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package jdk.tools.jaotc;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.graalvm.compiler.code.CompilationResult;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.HotSpotForeignCallLinkage;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;

import jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.BinaryContainer;
import jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.CodeContainer;
import jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.Symbol;
import jdk.vm.ci.amd64.AMD64;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.TargetDescription;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.Call;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.Infopoint;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.InfopointReason;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;

final class CodeSectionProcessor {

    private final OptionValues optionValues;

    private final TargetDescription target;

    private final BinaryContainer binaryContainer;

    CodeSectionProcessor(DataBuilder dataBuilder) {
        this.target = dataBuilder.getBackend().getTarget();
        this.binaryContainer = dataBuilder.getBinaryContainer();
        this.optionValues = dataBuilder.getBackend().getRuntime().getOptions();

Method that looks at code section of a compiled result compClass and records function entry point symbols along with the text section contents. Note that the text section contents are not yet ready to be written in the form of a binary text section since the contents may need to be patched with references to other sections.
  • compClass – Graal compilation result.
/** * Method that looks at code section of a compiled result {@code compClass} and records function * entry point symbols along with the text section contents. Note that the text section contents * are not yet ready to be written in the form of a binary text section since the contents may * need to be patched with references to other sections. * * @param compClass Graal compilation result. */
void process(AOTCompiledClass compClass) { ArrayList<CompiledMethodInfo> compiledMethods = compClass.getCompiledMethods(); for (CompiledMethodInfo methodInfo : compiledMethods) { CompilationResult compResult = methodInfo.getCompilationResult(); byte[] targetCode = compResult.getTargetCode(); int targetCodeSize = compResult.getTargetCodeSize(); JavaMethodInfo compMethod = methodInfo.getMethodInfo(); // Step through all foreign calls, for every call, clear destination. // Otherwise libelf may not patch them correctly. for (Infopoint infopoint : compResult.getInfopoints()) { if (infopoint.reason == InfopointReason.CALL) { final Call callInfopoint = (Call) infopoint; if (callInfopoint.target instanceof HotSpotForeignCallLinkage && target.arch instanceof AMD64) { // TODO 4 is x86 size of relative displacement. // For SPARC need something different. int destOffset = infopoint.pcOffset + callInfopoint.size - 4; targetCode[destOffset + 0] = 0; targetCode[destOffset + 1] = 0; targetCode[destOffset + 2] = 0; targetCode[destOffset + 3] = 0; } } } String entry = compMethod.getSymbolName(); assert entry != null : "missing name for compiled method"; // Align and pad method entry CodeContainer codeSection = binaryContainer.getCodeContainer(); int codeIdOffset = BinaryContainer.alignUp(codeSection, binaryContainer.getCodeSegmentSize()); // Store CodeId into code. It will be use by find_aot() using code.segments methodInfo.setCodeId(); binaryContainer.appendIntToCode(methodInfo.getCodeId()); int textBaseOffset = BinaryContainer.alignUp(codeSection, binaryContainer.getCodeEntryAlignment()); codeSection.createSymbol(textBaseOffset, Symbol.Kind.JAVA_FUNCTION, Symbol.Binding.LOCAL, targetCodeSize, entry); // Set the offset at which the text section of this method would be layed out methodInfo.setTextSectionOffset(textBaseOffset); // Write code bytes of the current method into byte stream binaryContainer.appendCodeBytes(targetCode, 0, targetCodeSize); int currentStubOffset = BinaryContainer.alignUp(codeSection, 8); // Set the offset at which stubs of this method would be laid out methodInfo.setStubsOffset(currentStubOffset - textBaseOffset); // step through all calls, for every call, add a stub for (Infopoint infopoint : compResult.getInfopoints()) { if (infopoint.reason == InfopointReason.CALL) { final Call callInfopoint = (Call) infopoint; if (callInfopoint.target instanceof ResolvedJavaMethod) { ResolvedJavaMethod call = (ResolvedJavaMethod) callInfopoint.target; StubInformation stub = addCallStub(CallInfo.isVirtualCall(methodInfo, callInfopoint)); // Get the targetSymbol. A symbol for this will be created later during plt // creation String targetSymbol = JavaMethodInfo.uniqueMethodName(call) + ".at." + infopoint.pcOffset; methodInfo.addStubCode(targetSymbol, stub); currentStubOffset += stub.getSize(); } } } assert currentStubOffset == codeSection.getByteStreamSize() : "wrong offset"; binaryContainer.addCodeSegments(codeIdOffset, currentStubOffset); } } private StubInformation addCallStub(boolean isVirtualCall) { final int startOffset = binaryContainer.getCodeContainer().getByteStreamSize(); StubInformation stub = new StubInformation(startOffset, isVirtualCall); ELFMacroAssembler masm = ELFMacroAssembler.getELFMacroAssembler(target, optionValues); byte[] code; if (isVirtualCall) { code = masm.getPLTVirtualEntryCode(stub); } else { code = masm.getPLTStaticEntryCode(stub); } binaryContainer.appendCodeBytes(code, 0, code.length); return stub; } }