 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package jdk.incubator.jpackage.internal;

import java.io.File;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

DeployParams This class is generated and used in Arguments.processArguments() as intermediate step in generating the BundleParams and ultimately the Bundles
/** * DeployParams * * This class is generated and used in Arguments.processArguments() as * intermediate step in generating the BundleParams and ultimately the Bundles */
public class DeployParams { String targetFormat = null; // means default type for this platform File outdir = null; // raw arguments to the bundler Map<String, ? super Object> bundlerArguments = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public void setOutput(File output) { outdir = output; } static class Template { File in; File out; Template(File in, File out) { this.in = in; this.out = out; } } // we need to expand as in some cases // (most notably jpackage) // we may get "." as filename and assumption is we include // everything in the given folder // (IOUtils.copyfiles() have recursive behavior) List<File> expandFileset(File root) { List<File> files = new LinkedList<>(); if (!Files.isSymbolicLink(root.toPath())) { if (root.isDirectory()) { File[] children = root.listFiles(); if (children != null && children.length > 0) { for (File f : children) { files.addAll(expandFileset(f)); } } else { // Include empty folders files.add(root); } } else { files.add(root); } } return files; } static void validateName(String s, boolean forApp) throws PackagerException { String exceptionKey = forApp ? "ERR_InvalidAppName" : "ERR_InvalidSLName"; if (s == null) { if (forApp) { return; } else { throw new PackagerException(exceptionKey, s); } } if (s.length() == 0 || s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == '\\') { throw new PackagerException(exceptionKey, s); } try { // name must be valid path element for this file system Path p = (new File(s)).toPath(); // and it must be a single name element in a path if (p.getNameCount() != 1) { throw new PackagerException(exceptionKey, s); } } catch (InvalidPathException ipe) { throw new PackagerException(ipe, exceptionKey, s); } for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char a = s.charAt(i); // We check for ASCII codes first which we accept. If check fails, // check if it is acceptable extended ASCII or unicode character. if (a < ' ' || a > '~') { // Accept anything else including special chars like copyright // symbols. Note: space will be included by ASCII check above, // but other whitespace like tabs or new line will be rejected. if (Character.isISOControl(a) || Character.isWhitespace(a)) { throw new PackagerException(exceptionKey, s); } } else if (a == '"' || a == '%') { throw new PackagerException(exceptionKey, s); } } } public void validate() throws PackagerException { boolean hasModule = (bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.MODULE.getId()) != null); boolean hasAppImage = (bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_APP_IMAGE.getId()) != null); boolean hasClass = (bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.APPCLASS.getId()) != null); boolean hasMain = (bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.MAIN_JAR.getId()) != null); boolean hasRuntimeImage = (bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_RUNTIME_IMAGE.getId()) != null); boolean hasInput = (bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.INPUT.getId()) != null); boolean hasModulePath = (bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.MODULE_PATH.getId()) != null); boolean runtimeInstaller = !isTargetAppImage() && !hasAppImage && !hasModule && !hasMain && hasRuntimeImage; if (isTargetAppImage()) { // Module application requires --runtime-image or --module-path if (hasModule) { if (!hasModulePath && !hasRuntimeImage) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_MissingArgument", "--runtime-image or --module-path"); } } else { if (!hasInput) { throw new PackagerException( "ERR_MissingArgument", "--input"); } } } else { if (!runtimeInstaller) { if (hasModule) { if (!hasModulePath && !hasRuntimeImage && !hasAppImage) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_MissingArgument", "--runtime-image, --module-path or --app-image"); } } else { if (!hasInput && !hasAppImage) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_MissingArgument", "--input or --app-image"); } } } } // if bundling non-modular image, or installer without app-image // then we need some resources and a main class if (!hasModule && !hasAppImage && !runtimeInstaller && !hasMain) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_MissingArgument", "--main-jar"); } String name = (String)bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.NAME.getId()); validateName(name, true); // Validate app image if set String appImage = (String)bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_APP_IMAGE.getId()); if (appImage != null) { File appImageDir = new File(appImage); if (!appImageDir.exists() || appImageDir.list().length == 0) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_AppImageNotExist", appImage); } } // Validate temp dir String root = (String)bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.TEMP_ROOT.getId()); if (root != null) { String [] contents = (new File(root)).list(); if (contents != null && contents.length > 0) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_BuildRootInvalid", root); } } // Validate resource dir String resources = (String)bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.RESOURCE_DIR.getId()); if (resources != null) { if (!(new File(resources)).exists()) { throw new PackagerException( "message.resource-dir-does-not-exist", Arguments.CLIOptions.RESOURCE_DIR.getId(), resources); } } // Validate predefined runtime dir String runtime = (String)bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_RUNTIME_IMAGE.getId()); if (runtime != null) { if (!(new File(runtime)).exists()) { throw new PackagerException( "message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist", Arguments.CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_RUNTIME_IMAGE.getId(), runtime); } } // Validate license file if set String license = (String)bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.LICENSE_FILE.getId()); if (license != null) { File licenseFile = new File(license); if (!licenseFile.exists()) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_LicenseFileNotExit"); } } // Validate icon file if set String icon = (String)bundlerArguments.get( Arguments.CLIOptions.ICON.getId()); if (icon != null) { File iconFile = new File(icon); if (!iconFile.exists()) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_IconFileNotExit", iconFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } } void setTargetFormat(String t) { targetFormat = t; } String getTargetFormat() { return targetFormat; } boolean isTargetAppImage() { return ("app-image".equals(targetFormat)); } private static final Set<String> multi_args = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList( StandardBundlerParam.JAVA_OPTIONS.getID(), StandardBundlerParam.ARGUMENTS.getID(), StandardBundlerParam.MODULE_PATH.getID(), StandardBundlerParam.ADD_MODULES.getID(), StandardBundlerParam.LIMIT_MODULES.getID(), StandardBundlerParam.FILE_ASSOCIATIONS.getID(), StandardBundlerParam.JLINK_OPTIONS.getID() )); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addBundleArgument(String key, Object value) { // special hack for multi-line arguments if (multi_args.contains(key)) { Object existingValue = bundlerArguments.get(key); if (existingValue instanceof String && value instanceof String) { String delim = "\n\n"; if (key.equals(StandardBundlerParam.MODULE_PATH.getID())) { delim = File.pathSeparator; } else if (key.equals( StandardBundlerParam.ADD_MODULES.getID())) { delim = ","; } bundlerArguments.put(key, existingValue + delim + value); } else if (existingValue instanceof List && value instanceof List) { ((List)existingValue).addAll((List)value); } else if (existingValue instanceof Map && value instanceof String && ((String)value).contains("=")) { String[] mapValues = ((String)value).split("=", 2); ((Map)existingValue).put(mapValues[0], mapValues[1]); } else { bundlerArguments.put(key, value); } } else { bundlerArguments.put(key, value); } } BundleParams getBundleParams() { BundleParams bundleParams = new BundleParams(); Map<String, String> unescapedHtmlParams = new TreeMap<>(); Map<String, String> escapedHtmlParams = new TreeMap<>(); // check for collisions TreeSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<>(bundlerArguments.keySet()); keys.retainAll(bundleParams.getBundleParamsAsMap().keySet()); if (!keys.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Deploy Params and Bundler Arguments " + "overlap in the following values:" + keys.toString()); } bundleParams.addAllBundleParams(bundlerArguments); return bundleParams; } @Override public String toString() { return "DeployParams {" + "output: " + "}"; } }