public class sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter extends sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.DefaultOopVisitor
  minor version: 0
  major version: 59
  flags: flags: (0x0021) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_SUPER
  this_class: sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter
  super_class: sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.DefaultOopVisitor
  protected java.lang.Object obj;
    descriptor: Ljava/lang/Object;
    flags: (0x0004) ACC_PROTECTED

  final sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader this$0;
    descriptor: Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
    flags: (0x1010) ACC_FINAL, ACC_SYNTHETIC

  public void <init>(sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader, java.lang.Object);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=2, locals=3, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 2 // java.lang.Object obj
         0: .line 503
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 1
            putfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokespecial sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.DefaultOopVisitor.<init>:()V
         1: .line 504
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 2 /* obj */
            putfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
         2: .line 505
        end local 2 // java.lang.Object obj
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    3     0  this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0    3     2   obj  Ljava/lang/Object;
        Name  Flags
      this$0  final

  private void printFieldSetError(java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.Exception);
    descriptor: (Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
    flags: (0x0002) ACC_PRIVATE
      stack=3, locals=3, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        start local 2 // java.lang.Exception ex
         0: .line 508
            getstatic sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.DEBUG:Z
            ifeq 3
         1: .line 509
            aload 1 /* f */
            ifnull 2
            new java.lang.StringBuilder
            ldc "Field set failed for "
            invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
            aload 1 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
            invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
            invokestatic sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.debugPrintln:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
         2: .line 510
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 2 /* ex */
            invokestatic sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.debugPrintStackTrace:(Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
         3: .line 512
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 2 // java.lang.Exception ex
        end local 1 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    4     0  this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0    4     1     f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            0    4     2    ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Name  Flags

  public void doOop(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.OopField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/OopField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=5, locals=6, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.OopField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 516
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.OopField.getValueAsOopHandle:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)Lsun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/OopHandle;
            astore 3 /* handle */
        start local 3 // sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.OopHandle handle
         1: .line 517
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 3 /* handle */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.isRobust:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/OopHandle;)Z
            ifne 3
         2: .line 518
         3: .line 521
      StackMap locals: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.OopHandle
      StackMap stack:
            astore 4 /* f */
        start local 4 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
         4: .line 523
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readField:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Field;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            astore 4 /* f */
         5: .line 524
            aload 4 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers:()I
            invokestatic java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal:(I)Z
            ifeq 7
         6: return
         7: .line 525
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Field
      StackMap stack:
            aload 4 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible:(Z)V
         8: .line 526
            aload 4 /* f */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.OopField.getValue:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readObject:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)Ljava/lang/Object;
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.set:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
         9: .line 527
            goto 12
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Exception
        10: astore 5 /* ex */
        start local 5 // java.lang.Exception ex
        11: .line 528
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 4 /* f */
            aload 5 /* ex */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.printFieldSetError:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
        end local 5 // java.lang.Exception ex
        12: .line 530
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 4 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 3 // sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.OopHandle handle
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.OopField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   13     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0   13     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/OopField;
            0   13     2  isVMField  Z
            1   13     3     handle  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/OopHandle;
            4   13     4          f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
           11   12     5         ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           4     6      10  Class java.lang.Exception
           7     9      10  Class java.lang.Exception
           Name  Flags

  public void doByte(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ByteField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ByteField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=5, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ByteField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 533
            astore 3 /* f */
        start local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
         1: .line 535
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readField:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Field;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            astore 3 /* f */
         2: .line 536
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers:()I
            invokestatic java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal:(I)Z
            ifeq 4
         3: return
         4: .line 537
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Field
      StackMap stack:
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible:(Z)V
         5: .line 538
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ByteField.getValue:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)B
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setByte:(Ljava/lang/Object;B)V
         6: .line 539
            goto 9
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Exception
         7: astore 4 /* ex */
        start local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         8: .line 540
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 4 /* ex */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.printFieldSetError:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
        end local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         9: .line 542
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ByteField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   10     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0   10     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ByteField;
            0   10     2  isVMField  Z
            1   10     3          f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            8    9     4         ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     3       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           4     6       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           Name  Flags

  public void doChar(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.CharField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/CharField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=5, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.CharField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 545
            astore 3 /* f */
        start local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
         1: .line 547
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readField:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Field;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            astore 3 /* f */
         2: .line 548
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers:()I
            invokestatic java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal:(I)Z
            ifeq 4
         3: return
         4: .line 549
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Field
      StackMap stack:
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible:(Z)V
         5: .line 550
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.CharField.getValue:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)C
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setChar:(Ljava/lang/Object;C)V
         6: .line 551
            goto 9
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Exception
         7: astore 4 /* ex */
        start local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         8: .line 552
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 4 /* ex */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.printFieldSetError:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
        end local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         9: .line 554
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.CharField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   10     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0   10     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/CharField;
            0   10     2  isVMField  Z
            1   10     3          f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            8    9     4         ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     3       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           4     6       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           Name  Flags

  public void doBoolean(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.BooleanField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/BooleanField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=5, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.BooleanField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 557
            astore 3 /* f */
        start local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
         1: .line 559
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readField:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Field;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            astore 3 /* f */
         2: .line 560
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers:()I
            invokestatic java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal:(I)Z
            ifeq 4
         3: return
         4: .line 561
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Field
      StackMap stack:
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible:(Z)V
         5: .line 562
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.BooleanField.getValue:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)Z
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setBoolean:(Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V
         6: .line 563
            goto 9
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Exception
         7: astore 4 /* ex */
        start local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         8: .line 564
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 4 /* ex */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.printFieldSetError:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
        end local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         9: .line 566
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.BooleanField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   10     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0   10     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/BooleanField;
            0   10     2  isVMField  Z
            1   10     3          f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            8    9     4         ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     3       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           4     6       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           Name  Flags

  public void doShort(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ShortField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ShortField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=5, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ShortField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 569
            astore 3 /* f */
        start local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
         1: .line 571
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readField:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Field;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            astore 3 /* f */
         2: .line 572
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers:()I
            invokestatic java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal:(I)Z
            ifeq 4
         3: return
         4: .line 573
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Field
      StackMap stack:
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible:(Z)V
         5: .line 574
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ShortField.getValue:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)S
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setShort:(Ljava/lang/Object;S)V
         6: .line 575
            goto 9
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Exception
         7: astore 4 /* ex */
        start local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         8: .line 576
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 4 /* ex */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.printFieldSetError:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
        end local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         9: .line 578
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ShortField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   10     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0   10     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/ShortField;
            0   10     2  isVMField  Z
            1   10     3          f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            8    9     4         ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     3       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           4     6       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           Name  Flags

  public void doInt(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.IntField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/IntField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=5, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.IntField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 581
            astore 3 /* f */
        start local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
         1: .line 583
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readField:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Field;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            astore 3 /* f */
         2: .line 584
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers:()I
            invokestatic java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal:(I)Z
            ifeq 4
         3: return
         4: .line 585
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Field
      StackMap stack:
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible:(Z)V
         5: .line 586
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.IntField.getValue:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)I
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setInt:(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V
         6: .line 587
            goto 9
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Exception
         7: astore 4 /* ex */
        start local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         8: .line 588
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 4 /* ex */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.printFieldSetError:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
        end local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         9: .line 590
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.IntField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   10     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0   10     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/IntField;
            0   10     2  isVMField  Z
            1   10     3          f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            8    9     4         ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     3       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           4     6       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           Name  Flags

  public void doLong(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.LongField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/LongField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=5, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.LongField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 593
            astore 3 /* f */
        start local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
         1: .line 595
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readField:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Field;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            astore 3 /* f */
         2: .line 596
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers:()I
            invokestatic java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal:(I)Z
            ifeq 4
         3: return
         4: .line 597
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Field
      StackMap stack:
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible:(Z)V
         5: .line 598
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.LongField.getValue:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)J
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setLong:(Ljava/lang/Object;J)V
         6: .line 599
            goto 9
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Exception
         7: astore 4 /* ex */
        start local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         8: .line 600
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 4 /* ex */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.printFieldSetError:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
        end local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         9: .line 602
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.LongField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   10     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0   10     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/LongField;
            0   10     2  isVMField  Z
            1   10     3          f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            8    9     4         ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     3       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           4     6       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           Name  Flags

  public void doFloat(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.FloatField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/FloatField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=5, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.FloatField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 605
            astore 3 /* f */
        start local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
         1: .line 607
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readField:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Field;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            astore 3 /* f */
         2: .line 608
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers:()I
            invokestatic java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal:(I)Z
            ifeq 4
         3: return
         4: .line 609
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Field
      StackMap stack:
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible:(Z)V
         5: .line 610
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.FloatField.getValue:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)F
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setFloat:(Ljava/lang/Object;F)V
         6: .line 611
            goto 9
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Exception
         7: astore 4 /* ex */
        start local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         8: .line 612
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 4 /* ex */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.printFieldSetError:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
        end local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         9: .line 614
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.FloatField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   10     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0   10     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/FloatField;
            0   10     2  isVMField  Z
            1   10     3          f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            8    9     4         ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     3       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           4     6       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           Name  Flags

  public void doDouble(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.DoubleField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/DoubleField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=5, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.DoubleField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 617
            astore 3 /* f */
        start local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
         1: .line 619
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.this$0:Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader;
            aload 1 /* field */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader.readField:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Field;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            astore 3 /* f */
         2: .line 620
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers:()I
            invokestatic java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal:(I)Z
            ifeq 4
         3: return
         4: .line 621
      StackMap locals: java.lang.reflect.Field
      StackMap stack:
            aload 3 /* f */
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible:(Z)V
         5: .line 622
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.obj:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 1 /* field */
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.getObj:()Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.DoubleField.getValue:(Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/Oop;)D
            invokevirtual java.lang.reflect.Field.setDouble:(Ljava/lang/Object;D)V
         6: .line 623
            goto 9
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Exception
         7: astore 4 /* ex */
        start local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         8: .line 624
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 3 /* f */
            aload 4 /* ex */
            invokevirtual sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter.printFieldSetError:(Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V
        end local 4 // java.lang.Exception ex
         9: .line 626
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 3 // java.lang.reflect.Field f
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.DoubleField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   10     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0   10     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/DoubleField;
            0   10     2  isVMField  Z
            1   10     3          f  Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
            8    9     4         ex  Ljava/lang/Exception;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     3       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           4     6       7  Class java.lang.Exception
           Name  Flags

  public void doCInt(sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.CIntField, boolean);
    descriptor: (Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/CIntField;Z)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=3, locals=3, args_size=3
        start local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        start local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.CIntField field
        start local 2 // boolean isVMField
         0: .line 629
            new java.lang.RuntimeException
            ldc "should not reach here!"
            invokespecial java.lang.RuntimeException.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        end local 2 // boolean isVMField
        end local 1 // sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.CIntField field
        end local 0 // sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0    1     0       this  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/utilities/ObjectReader$FieldSetter;
            0    1     1      field  Lsun/jvm/hotspot/oops/CIntField;
            0    1     2  isVMField  Z
           Name  Flags
SourceFile: ""
NestHost: sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader
  protected FieldSetter = sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader$FieldSetter of sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.ObjectReader