 * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer;

import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import jdk.xml.internal.SecuritySupport;

Provides information about encodings. Depends on the Java runtime to provides writers for the different encodings, but can be used to override encoding names and provide the last printable character for each encoding.
Author:Assaf Arkin
@LastModified: Oct 2017
/** * Provides information about encodings. Depends on the Java runtime * to provides writers for the different encodings, but can be used * to override encoding names and provide the last printable character * for each encoding. * * @author <a href="mailto:arkin@intalio.com">Assaf Arkin</a> * @LastModified: Oct 2017 */
public final class Encodings extends Object {
The last printable character for unknown encodings.
/** * The last printable character for unknown encodings. */
private static final int m_defaultLastPrintable = 0x7F;
Standard filename for properties file with encodings data.
/** * Standard filename for properties file with encodings data. */
private static final String ENCODINGS_FILE = "com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/serializer/Encodings.properties";
Standard filename for properties file with encodings data.
/** * Standard filename for properties file with encodings data. */
private static final String ENCODINGS_PROP = "com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.serialize.encodings";
Returns a writer for the specified encoding based on an output stream.
  • output – The output stream
  • encoding – The encoding
Returns:A suitable writer
/** * Returns a writer for the specified encoding based on * an output stream. * * @param output The output stream * @param encoding The encoding * @return A suitable writer * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException There is no convertor * to support this encoding */
static Writer getWriter(OutputStream output, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { final EncodingInfo ei = _encodingInfos.findEncoding(toUpperCaseFast(encoding)); if (ei != null) { try { return new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( output, ei.javaName)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException usee) { // keep trying } } return new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output, encoding)); }
Returns the last printable character for an unspecified encoding.
Returns:the default size
/** * Returns the last printable character for an unspecified * encoding. * * @return the default size */
public static int getLastPrintable() { return m_defaultLastPrintable; }
Returns the EncodingInfo object for the specified encoding.

This is not a public API.

  • encoding – The encoding
Returns:The object that is used to determine if characters are in the given encoding.
/** * Returns the EncodingInfo object for the specified * encoding. * <p> * This is not a public API. * * @param encoding The encoding * @return The object that is used to determine if * characters are in the given encoding. * @xsl.usage internal */
static EncodingInfo getEncodingInfo(String encoding) { EncodingInfo ei; String normalizedEncoding = toUpperCaseFast(encoding); ei = _encodingInfos.findEncoding(normalizedEncoding); if (ei == null) { // We shouldn't have to do this, but just in case. try { // This may happen if the caller tries to use // an encoding that wasn't registered in the // (java name)->(preferred mime name) mapping file. // In that case we attempt to load the charset for the // given encoding, and if that succeeds - we create a new // EncodingInfo instance - assuming the canonical name // of the charset can be used as the mime name. final Charset c = Charset.forName(encoding); final String name = c.name(); ei = new EncodingInfo(name, name); _encodingInfos.putEncoding(normalizedEncoding, ei); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException | UnsupportedCharsetException x) { ei = new EncodingInfo(null,null); } } return ei; }
Determines if the encoding specified was recognized by the serializer or not.
  • encoding – The encoding
Returns:boolean - true if the encoding was recognized else false
/** * Determines if the encoding specified was recognized by the * serializer or not. * * @param encoding The encoding * @return boolean - true if the encoding was recognized else false */
public static boolean isRecognizedEncoding(String encoding) { EncodingInfo ei; String normalizedEncoding = toUpperCaseFast(encoding); ei = _encodingInfos.findEncoding(normalizedEncoding); if (ei != null) return true; return false; }
A fast and cheap way to uppercase a String that is only made of printable ASCII characters.

This is not a public API.

  • s – a String of ASCII characters
Returns:an uppercased version of the input String, possibly the same String.
/** * A fast and cheap way to uppercase a String that is * only made of printable ASCII characters. * <p> * This is not a public API. * @param s a String of ASCII characters * @return an uppercased version of the input String, * possibly the same String. * @xsl.usage internal */
static private String toUpperCaseFast(final String s) { boolean different = false; final int mx = s.length(); char[] chars = new char[mx]; for (int i=0; i < mx; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); // is the character a lower case ASCII one? if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') { // a cheap and fast way to uppercase that is good enough ch = (char) (ch + ('A' - 'a')); different = true; // the uppercased String is different } chars[i] = ch; } // A little optimization, don't call String.valueOf() if // the uppercased string is the same as the input string. final String upper; if (different) upper = String.valueOf(chars); else upper = s; return upper; }
The default encoding, ISO style, ISO style.
/** The default encoding, ISO style, ISO style. */
static final String DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
Get the proper mime encoding. From the XSLT recommendation: "The encoding attribute specifies the preferred encoding to use for outputting the result tree. XSLT processors are required to respect values of UTF-8 and UTF-16. For other values, if the XSLT processor does not support the specified encoding it may signal an error; if it does not signal an error it should use UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead. The XSLT processor must not use an encoding whose name does not match the EncName production of the XML Recommendation [XML]. If no encoding attribute is specified, then the XSLT processor should use either UTF-8 or UTF-16."
  • encoding – Reference to java-style encoding string, which may be null, in which case a default will be found.
Returns:The ISO-style encoding string, or null if failure.
/** * Get the proper mime encoding. From the XSLT recommendation: "The encoding * attribute specifies the preferred encoding to use for outputting the result * tree. XSLT processors are required to respect values of UTF-8 and UTF-16. * For other values, if the XSLT processor does not support the specified * encoding it may signal an error; if it does not signal an error it should * use UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead. The XSLT processor must not use an encoding * whose name does not match the EncName production of the XML Recommendation * [XML]. If no encoding attribute is specified, then the XSLT processor should * use either UTF-8 or UTF-16." * * @param encoding Reference to java-style encoding string, which may be null, * in which case a default will be found. * * @return The ISO-style encoding string, or null if failure. */
static String getMimeEncoding(String encoding) { if (null == encoding) { try { // Get the default system character encoding. This may be // incorrect if they passed in a writer, but right now there // seems to be no way to get the encoding from a writer. encoding = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty("file.encoding", "UTF8"); if (null != encoding) { /* * See if the mime type is equal to UTF8. If you don't * do that, then convertJava2MimeEncoding will convert * 8859_1 to "ISO-8859-1", which is not what we want, * I think, and I don't think I want to alter the tables * to convert everything to UTF-8. */ String jencoding = (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("Cp1252") || encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("ISO8859_1") || encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("8859_1") || encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF8")) ? DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING : convertJava2MimeEncoding(encoding); encoding = (null != jencoding) ? jencoding : DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING; } else { encoding = DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING; } } catch (SecurityException se) { encoding = DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING; } } else { encoding = convertJava2MimeEncoding(encoding); } return encoding; }
Try the best we can to convert a Java encoding to a XML-style encoding.
  • encoding – non-null reference to encoding string, java style.
Returns:ISO-style encoding string.
/** * Try the best we can to convert a Java encoding to a XML-style encoding. * * @param encoding non-null reference to encoding string, java style. * * @return ISO-style encoding string. */
private static String convertJava2MimeEncoding(String encoding) { final EncodingInfo enc = _encodingInfos.getEncodingFromJavaKey(toUpperCaseFast(encoding)); if (null != enc) return enc.name; return encoding; }
Try the best we can to convert a Java encoding to a XML-style encoding.
  • encoding – non-null reference to encoding string, java style.
Returns:ISO-style encoding string.
/** * Try the best we can to convert a Java encoding to a XML-style encoding. * * @param encoding non-null reference to encoding string, java style. * * @return ISO-style encoding string. */
public static String convertMime2JavaEncoding(String encoding) { final EncodingInfo info = _encodingInfos.findEncoding(toUpperCaseFast(encoding)); return info != null ? info.javaName : encoding; } // Using an inner static class here prevent initialization races // where the hash maps could be used before they were populated. // private final static class EncodingInfos { // These maps are final and not modified after initialization. private final Map<String, EncodingInfo> _encodingTableKeyJava = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, EncodingInfo> _encodingTableKeyMime = new HashMap<>(); // This map will be added to after initialization: make sure it's // thread-safe. This map should not be used frequently - only in cases // where the mapping requested was not declared in the Encodings.properties // file. private final Map<String, EncodingInfo> _encodingDynamicTable = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, EncodingInfo>()); private EncodingInfos() { loadEncodingInfo(); } // Opens the file/resource containing java charset name -> preferred mime // name mapping and returns it as an InputStream. private InputStream openEncodingsFileStream() throws MalformedURLException, IOException { String urlString = null; InputStream is = null; try { urlString = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(ENCODINGS_PROP, ""); } catch (SecurityException e) { } if (urlString != null && urlString.length() > 0) { URL url = new URL(urlString); is = url.openStream(); } if (is == null) { is = SecuritySupport.getResourceAsStream(ENCODINGS_FILE); } return is; } // Loads the Properties resource containing the mapping: // java charset name -> preferred mime name // and returns it. private Properties loadProperties() throws MalformedURLException, IOException { Properties props = new Properties(); try (InputStream is = openEncodingsFileStream()) { if (is != null) { props.load(is); } else { // Seems to be no real need to force failure here, let the // system do its best... The issue is not really very critical, // and the output will be in any case _correct_ though maybe not // always human-friendly... :) // But maybe report/log the resource problem? // Any standard ways to report/log errors (in static context)? } } return props; } // Parses the mime list associated to a java charset name. // The first mime name in the list is supposed to be the preferred // mime name. private String[] parseMimeTypes(String val) { int pos = val.indexOf(' '); //int lastPrintable; if (pos < 0) { // Maybe report/log this problem? // "Last printable character not defined for encoding " + // mimeName + " (" + val + ")" ... return new String[] { val }; //lastPrintable = 0x00FF; } //lastPrintable = // Integer.decode(val.substring(pos).trim()).intValue(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val.substring(0, pos), ","); String[] values = new String[st.countTokens()]; for (int i=0; st.hasMoreTokens(); i++) { values[i] = st.nextToken(); } return values; } // This method here attempts to find the canonical charset name for the // the given name - which is supposed to be either a java name or a mime // name. // For that, it attempts to load the charset using the given name, and // then returns the charset's canonical name. // If the charset could not be loaded from the given name, // the method returns null. private String findCharsetNameFor(String name) { try { return Charset.forName(name).name(); } catch (Exception x) { return null; } } // This method here attempts to find the canonical charset name for the // the set javaName+mimeNames - which are supposed to all refer to the // same charset. // For that it attempts to load the charset using the javaName, and if // not found, attempts again using each of the mime names in turn. // If the charset could be loaded from the javaName, then the javaName // itself is returned as charset name. Otherwise, each of the mime names // is tried in turn, until a charset can be loaded from one of the names, // and the loaded charset's canonical name is returned. // If no charset can be loaded from either the javaName or one of the // mime names, then null is returned. // // Note that the returned name is the 'java' name that will be used in // instances of EncodingInfo. // This is important because EncodingInfo uses that 'java name' later on // in calls to String.getBytes(javaName). // As it happens, sometimes only one element of the set mime names/javaName // is known by Charset: sometimes only one of the mime names is known, // sometime only the javaName is known, sometimes all are known. // // By using this method here, we fix the problem where one of the mime // names is known but the javaName is unknown, by associating the charset // loaded from one of the mime names with the unrecognized javaName. // // When none of the mime names or javaName are known - there's not much we can // do... It can mean that this encoding is not supported for this // OS. If such a charset is ever use it will result in having all characters // escaped. // private String findCharsetNameFor(String javaName, String[] mimes) { String cs = findCharsetNameFor(javaName); if (cs != null) return javaName; for (String m : mimes) { cs = findCharsetNameFor(m); if (cs != null) break; } return cs; }
Loads a list of all the supported encodings. System property "encodings" formatted using URL syntax may define an external encodings list. Thanks to Sergey Ushakov for the code contribution!
/** * Loads a list of all the supported encodings. * * System property "encodings" formatted using URL syntax may define an * external encodings list. Thanks to Sergey Ushakov for the code * contribution! */
private void loadEncodingInfo() { try { // load (java name)->(preferred mime name) mapping. final Properties props = loadProperties(); // create instances of EncodingInfo from the loaded mapping Enumeration<Object> keys = props.keys(); Map<String, EncodingInfo> canonicals = new HashMap<>(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { final String javaName = (String) keys.nextElement(); final String[] mimes = parseMimeTypes(props.getProperty(javaName)); final String charsetName = findCharsetNameFor(javaName, mimes); if (charsetName != null) { final String kj = toUpperCaseFast(javaName); final String kc = toUpperCaseFast(charsetName); for (int i = 0; i < mimes.length; ++i) { final String mimeName = mimes[i]; final String km = toUpperCaseFast(mimeName); EncodingInfo info = new EncodingInfo(mimeName, charsetName); _encodingTableKeyMime.put(km, info); if (!canonicals.containsKey(kc)) { // canonicals will map the charset name to // the info containing the prefered mime name // (the preferred mime name is the first mime // name in the list). canonicals.put(kc, info); _encodingTableKeyJava.put(kc, info); } _encodingTableKeyJava.put(kj, info); } } else { // None of the java or mime names on the line were // recognized => this charset is not supported? } } // Fix up the _encodingTableKeyJava so that the info mapped to // the java name contains the preferred mime name. // (a given java name can correspond to several mime name, // but we want the _encodingTableKeyJava to point to the // preferred mime name). for (Entry<String, EncodingInfo> e : _encodingTableKeyJava.entrySet()) { e.setValue(canonicals.get(toUpperCaseFast(e.getValue().javaName))); } } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException mue) { throw new com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(mue); } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) { throw new com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(ioe); } } EncodingInfo findEncoding(String normalizedEncoding) { EncodingInfo info = _encodingTableKeyJava.get(normalizedEncoding); if (info == null) { info = _encodingTableKeyMime.get(normalizedEncoding); } if (info == null) { info = _encodingDynamicTable.get(normalizedEncoding); } return info; } EncodingInfo getEncodingFromMimeKey(String normalizedMimeName) { return _encodingTableKeyMime.get(normalizedMimeName); } EncodingInfo getEncodingFromJavaKey(String normalizedJavaName) { return _encodingTableKeyJava.get(normalizedJavaName); } void putEncoding(String key, EncodingInfo info) { _encodingDynamicTable.put(key, info); } }
Return true if the character is the high member of a surrogate pair.

This is not a public API.

  • ch – the character to test
/** * Return true if the character is the high member of a surrogate pair. * <p> * This is not a public API. * @param ch the character to test * @xsl.usage internal */
static boolean isHighUTF16Surrogate(char ch) { return ('\uD800' <= ch && ch <= '\uDBFF'); }
Return true if the character is the low member of a surrogate pair.

This is not a public API.

  • ch – the character to test
/** * Return true if the character is the low member of a surrogate pair. * <p> * This is not a public API. * @param ch the character to test * @xsl.usage internal */
static boolean isLowUTF16Surrogate(char ch) { return ('\uDC00' <= ch && ch <= '\uDFFF'); }
Return the unicode code point represented by the high/low surrogate pair.

This is not a public API.

  • highSurrogate – the high char of the high/low pair
  • lowSurrogate – the low char of the high/low pair
/** * Return the unicode code point represented by the high/low surrogate pair. * <p> * This is not a public API. * @param highSurrogate the high char of the high/low pair * @param lowSurrogate the low char of the high/low pair * @xsl.usage internal */
static int toCodePoint(char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate) { int codePoint = ((highSurrogate - 0xd800) << 10) + (lowSurrogate - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; return codePoint; }
Return the unicode code point represented by the char. A bit of a dummy method, since all it does is return the char, but as an int value.

This is not a public API.

  • ch – the char.
/** * Return the unicode code point represented by the char. * A bit of a dummy method, since all it does is return the char, * but as an int value. * <p> * This is not a public API. * @param ch the char. * @xsl.usage internal */
static int toCodePoint(char ch) { int codePoint = ch; return codePoint; } private final static EncodingInfos _encodingInfos = new EncodingInfos(); }