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package sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.v2_0;

import sun.jvmstat.monitor.*;
import sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.nio.*;

The concrete implementation of version 2.0 of the HotSpot PerfData Instrumentation buffer. This class is responsible for parsing the instrumentation memory and constructing the necessary objects to represent and access the instrumentation objects contained in the memory buffer.

The structure of the 2.0 entry is defined in struct PerfDataEnry as decsribed in perfMemory.hpp. This structure looks like:

typedef struct {
  jint entry_length;         // entry length in bytes
  jint name_offset;          // offset to entry name, relative to start
                             // of entry
  jint vector_length;        // length of the vector. If 0, then scalar.
  jbyte data_type;           // JNI field descriptor type
  jbyte flags;               // miscellaneous attribute flags
                             // 0x01 - supported
  jbyte data_units;          // unit of measure attribute
  jbyte data_variability;    // variability attribute
  jbyte data_offset;         // offset to data item, relative to start
                             // of entry.
} PerfDataEntry;
Author:Brian Doherty
See Also:
/** * The concrete implementation of version 2.0 of the HotSpot PerfData * Instrumentation buffer. This class is responsible for parsing the * instrumentation memory and constructing the necessary objects to * represent and access the instrumentation objects contained in the * memory buffer. * <p> * The structure of the 2.0 entry is defined in struct PerfDataEnry * as decsribed in perfMemory.hpp. This structure looks like: * <pre> * typedef struct { * jint entry_length; // entry length in bytes * jint name_offset; // offset to entry name, relative to start * // of entry * jint vector_length; // length of the vector. If 0, then scalar. * jbyte data_type; // JNI field descriptor type * jbyte flags; // miscellaneous attribute flags * // 0x01 - supported * jbyte data_units; // unit of measure attribute * jbyte data_variability; // variability attribute * jbyte data_offset; // offset to data item, relative to start * // of entry. * } PerfDataEntry; * </pre> * * @author Brian Doherty * @since 1.5 * @see AbstractPerfDataBuffer */
public class PerfDataBuffer extends PerfDataBufferImpl { // 8028357 removed old, inefficient debug logging private static final int syncWaitMs = Integer.getInteger("sun.jvmstat.perdata.syncWaitMs", 5000); private static final ArrayList<Monitor> EMPTY_LIST = new ArrayList<>(0); /* * These are primarily for documentary purposes and the match up * with the PerfDataEntry structure in perfMemory.hpp. They are * generally unused in this code, but they are kept consistent with * the data structure just in case some unforseen need arrises. */ private final static int PERFDATA_ENTRYLENGTH_OFFSET=0; private final static int PERFDATA_ENTRYLENGTH_SIZE=4; // sizeof(int) private final static int PERFDATA_NAMEOFFSET_OFFSET=4; private final static int PERFDATA_NAMEOFFSET_SIZE=4; // sizeof(int) private final static int PERFDATA_VECTORLENGTH_OFFSET=8; private final static int PERFDATA_VECTORLENGTH_SIZE=4; // sizeof(int) private final static int PERFDATA_DATATYPE_OFFSET=12; private final static int PERFDATA_DATATYPE_SIZE=1; // sizeof(byte) private final static int PERFDATA_FLAGS_OFFSET=13; private final static int PERFDATA_FLAGS_SIZE=1; // sizeof(byte) private final static int PERFDATA_DATAUNITS_OFFSET=14; private final static int PERFDATA_DATAUNITS_SIZE=1; // sizeof(byte) private final static int PERFDATA_DATAVAR_OFFSET=15; private final static int PERFDATA_DATAVAR_SIZE=1; // sizeof(byte) private final static int PERFDATA_DATAOFFSET_OFFSET=16; private final static int PERFDATA_DATAOFFSET_SIZE=4; // sizeof(int) PerfDataBufferPrologue prologue; int nextEntry; long lastNumEntries; IntegerMonitor overflow; ArrayList<Monitor> insertedMonitors;
Construct a PerfDataBuffer instance.

This class is dynamically loaded by AbstractPerfDataBuffer.createPerfDataBuffer, and this constructor is called to instantiate the instance.

  • buffer – the buffer containing the instrumentation data
  • lvmid – the Local Java Virtual Machine Identifier for this instrumentation buffer.
/** * Construct a PerfDataBuffer instance. * <p> * This class is dynamically loaded by * {@link AbstractPerfDataBuffer#createPerfDataBuffer}, and this * constructor is called to instantiate the instance. * * @param buffer the buffer containing the instrumentation data * @param lvmid the Local Java Virtual Machine Identifier for this * instrumentation buffer. */
public PerfDataBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int lvmid) throws MonitorException { super(buffer, lvmid); prologue = new PerfDataBufferPrologue(buffer); this.buffer.order(prologue.getByteOrder()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
protected void buildMonitorMap(Map<String, Monitor> map) throws MonitorException { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); // start at the beginning of the buffer buffer.rewind(); // create pseudo monitors buildPseudoMonitors(map); // wait for the target JVM to indicate that it's intrumentation // buffer is safely accessible synchWithTarget(); // parse the currently defined entries starting at the first entry. nextEntry = prologue.getEntryOffset(); // record the number of entries before parsing the structure int numEntries = prologue.getNumEntries(); // start parsing Monitor monitor = getNextMonitorEntry(); while (monitor != null) { map.put(monitor.getName(), monitor); monitor = getNextMonitorEntry(); } /* * keep track of the current number of entries in the shared * memory for new entry detection purposes. It's possible for * the data structure to be modified while the Map is being * built and the entry count in the header might change while * we are parsing it. The map will contain all the counters * found, but the number recorded in numEntries might be small * than what than the number we actually parsed (due to asynchronous * updates). This discrepency is handled by ignoring any re-parsed * entries when updating the Map in getNewMonitors(). */ lastNumEntries = numEntries; // keep track of the monitors just added. insertedMonitors = new ArrayList<Monitor>(map.values()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
protected void getNewMonitors(Map<String, Monitor> map) throws MonitorException { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); int numEntries = prologue.getNumEntries(); if (numEntries > lastNumEntries) { lastNumEntries = numEntries; Monitor monitor = getNextMonitorEntry(); while (monitor != null) { String name = monitor.getName(); // guard against re-parsed entries if (!map.containsKey(name)) { map.put(name, monitor); if (insertedMonitors != null) { insertedMonitors.add(monitor); } } monitor = getNextMonitorEntry(); } } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
protected MonitorStatus getMonitorStatus(Map<String, Monitor> map) throws MonitorException { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); assert insertedMonitors != null; // load any new monitors getNewMonitors(map); // current implementation doesn't support deletion of reuse of entries ArrayList<Monitor> removed = EMPTY_LIST; ArrayList<Monitor> inserted = insertedMonitors; insertedMonitors = new ArrayList<>(); return new MonitorStatus(inserted, removed); }
Build the pseudo monitors used to map the prolog data into counters.
/** * Build the pseudo monitors used to map the prolog data into counters. */
protected void buildPseudoMonitors(Map<String, Monitor> map) { Monitor monitor = null; String name = null; IntBuffer ib = null; name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_MAJOR_NAME; ib = prologue.majorVersionBuffer(); monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.NONE, Variability.CONSTANT, false, ib); map.put(name, monitor); name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_MINOR_NAME; ib = prologue.minorVersionBuffer(); monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.NONE, Variability.CONSTANT, false, ib); map.put(name, monitor); name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_BUFFER_SIZE_NAME; ib = prologue.sizeBuffer(); monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.BYTES, Variability.MONOTONIC, false, ib); map.put(name, monitor); name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_BUFFER_USED_NAME; ib = prologue.usedBuffer(); monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.BYTES, Variability.MONOTONIC, false, ib); map.put(name, monitor); name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_OVERFLOW_NAME; ib = prologue.overflowBuffer(); monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.BYTES, Variability.MONOTONIC, false, ib); map.put(name, monitor); this.overflow = (IntegerMonitor)monitor; name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_MODTIMESTAMP_NAME; LongBuffer lb = prologue.modificationTimeStampBuffer(); monitor = new PerfLongMonitor(name, Units.TICKS, Variability.MONOTONIC, false, lb); map.put(name, monitor); }
Method that waits until the target jvm indicates that its shared memory is safe to access.
/** * Method that waits until the target jvm indicates that * its shared memory is safe to access. */
protected void synchWithTarget() throws MonitorException { /* * synch must happen with syncWaitMs from now. Default is 5 seconds, * which is reasonabally generous and should provide for extreme * situations like startup delays due to allocation of large ISM heaps. */ long timeLimit = System.currentTimeMillis() + syncWaitMs; // loop waiting for the accessible indicater to be non-zero while (!prologue.isAccessible()) { // give the target jvm a chance to complete initializatoin try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (System.currentTimeMillis() > timeLimit) { throw new MonitorException("Could not synchronize with target"); } } }
method to extract the next monitor entry from the instrumentation memory. assumes that nextEntry is the offset into the byte array at which to start the search for the next entry. method leaves next entry pointing to the next entry or to the end of data.
/** * method to extract the next monitor entry from the instrumentation memory. * assumes that nextEntry is the offset into the byte array * at which to start the search for the next entry. method leaves * next entry pointing to the next entry or to the end of data. */
protected Monitor getNextMonitorEntry() throws MonitorException { Monitor monitor = null; // entries are always 4 byte aligned. if ((nextEntry % 4) != 0) { throw new MonitorStructureException( "Misaligned entry index: " + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry)); } // protect againt a corrupted shard memory region. if ((nextEntry < 0) || (nextEntry > buffer.limit())) { throw new MonitorStructureException( "Entry index out of bounds: " + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + ", limit = " + Integer.toHexString(buffer.limit())); } // check for end of the buffer if (nextEntry == buffer.limit()) { return null; } buffer.position(nextEntry); int entryStart = buffer.position(); int entryLength = buffer.getInt(); // check for valid entry length if ((entryLength < 0) || (entryLength > buffer.limit())) { throw new MonitorStructureException( "Invalid entry length: entryLength = " + entryLength + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(entryLength) + ")"); } // check if last entry occurs before the eof. if ((entryStart + entryLength) > buffer.limit()) { throw new MonitorStructureException( "Entry extends beyond end of buffer: " + " entryStart = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entryStart) + " entryLength = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(entryLength) + " buffer limit = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(buffer.limit())); } if (entryLength == 0) { // end of data return null; } // we can safely read this entry int nameOffset = buffer.getInt(); int vectorLength = buffer.getInt(); byte typeCodeByte = buffer.get(); byte flags = buffer.get(); byte unitsByte = buffer.get(); byte varByte = buffer.get(); int dataOffset = buffer.getInt(); // convert common attributes to their object types Units units = Units.toUnits(unitsByte); Variability variability = Variability.toVariability(varByte); TypeCode typeCode = null; boolean supported = (flags & 0x01) != 0; try { typeCode = TypeCode.toTypeCode(typeCodeByte); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new MonitorStructureException( "Illegal type code encountered:" + " entry_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + ", type_code = " + Integer.toHexString(typeCodeByte)); } // verify that the name_offset is contained within the entry bounds if (nameOffset > entryLength) { throw new MonitorStructureException( "Field extends beyond entry bounds" + " entry_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + ", name_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(nameOffset)); } // verify that the data_offset is contained within the entry bounds if (dataOffset > entryLength) { throw new MonitorStructureException( "Field extends beyond entry bounds:" + " entry_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + ", data_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(dataOffset)); } // validate the variability and units fields if (variability == Variability.INVALID) { throw new MonitorDataException( "Invalid variability attribute:" + " entry_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + ", variability = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(varByte)); } if (units == Units.INVALID) { throw new MonitorDataException( "Invalid units attribute: entry_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + ", units = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(unitsByte)); } // the entry looks good - parse the variable length components /* * The name starts at nameOffset and continues up to the first null * byte. however, we don't know the length, but we can approximate it * without searching for the null by using the offset for the data * field, which follows the name field. */ assert (buffer.position() == (entryStart + nameOffset)); assert (dataOffset > nameOffset); // include possible pad space int maxNameLength = dataOffset-nameOffset; // maxNameLength better be less than the total entry length assert (maxNameLength < entryLength); // collect the characters, but do not collect the null byte, // as the String(byte[]) constructor does not ignore it! byte[] nameBytes = new byte[maxNameLength]; int nameLength = 0; byte b; while (((b = buffer.get()) != 0) && (nameLength < maxNameLength)) { nameBytes[nameLength++] = b; } assert (nameLength < maxNameLength); // we should before or at the start of the data field assert (buffer.position() <= (entryStart + dataOffset)); // convert the name bytes into a String String name = new String(nameBytes, 0, nameLength); /* * compute the size of the data item - this includes pad * characters used to align the next entry. */ int dataSize = entryLength - dataOffset; // set the position to the start of the data item buffer.position(entryStart + dataOffset); if (vectorLength == 0) { // create a scalar Monitor object if (typeCode == TypeCode.LONG) { LongBuffer lb = buffer.asLongBuffer(); lb.limit(1); // limit buffer size to one long value. monitor = new PerfLongMonitor(name, units, variability, supported, lb); } else { /* * unexpected type code - coding error or uncoordinated * JVM change */ throw new MonitorTypeException( "Unexpected type code encountered:" + " entry_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + ", name = " + name + ", type_code = " + typeCode + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(typeCodeByte) + ")"); } } else { // create a vector Monitor object if (typeCode == TypeCode.BYTE) { if (units != Units.STRING) { // only byte arrays of type STRING are currently supported throw new MonitorTypeException( "Unexpected vector type encounterd:" + " entry_offset = " + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + ", name = " + name + ", type_code = " + typeCode + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(typeCodeByte) + ")" + ", units = " + units + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(unitsByte) + ")"); } ByteBuffer bb = buffer.slice(); bb.limit(vectorLength); // limit buffer length to # of chars if (variability == Variability.CONSTANT) { monitor = new PerfStringConstantMonitor(name, supported, bb); } else if (variability == Variability.VARIABLE) { monitor = new PerfStringVariableMonitor(name, supported, bb, vectorLength-1); } else if (variability == Variability.MONOTONIC) { // Monotonically increasing byte arrays are not supported throw new MonitorDataException( "Unexpected variability attribute:" + " entry_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + " name = " + name + ", variability = " + variability + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(varByte) + ")"); } else { // variability was validated above, so this unexpected assert false; } } else { // coding error or uncoordinated JVM change throw new MonitorTypeException( "Unexpected type code encountered:" + " entry_offset = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(nextEntry) + ", name = " + name + ", type_code = " + typeCode + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(typeCodeByte) + ")"); } } // setup index to next entry for next iteration of the loop. nextEntry = entryStart + entryLength; return monitor; } }