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package jdk.internal.vm.compiler.libgraal;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;

Scope for calling CEntryPoints in libgraal. Opening a scope ensures the current thread is attached to libgraal and closing the outer most scope detaches the current thread.
/** * Scope for calling CEntryPoints in libgraal. {@linkplain #LibGraalScope() Opening} a scope ensures * the current thread is attached to libgraal and {@linkplain #close() closing} the outer most scope * detaches the current thread. */
public final class LibGraalScope implements AutoCloseable { static final ThreadLocal<LibGraalScope> currentScope = new ThreadLocal<>();
Shared state between a thread's nested scopes.
/** * Shared state between a thread's nested scopes. */
static class Shared { final DetachAction detachAction; final LibGraalIsolate isolate; final long isolateThread; Shared(DetachAction detachAction, LibGraalIsolate isolate, long isolateThread) { this.detachAction = detachAction; this.isolate = isolate; this.isolateThread = isolateThread; } } private final LibGraalScope parent; private final Shared shared;
Gets the current scope.
  • IllegalStateException – if the current thread is not in an opened scope
/** * Gets the current scope. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the current thread is not in an {@linkplain #LibGraalScope() * opened} scope */
public static LibGraalScope current() { LibGraalScope scope = currentScope.get(); if (scope == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not in an " + LibGraalScope.class.getSimpleName()); } return scope; }
Gets the isolate thread associated with the current thread. The current thread must be in an opened scope.
@returnsa value that can be used for the IsolateThreadContext argument of a native method linked to a CEntryPoint function in libgraal
/** * Gets the isolate thread associated with the current thread. The current thread must be in an * {@linkplain #LibGraalScope() opened} scope. * * @returns a value that can be used for the IsolateThreadContext argument of a {@code native} * method {@link LibGraal#registerNativeMethods linked} to a CEntryPoint function in * libgraal * @throws IllegalStateException if the current thread is not attached to libgraal */
public static long getIsolateThread() { return current().shared.isolateThread; }
Denotes the detach action to perform when closing a LibGraalScope.
/** * Denotes the detach action to perform when closing a {@link LibGraalScope}. */
public enum DetachAction {
Detach the thread from its libgraal isolate.
/** * Detach the thread from its libgraal isolate. */
Detach the thread from its libgraal isolate and the associated JVMCIRuntime.
/** * Detach the thread from its libgraal isolate and the associated {@code JVMCIRuntime}. */
Detach the thread from its libgraal isolate and the associated JVMCIRuntime. If the VM supports releasing the JavaVM associated with JVMCIRuntimes and this is the last thread attached to its JVMCIRuntime, then the JVMCIRuntime destroys its JavaVM instance.
/** * Detach the thread from its libgraal isolate and the associated {@code JVMCIRuntime}. If * the VM supports releasing the {@code JavaVM} associated with {@code JVMCIRuntime}s and * this is the last thread attached to its {@code JVMCIRuntime}, then the * {@code JVMCIRuntime} destroys its {@code JavaVM} instance. */
Shortcut for calling LibGraalScope(DetachAction) with an argument of DetachAction.DETACH_RUNTIME.
/** * Shortcut for calling {@link #LibGraalScope(DetachAction)} with an argument of * {@link DetachAction#DETACH_RUNTIME}. */
public LibGraalScope() { this(DetachAction.DETACH_RUNTIME); }
Enters a scope for making calls into libgraal. If there is no existing libgraal scope for the current thread, the current thread is attached to libgraal. When the outer most scope is closed, the current thread is detached from libgraal. This must be used in a try-with-resources statement. This cannot be called from within libgraal.
/** * Enters a scope for making calls into libgraal. If there is no existing libgraal scope for the * current thread, the current thread is attached to libgraal. When the outer most scope is * closed, the current thread is detached from libgraal. * * This must be used in a try-with-resources statement. * * This cannot be called from {@linkplain LibGraal#inLibGraal() within} libgraal. * * @throws IllegalStateException if libgraal is {@linkplain LibGraal#isAvailable() unavailable} * or {@link LibGraal#inLibGraal()} returns true */
public LibGraalScope(DetachAction detachAction) { if (LibGraal.inLibGraal() || !LibGraal.isAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } parent = currentScope.get(); if (parent == null) { long[] isolateBox = {0}; boolean firstAttach = LibGraal.attachCurrentThread(false, isolateBox); long isolateAddress = isolateBox[0]; LibGraalIsolate isolate = LibGraalIsolate.forAddress(isolateAddress); long isolateThread = getIsolateThreadIn(isolateAddress); shared = new Shared(firstAttach ? detachAction : null, isolate, isolateThread); } else { shared = parent.shared; } currentScope.set(this); }
Enters a scope for making calls into an existing libgraal isolate. If there is no existing libgraal scope for the current thread, the current thread is attached to libgraal. When the outer most scope is closed, the current thread is detached from libgraal. This must be used in a try-with-resources statement. This cannot be called from within libgraal.
/** * Enters a scope for making calls into an existing libgraal isolate. If there is no existing * libgraal scope for the current thread, the current thread is attached to libgraal. When the * outer most scope is closed, the current thread is detached from libgraal. * * This must be used in a try-with-resources statement. * * This cannot be called from {@linkplain LibGraal#inLibGraal() within} libgraal. * * @throws IllegalStateException if libgraal is {@linkplain LibGraal#isAvailable() unavailable} * or {@link LibGraal#inLibGraal()} returns true */
public LibGraalScope(long isolateAddress) { if (LibGraal.inLibGraal() || !LibGraal.isAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } parent = currentScope.get(); if (parent == null) { long isolateThread = getIsolateThreadIn(isolateAddress); boolean alreadyAttached; if (isolateThread == 0L) { alreadyAttached = false; isolateThread = attachThreadTo(isolateAddress); } else { alreadyAttached = true; } LibGraalIsolate isolate = LibGraalIsolate.forAddress(isolateAddress); shared = new Shared(alreadyAttached ? null : DetachAction.DETACH, isolate, isolateThread); } else { shared = parent.shared; } currentScope.set(this); }
Attaches the current thread to the isolate at isolateAddress.
Returns:the address of the attached IsolateThread
/** * Attaches the current thread to the isolate at {@code isolateAddress}. * * @return the address of the attached IsolateThread */
// Implementation: // com.oracle.svm.graal.hotspot.libgraal.LibGraalEntryPoints.attachThreadTo static native long attachThreadTo(long isolateAddress);
Detaches the current thread from the isolate at isolateAddress.
/** * Detaches the current thread from the isolate at {@code isolateAddress}. */
// Implementation: // com.oracle.svm.graal.hotspot.libgraal.LibGraalEntryPoints.detachThreadFrom static native void detachThreadFrom(long isolateThreadAddress);
Gets the isolate thread for the current thread in the isolate at isolateAddress.
Returns:0L if the current thread is not attached to the isolate at isolateAddress
/** * Gets the isolate thread for the current thread in the isolate at {@code isolateAddress}. * * @return 0L if the current thread is not attached to the isolate at {@code isolateAddress} */
// Implementation: // com.oracle.svm.graal.hotspot.libgraal.LibGraalEntryPoints.getIsolateThreadIn @SuppressWarnings("unused") static native long getIsolateThreadIn(long isolateAddress);
Gets the isolate associated with this scope.
/** * Gets the isolate associated with this scope. */
public LibGraalIsolate getIsolate() { return shared.isolate; }
Gets the address of the isolate thread associated with this scope.
/** * Gets the address of the isolate thread associated with this scope. */
public long getIsolateThreadAddress() { return shared.isolateThread; } @Override public void close() { if (parent == null && shared.detachAction != null) { if (shared.detachAction == DetachAction.DETACH) { detachThreadFrom(shared.isolateThread); } else { boolean isolateDestroyed = LibGraal.detachCurrentThread(shared.detachAction == DetachAction.DETACH_RUNTIME_AND_RELEASE); if (isolateDestroyed) { LibGraalIsolate.remove(shared.isolate); } } } currentScope.set(parent); } // Shared support for the LibGraal overlays
Convenience function for wrapping varargs into an array for use in calls to method(Class<?>, String, Class<?>[][]).
/** * Convenience function for wrapping varargs into an array for use in calls to * {@link #method(Class, String, Class[][])}. */
static Class<?>[] sig(Class<?>... types) { return types; }
Gets the method in declaringClass with the unique name name.
  • sigs – the signatures the method may have
/** * Gets the method in {@code declaringClass} with the unique name {@code name}. * * @param sigs the signatures the method may have */
static Method method(Class<?> declaringClass, String name, Class<?>[]... sigs) { if (sigs.length == 1 || sigs.length == 0) { try { Class<?>[] sig = sigs.length == 1 ? sigs[0] : new Class<?>[0]; return declaringClass.getDeclaredMethod(name, sig); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { throw (NoSuchMethodError) new NoSuchMethodError(name).initCause(e); } } Method match = null; for (Method m : declaringClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals(name)) { if (match != null) { throw new InternalError(String.format("Expected single method named %s, found %s and %s", name, match, m)); } match = m; } } if (match == null) { throw new NoSuchMethodError("Cannot find method " + name + " in " + declaringClass.getName()); } Class<?>[] parameterTypes = match.getParameterTypes(); for (Class<?>[] sig : sigs) { if (Arrays.equals(parameterTypes, sig)) { return match; } } throw new NoSuchMethodError(String.format("Unexpected signature for %s: %s", name, Arrays.toString(parameterTypes))); }
Gets the method in declaringClass with the unique name name or null if not found.
  • sigs – the signatures the method may have
/** * Gets the method in {@code declaringClass} with the unique name {@code name} or {@code null} * if not found. * * @param sigs the signatures the method may have */
static Method methodOrNull(Class<?> declaringClass, String name, Class<?>[]... sigs) { try { return method(declaringClass, name, sigs); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { return null; } }
Gets the method in declaringClass with the unique name name or null if guard == null.
  • sigs – the signatures the method may have
/** * Gets the method in {@code declaringClass} with the unique name {@code name} or {@code null} * if {@code guard == null}. * * @param sigs the signatures the method may have */
static Method methodIf(Object guard, Class<?> declaringClass, String name, Class<?>[]... sigs) { if (guard == null) { return null; } return method(declaringClass, name, sigs); } }