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package jdk.javadoc.doclet;

import java.util.Set;

import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject.Kind;

import com.sun.source.util.DocTrees;

Represents the operating environment of a single invocation of the doclet. This object can be used to access the program structures, various utilities and the user specified elements on the command line.
/** * Represents the operating environment of a single invocation * of the doclet. This object can be used to access the program * structures, various utilities and the user specified elements * on the command line. * * @since 9 */
public interface DocletEnvironment {
Returns the elements specified when the tool is invoked.
Returns:the set of specified elements
/** * Returns the elements <a href="package-summary.html#specified">specified</a> * when the tool is invoked. * * @return the set of specified elements */
Set<? extends Element> getSpecifiedElements();
Returns the module, package and type elements that should be included in the documentation.
Returns:the set of included elements
/** * Returns the module, package and type elements that should be * <a href="package-summary.html#included">included</a> in the * documentation. * * @return the set of included elements */
Set<? extends Element> getIncludedElements();
Returns an instance of the DocTrees utility class. This class provides methods to access TreePaths, DocCommentTrees and so on.
Returns:a utility class to operate on doc trees
/** * Returns an instance of the {@code DocTrees} utility class. * This class provides methods to access {@code TreePath}s, {@code DocCommentTree}s * and so on. * * @return a utility class to operate on doc trees */
DocTrees getDocTrees();
Returns an instance of the Elements utility class. This class provides methods for operating on elements.
Returns:a utility class to operate on elements
/** * Returns an instance of the {@code Elements} utility class. * This class provides methods for operating on * {@link javax.lang.model.element.Element elements}. * * @return a utility class to operate on elements */
Elements getElementUtils();
Returns an instance of the Types utility class. This class provides methods for operating on type mirrors.
Returns:a utility class to operate on type mirrors
/** * Returns an instance of the {@code Types} utility class. * This class provides methods for operating on * {@link javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror type mirrors}. * * @return a utility class to operate on type mirrors */
Types getTypeUtils();
Returns true if an element should be included in the documentation.
  • e – the element
Returns:true if included, false otherwise
/** * Returns true if an element should be * <a href="package-summary.html#included">included</a> in the * documentation. * * @param e the element * @return true if included, false otherwise */
boolean isIncluded(Element e);
Returns true if the element is selected.
  • e – the element
Returns:true if selected, false otherwise
/** * Returns true if the element is <a href="package-summary.html#selected">selected</a>. * * @param e the element * @return true if selected, false otherwise */
boolean isSelected(Element e);
Returns the file manager used to read and write files.
Returns:the file manager used to read and write files
/** * Returns the file manager used to read and write files. * * @return the file manager used to read and write files */
JavaFileManager getJavaFileManager();
Returns the source version of the source files that were read.
Returns:the source version
/** * Returns the source version of the source files that were read. * * @return the source version */
SourceVersion getSourceVersion();
Returns the required level of module documentation.
Returns:the required level of module documentation
/** * Returns the required level of module documentation. * * @return the required level of module documentation */
ModuleMode getModuleMode();
Returns the file kind of a type element.
  • type – the type element
Returns:the file kind
/** * Returns the file kind of a type element. * * @param type the type element * @return the file kind */
Kind getFileKind(TypeElement type);
The mode specifying the level of detail of module documentation.
/** * The mode specifying the level of detail of module documentation. */
enum ModuleMode {
Indicate API level documentation is required
/** Indicate API level documentation is required */
Indicate Detailed documentation is required
/** Indicate Detailed documentation is required */
ALL } }