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package jdk.incubator.foreign;

import java.lang.constant.ClassDesc;
import java.lang.constant.Constable;
import java.lang.constant.ConstantDesc;
import java.lang.constant.ConstantDescs;
import java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc;
import java.lang.constant.DynamicConstantDesc;
import java.lang.constant.MethodHandleDesc;
import java.lang.constant.MethodTypeDesc;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import static java.lang.constant.ConstantDescs.BSM_INVOKE;
import static java.lang.constant.ConstantDescs.CD_String;
import static java.lang.constant.ConstantDescs.CD_long;

abstract class AbstractLayout implements MemoryLayout {

    private final OptionalLong size;
    final long alignment;
    final Map<String, Constable> attributes;

    public AbstractLayout(OptionalLong size, long alignment, Map<String, Constable> attributes) {
        this.size = size;
        this.alignment = alignment;
        this.attributes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(attributes);

    public AbstractLayout withName(String name) {
        return withAttribute(LAYOUT_NAME, name);

    public final Optional<String> name() {
        return attribute(LAYOUT_NAME).map(String.class::cast);

    public Optional<Constable> attribute(String name) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(attributes.get(name));

    public Stream<String> attributes() {
        return attributes.keySet().stream();

    public AbstractLayout withAttribute(String name, Constable value) {
        Map<String, Constable> newAttributes = new HashMap<>(attributes);
        newAttributes.put(name, value);
        return dup(alignment, newAttributes);

    abstract AbstractLayout dup(long alignment, Map<String, Constable> annos);

    public AbstractLayout withBitAlignment(long alignmentBits) {
        return dup(alignmentBits, attributes);

    void checkAlignment(long alignmentBitCount) {
        if (((alignmentBitCount & (alignmentBitCount - 1)) != 0L) || //alignment must be a power of two
                (alignmentBitCount < 8)) { //alignment must be greater than 8
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid alignment: " + alignmentBitCount);

    static void checkSize(long size) {
        checkSize(size, false);

    static void checkSize(long size, boolean includeZero) {
        if (size < 0 || (!includeZero && size == 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid size for layout: " + size);

    public final long bitAlignment() {
        return alignment;

    public boolean hasSize() {
        return size.isPresent();

    public long bitSize() {
        return size.orElseThrow(AbstractLayout::badSizeException);

    static OptionalLong optSize(MemoryLayout layout) {
        return ((AbstractLayout)layout).size;

    private static UnsupportedOperationException badSizeException() {
        return new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot compute size of a layout which is, or depends on a sequence layout with unspecified size");

    String decorateLayoutString(String s) {
        if (name().isPresent()) {
            s = String.format("%s(%s)", s, name().get());
        if (!hasNaturalAlignment()) {
            s = alignment + "%" + s;
        if (!attributes.isEmpty()) {
            s += attributes.entrySet().stream()
                                      .map(e -> e.getKey() + "=" + e.getValue())
                                      .collect(Collectors.joining(",", "[", "]"));
        return s;

    <T> DynamicConstantDesc<T> decorateLayoutConstant(DynamicConstantDesc<T> desc) {
        if (!hasNaturalAlignment()) {
            desc = DynamicConstantDesc.ofNamed(BSM_INVOKE, "withBitAlignment", desc.constantType(), MH_WITH_BIT_ALIGNMENT,
                    desc, bitAlignment());
        for (var e : attributes.entrySet()) {
            desc = DynamicConstantDesc.ofNamed(BSM_INVOKE, "withAttribute", desc.constantType(), MH_WITH_ATTRIBUTE,
                    desc, e.getKey(), e.getValue().describeConstable().orElseThrow());

        return desc;

    boolean hasNaturalAlignment() {
        return size.isPresent() && size.getAsLong() == alignment;

    public boolean isPadding() {
        return this instanceof PaddingLayout;

    public int hashCode() {
        return attributes.hashCode() << Long.hashCode(alignment);

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        if (this == other) {
            return true;

        if (!(other instanceof AbstractLayout)) {
            return false;

        return Objects.equals(attributes, ((AbstractLayout) other).attributes) &&
                Objects.equals(alignment, ((AbstractLayout) other).alignment);

Helper constants for implementing Layout::describeConstable
/*** Helper constants for implementing Layout::describeConstable ***/
static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_GET_STATIC_FINAL = ConstantDescs.ofConstantBootstrap(ConstantDescs.CD_ConstantBootstraps, "getStaticFinal", ConstantDescs.CD_Object, ConstantDescs.CD_Class); static final ClassDesc CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT = MemoryLayout.class.describeConstable().get(); static final ClassDesc CD_VALUE_LAYOUT = ValueLayout.class.describeConstable().get(); static final ClassDesc CD_SEQUENCE_LAYOUT = SequenceLayout.class.describeConstable().get(); static final ClassDesc CD_GROUP_LAYOUT = GroupLayout.class.describeConstable().get(); static final ClassDesc CD_BYTEORDER = ByteOrder.class.describeConstable().get(); static final ClassDesc CD_Constable = Constable.class.describeConstable().get(); static final ConstantDesc BIG_ENDIAN = DynamicConstantDesc.ofNamed(BSM_GET_STATIC_FINAL, "BIG_ENDIAN", CD_BYTEORDER, CD_BYTEORDER); static final ConstantDesc LITTLE_ENDIAN = DynamicConstantDesc.ofNamed(BSM_GET_STATIC_FINAL, "LITTLE_ENDIAN", CD_BYTEORDER, CD_BYTEORDER); static final MethodHandleDesc MH_PADDING = MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.INTERFACE_STATIC, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, "ofPaddingBits", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, CD_long)); static final MethodHandleDesc MH_VALUE = MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.INTERFACE_STATIC, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, "ofValueBits", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_VALUE_LAYOUT, CD_long, CD_BYTEORDER)); static final MethodHandleDesc MH_SIZED_SEQUENCE = MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.INTERFACE_STATIC, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, "ofSequence", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_SEQUENCE_LAYOUT, CD_long, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT)); static final MethodHandleDesc MH_UNSIZED_SEQUENCE = MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.INTERFACE_STATIC, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, "ofSequence", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_SEQUENCE_LAYOUT, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT)); static final MethodHandleDesc MH_STRUCT = MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.INTERFACE_STATIC, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, "ofStruct", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_GROUP_LAYOUT, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT.arrayType())); static final MethodHandleDesc MH_UNION = MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.INTERFACE_STATIC, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, "ofUnion", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_GROUP_LAYOUT, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT.arrayType())); static final MethodHandleDesc MH_WITH_BIT_ALIGNMENT = MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.INTERFACE_VIRTUAL, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, "withBitAlignment", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, CD_long)); static final MethodHandleDesc MH_WITH_ATTRIBUTE = MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.INTERFACE_VIRTUAL, CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, "withAttribute", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_MEMORY_LAYOUT, CD_String, CD_Constable)); }