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package sun.jvm.hotspot.code;

import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*;

public class CompressedReadStream extends CompressedStream {
Equivalent to CompressedReadStream(buffer, 0)
/** Equivalent to CompressedReadStream(buffer, 0) */
public CompressedReadStream(Address buffer) { this(buffer, 0); } public CompressedReadStream(Address buffer, int position) { super(buffer, position); } public boolean readBoolean() { return (read() != 0); } public byte readByte() { return (byte) read(); } public char readChar() { return (char) readInt(); } public short readShort() { return (short) readSignedInt(); } public int readSignedInt() { return decodeSign(readInt()); } public int readInt() { int b0 = read(); if (b0 < L) { return b0; } else { return readIntMb(b0); } } public float readFloat() { return Float.intBitsToFloat(reverseInt(readInt())); } public double readDouble() { int rh = readInt(); int rl = readInt(); int h = reverseInt(rh); int l = reverseInt(rl); return Double.longBitsToDouble(((long)h << 32) | ((long)l & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL)); } public long readLong() { long low = readSignedInt() & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL; long high = readSignedInt(); return (high << 32) | low; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internals only below this point // // This encoding, called UNSIGNED5, is taken from J2SE Pack200. // It assumes that most values have lots of leading zeroes. // Very small values, in the range [0..191], code in one byte. // Any 32-bit value (including negatives) can be coded, in // up to five bytes. The grammar is: // low_byte = [0..191] // high_byte = [192..255] // any_byte = low_byte | high_byte // coding = low_byte // | high_byte low_byte // | high_byte high_byte low_byte // | high_byte high_byte high_byte low_byte // | high_byte high_byte high_byte high_byte any_byte // Each high_byte contributes six bits of payload. // The encoding is one-to-one (except for integer overflow) // and easy to parse and unparse. private int readIntMb(int b0) { int pos = position - 1; int sum = b0; // must collect more bytes: b[1]...b[4] int lg_H_i = lg_H; for (int i = 0; ;) { int b_i = read(pos + (++i)); sum += b_i << lg_H_i; // sum += b[i]*(64**i) if (b_i < L || i == MAX_i) { setPosition(pos+i+1); return sum; } lg_H_i += lg_H; } } private short read(int index) { return (short) buffer.getCIntegerAt(index, 1, true); }
Reads an unsigned byte, but returns it as a short
/** Reads an unsigned byte, but returns it as a short */
private short read() { short retval = (short) buffer.getCIntegerAt(position, 1, true); ++position; return retval; } }