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package sun.jvm.hotspot.ui.table;

import java.awt.Component;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;

A cell renderer for the JTableHeader which understands the sorted column state and renders arrow buttons to indicated the sorted column and order
/** * A cell renderer for the JTableHeader which understands the sorted * column state and renders arrow buttons to indicated the sorted column * and order */
public class SortHeaderCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { private Icon descendingIcon; private Icon ascendingIcon; private SortableTableModel model; public SortHeaderCellRenderer(JTableHeader header, SortableTableModel model) { this.model = model; descendingIcon = getIcon("navigation/Down16.gif"); ascendingIcon = getIcon("navigation/Up16.gif"); setForeground(header.getForeground()); setBackground(header.getBackground()); setFont(header.getFont()); setBorder(UIManager.getBorder("TableHeader.cellBorder")); setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); }
Retrieves an Image Icon from the JLF graphics repository.
/** * Retrieves an Image Icon from the JLF graphics repository. */
public ImageIcon getIcon(String name) { String imagePath = "/toolbarButtonGraphics/" + name; java.net.URL url = this.getClass().getResource(imagePath); if (url != null) { return new ImageIcon(url); } return null; } public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString()); Icon icon = null; if (column == model.getColumn()) { if (model.isAscending()) { icon = ascendingIcon; } else { icon = descendingIcon; } } setIcon(icon); return this; } }