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package jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

Implementation of a map with a memory-efficient structure that always preserves insertion order when iterating over keys. Particularly efficient when number of entries is 0 or smaller equal EconomicMapImpl<K,V>.INITIAL_CAPACITY or smaller 256. The key/value pairs are kept in an expanding flat object array with keys at even indices and values at odd indices. If the map has smaller or equal to EconomicMapImpl<K,V>.HASH_THRESHOLD entries, there is no additional hash data structure and comparisons are done via linear checking of the key/value pairs. For the case where the equality check is particularly cheap (e.g., just an object identity comparison), this limit below which the map is without an actual hash table is higher and configured at EconomicMapImpl<K,V>.HASH_THRESHOLD_IDENTITY_COMPARE. When the hash table needs to be constructed, the field EconomicMapImpl<K,V>.hashArray becomes a new hash array where an entry of 0 means no hit and otherwise denotes the entry number in the EconomicMapImpl<K,V>.entries array. The hash array is interpreted as an actual byte array if the indices fit within 8 bit, or as an array of short values if the indices fit within 16 bit, or as an array of integer values in other cases. Hash collisions are handled by chaining a linked list of CollisionLink objects that take the place of the values in the EconomicMapImpl<K,V>.entries array. Removing entries will put null into the EconomicMapImpl<K,V>.entries array. If the occupation of the map falls below a specific threshold, the map will be compressed via the maybeCompress(int) method.
/** * Implementation of a map with a memory-efficient structure that always preserves insertion order * when iterating over keys. Particularly efficient when number of entries is 0 or smaller equal * {@link #INITIAL_CAPACITY} or smaller 256. * * The key/value pairs are kept in an expanding flat object array with keys at even indices and * values at odd indices. If the map has smaller or equal to {@link #HASH_THRESHOLD} entries, there * is no additional hash data structure and comparisons are done via linear checking of the * key/value pairs. For the case where the equality check is particularly cheap (e.g., just an * object identity comparison), this limit below which the map is without an actual hash table is * higher and configured at {@link #HASH_THRESHOLD_IDENTITY_COMPARE}. * * When the hash table needs to be constructed, the field {@link #hashArray} becomes a new hash * array where an entry of 0 means no hit and otherwise denotes the entry number in the * {@link #entries} array. The hash array is interpreted as an actual byte array if the indices fit * within 8 bit, or as an array of short values if the indices fit within 16 bit, or as an array of * integer values in other cases. * * Hash collisions are handled by chaining a linked list of {@link CollisionLink} objects that take * the place of the values in the {@link #entries} array. * * Removing entries will put {@code null} into the {@link #entries} array. If the occupation of the * map falls below a specific threshold, the map will be compressed via the * {@link #maybeCompress(int)} method. */
final class EconomicMapImpl<K, V> implements EconomicMap<K, V>, EconomicSet<K> {
Initial number of key/value pair entries that is allocated in the first entries array.
/** * Initial number of key/value pair entries that is allocated in the first entries array. */
private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 4;
Maximum number of entries that are moved linearly forward if a key is removed.
/** * Maximum number of entries that are moved linearly forward if a key is removed. */
private static final int COMPRESS_IMMEDIATE_CAPACITY = 8;
Minimum number of key/value pair entries added when the entries array is increased in size.
/** * Minimum number of key/value pair entries added when the entries array is increased in size. */
private static final int MIN_CAPACITY_INCREASE = 8;
Number of entries above which a hash table is created.
/** * Number of entries above which a hash table is created. */
private static final int HASH_THRESHOLD = 4;
Number of entries above which a hash table is created when equality can be checked with object identity.
/** * Number of entries above which a hash table is created when equality can be checked with * object identity. */
private static final int HASH_THRESHOLD_IDENTITY_COMPARE = 8;
Maximum number of entries allowed in the map.
/** * Maximum number of entries allowed in the map. */
private static final int MAX_ELEMENT_COUNT = Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 1;
Number of entries above which more than 1 byte is necessary for the hash index.
/** * Number of entries above which more than 1 byte is necessary for the hash index. */
private static final int LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD = ((1 << Byte.SIZE) << 1);
Number of entries above which more than 2 bytes are are necessary for the hash index.
/** * Number of entries above which more than 2 bytes are are necessary for the hash index. */
Total number of entries (actual entries plus deleted entries).
/** * Total number of entries (actual entries plus deleted entries). */
private int totalEntries;
Number of deleted entries.
/** * Number of deleted entries. */
private int deletedEntries;
Entries array with even indices storing keys and odd indices storing values.
/** * Entries array with even indices storing keys and odd indices storing values. */
private Object[] entries;
Hash array that is interpreted either as byte or short or int array depending on number of map entries.
/** * Hash array that is interpreted either as byte or short or int array depending on number of * map entries. */
private byte[] hashArray;
The strategy used for comparing keys or null for denoting special strategy Equivalence.IDENTITY.
/** * The strategy used for comparing keys or {@code null} for denoting special strategy * {@link Equivalence#IDENTITY}. */
private final Equivalence strategy;
Intercept method for debugging purposes.
/** * Intercept method for debugging purposes. */
private static <K, V> EconomicMapImpl<K, V> intercept(EconomicMapImpl<K, V> map) { return map; } public static <K, V> EconomicMapImpl<K, V> create(Equivalence strategy, boolean isSet) { return intercept(new EconomicMapImpl<>(strategy, isSet)); } public static <K, V> EconomicMapImpl<K, V> create(Equivalence strategy, int initialCapacity, boolean isSet) { return intercept(new EconomicMapImpl<>(strategy, initialCapacity, isSet)); } public static <K, V> EconomicMapImpl<K, V> create(Equivalence strategy, UnmodifiableEconomicMap<K, V> other, boolean isSet) { return intercept(new EconomicMapImpl<>(strategy, other, isSet)); } public static <K, V> EconomicMapImpl<K, V> create(Equivalence strategy, UnmodifiableEconomicSet<K> other, boolean isSet) { return intercept(new EconomicMapImpl<>(strategy, other, isSet)); } private EconomicMapImpl(Equivalence strategy, boolean isSet) { if (strategy == Equivalence.IDENTITY) { this.strategy = null; } else { this.strategy = strategy; } this.isSet = isSet; } private EconomicMapImpl(Equivalence strategy, int initialCapacity, boolean isSet) { this(strategy, isSet); init(initialCapacity); } private EconomicMapImpl(Equivalence strategy, UnmodifiableEconomicMap<K, V> other, boolean isSet) { this(strategy, isSet); if (!initFrom(other)) { init(other.size()); putAll(other); } } private EconomicMapImpl(Equivalence strategy, UnmodifiableEconomicSet<K> other, boolean isSet) { this(strategy, isSet); if (!initFrom(other)) { init(other.size()); addAll(other); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean initFrom(Object o) { if (o instanceof EconomicMapImpl) { EconomicMapImpl<K, V> otherMap = (EconomicMapImpl<K, V>) o; // We are only allowed to directly copy if the strategies of the two maps are the same. if (strategy == otherMap.strategy) { totalEntries = otherMap.totalEntries; deletedEntries = otherMap.deletedEntries; if (otherMap.entries != null) { entries = otherMap.entries.clone(); } if (otherMap.hashArray != null) { hashArray = otherMap.hashArray.clone(); } return true; } } return false; } private void init(int size) { if (size > INITIAL_CAPACITY) { entries = new Object[size << 1]; } }
Links the collisions. Needs to be immutable class for allowing efficient shallow copy from other map on construction.
/** * Links the collisions. Needs to be immutable class for allowing efficient shallow copy from * other map on construction. */
private static final class CollisionLink { CollisionLink(Object value, int next) { this.value = value; this.next = next; } final Object value;
Index plus one of the next entry in the collision link chain.
/** * Index plus one of the next entry in the collision link chain. */
final int next; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V get(K key) { checkKeyNonNull(key); int index = find(key); if (index != -1) { return (V) getValue(index); } return null; } private int find(K key) { if (hasHashArray()) { return findHash(key); } else { return findLinear(key); } } private int findLinear(K key) { for (int i = 0; i < totalEntries; i++) { Object entryKey = entries[i << 1]; if (entryKey != null && compareKeys(key, entryKey)) { return i; } } return -1; } private boolean compareKeys(Object key, Object entryKey) { if (key == entryKey) { return true; } if (strategy != null && strategy != Equivalence.IDENTITY_WITH_SYSTEM_HASHCODE) { if (strategy == Equivalence.DEFAULT) { return key.equals(entryKey); } else { return strategy.equals(key, entryKey); } } return false; } private int findHash(K key) { int index = getHashArray(getHashIndex(key)) - 1; if (index != -1) { Object entryKey = getKey(index); if (compareKeys(key, entryKey)) { return index; } else { Object entryValue = getRawValue(index); if (entryValue instanceof CollisionLink) { return findWithCollision(key, (CollisionLink) entryValue); } } } return -1; } private int findWithCollision(K key, CollisionLink initialEntryValue) { int index; Object entryKey; CollisionLink entryValue = initialEntryValue; while (true) { CollisionLink collisionLink = entryValue; index = collisionLink.next; entryKey = getKey(index); if (compareKeys(key, entryKey)) { return index; } else { Object value = getRawValue(index); if (value instanceof CollisionLink) { entryValue = (CollisionLink) getRawValue(index); } else { return -1; } } } } private int getHashArray(int index) { if (entries.length < LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD) { return (hashArray[index] & 0xFF); } else if (entries.length < VERY_LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD) { int adjustedIndex = index << 1; return (hashArray[adjustedIndex] & 0xFF) | ((hashArray[adjustedIndex + 1] & 0xFF) << 8); } else { int adjustedIndex = index << 2; return (hashArray[adjustedIndex] & 0xFF) | ((hashArray[adjustedIndex + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((hashArray[adjustedIndex + 2] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((hashArray[adjustedIndex + 3] & 0xFF) << 24); } } private void setHashArray(int index, int value) { if (entries.length < LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD) { hashArray[index] = (byte) value; } else if (entries.length < VERY_LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD) { int adjustedIndex = index << 1; hashArray[adjustedIndex] = (byte) value; hashArray[adjustedIndex + 1] = (byte) (value >> 8); } else { int adjustedIndex = index << 2; hashArray[adjustedIndex] = (byte) value; hashArray[adjustedIndex + 1] = (byte) (value >> 8); hashArray[adjustedIndex + 2] = (byte) (value >> 16); hashArray[adjustedIndex + 3] = (byte) (value >> 24); } } private int findAndRemoveHash(Object key) { int hashIndex = getHashIndex(key); int index = getHashArray(hashIndex) - 1; if (index != -1) { Object entryKey = getKey(index); if (compareKeys(key, entryKey)) { Object value = getRawValue(index); int nextIndex = -1; if (value instanceof CollisionLink) { CollisionLink collisionLink = (CollisionLink) value; nextIndex = collisionLink.next; } setHashArray(hashIndex, nextIndex + 1); return index; } else { Object entryValue = getRawValue(index); if (entryValue instanceof CollisionLink) { return findAndRemoveWithCollision(key, (CollisionLink) entryValue, index); } } } return -1; } private int findAndRemoveWithCollision(Object key, CollisionLink initialEntryValue, int initialIndexValue) { int index; Object entryKey; CollisionLink entryValue = initialEntryValue; int lastIndex = initialIndexValue; while (true) { CollisionLink collisionLink = entryValue; index = collisionLink.next; entryKey = getKey(index); if (compareKeys(key, entryKey)) { Object value = getRawValue(index); if (value instanceof CollisionLink) { CollisionLink thisCollisionLink = (CollisionLink) value; setRawValue(lastIndex, new CollisionLink(collisionLink.value, thisCollisionLink.next)); } else { setRawValue(lastIndex, collisionLink.value); } return index; } else { Object value = getRawValue(index); if (value instanceof CollisionLink) { entryValue = (CollisionLink) getRawValue(index); lastIndex = index; } else { return -1; } } } } private int getHashIndex(Object key) { int hash; if (strategy != null && strategy != Equivalence.DEFAULT) { if (strategy == Equivalence.IDENTITY_WITH_SYSTEM_HASHCODE) { hash = System.identityHashCode(key); } else { hash = strategy.hashCode(key); } } else { hash = key.hashCode(); } hash = hash ^ (hash >>> 16); return hash & (getHashTableSize() - 1); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V put(K key, V value) { checkKeyNonNull(key); int index = find(key); if (index != -1) { Object oldValue = getValue(index); setValue(index, value); return (V) oldValue; } int nextEntryIndex = totalEntries; if (entries == null) { entries = new Object[INITIAL_CAPACITY << 1]; } else if (entries.length == nextEntryIndex << 1) { grow(); assert entries.length > totalEntries << 1; // Can change if grow is actually compressing. nextEntryIndex = totalEntries; } setKey(nextEntryIndex, key); setValue(nextEntryIndex, value); totalEntries++; if (hasHashArray()) { // Rehash on collision if hash table is more than three quarters full. boolean rehashOnCollision = (getHashTableSize() < (size() + (size() >> 1))); putHashEntry(key, nextEntryIndex, rehashOnCollision); } else if (totalEntries > getHashThreshold()) { createHash(); } return null; }
Number of entries above which a hash table should be constructed.
/** * Number of entries above which a hash table should be constructed. */
private int getHashThreshold() { if (strategy == null || strategy == Equivalence.IDENTITY_WITH_SYSTEM_HASHCODE) { return HASH_THRESHOLD_IDENTITY_COMPARE; } else { return HASH_THRESHOLD; } } private void grow() { int entriesLength = entries.length; int newSize = (entriesLength >> 1) + Math.max(MIN_CAPACITY_INCREASE, entriesLength >> 2); if (newSize > MAX_ELEMENT_COUNT) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("map grown too large!"); } Object[] newEntries = new Object[newSize << 1]; System.arraycopy(entries, 0, newEntries, 0, entriesLength); entries = newEntries; if ((entriesLength < LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD && newEntries.length >= LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD) || (entriesLength < VERY_LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD && newEntries.length > VERY_LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD)) { // Rehash in order to change number of bits reserved for hash indices. createHash(); } }
Compresses the graph if there is a large number of deleted entries and returns the translated new next index.
/** * Compresses the graph if there is a large number of deleted entries and returns the translated * new next index. */
private int maybeCompress(int nextIndex) { if (entries.length != INITIAL_CAPACITY << 1 && deletedEntries >= (totalEntries >> 1) + (totalEntries >> 2)) { return compressLarge(nextIndex); } return nextIndex; }
Compresses the graph and returns the translated new next index.
/** * Compresses the graph and returns the translated new next index. */
private int compressLarge(int nextIndex) { int size = INITIAL_CAPACITY; int remaining = totalEntries - deletedEntries; while (size <= remaining) { size += Math.max(MIN_CAPACITY_INCREASE, size >> 1); } Object[] newEntries = new Object[size << 1]; int z = 0; int newNextIndex = remaining; for (int i = 0; i < totalEntries; ++i) { Object key = getKey(i); if (i == nextIndex) { newNextIndex = z; } if (key != null) { newEntries[z << 1] = key; newEntries[(z << 1) + 1] = getValue(i); z++; } } this.entries = newEntries; totalEntries = z; deletedEntries = 0; if (z <= getHashThreshold()) { this.hashArray = null; } else { createHash(); } return newNextIndex; } private int getHashTableSize() { if (entries.length < LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD) { return hashArray.length; } else if (entries.length < VERY_LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD) { return hashArray.length >> 1; } else { return hashArray.length >> 2; } } private void createHash() { int entryCount = size(); // Calculate smallest 2^n that is greater number of entries. int size = getHashThreshold(); while (size <= entryCount) { size <<= 1; } // Give extra size to avoid collisions. size <<= 1; if (this.entries.length >= VERY_LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD) { // Every entry has 4 bytes. size <<= 2; } else if (this.entries.length >= LARGE_HASH_THRESHOLD) { // Every entry has 2 bytes. size <<= 1; } else { // Entries are very small => give extra size to further reduce collisions. size <<= 1; } hashArray = new byte[size]; for (int i = 0; i < totalEntries; i++) { Object entryKey = getKey(i); if (entryKey != null) { putHashEntry(entryKey, i, false); } } } private void putHashEntry(Object key, int entryIndex, boolean rehashOnCollision) { int hashIndex = getHashIndex(key); int oldIndex = getHashArray(hashIndex) - 1; if (oldIndex != -1 && rehashOnCollision) { this.createHash(); return; } setHashArray(hashIndex, entryIndex + 1); Object value = getRawValue(entryIndex); if (oldIndex != -1) { assert entryIndex != oldIndex : "this cannot happend and would create an endless collision link cycle"; if (value instanceof CollisionLink) { CollisionLink collisionLink = (CollisionLink) value; setRawValue(entryIndex, new CollisionLink(collisionLink.value, oldIndex)); } else { setRawValue(entryIndex, new CollisionLink(getRawValue(entryIndex), oldIndex)); } } else { if (value instanceof CollisionLink) { CollisionLink collisionLink = (CollisionLink) value; setRawValue(entryIndex, collisionLink.value); } } } @Override public int size() { return totalEntries - deletedEntries; } @Override public boolean containsKey(K key) { return find(key) != -1; } @Override public void clear() { entries = null; hashArray = null; totalEntries = deletedEntries = 0; } private boolean hasHashArray() { return hashArray != null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V removeKey(K key) { checkKeyNonNull(key); int index; if (hasHashArray()) { index = this.findAndRemoveHash(key); } else { index = this.findLinear(key); } if (index != -1) { Object value = getValue(index); remove(index); return (V) value; } return null; } private void checkKeyNonNull(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("null not supported as key!"); } }
Removes the element at the specific index and returns the index of the next element. This can be a different value if graph compression was triggered.
/** * Removes the element at the specific index and returns the index of the next element. This can * be a different value if graph compression was triggered. */
private int remove(int indexToRemove) { int index = indexToRemove; int entriesAfterIndex = totalEntries - index - 1; int result = index + 1; // Without hash array, compress immediately. if (entriesAfterIndex <= COMPRESS_IMMEDIATE_CAPACITY && !hasHashArray()) { while (index < totalEntries - 1) { setKey(index, getKey(index + 1)); setRawValue(index, getRawValue(index + 1)); index++; } result--; } setKey(index, null); setRawValue(index, null); if (index == totalEntries - 1) { // Make sure last element is always non-null. totalEntries--; while (index > 0 && getKey(index - 1) == null) { totalEntries--; deletedEntries--; index--; } } else { deletedEntries++; result = maybeCompress(result); } return result; } private abstract class SparseMapIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> { protected int current; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return current < totalEntries; } @Override public void remove() { if (hasHashArray()) { EconomicMapImpl.this.findAndRemoveHash(getKey(current - 1)); } current = EconomicMapImpl.this.remove(current - 1); } } @Override public Iterable<V> getValues() { return new Iterable<V>() { @Override public Iterator<V> iterator() { return new SparseMapIterator<V>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V next() { Object result; while (true) { result = getValue(current); if (result == null && getKey(current) == null) { // values can be null, double-check if key is also null current++; } else { current++; break; } } return (V) result; } }; } }; } @Override public Iterable<K> getKeys() { return this; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return this.size() == 0; } @Override public MapCursor<K, V> getEntries() { return new MapCursor<K, V>() { int current = -1; @Override public boolean advance() { current++; if (current >= totalEntries) { return false; } else { while (EconomicMapImpl.this.getKey(current) == null) { // Skip over null entries current++; } return true; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public K getKey() { return (K) EconomicMapImpl.this.getKey(current); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V getValue() { return (V) EconomicMapImpl.this.getValue(current); } @Override public void remove() { if (hasHashArray()) { EconomicMapImpl.this.findAndRemoveHash(EconomicMapImpl.this.getKey(current)); } current = EconomicMapImpl.this.remove(current) - 1; } }; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) { for (int i = 0; i < totalEntries; i++) { Object entryKey = getKey(i); if (entryKey != null) { Object newValue = function.apply((K) entryKey, (V) getValue(i)); setValue(i, newValue); } } } private Object getKey(int index) { return entries[index << 1]; } private void setKey(int index, Object newValue) { entries[index << 1] = newValue; } private void setValue(int index, Object newValue) { Object oldValue = getRawValue(index); if (oldValue instanceof CollisionLink) { CollisionLink collisionLink = (CollisionLink) oldValue; setRawValue(index, new CollisionLink(newValue, collisionLink.next)); } else { setRawValue(index, newValue); } } private void setRawValue(int index, Object newValue) { entries[(index << 1) + 1] = newValue; } private Object getRawValue(int index) { return entries[(index << 1) + 1]; } private Object getValue(int index) { Object object = getRawValue(index); if (object instanceof CollisionLink) { return ((CollisionLink) object).value; } return object; } private final boolean isSet; @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(isSet ? "set(size=" : "map(size=").append(size()).append(", {"); String sep = ""; MapCursor<K, V> cursor = getEntries(); while (cursor.advance()) { builder.append(sep); if (isSet) { builder.append(cursor.getKey()); } else { builder.append("(").append(cursor.getKey()).append(",").append(cursor.getValue()).append(")"); } sep = ","; } builder.append("})"); return builder.toString(); } @Override public Iterator<K> iterator() { return new SparseMapIterator<K>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public K next() { Object result; while ((result = getKey(current++)) == null) { // skip null entries } return (K) result; } }; } @Override public boolean contains(K element) { return containsKey(element); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public boolean add(K element) { return put(element, (V) element) == null; } @Override public void remove(K element) { removeKey(element); } }