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package jdk.incubator.jpackage.internal;

import java.io.*;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import static jdk.incubator.jpackage.internal.StandardBundlerParam.*;
import static jdk.incubator.jpackage.internal.OverridableResource.createResource;

There are two command line options to configure license information for RPM packaging: --linux-rpm-license-type and --license-file. Value of --linux-rpm-license-type command line option configures "License:" section of RPM spec. Value of --license-file command line option specifies a license file to be added to the package. License file is a sort of documentation file but it will be installed even if user selects an option to install the package without documentation. --linux-rpm-license-type is the primary option to set license information. --license-file makes little sense in case of RPM packaging.
/** * There are two command line options to configure license information for RPM * packaging: --linux-rpm-license-type and --license-file. Value of * --linux-rpm-license-type command line option configures "License:" section * of RPM spec. Value of --license-file command line option specifies a license * file to be added to the package. License file is a sort of documentation file * but it will be installed even if user selects an option to install the * package without documentation. --linux-rpm-license-type is the primary option * to set license information. --license-file makes little sense in case of RPM * packaging. */
public class LinuxRpmBundler extends LinuxPackageBundler { // Fedora rules for package naming are used here // https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:NamingGuidelines?rd=Packaging/NamingGuidelines // // all Fedora packages must be named using only the following ASCII // characters. These characters are displayed here: // // abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-._+ // private static final Pattern RPM_PACKAGE_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[a-z\\d\\+\\-\\.\\_]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static final BundlerParamInfo<String> PACKAGE_NAME = new StandardBundlerParam<> ( Arguments.CLIOptions.LINUX_BUNDLE_NAME.getId(), String.class, params -> { String nm = APP_NAME.fetchFrom(params); if (nm == null) return null; // make sure to lower case and spaces become dashes nm = nm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[ ]", "-"); return nm; }, (s, p) -> { if (!RPM_PACKAGE_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(s).matches()) { String msgKey = "error.invalid-value-for-package-name"; throw new IllegalArgumentException( new ConfigException(MessageFormat.format( I18N.getString(msgKey), s), I18N.getString(msgKey + ".advice"))); } return s; } ); public static final BundlerParamInfo<String> LICENSE_TYPE = new StandardBundlerParam<>( Arguments.CLIOptions.LINUX_RPM_LICENSE_TYPE.getId(), String.class, params -> I18N.getString("param.license-type.default"), (s, p) -> s ); public static final BundlerParamInfo<String> GROUP = new StandardBundlerParam<>( Arguments.CLIOptions.LINUX_CATEGORY.getId(), String.class, params -> null, (s, p) -> s); private final static String DEFAULT_SPEC_TEMPLATE = "template.spec"; public final static String TOOL_RPM = "rpm"; public final static String TOOL_RPMBUILD = "rpmbuild"; public final static DottedVersion TOOL_RPMBUILD_MIN_VERSION = DottedVersion.lazy( "4.10"); public LinuxRpmBundler() { super(PACKAGE_NAME); } @Override public void doValidate(Map<String, ? super Object> params) throws ConfigException { } private static ToolValidator createRpmbuildToolValidator() { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(" (\\d+\\.\\d+)"); return new ToolValidator(TOOL_RPMBUILD).setMinimalVersion( TOOL_RPMBUILD_MIN_VERSION).setVersionParser(lines -> { String versionString = lines.limit(1).collect( Collectors.toList()).get(0); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(versionString); if (matcher.find()) { return matcher.group(1); } return null; }); } @Override protected List<ToolValidator> getToolValidators( Map<String, ? super Object> params) { return List.of(createRpmbuildToolValidator()); } @Override protected File buildPackageBundle( Map<String, String> replacementData, Map<String, ? super Object> params, File outputParentDir) throws PackagerException, IOException { Path specFile = specFile(params); // prepare spec file createResource(DEFAULT_SPEC_TEMPLATE, params) .setCategory(I18N.getString("resource.rpm-spec-file")) .setSubstitutionData(replacementData) .saveToFile(specFile); return buildRPM(params, outputParentDir.toPath()).toFile(); } @Override protected Map<String, String> createReplacementData( Map<String, ? super Object> params) throws IOException { Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>(); final Path prefix = Path.of(LINUX_INSTALL_DIR.fetchFrom(params)); Path appDirectory = prefix; if (!isInstallDirInUsrTree(prefix.toString())) { appDirectory = appDirectory.resolve(PACKAGE_NAME.fetchFrom(params)); } data.put("APPLICATION_PREFIX", prefix.toString()); data.put("APPLICATION_DIRECTORY", appDirectory.toString()); data.put("APPLICATION_SUMMARY", APP_NAME.fetchFrom(params)); data.put("APPLICATION_LICENSE_TYPE", LICENSE_TYPE.fetchFrom(params)); String licenseFile = LICENSE_FILE.fetchFrom(params); if (licenseFile != null) { licenseFile = Path.of(licenseFile).toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString(); } data.put("APPLICATION_LICENSE_FILE", licenseFile); data.put("APPLICATION_GROUP", GROUP.fetchFrom(params)); return data; } @Override protected void initLibProvidersLookup( Map<String, ? super Object> params, LibProvidersLookup libProvidersLookup) { libProvidersLookup.setPackageLookup(file -> { return Executor.of(TOOL_RPM, "-q", "--queryformat", "%{name}\\n", "-q", "--whatprovides", file.toString()) .saveOutput(true).executeExpectSuccess().getOutput().stream(); }); } @Override protected List<ConfigException> verifyOutputBundle( Map<String, ? super Object> params, Path packageBundle) { List<ConfigException> errors = new ArrayList<>(); String specFileName = specFile(params).getFileName().toString(); try { List<PackageProperty> properties = List.of( new PackageProperty("Name", PACKAGE_NAME.fetchFrom(params), "APPLICATION_PACKAGE", specFileName), new PackageProperty("Version", VERSION.fetchFrom(params), "APPLICATION_VERSION", specFileName), new PackageProperty("Release", RELEASE.fetchFrom(params), "APPLICATION_RELEASE", specFileName), new PackageProperty("Arch", rpmArch(), null, specFileName)); List<String> actualValues = Executor.of(TOOL_RPM, "-qp", "--queryformat", properties.stream().map(entry -> String.format("%%{%s}", entry.name)).collect(Collectors.joining("\\n")), packageBundle.toString()).saveOutput(true).executeExpectSuccess().getOutput(); Iterator<String> actualValuesIt = actualValues.iterator(); properties.forEach(property -> errors.add(property.verifyValue( actualValuesIt.next()))); } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore error as it is not critical. Just report it. Log.verbose(ex); } return errors; }
Various ways to get rpm arch. Needed to address JDK-8233143. rpmbuild is mandatory for rpm packaging, try it first. rpm is optional and may not be available, use as the last resort.
/** * Various ways to get rpm arch. Needed to address JDK-8233143. rpmbuild is * mandatory for rpm packaging, try it first. rpm is optional and may not be * available, use as the last resort. */
private enum RpmArchReader { Rpmbuild(TOOL_RPMBUILD, "--eval=%{_target_cpu}"), Rpm(TOOL_RPM, "--eval=%{_target_cpu}"); RpmArchReader(String... cmdline) { this.cmdline = cmdline; } String getRpmArch() throws IOException { Executor exec = Executor.of(cmdline).saveOutput(true); if (this == values()[values().length - 1]) { exec.executeExpectSuccess(); } else if (exec.execute() != 0) { return null; } return exec.getOutput().get(0); } private final String[] cmdline; } private String rpmArch() throws IOException { if (rpmArch == null) { for (var rpmArchReader : RpmArchReader.values()) { rpmArch = rpmArchReader.getRpmArch(); if (rpmArch != null) { break; } } } return rpmArch; } private Path specFile(Map<String, ? super Object> params) { return TEMP_ROOT.fetchFrom(params).toPath().resolve(Path.of("SPECS", PACKAGE_NAME.fetchFrom(params) + ".spec")); } private Path buildRPM(Map<String, ? super Object> params, Path outdir) throws IOException { Path rpmFile = outdir.toAbsolutePath().resolve(String.format( "%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm", PACKAGE_NAME.fetchFrom(params), VERSION.fetchFrom(params), RELEASE.fetchFrom(params), rpmArch())); Log.verbose(MessageFormat.format(I18N.getString( "message.outputting-bundle-location"), rpmFile.getParent())); PlatformPackage thePackage = createMetaPackage(params); //run rpmbuild Executor.of( TOOL_RPMBUILD, "-bb", specFile(params).toAbsolutePath().toString(), "--define", String.format("%%_sourcedir %s", thePackage.sourceRoot()), // save result to output dir "--define", String.format("%%_rpmdir %s", rpmFile.getParent()), // do not use other system directories to build as current user "--define", String.format("%%_topdir %s", TEMP_ROOT.fetchFrom(params).toPath().toAbsolutePath()), "--define", String.format("%%_rpmfilename %s", rpmFile.getFileName()) ).executeExpectSuccess(); Log.verbose(MessageFormat.format( I18N.getString("message.output-bundle-location"), rpmFile.getParent())); return rpmFile; } @Override public String getName() { return I18N.getString("rpm.bundler.name"); } @Override public String getID() { return "rpm"; } @Override public boolean supported(boolean runtimeInstaller) { return Platform.isLinux() && (createRpmbuildToolValidator().validate() == null); } @Override public boolean isDefault() { return !LinuxDebBundler.isDebian(); } private String rpmArch; }