data data, int highStart, int index3NullOffset, int dataNullOffset) { super(index, data, highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); }
Creates a trie from its binary form. Same as CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer) with Type.FAST.
  • valueWidth – selects the number of bits in a data value; this method throws an exception if the valueWidth does not match the binary data; use null to accept any data value width
  • bytes – a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie
Returns:the trie
@stableICU 63
/** * Creates a trie from its binary form. * Same as {@link CodePointTrie#fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer)} * with {@link Type#FAST}. * * @param valueWidth selects the number of bits in a data value; this method throws an exception * if the valueWidth does not match the binary data; * use null to accept any data value width * @param bytes a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie * @return the trie * @stable ICU 63 */
public static Fast fromBinary(ValueWidth valueWidth, ByteBuffer bytes) { return (Fast) CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type.FAST, valueWidth, bytes); }
@stableICU 63
/** * @return {@link Type#FAST} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final Type getType() { return Type.FAST; }
Returns a trie value for a BMP code point (U+0000..U+FFFF), without range checking. Can be used to look up a value for a UTF-16 code unit if other parts of the string processing check for surrogates.
  • c – the input code point, must be U+0000..U+FFFF
Returns:The BMP code point's trie value.
@stableICU 63
/** * Returns a trie value for a BMP code point (U+0000..U+FFFF), without range checking. * Can be used to look up a value for a UTF-16 code unit if other parts of * the string processing check for surrogates. * * @param c the input code point, must be U+0000..U+FFFF * @return The BMP code point's trie value. * @stable ICU 63 */
public abstract int bmpGet(int c);
Returns a trie value for a supplementary code point (U+10000..U+10FFFF), without range checking.
  • c – the input code point, must be U+10000..U+10FFFF
Returns:The supplementary code point's trie value.
@stableICU 63
/** * Returns a trie value for a supplementary code point (U+10000..U+10FFFF), * without range checking. * * @param c the input code point, must be U+10000..U+10FFFF * @return The supplementary code point's trie value. * @stable ICU 63 */
public abstract int suppGet(int c);
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated @Override protected final int cpIndex(int c) { if (c >= 0) { if (c <= 0xffff) { return fastIndex(c); } else if (c <= 0x10ffff) { return smallIndex(Type.FAST, c); } } return dataLength - ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final StringIterator stringIterator(CharSequence s, int sIndex) { return new FastStringIterator(s, sIndex); } private final class FastStringIterator extends StringIterator { private FastStringIterator(CharSequence s, int sIndex) { super(s, sIndex); } @Override public boolean next() { if (sIndex >= s.length()) { return false; } char lead = s.charAt(sIndex++); c = lead; int dataIndex; if (!Character.isSurrogate(lead)) { dataIndex = fastIndex(c); } else { char trail; if (UTF16Plus.isSurrogateLead(lead) && sIndex < s.length() && Character.isLowSurrogate(trail = s.charAt(sIndex))) { ++sIndex; c = Character.toCodePoint(lead, trail); dataIndex = smallIndex(Type.FAST, c); } else { dataIndex = dataLength - ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; } } value = data.getFromIndex(dataIndex); return true; } @Override public boolean previous() { if (sIndex <= 0) { return false; } char trail = s.charAt(--sIndex); c = trail; int dataIndex; if (!Character.isSurrogate(trail)) { dataIndex = fastIndex(c); } else { char lead; if (!UTF16Plus.isSurrogateLead(trail) && sIndex > 0 && Character.isHighSurrogate(lead = s.charAt(sIndex - 1))) { --sIndex; c = Character.toCodePoint(lead, trail); dataIndex = smallIndex(Type.FAST, c); } else { dataIndex = dataLength - ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; } } value = data.getFromIndex(dataIndex); return true; } } }
A CodePointTrie with Type.SMALL.
@stableICU 63
/** * A CodePointTrie with {@link Type#SMALL}. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public static abstract class Small extends CodePointTrie { private Small(char[] index, Data data, int highStart, int index3NullOffset, int dataNullOffset) { super(index, data, highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); }
Creates a trie from its binary form. Same as CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer) with Type.SMALL.
  • valueWidth – selects the number of bits in a data value; this method throws an exception if the valueWidth does not match the binary data; use null to accept any data value width
  • bytes – a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie
Returns:the trie
@stableICU 63
/** * Creates a trie from its binary form. * Same as {@link CodePointTrie#fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer)} * with {@link Type#SMALL}. * * @param valueWidth selects the number of bits in a data value; this method throws an exception * if the valueWidth does not match the binary data; * use null to accept any data value width * @param bytes a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie * @return the trie * @stable ICU 63 */
public static Small fromBinary(ValueWidth valueWidth, ByteBuffer bytes) { return (Small) CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type.SMALL, valueWidth, bytes); }
@stableICU 63
/** * @return {@link Type#SMALL} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final Type getType() { return Type.SMALL; }
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated @Override protected final int cpIndex(int c) { if (c >= 0) { if (c <= SMALL_MAX) { return fastIndex(c); } else if (c <= 0x10ffff) { return smallIndex(Type.SMALL, c); } } return dataLength - ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final StringIterator stringIterator(CharSequence s, int sIndex) { return new SmallStringIterator(s, sIndex); } private final class SmallStringIterator extends StringIterator { private SmallStringIterator(CharSequence s, int sIndex) { super(s, sIndex); } @Override public boolean next() { if (sIndex >= s.length()) { return false; } char lead = s.charAt(sIndex++); c = lead; int dataIndex; if (!Character.isSurrogate(lead)) { dataIndex = cpIndex(c); } else { char trail; if (UTF16Plus.isSurrogateLead(lead) && sIndex < s.length() && Character.isLowSurrogate(trail = s.charAt(sIndex))) { ++sIndex; c = Character.toCodePoint(lead, trail); dataIndex = smallIndex(Type.SMALL, c); } else { dataIndex = dataLength - ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; } } value = data.getFromIndex(dataIndex); return true; } @Override public boolean previous() { if (sIndex <= 0) { return false; } char trail = s.charAt(--sIndex); c = trail; int dataIndex; if (!Character.isSurrogate(trail)) { dataIndex = cpIndex(c); } else { char lead; if (!UTF16Plus.isSurrogateLead(trail) && sIndex > 0 && Character.isHighSurrogate(lead = s.charAt(sIndex - 1))) { --sIndex; c = Character.toCodePoint(lead, trail); dataIndex = smallIndex(Type.SMALL, c); } else { dataIndex = dataLength - ERROR_VALUE_NEG_DATA_OFFSET; } } value = data.getFromIndex(dataIndex); return true; } } }
A CodePointTrie with Type.FAST and ValueWidth.BITS_16.
@stableICU 63
/** * A CodePointTrie with {@link Type#FAST} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_16}. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public static final class Fast16 extends Fast { private final char[] dataArray; Fast16(char[] index, char[] data16, int highStart, int index3NullOffset, int dataNullOffset) { super(index, new Data16(data16), highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); this.dataArray = data16; }
Creates a trie from its binary form. Same as CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer) with Type.FAST and ValueWidth.BITS_16.
  • bytes – a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie
Returns:the trie
@stableICU 63
/** * Creates a trie from its binary form. * Same as {@link CodePointTrie#fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer)} * with {@link Type#FAST} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_16}. * * @param bytes a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie * @return the trie * @stable ICU 63 */
public static Fast16 fromBinary(ByteBuffer bytes) { return (Fast16) CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type.FAST, ValueWidth.BITS_16, bytes); }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final int get(int c) { return dataArray[cpIndex(c)]; }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final int bmpGet(int c) { assert 0 <= c && c <= 0xffff; return dataArray[fastIndex(c)]; }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final int suppGet(int c) { assert 0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10ffff; return dataArray[smallIndex(Type.FAST, c)]; } }
A CodePointTrie with Type.FAST and ValueWidth.BITS_32.
@stableICU 63
/** * A CodePointTrie with {@link Type#FAST} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_32}. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public static final class Fast32 extends Fast { private final int[] dataArray; Fast32(char[] index, int[] data32, int highStart, int index3NullOffset, int dataNullOffset) { super(index, new Data32(data32), highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); this.dataArray = data32; }
Creates a trie from its binary form. Same as CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer) with Type.FAST and ValueWidth.BITS_32.
  • bytes – a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie
Returns:the trie
@stableICU 63
/** * Creates a trie from its binary form. * Same as {@link CodePointTrie#fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer)} * with {@link Type#FAST} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_32}. * * @param bytes a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie * @return the trie * @stable ICU 63 */
public static Fast32 fromBinary(ByteBuffer bytes) { return (Fast32) CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type.FAST, ValueWidth.BITS_32, bytes); }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final int get(int c) { return dataArray[cpIndex(c)]; }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final int bmpGet(int c) { assert 0 <= c && c <= 0xffff; return dataArray[fastIndex(c)]; }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final int suppGet(int c) { assert 0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10ffff; return dataArray[smallIndex(Type.FAST, c)]; } }
A CodePointTrie with Type.FAST and ValueWidth.BITS_8.
@stableICU 63
/** * A CodePointTrie with {@link Type#FAST} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_8}. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public static final class Fast8 extends Fast { private final byte[] dataArray; Fast8(char[] index, byte[] data8, int highStart, int index3NullOffset, int dataNullOffset) { super(index, new Data8(data8), highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); this.dataArray = data8; }
Creates a trie from its binary form. Same as CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer) with Type.FAST and ValueWidth.BITS_8.
  • bytes – a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie
Returns:the trie
@stableICU 63
/** * Creates a trie from its binary form. * Same as {@link CodePointTrie#fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer)} * with {@link Type#FAST} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_8}. * * @param bytes a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie * @return the trie * @stable ICU 63 */
public static Fast8 fromBinary(ByteBuffer bytes) { return (Fast8) CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type.FAST, ValueWidth.BITS_8, bytes); }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final int get(int c) { return dataArray[cpIndex(c)] & 0xff; }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final int bmpGet(int c) { assert 0 <= c && c <= 0xffff; return dataArray[fastIndex(c)] & 0xff; }
@stableICU 63
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public final int suppGet(int c) { assert 0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10ffff; return dataArray[smallIndex(Type.FAST, c)] & 0xff; } }
A CodePointTrie with Type.SMALL and ValueWidth.BITS_16.
@stableICU 63
/** * A CodePointTrie with {@link Type#SMALL} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_16}. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public static final class Small16 extends Small { Small16(char[] index, char[] data16, int highStart, int index3NullOffset, int dataNullOffset) { super(index, new Data16(data16), highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); }
Creates a trie from its binary form. Same as CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer) with Type.SMALL and ValueWidth.BITS_16.
  • bytes – a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie
Returns:the trie
@stableICU 63
/** * Creates a trie from its binary form. * Same as {@link CodePointTrie#fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer)} * with {@link Type#SMALL} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_16}. * * @param bytes a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie * @return the trie * @stable ICU 63 */
public static Small16 fromBinary(ByteBuffer bytes) { return (Small16) CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type.SMALL, ValueWidth.BITS_16, bytes); } }
A CodePointTrie with Type.SMALL and ValueWidth.BITS_32.
@stableICU 63
/** * A CodePointTrie with {@link Type#SMALL} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_32}. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public static final class Small32 extends Small { Small32(char[] index, int[] data32, int highStart, int index3NullOffset, int dataNullOffset) { super(index, new Data32(data32), highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); }
Creates a trie from its binary form. Same as CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer) with Type.SMALL and ValueWidth.BITS_32.
  • bytes – a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie
Returns:the trie
@stableICU 63
/** * Creates a trie from its binary form. * Same as {@link CodePointTrie#fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer)} * with {@link Type#SMALL} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_32}. * * @param bytes a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie * @return the trie * @stable ICU 63 */
public static Small32 fromBinary(ByteBuffer bytes) { return (Small32) CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type.SMALL, ValueWidth.BITS_32, bytes); } }
A CodePointTrie with Type.SMALL and ValueWidth.BITS_8.
@stableICU 63
/** * A CodePointTrie with {@link Type#SMALL} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_8}. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public static final class Small8 extends Small { Small8(char[] index, byte[] data8, int highStart, int index3NullOffset, int dataNullOffset) { super(index, new Data8(data8), highStart, index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset); }
Creates a trie from its binary form. Same as CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer) with Type.SMALL and ValueWidth.BITS_8.
  • bytes – a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie
Returns:the trie
@stableICU 63
/** * Creates a trie from its binary form. * Same as {@link CodePointTrie#fromBinary(Type, ValueWidth, ByteBuffer)} * with {@link Type#SMALL} and {@link ValueWidth#BITS_8}. * * @param bytes a buffer containing the binary data of a CodePointTrie * @return the trie * @stable ICU 63 */
public static Small8 fromBinary(ByteBuffer bytes) { return (Small8) CodePointTrie.fromBinary(Type.SMALL, ValueWidth.BITS_8, bytes); } } }