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package sun.tools.jstat;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

A class implementing a simple predictive parser for output format specification language for the jstat command.
Author:Brian Doherty
/** * A class implementing a simple predictive parser for output format * specification language for the jstat command. * * @author Brian Doherty * @since 1.5 */
public class Parser { private static boolean pdebug = Boolean.getBoolean("jstat.parser.debug"); private static boolean ldebug = Boolean.getBoolean("jstat.lex.debug"); private static final char OPENBLOCK = '{'; private static final char CLOSEBLOCK = '}'; private static final char DOUBLEQUOTE = '"'; private static final char PERCENT_CHAR = '%'; private static final char OPENPAREN = '('; private static final char CLOSEPAREN = ')'; private static final char OPERATOR_PLUS = '+'; private static final char OPERATOR_MINUS = '-'; private static final char OPERATOR_MULTIPLY = '*'; private static final char OPERATOR_DIVIDE = '/'; private static final String OPTION = "option"; private static final String COLUMN = "column"; private static final String DATA = "data"; private static final String HEADER = "header"; private static final String WIDTH = "width"; private static final String FORMAT = "format"; private static final String ALIGN = "align"; private static final String SCALE = "scale"; private static final String REQUIRED = "required"; private static final String START = OPTION; private static final Set<String> scaleKeyWords = Scale.keySet(); private static final Set<String> alignKeyWords = Alignment.keySet(); private static final Set<String> boolKeyWords = Set.of("true", "false"); private static String[] otherKeyWords = { OPTION, COLUMN, DATA, HEADER, WIDTH, FORMAT, ALIGN, SCALE, REQUIRED }; private static char[] infixOps = { OPERATOR_PLUS, OPERATOR_MINUS, OPERATOR_MULTIPLY, OPERATOR_DIVIDE }; private static char[] delimiters = { OPENBLOCK, CLOSEBLOCK, PERCENT_CHAR, OPENPAREN, CLOSEPAREN }; private static Set<String> reservedWords; private StreamTokenizer st; private String filename; private Token lookahead; private Token previous; private int columnCount; private OptionFormat optionFormat; public Parser(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException { this.filename = filename; Reader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); } public Parser(Reader r) { st = new StreamTokenizer(r); // allow both c++ style comments st.ordinaryChar('/'); st.wordChars('_','_'); st.slashSlashComments(true); st.slashStarComments(true); reservedWords = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < otherKeyWords.length; i++) { reservedWords.add(otherKeyWords[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < delimiters.length; i++ ) { st.ordinaryChar(delimiters[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < infixOps.length; i++ ) { st.ordinaryChar(infixOps[i]); } }
push back the lookahead token and restore the lookahead token to the previous token.
/** * push back the lookahead token and restore the lookahead token * to the previous token. */
private void pushBack() { lookahead = previous; st.pushBack(); }
retrieve the next token, placing the token value in the lookahead member variable, storing its previous value in the previous member variable.
/** * retrieve the next token, placing the token value in the lookahead * member variable, storing its previous value in the previous member * variable. */
private void nextToken() throws ParserException, IOException { int t = st.nextToken(); previous = lookahead; lookahead = new Token(st.ttype, st.sval, st.nval); log(ldebug, "lookahead = " + lookahead); }
match one of the token values in the given set of key words token is assumed to be of type TT_WORD, and the set is assumed to contain String objects.
/** * match one of the token values in the given set of key words * token is assumed to be of type TT_WORD, and the set is assumed * to contain String objects. */
private Token matchOne(Set<String> keyWords) throws ParserException, IOException { if ((lookahead.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && keyWords.contains(lookahead.sval)) { Token t = lookahead; nextToken(); return t; } throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), keyWords, lookahead); }
match a token with TT_TYPE=type, and the token value is a given sequence of characters.
/** * match a token with TT_TYPE=type, and the token value is a given sequence * of characters. */
private void match(int ttype, String token) throws ParserException, IOException { if (lookahead.ttype == ttype && lookahead.sval.compareTo(token) == 0) { nextToken(); } else { throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), new Token(ttype, token), lookahead); } }
match a token with TT_TYPE=type
/** * match a token with TT_TYPE=type */
private void match(int ttype) throws ParserException, IOException { if (lookahead.ttype == ttype) { nextToken(); } else { throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), new Token(ttype), lookahead); } }
match a token with TT_TYPE=char, where the token value is the given char.
/** * match a token with TT_TYPE=char, where the token value is the given char. */
private void match(char ttype) throws ParserException, IOException { if (lookahead.ttype == (int)ttype) { nextToken(); } else { throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), new Token((int)ttype), lookahead); } }
match a token with TT_TYPE='"', where the token value is a sequence of characters between matching quote characters.
/** * match a token with TT_TYPE='"', where the token value is a sequence * of characters between matching quote characters. */
private void matchQuotedString() throws ParserException, IOException { match(DOUBLEQUOTE); }
match a TT_NUMBER token that matches a parsed number value
/** * match a TT_NUMBER token that matches a parsed number value */
private void matchNumber() throws ParserException, IOException { match(StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER); }
match a TT_WORD token that matches an arbitrary, not quoted token.
/** * match a TT_WORD token that matches an arbitrary, not quoted token. */
private void matchID() throws ParserException, IOException { match(StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD); }
match a TT_WORD token that matches the given string
/** * match a TT_WORD token that matches the given string */
private void match(String token) throws ParserException, IOException { match(StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD, token); }
determine if the given word is a reserved key word
/** * determine if the given word is a reserved key word */
private boolean isReservedWord(String word) { return reservedWords.contains(word); }
determine if the give work is a reserved key word
/** * determine if the give work is a reserved key word */
private boolean isInfixOperator(char op) { for (int i = 0; i < infixOps.length; i++) { if (op == infixOps[i]) { return true; } } return false; }
scalestmt -> 'scale' scalespec scalespec ->
/** * scalestmt -> 'scale' scalespec * scalespec -> <see above scaleTerminals array> */
private void scaleStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(SCALE); Token t = matchOne(scaleKeyWords); cf.setScale(Scale.toScale(t.sval)); String scaleString = t.sval; log(pdebug, "Parsed: scale -> " + scaleString); }
alignstmt -> 'align' alignspec alignspec ->
/** * alignstmt -> 'align' alignspec * alignspec -> <see above alignTerminals array> */
private void alignStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(ALIGN); Token t = matchOne(alignKeyWords); cf.setAlignment(Alignment.toAlignment(t.sval)); String alignString = t.sval; log(pdebug, "Parsed: align -> " + alignString); }
headerstmt -> 'header' quotedstring
/** * headerstmt -> 'header' quotedstring */
private void headerStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(HEADER); String headerString = lookahead.sval; matchQuotedString(); cf.setHeader(headerString); log(pdebug, "Parsed: header -> " + headerString); }
widthstmt -> 'width' integer
/** * widthstmt -> 'width' integer */
private void widthStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(WIDTH); double width = lookahead.nval; matchNumber(); cf.setWidth((int)width); log(pdebug, "Parsed: width -> " + width ); }
formatstmt -> 'format' quotedstring
/** * formatstmt -> 'format' quotedstring */
private void formatStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(FORMAT); String formatString = lookahead.sval; matchQuotedString(); cf.setFormat(formatString); log(pdebug, "Parsed: format -> " + formatString); }
Primary -> Literal | Identifier | '(' Expression ')'
/** * Primary -> Literal | Identifier | '(' Expression ')' */
private Expression primary() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = null; switch (lookahead.ttype) { case OPENPAREN: match(OPENPAREN); e = expression(); match(CLOSEPAREN); break; case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: String s = lookahead.sval; if (isReservedWord(s)) { throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), "IDENTIFIER", "Reserved Word: " + lookahead.sval); } matchID(); e = new Identifier(s); log(pdebug, "Parsed: ID -> " + s); break; case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: double literal = lookahead.nval; matchNumber(); e = new Literal(Double.valueOf(literal)); log(pdebug, "Parsed: number -> " + literal); break; default: throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), "IDENTIFIER", lookahead); } log(pdebug, "Parsed: primary -> " + e); return e; }
Unary -> ('+'|'-') Unary | Primary
/** * Unary -> ('+'|'-') Unary | Primary */
private Expression unary() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = null; Operator op = null; while (true) { switch (lookahead.ttype) { case OPERATOR_PLUS: match(OPERATOR_PLUS); op = Operator.PLUS; break; case OPERATOR_MINUS: match(OPERATOR_MINUS); op = Operator.MINUS; break; default: e = primary(); log(pdebug, "Parsed: unary -> " + e); return e; } Expression e1 = new Expression(); e1.setOperator(op); e1.setRight(e); log(pdebug, "Parsed: unary -> " + e1); e1.setLeft(new Literal(Double.valueOf(0))); e = e1; } }
MultExpression -> Unary (('*' | '/') Unary)*
/** * MultExpression -> Unary (('*' | '/') Unary)* */
private Expression multExpression() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = unary(); Operator op = null; while (true) { switch (lookahead.ttype) { case OPERATOR_MULTIPLY: match(OPERATOR_MULTIPLY); op = Operator.MULTIPLY; break; case OPERATOR_DIVIDE: match(OPERATOR_DIVIDE); op = Operator.DIVIDE; break; default: log(pdebug, "Parsed: multExpression -> " + e); return e; } Expression e1 = new Expression(); e1.setOperator(op); e1.setLeft(e); e1.setRight(unary()); e = e1; log(pdebug, "Parsed: multExpression -> " + e); } }
AddExpression -> MultExpression (('+' | '-') MultExpression)*
/** * AddExpression -> MultExpression (('+' | '-') MultExpression)* */
private Expression addExpression() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = multExpression(); Operator op = null; while (true) { switch (lookahead.ttype) { case OPERATOR_PLUS: match(OPERATOR_PLUS); op = Operator.PLUS; break; case OPERATOR_MINUS: match(OPERATOR_MINUS); op = Operator.MINUS; break; default: log(pdebug, "Parsed: addExpression -> " + e); return e; } Expression e1 = new Expression(); e1.setOperator(op); e1.setLeft(e); e1.setRight(multExpression()); e = e1; log(pdebug, "Parsed: addExpression -> " + e); } }
Expression -> AddExpression
/** * Expression -> AddExpression */
private Expression expression() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = addExpression(); log(pdebug, "Parsed: expression -> " + e); return e; }
datastmt -> 'data' expression
/** * datastmt -> 'data' expression */
private void dataStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(DATA); Expression e = expression(); cf.setExpression(e); log(pdebug, "Parsed: data -> " + e); }
requiredstmt -> 'required' expression
/** * requiredstmt -> 'required' expression */
private void requiredStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(REQUIRED); Token t = matchOne(boolKeyWords); cf.setRequired(Boolean.parseBoolean(t.sval)); log(pdebug, "Parsed: required -> " + cf.isRequired()); }
statementlist -> optionalstmt statementlist optionalstmt -> 'data' expression 'header' quotedstring 'width' integer 'format' formatstring 'align' alignspec 'scale' scalespec 'required' boolean
/** * statementlist -> optionalstmt statementlist * optionalstmt -> 'data' expression * 'header' quotedstring * 'width' integer * 'format' formatstring * 'align' alignspec * 'scale' scalespec * 'required' boolean */
private void statementList(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { while (true) { if (lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { return; } if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(DATA) == 0) { dataStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(HEADER) == 0) { headerStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(WIDTH) == 0) { widthStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(FORMAT) == 0) { formatStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(ALIGN) == 0) { alignStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(SCALE) == 0) { scaleStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(REQUIRED) == 0) { requiredStmt(cf); } else { return; } } }
optionlist -> columspec optionlist null columspec -> 'column' '{' statementlist '}'
/** * optionlist -> columspec optionlist * null * columspec -> 'column' '{' statementlist '}' */
private void optionList(OptionFormat of) throws ParserException, IOException { while (true) { if (lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { return; } match(COLUMN); match(OPENBLOCK); ColumnFormat cf = new ColumnFormat(columnCount++); statementList(cf); match(CLOSEBLOCK); cf.validate(); of.addSubFormat(cf); } }
optionstmt -> 'option' ID '{' optionlist '}'
/** * optionstmt -> 'option' ID '{' optionlist '}' */
private OptionFormat optionStmt() throws ParserException, IOException { match(OPTION); String optionName=lookahead.sval; matchID(); match(OPENBLOCK); OptionFormat of = new OptionFormat(optionName); optionList(of); match(CLOSEBLOCK); return of; }
parse the specification for the given option identifier
/** * parse the specification for the given option identifier */
public OptionFormat parse(String option) throws ParserException, IOException { nextToken(); /* * this search stops on the first occurance of an option * statement with a name matching the given option. Any * duplicate options are ignored. */ while (lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { // look for the start symbol if ((lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) || (lookahead.sval.compareTo(START) != 0)) { // skip tokens until a start symbol is found nextToken(); continue; } // check if the option name is the one we are interested in match(START); if ((lookahead.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && (lookahead.sval.compareTo(option) == 0)) { // this is the one we are looking for, parse it pushBack(); return optionStmt(); } else { // not what we are looking for, start skipping tokens nextToken(); } } return null; } public Set<OptionFormat> parseOptions() throws ParserException, IOException { Set<OptionFormat> options = new HashSet<OptionFormat>(); nextToken(); while (lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { // look for the start symbol if ((lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) || (lookahead.sval.compareTo(START) != 0)) { // skip tokens until a start symbol is found nextToken(); continue; } // note: if a duplicate option statement exists, then // first one encountered is the chosen definition. OptionFormat of = optionStmt(); options.add(of); } return options; } OptionFormat getOptionFormat() { return optionFormat; } private void log(boolean logging, String s) { if (logging) { System.out.println(s); } } }