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package org.graalvm.compiler.lir.amd64;

import static jdk.vm.ci.code.ValueUtil.asRegister;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.asm.amd64.AMD64Assembler.AMD64BinaryArithmetic.XOR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRInstruction.OperandFlag.CONST;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRInstruction.OperandFlag.ILLEGAL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRInstruction.OperandFlag.REG;

import java.util.Objects;

import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.Label;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.amd64.AMD64Address;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.amd64.AMD64Address.Scale;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.amd64.AMD64Assembler;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.amd64.AMD64Assembler.ConditionFlag;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.amd64.AMD64Assembler.SSEOp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.amd64.AMD64BaseAssembler.OperandSize;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.amd64.AMD64MacroAssembler;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.amd64.AVXKind;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.LIRKind;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRInstructionClass;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRValueUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.Opcode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.asm.CompilationResultBuilder;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.gen.LIRGeneratorTool;

import jdk.vm.ci.amd64.AMD64;
import jdk.vm.ci.amd64.AMD64.CPUFeature;
import jdk.vm.ci.amd64.AMD64Kind;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.Register;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.TargetDescription;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Value;

Emits code which compares two arrays of the same length. If the CPU supports any vector instructions specialized code is emitted to leverage these instructions. This op can also compare arrays of different integer types (e.g. byte[] and char[]) with on-the-fly sign- or zero-extension. If one of the given arrays is a char[] array, the smaller elements are zero-extended, otherwise they are sign-extended.
/** * Emits code which compares two arrays of the same length. If the CPU supports any vector * instructions specialized code is emitted to leverage these instructions. * * This op can also compare arrays of different integer types (e.g. {@code byte[]} and * {@code char[]}) with on-the-fly sign- or zero-extension. If one of the given arrays is a * {@code char[]} array, the smaller elements are zero-extended, otherwise they are sign-extended. */
@Opcode("ARRAY_EQUALS") public final class AMD64ArrayEqualsOp extends AMD64LIRInstruction { public static final LIRInstructionClass<AMD64ArrayEqualsOp> TYPE = LIRInstructionClass.create(AMD64ArrayEqualsOp.class); private final JavaKind kind1; private final JavaKind kind2; private final int arrayBaseOffset1; private final int arrayBaseOffset2; private final Scale arrayIndexScale1; private final Scale arrayIndexScale2; private final AVXKind.AVXSize vectorSize; private final boolean signExtend; @Def({REG}) private Value resultValue; @Alive({REG}) private Value array1Value; @Alive({REG}) private Value array2Value; @Alive({REG, CONST}) private Value lengthValue; @Temp({REG, ILLEGAL}) private Value temp1; @Temp({REG, ILLEGAL}) private Value temp2; @Temp({REG}) private Value temp3; @Temp({REG, ILLEGAL}) private Value temp4; @Temp({REG, ILLEGAL}) private Value temp5; @Temp({REG, ILLEGAL}) private Value tempXMM; @Temp({REG, ILLEGAL}) private Value vectorTemp1; @Temp({REG, ILLEGAL}) private Value vectorTemp2; @Temp({REG, ILLEGAL}) private Value vectorTemp3; @Temp({REG, ILLEGAL}) private Value vectorTemp4; public AMD64ArrayEqualsOp(LIRGeneratorTool tool, JavaKind kind1, JavaKind kind2, Value result, Value array1, Value array2, Value length, boolean directPointers, int maxVectorSize) { super(TYPE); this.kind1 = kind1; this.kind2 = kind2; this.signExtend = kind1 != JavaKind.Char && kind2 != JavaKind.Char; assert kind1.isNumericInteger() && kind2.isNumericInteger() || kind1 == kind2; this.arrayBaseOffset1 = directPointers ? 0 : tool.getProviders().getMetaAccess().getArrayBaseOffset(kind1); this.arrayBaseOffset2 = directPointers ? 0 : tool.getProviders().getMetaAccess().getArrayBaseOffset(kind2); this.arrayIndexScale1 = Objects.requireNonNull(Scale.fromInt(tool.getProviders().getMetaAccess().getArrayIndexScale(kind1))); this.arrayIndexScale2 = Objects.requireNonNull(Scale.fromInt(tool.getProviders().getMetaAccess().getArrayIndexScale(kind2))); this.vectorSize = ((AMD64) tool.target().arch).getFeatures().contains(CPUFeature.AVX2) && (maxVectorSize < 0 || maxVectorSize >= 32) ? AVXKind.AVXSize.YMM : AVXKind.AVXSize.XMM; this.resultValue = result; this.array1Value = array1; this.array2Value = array2; this.lengthValue = length; // Allocate some temporaries. if (supportsSSE41(tool.target()) && canGenerateConstantLengthCompare(tool.target()) && !constantLengthCompareNeedsTmpArrayPointers()) { this.temp1 = Value.ILLEGAL; this.temp2 = Value.ILLEGAL; } else { this.temp1 = tool.newVariable(LIRKind.unknownReference(tool.target().arch.getWordKind())); this.temp2 = tool.newVariable(LIRKind.unknownReference(tool.target().arch.getWordKind())); } this.temp3 = tool.newVariable(LIRKind.value(tool.target().arch.getWordKind())); if (supportsSSE41(tool.target()) && canGenerateConstantLengthCompare(tool.target())) { this.temp4 = Value.ILLEGAL; this.temp5 = Value.ILLEGAL; } else { this.temp4 = tool.newVariable(LIRKind.value(tool.target().arch.getWordKind())); this.temp5 = kind1.isNumericFloat() || kind1 != kind2 ? tool.newVariable(LIRKind.value(tool.target().arch.getWordKind())) : Value.ILLEGAL; } if (kind1 == JavaKind.Float) { this.tempXMM = tool.newVariable(LIRKind.value(AMD64Kind.SINGLE)); } else if (kind1 == JavaKind.Double) { this.tempXMM = tool.newVariable(LIRKind.value(AMD64Kind.DOUBLE)); } else { this.tempXMM = Value.ILLEGAL; } // We only need the vector temporaries if we generate SSE code. if (supportsSSE41(tool.target())) { if (canGenerateConstantLengthCompare(tool.target())) { LIRKind lirKind = LIRKind.value(vectorSize == AVXKind.AVXSize.YMM ? AMD64Kind.V256_BYTE : AMD64Kind.V128_BYTE); this.vectorTemp1 = tool.newVariable(lirKind); this.vectorTemp2 = tool.newVariable(lirKind); this.vectorTemp3 = tool.newVariable(lirKind); this.vectorTemp4 = tool.newVariable(lirKind); } else { this.vectorTemp1 = tool.newVariable(LIRKind.value(AMD64Kind.DOUBLE)); this.vectorTemp2 = tool.newVariable(LIRKind.value(AMD64Kind.DOUBLE)); this.vectorTemp3 = Value.ILLEGAL; this.vectorTemp4 = Value.ILLEGAL; } } else { this.vectorTemp1 = Value.ILLEGAL; this.vectorTemp2 = Value.ILLEGAL; this.vectorTemp3 = Value.ILLEGAL; this.vectorTemp4 = Value.ILLEGAL; } } private boolean canGenerateConstantLengthCompare(TargetDescription target) { return LIRValueUtil.isJavaConstant(lengthValue) && kind1.isNumericInteger() && (kind1 == kind2 || getElementsPerVector(AVXKind.AVXSize.XMM) <= constantLength()) && supportsSSE41(target); } private int constantLength() { return LIRValueUtil.asJavaConstant(lengthValue).asInt(); } @Override public void emitCode(CompilationResultBuilder crb, AMD64MacroAssembler masm) { Register result = asRegister(resultValue); Label trueLabel = new Label(); Label falseLabel = new Label(); Label done = new Label(); if (canGenerateConstantLengthCompare(crb.target)) { emitConstantLengthArrayCompareBytes(crb, masm, new Register[]{asRegister(vectorTemp1), asRegister(vectorTemp2), asRegister(vectorTemp3), asRegister(vectorTemp4)}, falseLabel); } else { Register array1 = asRegister(temp1); Register array2 = asRegister(temp2); // Load array base addresses. masm.leaq(array1, new AMD64Address(asRegister(array1Value), arrayBaseOffset1)); masm.leaq(array2, new AMD64Address(asRegister(array2Value), arrayBaseOffset2)); Register length = asRegister(temp3); // Get array length. if (LIRValueUtil.isJavaConstant(lengthValue)) { masm.movl(length, constantLength()); } else { masm.movl(length, asRegister(lengthValue)); } // copy masm.movl(result, length); emitArrayCompare(crb, masm, result, array1, array2, length, trueLabel, falseLabel); } // Return true masm.bind(trueLabel); masm.movl(result, 1); masm.jmpb(done); // Return false masm.bind(falseLabel); masm.xorl(result, result); // That's it masm.bind(done); } private void emitArrayCompare(CompilationResultBuilder crb, AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register result, Register array1, Register array2, Register length, Label trueLabel, Label falseLabel) { if (supportsSSE41(crb.target)) { emitVectorCompare(crb, masm, result, array1, array2, length, trueLabel, falseLabel); } if (kind1 == kind2) { emit8ByteCompare(crb, masm, result, array1, array2, length, trueLabel, falseLabel); emitTailCompares(masm, result, array1, array2, length, trueLabel, falseLabel); } else { emitDifferentKindsElementWiseCompare(crb, masm, result, array1, array2, length, trueLabel, falseLabel); } }
Returns if the underlying AMD64 architecture supports SSE 4.1 instructions.
  • target – target description of the underlying architecture
Returns:true if the underlying architecture supports SSE 4.1
/** * Returns if the underlying AMD64 architecture supports SSE 4.1 instructions. * * @param target target description of the underlying architecture * @return true if the underlying architecture supports SSE 4.1 */
private static boolean supportsSSE41(TargetDescription target) { AMD64 arch = (AMD64) target.arch; return arch.getFeatures().contains(CPUFeature.SSE4_1); }
Emits code that uses SSE4.1/AVX1 128-bit (16-byte) or AVX2 256-bit (32-byte) vector compares.
/** * Emits code that uses SSE4.1/AVX1 128-bit (16-byte) or AVX2 256-bit (32-byte) vector compares. */
private void emitVectorCompare(CompilationResultBuilder crb, AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register result, Register array1, Register array2, Register length, Label trueLabel, Label falseLabel) { assert supportsSSE41(crb.target); Register vector1 = asRegister(vectorTemp1); Register vector2 = asRegister(vectorTemp2); int elementsPerVector = getElementsPerVector(vectorSize); Label loop = new Label(); Label compareTail = new Label(); boolean requiresNaNCheck = kind1.isNumericFloat(); Label loopCheck = new Label(); Label nanCheck = new Label(); // Compare 16-byte vectors masm.andl(result, elementsPerVector - 1); // tail count masm.andlAndJcc(length, ~(elementsPerVector - 1), ConditionFlag.Zero, compareTail, false); masm.leaq(array1, new AMD64Address(array1, length, arrayIndexScale1, 0)); masm.leaq(array2, new AMD64Address(array2, length, arrayIndexScale2, 0)); masm.negq(length); // Align the main loop masm.align(crb.target.wordSize * 2); masm.bind(loop); emitVectorLoad1(masm, vector1, array1, length, 0, vectorSize); emitVectorLoad2(masm, vector2, array2, length, 0, vectorSize); emitVectorCmp(masm, vector1, vector2, vectorSize); masm.jcc(ConditionFlag.NotZero, requiresNaNCheck ? nanCheck : falseLabel); masm.bind(loopCheck); masm.addqAndJcc(length, elementsPerVector, ConditionFlag.NotZero, loop, false); masm.testlAndJcc(result, result, ConditionFlag.Zero, trueLabel, false); if (requiresNaNCheck) { Label unalignedCheck = new Label(); masm.jmpb(unalignedCheck); masm.bind(nanCheck); emitFloatCompareWithinRange(crb, masm, array1, array2, length, 0, falseLabel, elementsPerVector); masm.jmpb(loopCheck); masm.bind(unalignedCheck); } /* * Compare the remaining bytes with an unaligned memory load aligned to the end of the * array. */ emitVectorLoad1(masm, vector1, array1, result, scaleDisplacement1(-vectorSize.getBytes()), vectorSize); emitVectorLoad2(masm, vector2, array2, result, scaleDisplacement2(-vectorSize.getBytes()), vectorSize); emitVectorCmp(masm, vector1, vector2, vectorSize); if (requiresNaNCheck) { masm.jcc(ConditionFlag.Zero, trueLabel); emitFloatCompareWithinRange(crb, masm, array1, array2, result, -vectorSize.getBytes(), falseLabel, elementsPerVector); } else { masm.jcc(ConditionFlag.NotZero, falseLabel); } masm.jmp(trueLabel); masm.bind(compareTail); masm.movl(length, result); } private int getElementsPerVector(AVXKind.AVXSize vSize) { return vSize.getBytes() >> Math.max(arrayIndexScale1.log2, arrayIndexScale2.log2); } private void emitVectorLoad1(AMD64MacroAssembler asm, Register dst, Register src, int displacement, AVXKind.AVXSize size) { emitVectorLoad1(asm, dst, src, Register.None, displacement, size); } private void emitVectorLoad2(AMD64MacroAssembler asm, Register dst, Register src, int displacement, AVXKind.AVXSize size) { emitVectorLoad2(asm, dst, src, Register.None, displacement, size); } private void emitVectorLoad1(AMD64MacroAssembler asm, Register dst, Register src, Register index, int displacement, AVXKind.AVXSize size) { emitVectorLoad(asm, dst, src, index, displacement, arrayIndexScale1, arrayIndexScale2, size); } private void emitVectorLoad2(AMD64MacroAssembler asm, Register dst, Register src, Register index, int displacement, AVXKind.AVXSize size) { emitVectorLoad(asm, dst, src, index, displacement, arrayIndexScale2, arrayIndexScale1, size); } private void emitVectorLoad(AMD64MacroAssembler asm, Register dst, Register src, Register index, int displacement, Scale ownScale, Scale otherScale, AVXKind.AVXSize size) { AMD64Address address = new AMD64Address(src, index, ownScale, displacement); if (ownScale.value < otherScale.value) { if (size == AVXKind.AVXSize.YMM) { getAVX2LoadAndExtendOp(ownScale, otherScale, signExtend).emit(asm, size, dst, address); } else { loadAndExtendSSE(asm, dst, address, ownScale, otherScale, signExtend); } } else { if (size == AVXKind.AVXSize.YMM) { asm.vmovdqu(dst, address); } else { asm.movdqu(dst, address); } } } private int scaleDisplacement1(int displacement) { return scaleDisplacement(displacement, arrayIndexScale1, arrayIndexScale2); } private int scaleDisplacement2(int displacement) { return scaleDisplacement(displacement, arrayIndexScale2, arrayIndexScale1); } private static int scaleDisplacement(int displacement, Scale ownScale, Scale otherScale) { if (ownScale.value < otherScale.value) { return displacement >> (otherScale.log2 - ownScale.log2); } return displacement; } private static AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp getAVX2LoadAndExtendOp(Scale ownScale, Scale otherScale, boolean signExtend) { switch (ownScale) { case Times1: switch (otherScale) { case Times2: return signExtend ? AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVSXBW : AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVZXBW; case Times4: return signExtend ? AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVSXBD : AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVZXBD; case Times8: return signExtend ? AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVSXBQ : AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVZXBQ; } throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere(); case Times2: switch (otherScale) { case Times4: return signExtend ? AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVSXWD : AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVZXWD; case Times8: return signExtend ? AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVSXWQ : AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVZXWQ; } throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere(); case Times4: return signExtend ? AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVSXDQ : AMD64Assembler.VexRMOp.VPMOVZXDQ; } throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere(); } private static void loadAndExtendSSE(AMD64MacroAssembler asm, Register dst, AMD64Address src, Scale ownScale, Scale otherScale, boolean signExtend) { switch (ownScale) { case Times1: switch (otherScale) { case Times2: if (signExtend) { asm.pmovsxbw(dst, src); } else { asm.pmovzxbw(dst, src); } return; case Times4: if (signExtend) { asm.pmovsxbd(dst, src); } else { asm.pmovzxbd(dst, src); } return; case Times8: if (signExtend) { asm.pmovsxbq(dst, src); } else { asm.pmovzxbq(dst, src); } return; } throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere(); case Times2: switch (otherScale) { case Times4: if (signExtend) { asm.pmovsxwd(dst, src); } else { asm.pmovzxwd(dst, src); } return; case Times8: if (signExtend) { asm.pmovsxwq(dst, src); } else { asm.pmovzxwq(dst, src); } return; } throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere(); case Times4: if (signExtend) { asm.pmovsxdq(dst, src); } else { asm.pmovzxdq(dst, src); } return; } throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere(); } private static void emitVectorCmp(AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register vector1, Register vector2, AVXKind.AVXSize size) { emitVectorXor(masm, vector1, vector2, size); emitVectorTest(masm, vector1, size); } private static void emitVectorXor(AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register vector1, Register vector2, AVXKind.AVXSize size) { if (size == AVXKind.AVXSize.YMM) { masm.vpxor(vector1, vector1, vector2); } else { masm.pxor(vector1, vector2); } } private static void emitVectorTest(AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register vector1, AVXKind.AVXSize size) { if (size == AVXKind.AVXSize.YMM) { masm.vptest(vector1, vector1); } else { masm.ptest(vector1, vector1); } }
Vector size used in emit8ByteCompare.
/** * Vector size used in {@link #emit8ByteCompare}. */
private static final int VECTOR_SIZE = 8;
Emits code that uses 8-byte vector compares.
/** * Emits code that uses 8-byte vector compares. */
private void emit8ByteCompare(CompilationResultBuilder crb, AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register result, Register array1, Register array2, Register length, Label trueLabel, Label falseLabel) { assert kind1 == kind2; Label loop = new Label(); Label compareTail = new Label(); int elementsPerVector = 8 >> arrayIndexScale1.log2; boolean requiresNaNCheck = kind1.isNumericFloat(); Label loopCheck = new Label(); Label nanCheck = new Label(); Register temp = asRegister(temp4); masm.andl(result, elementsPerVector - 1); // tail count masm.andlAndJcc(length, ~(elementsPerVector - 1), ConditionFlag.Zero, compareTail, false); masm.leaq(array1, new AMD64Address(array1, length, arrayIndexScale1, 0)); masm.leaq(array2, new AMD64Address(array2, length, arrayIndexScale2, 0)); masm.negq(length); // Align the main loop masm.align(crb.target.wordSize * 2); masm.bind(loop); masm.movq(temp, new AMD64Address(array1, length, arrayIndexScale1, 0)); masm.cmpqAndJcc(temp, new AMD64Address(array2, length, arrayIndexScale2, 0), ConditionFlag.NotEqual, requiresNaNCheck ? nanCheck : falseLabel, false); masm.bind(loopCheck); masm.addqAndJcc(length, elementsPerVector, ConditionFlag.NotZero, loop, true); masm.testlAndJcc(result, result, ConditionFlag.Zero, trueLabel, false); if (requiresNaNCheck) { // NaN check is slow path and hence placed outside of the main loop. Label unalignedCheck = new Label(); masm.jmpb(unalignedCheck); masm.bind(nanCheck); // At most two iterations, unroll in the emitted code. for (int offset = 0; offset < VECTOR_SIZE; offset += kind1.getByteCount()) { emitFloatCompare(masm, array1, array2, length, offset, falseLabel, kind1.getByteCount() == VECTOR_SIZE); } masm.jmpb(loopCheck); masm.bind(unalignedCheck); } /* * Compare the remaining bytes with an unaligned memory load aligned to the end of the * array. */ masm.movq(temp, new AMD64Address(array1, result, arrayIndexScale1, -VECTOR_SIZE)); if (requiresNaNCheck) { masm.cmpqAndJcc(temp, new AMD64Address(array2, result, arrayIndexScale2, -VECTOR_SIZE), ConditionFlag.Equal, trueLabel, false); // At most two iterations, unroll in the emitted code. for (int offset = 0; offset < VECTOR_SIZE; offset += kind1.getByteCount()) { emitFloatCompare(masm, array1, array2, result, -VECTOR_SIZE + offset, falseLabel, kind1.getByteCount() == VECTOR_SIZE); } } else { masm.cmpqAndJcc(temp, new AMD64Address(array2, result, arrayIndexScale2, -VECTOR_SIZE), ConditionFlag.NotEqual, falseLabel, true); } masm.jmpb(trueLabel); masm.bind(compareTail); masm.movl(length, result); }
Emits code to compare the remaining 1 to 4 bytes.
/** * Emits code to compare the remaining 1 to 4 bytes. */
private void emitTailCompares(AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register result, Register array1, Register array2, Register length, Label trueLabel, Label falseLabel) { assert kind1 == kind2; Label compare2Bytes = new Label(); Label compare1Byte = new Label(); Register temp = asRegister(temp4); if (kind1.getByteCount() <= 4) { // Compare trailing 4 bytes, if any. masm.testlAndJcc(result, arrayIndexScale1.log2 == 0 ? 4 : 4 >> arrayIndexScale1.log2, ConditionFlag.Zero, compare2Bytes, true); masm.movl(temp, new AMD64Address(array1, 0)); if (kind1 == JavaKind.Float) { masm.cmplAndJcc(temp, new AMD64Address(array2, 0), ConditionFlag.Equal, trueLabel, true); emitFloatCompare(masm, array1, array2, Register.None, 0, falseLabel, true); masm.jmpb(trueLabel); } else { masm.cmplAndJcc(temp, new AMD64Address(array2, 0), ConditionFlag.NotEqual, falseLabel, true); } if (kind1.getByteCount() <= 2) { // Move array pointers forward. masm.leaq(array1, new AMD64Address(array1, 4)); masm.leaq(array2, new AMD64Address(array2, 4)); // Compare trailing 2 bytes, if any. masm.bind(compare2Bytes); masm.testlAndJcc(result, arrayIndexScale1.log2 == 0 ? 2 : 2 >> arrayIndexScale1.log2, ConditionFlag.Zero, compare1Byte, true); masm.movzwl(temp, new AMD64Address(array1, 0)); masm.movzwl(length, new AMD64Address(array2, 0)); masm.cmplAndJcc(temp, length, ConditionFlag.NotEqual, falseLabel, true); // The one-byte tail compare is only required for boolean and byte arrays. if (kind1.getByteCount() <= 1) { // Move array pointers forward before we compare the last trailing byte. masm.leaq(array1, new AMD64Address(array1, 2)); masm.leaq(array2, new AMD64Address(array2, 2)); // Compare trailing byte, if any. // TODO (yz) this can be optimized, i.e., bind after padding masm.bind(compare1Byte); masm.testlAndJcc(result, 1, ConditionFlag.Zero, trueLabel, true); masm.movzbl(temp, new AMD64Address(array1, 0)); masm.movzbl(length, new AMD64Address(array2, 0)); masm.cmplAndJcc(temp, length, ConditionFlag.NotEqual, falseLabel, true); } else { masm.bind(compare1Byte); } } else { masm.bind(compare2Bytes); } } } private void emitDifferentKindsElementWiseCompare(CompilationResultBuilder crb, AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register result, Register array1, Register array2, Register length, Label trueLabel, Label falseLabel) { assert kind1 != kind2; assert kind1.isNumericInteger() && kind2.isNumericInteger(); Label loop = new Label(); Label compareTail = new Label(); int elementsPerLoopIteration = 4; Register tmp1 = asRegister(temp4); Register tmp2 = asRegister(temp5); masm.andl(result, elementsPerLoopIteration - 1); // tail count masm.andlAndJcc(length, ~(elementsPerLoopIteration - 1), ConditionFlag.Zero, compareTail, false); masm.leaq(array1, new AMD64Address(array1, length, arrayIndexScale1, 0)); masm.leaq(array2, new AMD64Address(array2, length, arrayIndexScale2, 0)); masm.negq(length); // clear comparison registers because of the missing movzlq instruction masm.xorq(tmp1, tmp1); masm.xorq(tmp2, tmp2); // Align the main loop masm.align(crb.target.wordSize * 2); masm.bind(loop); for (int i = 0; i < elementsPerLoopIteration; i++) { emitMovBytes(masm, tmp1, new AMD64Address(array1, length, arrayIndexScale1, i << arrayIndexScale1.log2), kind1.getByteCount()); emitMovBytes(masm, tmp2, new AMD64Address(array2, length, arrayIndexScale2, i << arrayIndexScale2.log2), kind2.getByteCount()); masm.cmpqAndJcc(tmp1, tmp2, ConditionFlag.NotEqual, falseLabel, false); } masm.addqAndJcc(length, elementsPerLoopIteration, ConditionFlag.NotZero, loop, true); masm.bind(compareTail); masm.testlAndJcc(result, result, ConditionFlag.Zero, trueLabel, false); for (int i = 0; i < elementsPerLoopIteration - 1; i++) { emitMovBytes(masm, tmp1, new AMD64Address(array1, length, arrayIndexScale1, 0), kind1.getByteCount()); emitMovBytes(masm, tmp2, new AMD64Address(array2, length, arrayIndexScale2, 0), kind2.getByteCount()); masm.cmpqAndJcc(tmp1, tmp2, ConditionFlag.NotEqual, falseLabel, false); if (i < elementsPerLoopIteration - 2) { masm.incrementq(length, 1); masm.decqAndJcc(result, ConditionFlag.Zero, trueLabel, false); } else { masm.jmpb(trueLabel); } } }
Emits code to fall through if src is NaN, otherwise jump to branchOrdered.
/** * Emits code to fall through if {@code src} is NaN, otherwise jump to {@code branchOrdered}. */
private void emitNaNCheck(AMD64MacroAssembler masm, AMD64Address src, Label branchIfNonNaN) { assert kind1.isNumericFloat(); Register tempXMMReg = asRegister(tempXMM); if (kind1 == JavaKind.Float) { masm.movflt(tempXMMReg, src); } else { masm.movdbl(tempXMMReg, src); } SSEOp.UCOMIS.emit(masm, kind1 == JavaKind.Float ? OperandSize.PS : OperandSize.PD, tempXMMReg, tempXMMReg); masm.jcc(ConditionFlag.NoParity, branchIfNonNaN); }
Emits code to compare if two floats are bitwise equal or both NaN.
/** * Emits code to compare if two floats are bitwise equal or both NaN. */
private void emitFloatCompare(AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register base1, Register base2, Register index, int offset, Label falseLabel, boolean skipBitwiseCompare) { AMD64Address address1 = new AMD64Address(base1, index, arrayIndexScale1, offset); AMD64Address address2 = new AMD64Address(base2, index, arrayIndexScale2, offset); Label bitwiseEqual = new Label(); if (!skipBitwiseCompare) { // Bitwise compare Register temp = asRegister(temp4); if (kind1 == JavaKind.Float) { masm.movl(temp, address1); masm.cmplAndJcc(temp, address2, ConditionFlag.Equal, bitwiseEqual, true); } else { masm.movq(temp, address1); masm.cmpqAndJcc(temp, address2, ConditionFlag.Equal, bitwiseEqual, true); } } emitNaNCheck(masm, address1, falseLabel); emitNaNCheck(masm, address2, falseLabel); masm.bind(bitwiseEqual); }
Emits code to compare float equality within a range.
/** * Emits code to compare float equality within a range. */
private void emitFloatCompareWithinRange(CompilationResultBuilder crb, AMD64MacroAssembler masm, Register base1, Register base2, Register index, int offset, Label falseLabel, int range) { assert kind1.isNumericFloat(); Label loop = new Label(); Register i = asRegister(temp5); masm.movq(i, range); masm.negq(i); // Align the main loop masm.align(crb.target.wordSize * 2); masm.bind(loop); emitFloatCompare(masm, base1, base2, index, offset, falseLabel, range == 1); masm.incrementq(index, 1); masm.incqAndJcc(i, ConditionFlag.NotZero, loop, true); // Floats within the range are equal, revert change to the register index masm.subq(index, range); } private boolean constantLengthCompareNeedsTmpArrayPointers() { AVXKind.AVXSize vSize = vectorSize; if (constantLength() < getElementsPerVector(vectorSize)) { vSize = AVXKind.AVXSize.XMM; } int vectorCount = constantLength() & ~(2 * getElementsPerVector(vSize) - 1); return vectorCount > 0; }
Emits specialized assembly for checking equality of memory regions arrayPtr1[0..nBytes] and arrayPtr2[0..nBytes]. If they match, execution continues directly after the emitted code block, otherwise we jump to noMatch.
/** * Emits specialized assembly for checking equality of memory regions * {@code arrayPtr1[0..nBytes]} and {@code arrayPtr2[0..nBytes]}. If they match, execution * continues directly after the emitted code block, otherwise we jump to {@code noMatch}. */
private void emitConstantLengthArrayCompareBytes( CompilationResultBuilder crb, AMD64MacroAssembler asm, Register[] tmpVectors, Label noMatch) { if (constantLength() == 0) { // do nothing return; } Register arrayPtr1 = asRegister(array1Value); Register arrayPtr2 = asRegister(array2Value); Register tmp = asRegister(temp3); AVXKind.AVXSize vSize = vectorSize; if (constantLength() < getElementsPerVector(vectorSize)) { vSize = AVXKind.AVXSize.XMM; } int elementsPerVector = getElementsPerVector(vSize); if (elementsPerVector > constantLength()) { assert kind1 == kind2; int byteLength = constantLength() << arrayIndexScale1.log2; // array is shorter than any vector register, use regular XOR instructions int movSize = (byteLength < 2) ? 1 : ((byteLength < 4) ? 2 : ((byteLength < 8) ? 4 : 8)); emitMovBytes(asm, tmp, new AMD64Address(arrayPtr1, arrayBaseOffset1), movSize); emitXorBytes(asm, tmp, new AMD64Address(arrayPtr2, arrayBaseOffset2), movSize); asm.jccb(AMD64Assembler.ConditionFlag.NotZero, noMatch); if (byteLength > movSize) { emitMovBytes(asm, tmp, new AMD64Address(arrayPtr1, arrayBaseOffset1 + byteLength - movSize), movSize); emitXorBytes(asm, tmp, new AMD64Address(arrayPtr2, arrayBaseOffset2 + byteLength - movSize), movSize); asm.jccb(AMD64Assembler.ConditionFlag.NotZero, noMatch); } } else { int elementsPerVectorLoop = 2 * elementsPerVector; int tailCount = constantLength() & (elementsPerVectorLoop - 1); int vectorCount = constantLength() & ~(elementsPerVectorLoop - 1); int bytesPerVector = vSize.getBytes(); if (vectorCount > 0) { Label loopBegin = new Label(); Register tmpArrayPtr1 = asRegister(temp1); Register tmpArrayPtr2 = asRegister(temp2); asm.leaq(tmpArrayPtr1, new AMD64Address(arrayPtr1, vectorCount << arrayIndexScale1.log2)); asm.leaq(tmpArrayPtr2, new AMD64Address(arrayPtr2, vectorCount << arrayIndexScale2.log2)); arrayPtr1 = tmpArrayPtr1; arrayPtr2 = tmpArrayPtr2; asm.movq(tmp, -vectorCount); asm.align(crb.target.wordSize * 2); asm.bind(loopBegin); emitVectorLoad1(asm, tmpVectors[0], arrayPtr1, tmp, arrayBaseOffset1, vSize); emitVectorLoad2(asm, tmpVectors[1], arrayPtr2, tmp, arrayBaseOffset2, vSize); emitVectorLoad1(asm, tmpVectors[2], arrayPtr1, tmp, arrayBaseOffset1 + scaleDisplacement1(bytesPerVector), vSize); emitVectorLoad2(asm, tmpVectors[3], arrayPtr2, tmp, arrayBaseOffset2 + scaleDisplacement2(bytesPerVector), vSize); emitVectorXor(asm, tmpVectors[0], tmpVectors[1], vSize); emitVectorXor(asm, tmpVectors[2], tmpVectors[3], vSize); emitVectorTest(asm, tmpVectors[0], vSize); asm.jccb(AMD64Assembler.ConditionFlag.NotZero, noMatch); emitVectorTest(asm, tmpVectors[2], vSize); asm.jccb(AMD64Assembler.ConditionFlag.NotZero, noMatch); asm.addqAndJcc(tmp, elementsPerVectorLoop, AMD64Assembler.ConditionFlag.NotZero, loopBegin, true); } if (tailCount > 0) { emitVectorLoad1(asm, tmpVectors[0], arrayPtr1, arrayBaseOffset1 + (tailCount << arrayIndexScale1.log2) - scaleDisplacement1(bytesPerVector), vSize); emitVectorLoad2(asm, tmpVectors[1], arrayPtr2, arrayBaseOffset2 + (tailCount << arrayIndexScale2.log2) - scaleDisplacement2(bytesPerVector), vSize); emitVectorXor(asm, tmpVectors[0], tmpVectors[1], vSize); if (tailCount > elementsPerVector) { emitVectorLoad1(asm, tmpVectors[2], arrayPtr1, arrayBaseOffset1, vSize); emitVectorLoad2(asm, tmpVectors[3], arrayPtr2, arrayBaseOffset2, vSize); emitVectorXor(asm, tmpVectors[2], tmpVectors[3], vSize); emitVectorTest(asm, tmpVectors[2], vSize); asm.jccb(AMD64Assembler.ConditionFlag.NotZero, noMatch); } emitVectorTest(asm, tmpVectors[0], vSize); asm.jccb(AMD64Assembler.ConditionFlag.NotZero, noMatch); } } } private void emitMovBytes(AMD64MacroAssembler asm, Register dst, AMD64Address src, int size) { switch (size) { case 1: if (signExtend) { asm.movsbq(dst, src); } else { asm.movzbq(dst, src); } break; case 2: if (signExtend) { asm.movswq(dst, src); } else { asm.movzwq(dst, src); } break; case 4: if (signExtend) { asm.movslq(dst, src); } else { // there is no movzlq asm.movl(dst, src); } break; case 8: asm.movq(dst, src); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private static void emitXorBytes(AMD64MacroAssembler asm, Register dst, AMD64Address src, int size) { OperandSize opSize = getOperandSize(size); XOR.getRMOpcode(opSize).emit(asm, opSize, dst, src); } private static OperandSize getOperandSize(int size) { switch (size) { case 1: return OperandSize.BYTE; case 2: return OperandSize.WORD; case 4: return OperandSize.DWORD; case 8: return OperandSize.QWORD; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public boolean needsClearUpperVectorRegisters() { return true; } }