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package sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities;

import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ArrayKlass;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.CIntField;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.Oop;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMObject;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.AddressField;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.Type;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.TypeDataBase;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.WrongTypeException;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.Observable;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.Observer;

The base class for the mirrors of the Array C++ classes.
/** * The base class for the mirrors of the Array<T> C++ classes. */
public abstract class GenericArray extends VMObject { static { VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() { public void update(Observable o, Object data) { initialize(VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase()); } }); } private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) throws WrongTypeException { // Array<int> is arbitrarily chosen to get the fields in Array<T>. Type type = db.lookupType("Array<int>"); lengthField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_length"), 0); } private static long sizeOfArray; private static CIntField lengthField; private long dataFieldOffset; public GenericArray(Address addr, long dataOffset) { super(addr); dataFieldOffset = dataOffset; } public int length() { return (int)lengthField.getValue(this); } // for compatibility with TypeArray public int getLength() { return length(); }
Gets the element at the given index.
/** * Gets the element at the given index. */
protected long getIntegerAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= length()) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index + " " + length()); Type elemType = getElemType(); if (!getElemType().isCIntegerType()) throw new RuntimeException("elemType must be of CInteger type"); Address data = getAddress().addOffsetTo(dataFieldOffset); long elemSize = elemType.getSize(); return data.getCIntegerAt(index * elemSize, elemSize, false); } protected Address getAddressAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= length()) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index); Type elemType = getElemType(); if (getElemType().isCIntegerType()) throw new RuntimeException("elemType must not be of CInteger type"); Address data = getAddress().addOffsetTo(dataFieldOffset); long elemSize = elemType.getSize(); return data.getAddressAt(index * elemSize); } private long byteSizeof(int length) { return sizeOfArray + length * getElemType().getSize(); } public long getSize() { return VM.getVM().alignUp(byteSizeof(length()), VM.getVM().getBytesPerWord()) / VM.getVM().getBytesPerWord(); }
The element type of this array.
/** * The element type of this array. */
public abstract Type getElemType(); }