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package jdk.jfr.internal.consumer;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Objects;

import jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordedEvent;
import jdk.jfr.internal.JVM;
import jdk.jfr.internal.PlatformRecording;
import jdk.jfr.internal.Utils;
import jdk.jfr.internal.consumer.ChunkParser.ParserConfiguration;

Implementation of an EventStream} that operates against a directory with chunk files.
/** * Implementation of an {@code EventStream}} that operates against a directory * with chunk files. * */
public class EventDirectoryStream extends AbstractEventStream { private final static Comparator<? super RecordedEvent> EVENT_COMPARATOR = JdkJfrConsumer.instance().eventComparator(); private final RepositoryFiles repositoryFiles; private final PlatformRecording recording; private final FileAccess fileAccess; private ChunkParser currentParser; private long currentChunkStartNanos; private RecordedEvent[] sortedCache; private int threadExclusionLevel = 0; public EventDirectoryStream(AccessControlContext acc, Path p, FileAccess fileAccess, PlatformRecording recording) throws IOException { super(acc, recording); this.fileAccess = Objects.requireNonNull(fileAccess); this.recording = recording; this.repositoryFiles = new RepositoryFiles(fileAccess, p); } @Override public void close() { setClosed(true); dispatcher().runCloseActions(); repositoryFiles.close(); if (currentParser != null) { currentParser.close(); } } @Override public void start() { start(Utils.timeToNanos(Instant.now())); } @Override public void startAsync() { startAsync(Utils.timeToNanos(Instant.now())); } @Override protected void process() throws IOException { JVM jvm = JVM.getJVM(); Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); try { if (jvm.isExcluded(t)) { threadExclusionLevel++; } else { jvm.exclude(t); } processRecursionSafe(); } finally { if (threadExclusionLevel > 0) { threadExclusionLevel--; } else { jvm.include(t); } } } protected void processRecursionSafe() throws IOException { Dispatcher lastDisp = null; Dispatcher disp = dispatcher(); Path path; boolean validStartTime = recording != null || disp.startTime != null; if (validStartTime) { path = repositoryFiles.firstPath(disp.startNanos); } else { path = repositoryFiles.lastPath(); } if (path == null) { // closed return; } currentChunkStartNanos = repositoryFiles.getTimestamp(path); try (RecordingInput input = new RecordingInput(path.toFile(), fileAccess)) { currentParser = new ChunkParser(input, disp.parserConfiguration); long segmentStart = currentParser.getStartNanos() + currentParser.getChunkDuration(); long filterStart = validStartTime ? disp.startNanos : segmentStart; long filterEnd = disp.endTime != null ? disp.endNanos: Long.MAX_VALUE; while (!isClosed()) { while (!isClosed() && !currentParser.isChunkFinished()) { disp = dispatcher(); if (disp != lastDisp) { ParserConfiguration pc = disp.parserConfiguration; pc.filterStart = filterStart; pc.filterEnd = filterEnd; currentParser.updateConfiguration(pc, true); currentParser.setFlushOperation(getFlushOperation()); lastDisp = disp; } if (disp.parserConfiguration.isOrdered()) { processOrdered(disp); } else { processUnordered(disp); } if (currentParser.getStartNanos() + currentParser.getChunkDuration() > filterEnd) { close(); return; } } if (isLastChunk()) { // Recording was stopped/closed externally, and no more data to process. return; } if (repositoryFiles.hasFixedPath() && currentParser.isFinalChunk()) { // JVM process exited/crashed, or repository migrated to an unknown location return; } if (isClosed()) { // Stream was closed return; } long durationNanos = currentParser.getChunkDuration(); if (durationNanos == 0) { // Avoid reading the same chunk again and again if // duration is 0 ns durationNanos++; } path = repositoryFiles.nextPath(currentChunkStartNanos + durationNanos); if (path == null) { return; // stream closed } currentChunkStartNanos = repositoryFiles.getTimestamp(path); input.setFile(path); currentParser = currentParser.newChunkParser(); // TODO: Optimization. No need filter when we reach new chunk // Could set start = 0; } } } private boolean isLastChunk() { if (recording == null) { return false; } return recording.getFinalChunkStartNanos() >= currentParser.getStartNanos(); } private void processOrdered(Dispatcher c) throws IOException { if (sortedCache == null) { sortedCache = new RecordedEvent[100_000]; } int index = 0; while (true) { RecordedEvent e = currentParser.readStreamingEvent(); if (e == null) { break; } if (index == sortedCache.length) { sortedCache = Arrays.copyOf(sortedCache, sortedCache.length * 2); } sortedCache[index++] = e; } // no events found if (index == 0 && currentParser.isChunkFinished()) { return; } // at least 2 events, sort them if (index > 1) { Arrays.sort(sortedCache, 0, index, EVENT_COMPARATOR); } for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { c.dispatch(sortedCache[i]); } return; } private boolean processUnordered(Dispatcher c) throws IOException { while (true) { RecordedEvent e = currentParser.readStreamingEvent(); if (e == null) { return true; } else { c.dispatch(e); } } } }