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package sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities;

/** Derived from the example in Section 15.3 of CLR. */

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

public class IntervalTree extends RBTree {
  private Comparator<Object> endpointComparator;

This constructor takes only one comparator: one which operates upon the endpoints of the Intervals this tree will store. It constructs an internal "interval comparator" out of this one.
/** This constructor takes only one comparator: one which operates upon the endpoints of the Intervals this tree will store. It constructs an internal "interval comparator" out of this one. */
public IntervalTree(Comparator<Object> endpointComparator) { super(new IntervalComparator(endpointComparator)); this.endpointComparator = endpointComparator; } public void insert(Interval interval, Object data) { IntervalNode node = new IntervalNode(interval, endpointComparator, data); insertNode(node); }
Returns a List<IntervalNode> indicating which nodes' intervals were intersected by the given query interval. It is guaranteed that these nodes will be returned sorted by increasing low endpoint.
/** Returns a List&lt;IntervalNode&gt; indicating which nodes' intervals were intersected by the given query interval. It is guaranteed that these nodes will be returned sorted by increasing low endpoint. */
public List<IntervalNode> findAllNodesIntersecting(Interval interval) { List<IntervalNode> retList = new ArrayList<>(); searchForIntersectingNodesFrom((IntervalNode) getRoot(), interval, retList); return retList; } public void print() { printOn(System.out); } public void printOn(PrintStream tty) { printFromNode(getRoot(), tty, 0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Overridden internal functionality protected Object getNodeValue(RBNode node) { return ((IntervalNode) node).getInterval(); } protected void verify() { super.verify(); verifyFromNode(getRoot()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internals only below this point // private void verifyFromNode(RBNode node) { if (node == null) { return; } // We already know that the red/black structure has been verified. // What we need to find out is whether this node has been updated // properly -- i.e., whether its notion of the maximum endpoint is // correct. IntervalNode intNode = (IntervalNode) node; if (!intNode.getMaxEndpoint().equals(intNode.computeMaxEndpoint())) { if (DEBUGGING && VERBOSE) { print(); } throw new RuntimeException("Node's max endpoint was not updated properly"); } if (!intNode.getMinEndpoint().equals(intNode.computeMinEndpoint())) { if (DEBUGGING && VERBOSE) { print(); } throw new RuntimeException("Node's min endpoint was not updated properly"); } verifyFromNode(node.getLeft()); verifyFromNode(node.getRight()); } static class IntervalComparator implements Comparator<Object> { private Comparator<Object> endpointComparator; public IntervalComparator(Comparator<Object> endpointComparator) { this.endpointComparator = endpointComparator; } public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Interval i1 = (Interval) o1; Interval i2 = (Interval) o2; return endpointComparator.compare(i1.getLowEndpoint(), i2.getLowEndpoint()); } } private void searchForIntersectingNodesFrom(IntervalNode node, Interval interval, List<IntervalNode> resultList) { if (node == null) { return; } // Inorder traversal (very important to guarantee sorted order) // Check to see whether we have to traverse the left subtree IntervalNode left = (IntervalNode) node.getLeft(); if ((left != null) && (endpointComparator.compare(left.getMaxEndpoint(), interval.getLowEndpoint()) > 0)) { searchForIntersectingNodesFrom(left, interval, resultList); } // Check for intersection with current node if (node.getInterval().overlaps(interval, endpointComparator)) { resultList.add(node); } // Check to see whether we have to traverse the left subtree IntervalNode right = (IntervalNode) node.getRight(); if ((right != null) && (endpointComparator.compare(interval.getHighEndpoint(), right.getMinEndpoint()) > 0)) { searchForIntersectingNodesFrom(right, interval, resultList); } }
/** Debugging */
private void printFromNode(RBNode node, PrintStream tty, int indentDepth) { for (int i = 0; i < indentDepth; i++) { tty.print(" "); } tty.print("-"); if (node == null) { tty.println(); return; } tty.println(" " + node + " (min " + ((IntervalNode) node).getMinEndpoint() + ", max " + ((IntervalNode) node).getMaxEndpoint() + ")" + ((node.getColor() == RBColor.RED) ? " (red)" : " (black)")); if (node.getLeft() != null) printFromNode(node.getLeft(), tty, indentDepth + 2); if (node.getRight() != null) printFromNode(node.getRight(), tty, indentDepth + 2); } }