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package jdk.jfr.internal.consumer;

import static jdk.jfr.internal.EventInstrumentation.FIELD_DURATION;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;

import jdk.jfr.EventType;
import jdk.jfr.ValueDescriptor;
import jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordedEvent;
import jdk.jfr.internal.consumer.Parser;
import jdk.jfr.internal.consumer.RecordingInput;

Parses an event and returns a RecordedEvent.
/** * Parses an event and returns a {@link RecordedEvent}. * */
final class EventParser extends Parser { private static final JdkJfrConsumer PRIVATE_ACCESS = JdkJfrConsumer.instance(); private final Parser[] parsers; private final EventType eventType; private final TimeConverter timeConverter; private final boolean hasDuration; private final List<ValueDescriptor> valueDescriptors; private final int startIndex; private final int length; private final RecordedEvent unorderedEvent; private final ObjectContext objectContext; private RecordedEvent[] cached; private int cacheIndex; private boolean enabled = true; private boolean ordered; private long filterStart; private long filterEnd = Long.MAX_VALUE; private long thresholdNanos = -1; EventParser(TimeConverter timeConverter, EventType type, Parser[] parsers) { this.timeConverter = timeConverter; this.parsers = parsers; this.eventType = type; this.hasDuration = type.getField(FIELD_DURATION) != null; this.startIndex = hasDuration ? 2 : 1; this.length = parsers.length - startIndex; this.valueDescriptors = type.getFields(); this.objectContext = new ObjectContext(type, valueDescriptors, timeConverter); this.unorderedEvent = PRIVATE_ACCESS.newRecordedEvent(objectContext, new Object[length], 0L, 0L); } private RecordedEvent cachedEvent() { if (ordered) { if (cacheIndex == cached.length) { RecordedEvent[] old = cached; cached = new RecordedEvent[cached.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, cached, 0, old.length); } RecordedEvent event = cached[cacheIndex]; if (event == null) { event = PRIVATE_ACCESS.newRecordedEvent(objectContext, new Object[length], 0L, 0L); cached[cacheIndex] = event; } cacheIndex++; return event; } else { return unorderedEvent; } } public EventType getEventType() { return eventType; } public void setThresholdNanos(long thresholdNanos) { this.thresholdNanos = thresholdNanos; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; } public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } public RecordedEvent parse(RecordingInput input) throws IOException { if (!enabled) { return null; } long startTicks = input.readLong(); long endTicks = startTicks; if (hasDuration) { long durationTicks = input.readLong(); if (thresholdNanos > 0L) { if (timeConverter.convertTimespan(durationTicks) < thresholdNanos) { return null; } } endTicks += durationTicks; } if (filterStart != 0L || filterEnd != Long.MAX_VALUE) { long eventEnd = timeConverter.convertTimestamp(endTicks); if (eventEnd < filterStart) { return null; } if (eventEnd > filterEnd) { return null; } } if (cached != null) { RecordedEvent event = cachedEvent(); JdkJfrConsumer access = PRIVATE_ACCESS; access.setStartTicks(event, startTicks); access.setEndTicks(event, endTicks); Object[] values = access.eventValues(event); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = parsers[startIndex + i].parse(input); } return event; } Object[] values = new Object[length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = parsers[startIndex + i].parse(input); } return PRIVATE_ACCESS.newRecordedEvent(objectContext, values, startTicks, endTicks); } @Override public void skip(RecordingInput input) throws IOException { throw new InternalError("Should not call this method. More efficient to read event size and skip ahead"); } public void resetCache() { cacheIndex = 0; } private boolean hasReuse() { return cached != null; } public void setReuse(boolean reuse) { if (reuse == hasReuse()) { return; } if (reuse) { cached = new RecordedEvent[2]; cacheIndex = 0; } else { cached = null; } } public void setFilterStart(long filterStart) { this.filterStart = filterStart; } public void setFilterEnd(long filterEnd) { this.filterEnd = filterEnd; } public void setOrdered(boolean ordered) { if (this.ordered == ordered) { return; } this.ordered = ordered; this.cacheIndex = 0; } }