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package sun.jvm.hotspot.oops;

import java.io.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*;

Auxiliary class for GenerateOopMap
/** Auxiliary class for GenerateOopMap */
public class CellTypeState { private int _state; // Masks for separating the BITS and INFO portions of a // CellTypeState private static final int info_mask = Bits.rightNBits(28); private static final int bits_mask = ~info_mask; // These constant are used for manipulating the BITS portion of a // CellTypeState private static final int uninit_bit = Bits.nthBit(31); private static final int ref_bit = Bits.nthBit(30); private static final int val_bit = Bits.nthBit(29); private static final int addr_bit = Bits.nthBit(28); private static final int live_bits_mask = bits_mask & ~uninit_bit; // These constants are used for manipulating the INFO portion of a // CellTypeState private static final int top_info_bit = Bits.nthBit(27); private static final int not_bottom_info_bit = Bits.nthBit(26); private static final int info_data_mask = Bits.rightNBits(26); private static final int info_conflict = info_mask; // Within the INFO data, these values are used to distinguish // different kinds of references. // 0 if this reference is locked as a monitor private static final int ref_not_lock_bit = Bits.nthBit(25); // 1 if this reference is a "slot" reference private static final int ref_slot_bit = Bits.nthBit(24); // 0 if it is a "line" reference. private static final int ref_data_mask = Bits.rightNBits(24); // These values are used to initialize commonly used CellTypeState // constants. private static final int bottom_value = 0; private static final int uninit_value = uninit_bit | info_conflict; private static final int ref_value = ref_bit; private static final int ref_conflict = ref_bit | info_conflict; private static final int val_value = val_bit | info_conflict; private static final int addr_value = addr_bit; private static final int addr_conflict = addr_bit | info_conflict; private CellTypeState() {} private CellTypeState(int state) { _state = state; } public CellTypeState copy() { return new CellTypeState(_state); } public static CellTypeState makeAny(int state) { CellTypeState s = new CellTypeState(state); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(s.isValidState(), "check to see if CellTypeState is valid"); } return s; } public static CellTypeState makeBottom() { return makeAny(0); } public static CellTypeState makeTop() { return makeAny(Bits.AllBits); } public static CellTypeState makeAddr(int bci) { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that((bci >= 0) && (bci < info_data_mask), "check to see if ret addr is valid"); } return makeAny(addr_bit | not_bottom_info_bit | (bci & info_data_mask)); } public static CellTypeState makeSlotRef(int slot_num) { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(slot_num >= 0 && slot_num < ref_data_mask, "slot out of range"); } return makeAny(ref_bit | not_bottom_info_bit | ref_not_lock_bit | ref_slot_bit | (slot_num & ref_data_mask)); } public static CellTypeState makeLineRef(int bci) { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(bci >= 0 && bci < ref_data_mask, "line out of range"); } return makeAny(ref_bit | not_bottom_info_bit | ref_not_lock_bit | (bci & ref_data_mask)); } public static CellTypeState makeLockRef(int bci) { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(bci >= 0 && bci < ref_data_mask, "line out of range"); } return makeAny(ref_bit | not_bottom_info_bit | (bci & ref_data_mask)); } // Query methods: public boolean isBottom() { return _state == 0; } public boolean isLive() { return ((_state & live_bits_mask) != 0); } public boolean isValidState() { // Uninitialized and value cells must contain no data in their info field: if ((canBeUninit() || canBeValue()) && !isInfoTop()) { return false; } // The top bit is only set when all info bits are set: if (isInfoTop() && ((_state & info_mask) != info_mask)) { return false; } // The not_bottom_bit must be set when any other info bit is set: if (isInfoBottom() && ((_state & info_mask) != 0)) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isAddress() { return ((_state & bits_mask) == addr_bit); } public boolean isReference() { return ((_state & bits_mask) == ref_bit); } public boolean isValue() { return ((_state & bits_mask) == val_bit); } public boolean isUninit() { return ((_state & bits_mask) == uninit_bit); } public boolean canBeAddress() { return ((_state & addr_bit) != 0); } public boolean canBeReference() { return ((_state & ref_bit) != 0); } public boolean canBeValue() { return ((_state & val_bit) != 0); } public boolean canBeUninit() { return ((_state & uninit_bit) != 0); } public boolean isInfoBottom() { return ((_state & not_bottom_info_bit) == 0); } public boolean isInfoTop() { return ((_state & top_info_bit) != 0); } public int getInfo() { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that((!isInfoTop() && !isInfoBottom()), "check to make sure top/bottom info is not used"); } return (_state & info_data_mask); } public int getMonitorSource() { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(isLockReference(), "must be lock"); } return getInfo(); } public boolean isGoodAddress() { return isAddress() && !isInfoTop(); } public boolean isLockReference() { return ((_state & (bits_mask | top_info_bit | ref_not_lock_bit)) == ref_bit); } public boolean isNonlockReference() { return ((_state & (bits_mask | top_info_bit | ref_not_lock_bit)) == (ref_bit | ref_not_lock_bit)); } public boolean equal(CellTypeState a) { return _state == a._state; } public boolean equalKind(CellTypeState a) { return (_state & bits_mask) == (a._state & bits_mask); } public char toChar() { if (canBeReference()) { if (canBeValue() || canBeAddress()) return '#'; // Conflict that needs to be rewritten else return 'r'; } else if (canBeValue()) return 'v'; else if (canBeAddress()) return 'p'; else if (canBeUninit()) return ' '; else return '@'; } // Set public void set(CellTypeState cts) { _state = cts._state; } // Merge public CellTypeState merge (CellTypeState cts, int slot) { CellTypeState result = new CellTypeState(); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(!isBottom() && !cts.isBottom(), "merge of bottom values is handled elsewhere"); } result._state = _state | cts._state; // If the top bit is set, we don't need to do any more work. if (!result.isInfoTop()) { Assert.that((result.canBeAddress() || result.canBeReference()), "only addresses and references have non-top info"); if (!equal(cts)) { // The two values being merged are different. Raise to top. if (result.isReference()) { result = CellTypeState.makeSlotRef(slot); } else { result._state |= info_conflict; } } } if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(result.isValidState(), "checking that CTS merge maintains legal state"); } return result; } // Debugging output public void print(PrintStream tty) { if (canBeAddress()) { tty.print("(p"); } else { tty.print("( "); } if (canBeReference()) { tty.print("r"); } else { tty.print(" "); } if (canBeValue()) { tty.print("v"); } else { tty.print(" "); } if (canBeUninit()) { tty.print("u|"); } else { tty.print(" |"); } if (isInfoTop()) { tty.print("Top)"); } else if (isInfoBottom()) { tty.print("Bot)"); } else { if (isReference()) { int info = getInfo(); int data = info & ~(ref_not_lock_bit | ref_slot_bit); if ((info & ref_not_lock_bit) != 0) { // Not a monitor lock reference. if ((info & ref_slot_bit) != 0) { // slot tty.print("slot" + data + ")"); } else { // line tty.print("line" + data + ")"); } } else { // lock tty.print("lock" + data + ")"); } } else { tty.print("" + getInfo() + ")"); } } } // Default values of common values public static CellTypeState bottom = CellTypeState.makeBottom(); public static CellTypeState uninit = CellTypeState.makeAny(uninit_value); public static CellTypeState ref = CellTypeState.makeAny(ref_conflict); public static CellTypeState value = CellTypeState.makeAny(val_value); public static CellTypeState refUninit = CellTypeState.makeAny(ref_conflict | uninit_value); public static CellTypeState top = CellTypeState.makeTop(); public static CellTypeState addr = CellTypeState.makeAny(addr_conflict); }