 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// Sep 14, 2000:
//  Fixed comments to preserve whitespaces and add a line break
//  when indenting. Reported by Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net>
// Sep 14, 2000:
//  Fixed serializer to report IO exception directly, instead at
//  the end of document processing.
//  Reported by Patrick Higgins <phiggins@transzap.com>
// Sep 13, 2000:
//   CR in character data will print as &#0D;
// Aug 25, 2000:
//   Fixed processing instruction printing inside element content
//   to not escape content. Reported by Mikael Staldal
//   <d96-mst@d.kth.se>
// Aug 25, 2000:
//   Added ability to omit comments.
//   Contributed by Anupam Bagchi <abagchi@jtcsv.com>
// Aug 26, 2000:
//   Fixed bug in newline handling when preserving spaces.
//   Contributed by Mike Dusseault <mdusseault@home.com>
// Aug 29, 2000:
//   Fixed state.unescaped not being set to false when
//   entering element state.
//   Reported by Lowell Vaughn <lvaughn@agillion.com>

package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serialize;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DOMErrorImpl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DOMLocatorImpl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DOMMessageFormatter;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLChar;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMError;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMErrorHandler;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.LSException;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.LSSerializerFilter;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.DTDHandler;
import org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;

Base class for a serializer supporting both DOM and SAX pretty serializing of XML/HTML/XHTML documents. Derives classes perform the method-specific serializing, this class provides the common serializing mechanisms.

The serializer must be initialized with the proper writer and output format before it can be used by calling setOutputCharStream or setOutputByteStream for the writer and setOutputFormat for the output format.

The serializer can be reused any number of times, but cannot be used concurrently by two threads.

If an output stream is used, the encoding is taken from the output format (defaults to UTF-8). If a writer is used, make sure the writer uses the same encoding (if applies) as specified in the output format.

The serializer supports both DOM and SAX. DOM serializing is done by calling serialize(Document) and SAX serializing is done by firing SAX events and using the serializer as a document handler. This also applies to derived class.

If an I/O exception occurs while serializing, the serializer will not throw an exception directly, but only throw it at the end of serializing (either DOM or SAX's DocumentHandler.endDocument.

For elements that are not specified as whitespace preserving, the serializer will potentially break long text lines at space boundaries, indent lines, and serialize elements on separate lines. Line terminators will be regarded as spaces, and spaces at beginning of line will be stripped.

When indenting, the serializer is capable of detecting seemingly element content, and serializing these elements indented on separate lines. An element is serialized indented when it is the first or last child of an element, or immediate following or preceding another element.

Author:Assaf Arkin, Rahul Srivastava, Elena Litani, IBM, Sunitha Reddy
See Also:
Deprecated:As of JDK 9, Xerces 2.9.0, Xerces DOM L3 Serializer implementation is replaced by that of Xalan. Main class DOMSerializerImpl is replaced by LSSerializerImpl.
@LastModified: Nov 2017
/** * Base class for a serializer supporting both DOM and SAX pretty * serializing of XML/HTML/XHTML documents. Derives classes perform * the method-specific serializing, this class provides the common * serializing mechanisms. * <p> * The serializer must be initialized with the proper writer and * output format before it can be used by calling {@link #setOutputCharStream} * or {@link #setOutputByteStream} for the writer and {@link #setOutputFormat} * for the output format. * <p> * The serializer can be reused any number of times, but cannot * be used concurrently by two threads. * <p> * If an output stream is used, the encoding is taken from the * output format (defaults to <tt>UTF-8</tt>). If a writer is * used, make sure the writer uses the same encoding (if applies) * as specified in the output format. * <p> * The serializer supports both DOM and SAX. DOM serializing is done * by calling {@link #serialize(Document)} and SAX serializing is done by firing * SAX events and using the serializer as a document handler. * This also applies to derived class. * <p> * If an I/O exception occurs while serializing, the serializer * will not throw an exception directly, but only throw it * at the end of serializing (either DOM or SAX's {@link * org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler#endDocument}. * <p> * For elements that are not specified as whitespace preserving, * the serializer will potentially break long text lines at space * boundaries, indent lines, and serialize elements on separate * lines. Line terminators will be regarded as spaces, and * spaces at beginning of line will be stripped. * <p> * When indenting, the serializer is capable of detecting seemingly * element content, and serializing these elements indented on separate * lines. An element is serialized indented when it is the first or * last child of an element, or immediate following or preceding * another element. * * * @author <a href="mailto:arkin@intalio.com">Assaf Arkin</a> * @author Rahul Srivastava * @author Elena Litani, IBM * @author Sunitha Reddy * @see Serializer * @see org.w3c.dom.ls.LSSerializer * * @deprecated As of JDK 9, Xerces 2.9.0, Xerces DOM L3 Serializer implementation * is replaced by that of Xalan. Main class * {@link com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serialize.DOMSerializerImpl} is replaced * by {@link com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.dom3.LSSerializerImpl}. * * @LastModified: Nov 2017 */
@Deprecated public abstract class BaseMarkupSerializer implements ContentHandler, DocumentHandler, LexicalHandler, DTDHandler, DeclHandler, DOMSerializer, Serializer { // DOM L3 implementation protected short features = 0xFFFFFFFF; protected DOMErrorHandler fDOMErrorHandler; protected final DOMErrorImpl fDOMError = new DOMErrorImpl(); protected LSSerializerFilter fDOMFilter; protected EncodingInfo _encodingInfo;
Holds array of all element states that have been entered. The array is automatically resized. When leaving an element, it's state is not removed but reused when later returning to the same nesting level.
/** * Holds array of all element states that have been entered. * The array is automatically resized. When leaving an element, * it's state is not removed but reused when later returning * to the same nesting level. */
private ElementState[] _elementStates;
The index of the next state to place in the array, or one plus the index of the current state. When zero, we are in no state.
/** * The index of the next state to place in the array, * or one plus the index of the current state. When zero, * we are in no state. */
private int _elementStateCount;
List holding comments and PIs that come before the root element (even after it), see serializePreRoot.
/** * List holding comments and PIs that come before the root * element (even after it), see {@link #serializePreRoot}. */
private List<String> _preRoot;
If the document has been started (header serialized), this flag is set to true so it's not started twice.
/** * If the document has been started (header serialized), this * flag is set to true so it's not started twice. */
protected boolean _started;
True if the serializer has been prepared. This flag is set to false when the serializer is reset prior to using it, and to true after it has been prepared for usage.
/** * True if the serializer has been prepared. This flag is set * to false when the serializer is reset prior to using it, * and to true after it has been prepared for usage. */
private boolean _prepared;
Association between namespace URIs (keys) and prefixes (values). Accumulated here prior to starting an element and placing this list in the element state.
/** * Association between namespace URIs (keys) and prefixes (values). * Accumulated here prior to starting an element and placing this * list in the element state. */
protected Map<String, String> _prefixes;
The system identifier of the document type, if known.
/** * The system identifier of the document type, if known. */
protected String _docTypePublicId;
The system identifier of the document type, if known.
/** * The system identifier of the document type, if known. */
protected String _docTypeSystemId;
The output format associated with this serializer. This will never be a null reference. If no format was passed to the constructor, the default one for this document type will be used. The format object is never changed by the serializer.
/** * The output format associated with this serializer. This will never * be a null reference. If no format was passed to the constructor, * the default one for this document type will be used. The format * object is never changed by the serializer. */
protected OutputFormat _format;
The printer used for printing text parts.
/** * The printer used for printing text parts. */
protected Printer _printer;
True if indenting printer.
/** * True if indenting printer. */
protected boolean _indenting;
Temporary buffer to store character data
/** Temporary buffer to store character data */
protected final StringBuffer fStrBuffer = new StringBuffer(40);
The underlying writer.
/** * The underlying writer. */
private Writer _writer;
The output stream.
/** * The output stream. */
private OutputStream _output;
Current node that is being processed
/** Current node that is being processed */
protected Node fCurrentNode = null; //--------------------------------// // Constructor and initialization // //--------------------------------//
Protected constructor can only be used by derived class. Must initialize the serializer before serializing any document, by calling setOutputCharStream or setOutputByteStream first
/** * Protected constructor can only be used by derived class. * Must initialize the serializer before serializing any document, * by calling {@link #setOutputCharStream} or {@link #setOutputByteStream} * first */
protected BaseMarkupSerializer( OutputFormat format ) { int i; _elementStates = new ElementState[ 10 ]; for ( i = 0 ; i < _elementStates.length ; ++i ) _elementStates[ i ] = new ElementState(); _format = format; } public DocumentHandler asDocumentHandler() throws IOException { prepare(); return this; } public ContentHandler asContentHandler() throws IOException { prepare(); return this; } public DOMSerializer asDOMSerializer() throws IOException { prepare(); return this; } public void setOutputByteStream( OutputStream output ) { if ( output == null ) { String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.SERIALIZER_DOMAIN, "ArgumentIsNull", new Object[]{"output"}); throw new NullPointerException(msg); } _output = output; _writer = null; reset(); } public void setOutputCharStream( Writer writer ) { if ( writer == null ) { String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.SERIALIZER_DOMAIN, "ArgumentIsNull", new Object[]{"writer"}); throw new NullPointerException(msg); } _writer = writer; _output = null; reset(); } public void setOutputFormat( OutputFormat format ) { if ( format == null ) { String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.SERIALIZER_DOMAIN, "ArgumentIsNull", new Object[]{"format"}); throw new NullPointerException(msg); } _format = format; reset(); } public boolean reset() { if ( _elementStateCount > 1 ) { String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.SERIALIZER_DOMAIN, "ResetInMiddle", null); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } _prepared = false; fCurrentNode = null; fStrBuffer.setLength(0); return true; } protected void cleanup() { fCurrentNode = null; } protected void prepare() throws IOException { if ( _prepared ) return; if ( _writer == null && _output == null ) { String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.SERIALIZER_DOMAIN, "NoWriterSupplied", null); throw new IOException(msg); } // If the output stream has been set, use it to construct // the writer. It is possible that the serializer has been // reused with the same output stream and different encoding. _encodingInfo = _format.getEncodingInfo(); if ( _output != null ) { _writer = _encodingInfo.getWriter(_output); } if ( _format.getIndenting() ) { _indenting = true; _printer = new IndentPrinter( _writer, _format ); } else { _indenting = false; _printer = new Printer( _writer, _format ); } ElementState state; _elementStateCount = 0; state = _elementStates[ 0 ]; state.namespaceURI = null; state.localName = null; state.rawName = null; state.preserveSpace = _format.getPreserveSpace(); state.empty = true; state.afterElement = false; state.afterComment = false; state.doCData = state.inCData = false; state.prefixes = null; _docTypePublicId = _format.getDoctypePublic(); _docTypeSystemId = _format.getDoctypeSystem(); _started = false; _prepared = true; } //----------------------------------// // DOM document serializing methods // //----------------------------------//
Serializes the DOM element using the previously specified writer and output format. Throws an exception only if an I/O exception occured while serializing.
  • elem – The element to serialize
  • IOException – An I/O exception occured while serializing
/** * Serializes the DOM element using the previously specified * writer and output format. Throws an exception only if * an I/O exception occured while serializing. * * @param elem The element to serialize * @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while * serializing */
public void serialize( Element elem ) throws IOException { reset(); prepare(); serializeNode( elem ); cleanup(); _printer.flush(); if ( _printer.getException() != null ) throw _printer.getException(); }
Serializes a node using the previously specified writer and output format. Throws an exception only if an I/O exception occured while serializing.
  • node – Node to serialize
  • IOException – An I/O exception occured while serializing
/** * Serializes a node using the previously specified * writer and output format. Throws an exception only if * an I/O exception occured while serializing. * * @param node Node to serialize * @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while serializing */
public void serialize( Node node ) throws IOException { reset(); prepare(); serializeNode( node ); //Print any PIs and Comments which appeared in 'node' serializePreRoot(); _printer.flush(); if ( _printer.getException() != null ) throw _printer.getException(); }
Serializes the DOM document fragmnt using the previously specified writer and output format. Throws an exception only if an I/O exception occured while serializing.
  • frag – The document fragment to serialize
  • IOException – An I/O exception occured while serializing
/** * Serializes the DOM document fragmnt using the previously specified * writer and output format. Throws an exception only if * an I/O exception occured while serializing. * * @param frag The document fragment to serialize * @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while * serializing */
public void serialize( DocumentFragment frag ) throws IOException { reset(); prepare(); serializeNode( frag ); cleanup(); _printer.flush(); if ( _printer.getException() != null ) throw _printer.getException(); }
Serializes the DOM document using the previously specified writer and output format. Throws an exception only if an I/O exception occured while serializing.
  • doc – The document to serialize
  • IOException – An I/O exception occured while serializing
/** * Serializes the DOM document using the previously specified * writer and output format. Throws an exception only if * an I/O exception occured while serializing. * * @param doc The document to serialize * @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while * serializing */
public void serialize( Document doc ) throws IOException { reset(); prepare(); serializeNode( doc ); serializePreRoot(); cleanup(); _printer.flush(); if ( _printer.getException() != null ) throw _printer.getException(); } //------------------------------------------// // SAX document handler serializing methods // //------------------------------------------// public void startDocument() throws SAXException { try { prepare(); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except.toString() ); } // Nothing to do here. All the magic happens in startDocument(String) } public void characters( char[] chars, int start, int length ) throws SAXException { ElementState state; try { state = content(); // Check if text should be print as CDATA section or unescaped // based on elements listed in the output format (the element // state) or whether we are inside a CDATA section or entity. if ( state.inCData || state.doCData ) { int saveIndent; // Print a CDATA section. The text is not escaped, but ']]>' // appearing in the code must be identified and dealt with. // The contents of a text node is considered space preserving. if ( ! state.inCData ) { _printer.printText( "<![CDATA[" ); state.inCData = true; } saveIndent = _printer.getNextIndent(); _printer.setNextIndent( 0 ); char ch; final int end = start + length; for ( int index = start ; index < end; ++index ) { ch = chars[index]; if ( ch == ']' && index + 2 < end && chars[ index + 1 ] == ']' && chars[ index + 2 ] == '>' ) { _printer.printText("]]]]><![CDATA[>"); index +=2; continue; } if (!XMLChar.isValid(ch)) { // check if it is surrogate if (++index < end) { surrogates(ch, chars[index],true); } else { fatalError("The character '"+ch+"' is an invalid XML character"); } continue; } if ( ( ch >= ' ' && _encodingInfo.isPrintable(ch) && ch != 0x7F ) || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' ) { _printer.printText(ch); } else { // The character is not printable -- split CDATA section _printer.printText("]]>&#x"); _printer.printText(Integer.toHexString(ch)); _printer.printText(";<![CDATA["); } } _printer.setNextIndent( saveIndent ); } else { int saveIndent; if ( state.preserveSpace ) { // If preserving space then hold of indentation so no // excessive spaces are printed at line breaks, escape // the text content without replacing spaces and print // the text breaking only at line breaks. saveIndent = _printer.getNextIndent(); _printer.setNextIndent( 0 ); printText( chars, start, length, true, state.unescaped ); _printer.setNextIndent( saveIndent ); } else { printText( chars, start, length, false, state.unescaped ); } } } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void ignorableWhitespace( char[] chars, int start, int length ) throws SAXException { int i; try { content(); // Print ignorable whitespaces only when indenting, after // all they are indentation. Cancel the indentation to // not indent twice. if ( _indenting ) { _printer.setThisIndent( 0 ); for ( i = start ; length-- > 0 ; ++i ) _printer.printText( chars[ i ] ); } } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public final void processingInstruction( String target, String code ) throws SAXException { try { processingInstructionIO( target, code ); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void processingInstructionIO( String target, String code ) throws IOException { int index; ElementState state; state = content(); // Create the processing instruction textual representation. // Make sure we don't have '?>' inside either target or code. index = target.indexOf( "?>" ); if ( index >= 0 ) fStrBuffer.append( "<?" ).append( target.substring( 0, index ) ); else fStrBuffer.append( "<?" ).append( target ); if ( code != null ) { fStrBuffer.append( ' ' ); index = code.indexOf( "?>" ); if ( index >= 0 ) fStrBuffer.append( code.substring( 0, index ) ); else fStrBuffer.append( code ); } fStrBuffer.append( "?>" ); // If before the root element (or after it), do not print // the PI directly but place it in the pre-root vector. if ( isDocumentState() ) { if ( _preRoot == null ) _preRoot = new ArrayList<>(); _preRoot.add( fStrBuffer.toString() ); } else { _printer.indent(); printText( fStrBuffer.toString(), true, true ); _printer.unindent(); if ( _indenting ) state.afterElement = true; } fStrBuffer.setLength(0); } public void comment( char[] chars, int start, int length ) throws SAXException { try { comment( new String( chars, start, length ) ); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void comment( String text ) throws IOException { int index; ElementState state; if ( _format.getOmitComments() ) return; state = content(); // Create the processing comment textual representation. // Make sure we don't have '-->' inside the comment. index = text.indexOf( "-->" ); if ( index >= 0 ) fStrBuffer.append( "<!--" ).append( text.substring( 0, index ) ).append( "-->" ); else fStrBuffer.append( "<!--" ).append( text ).append( "-->" ); // If before the root element (or after it), do not print // the comment directly but place it in the pre-root vector. if ( isDocumentState() ) { if ( _preRoot == null ) _preRoot = new ArrayList<>(); _preRoot.add( fStrBuffer.toString() ); } else { // Indent this element on a new line if the first // content of the parent element or immediately // following an element. if ( _indenting && ! state.preserveSpace) _printer.breakLine(); _printer.indent(); printText( fStrBuffer.toString(), true, true ); _printer.unindent(); if ( _indenting ) state.afterElement = true; } fStrBuffer.setLength(0); state.afterComment = true; state.afterElement = false; } public void startCDATA() { ElementState state; state = getElementState(); state.doCData = true; } public void endCDATA() { ElementState state; state = getElementState(); state.doCData = false; } public void startNonEscaping() { ElementState state; state = getElementState(); state.unescaped = true; } public void endNonEscaping() { ElementState state; state = getElementState(); state.unescaped = false; } public void startPreserving() { ElementState state; state = getElementState(); state.preserveSpace = true; } public void endPreserving() { ElementState state; state = getElementState(); state.preserveSpace = false; }
Called at the end of the document to wrap it up. Will flush the output stream and throw an exception if any I/O error occured while serializing.
  • SAXException – An I/O exception occured during serializing
/** * Called at the end of the document to wrap it up. * Will flush the output stream and throw an exception * if any I/O error occured while serializing. * * @throws SAXException An I/O exception occured during * serializing */
public void endDocument() throws SAXException { try { // Print all the elements accumulated outside of // the root element. serializePreRoot(); // Flush the output, this is necessary for fStrBuffered output. _printer.flush(); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void startEntity( String name ) { // ??? } public void endEntity( String name ) { // ??? } public void setDocumentLocator( Locator locator ) { // Nothing to do } //-----------------------------------------// // SAX content handler serializing methods // //-----------------------------------------// public void skippedEntity ( String name ) throws SAXException { try { endCDATA(); content(); _printer.printText( '&' ); _printer.printText( name ); _printer.printText( ';' ); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void startPrefixMapping( String prefix, String uri ) throws SAXException { if ( _prefixes == null ) _prefixes = new HashMap<>(); _prefixes.put( uri, prefix == null ? "" : prefix ); } public void endPrefixMapping( String prefix ) throws SAXException { } //------------------------------------------// // SAX DTD/Decl handler serializing methods // //------------------------------------------// public final void startDTD( String name, String publicId, String systemId ) throws SAXException { try { _printer.enterDTD(); _docTypePublicId = publicId; _docTypeSystemId = systemId; } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void endDTD() { // Nothing to do here, all the magic occurs in startDocument(String). } public void elementDecl( String name, String model ) throws SAXException { try { _printer.enterDTD(); _printer.printText( "<!ELEMENT " ); _printer.printText( name ); _printer.printText( ' ' ); _printer.printText( model ); _printer.printText( '>' ); if ( _indenting ) _printer.breakLine(); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void attributeDecl( String eName, String aName, String type, String valueDefault, String value ) throws SAXException { try { _printer.enterDTD(); _printer.printText( "<!ATTLIST " ); _printer.printText( eName ); _printer.printText( ' ' ); _printer.printText( aName ); _printer.printText( ' ' ); _printer.printText( type ); if ( valueDefault != null ) { _printer.printText( ' ' ); _printer.printText( valueDefault ); } if ( value != null ) { _printer.printText( " \"" ); printEscaped( value ); _printer.printText( '"' ); } _printer.printText( '>' ); if ( _indenting ) _printer.breakLine(); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void internalEntityDecl( String name, String value ) throws SAXException { try { _printer.enterDTD(); _printer.printText( "<!ENTITY " ); _printer.printText( name ); _printer.printText( " \"" ); printEscaped( value ); _printer.printText( "\">" ); if ( _indenting ) _printer.breakLine(); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void externalEntityDecl( String name, String publicId, String systemId ) throws SAXException { try { _printer.enterDTD(); unparsedEntityDecl( name, publicId, systemId, null ); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void unparsedEntityDecl( String name, String publicId, String systemId, String notationName ) throws SAXException { try { _printer.enterDTD(); if ( publicId == null ) { _printer.printText( "<!ENTITY " ); _printer.printText( name ); _printer.printText( " SYSTEM " ); printDoctypeURL( systemId ); } else { _printer.printText( "<!ENTITY " ); _printer.printText( name ); _printer.printText( " PUBLIC " ); printDoctypeURL( publicId ); _printer.printText( ' ' ); printDoctypeURL( systemId ); } if ( notationName != null ) { _printer.printText( " NDATA " ); _printer.printText( notationName ); } _printer.printText( '>' ); if ( _indenting ) _printer.breakLine(); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } public void notationDecl( String name, String publicId, String systemId ) throws SAXException { try { _printer.enterDTD(); if ( publicId != null ) { _printer.printText( "<!NOTATION " ); _printer.printText( name ); _printer.printText( " PUBLIC " ); printDoctypeURL( publicId ); if ( systemId != null ) { _printer.printText( ' ' ); printDoctypeURL( systemId ); } } else { _printer.printText( "<!NOTATION " ); _printer.printText( name ); _printer.printText( " SYSTEM " ); printDoctypeURL( systemId ); } _printer.printText( '>' ); if ( _indenting ) _printer.breakLine(); } catch ( IOException except ) { throw new SAXException( except ); } } //------------------------------------------// // Generic node serializing methods methods // //------------------------------------------//
Serialize the DOM node. This method is shared across XML, HTML and XHTML serializers and the differences are masked out in a separate serializeElement.
  • node – The node to serialize
  • IOException – An I/O exception occured while serializing
See Also:
/** * Serialize the DOM node. This method is shared across XML, HTML and XHTML * serializers and the differences are masked out in a separate {@link * #serializeElement}. * * @param node The node to serialize * @see #serializeElement * @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while * serializing */
@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") // by design at case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE protected void serializeNode( Node node ) throws IOException { fCurrentNode = node; // Based on the node type call the suitable SAX handler. // Only comments entities and documents which are not // handled by SAX are serialized directly. switch ( node.getNodeType() ) { case Node.TEXT_NODE : { String text; text = node.getNodeValue(); if ( text != null ) { if (fDOMFilter !=null && (fDOMFilter.getWhatToShow() & NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT)!= 0) { short code = fDOMFilter.acceptNode(node); switch (code) { case NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT: case NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP: { break; } default: { characters(text); } } } else if ( !_indenting || getElementState().preserveSpace || (text.replace('\n',' ').trim().length() != 0)) characters( text ); } break; } case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : { String text = node.getNodeValue(); if ((features & DOMSerializerImpl.CDATA) != 0) { if (text != null) { if (fDOMFilter != null && (fDOMFilter.getWhatToShow() & NodeFilter.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION) != 0) { short code = fDOMFilter.acceptNode(node); switch (code) { case NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT : case NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP : { // skip the CDATA node return; } default : { //fall through.. } } } startCDATA(); characters(text); endCDATA(); } } else { // transform into a text node characters(text); } break; } case Node.COMMENT_NODE : { String text; if ( ! _format.getOmitComments() ) { text = node.getNodeValue(); if ( text != null ) { if (fDOMFilter !=null && (fDOMFilter.getWhatToShow() & NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT)!= 0) { short code = fDOMFilter.acceptNode(node); switch (code) { case NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT: case NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP: { // skip the comment node return; } default: { // fall through } } } comment( text ); } } break; } case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : { Node child; endCDATA(); content(); if (((features & DOMSerializerImpl.ENTITIES) != 0) || (node.getFirstChild() == null)) { if (fDOMFilter !=null && (fDOMFilter.getWhatToShow() & NodeFilter.SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE)!= 0) { short code = fDOMFilter.acceptNode(node); switch (code) { case NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT:{ return; // remove the node } case NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP: { child = node.getFirstChild(); while ( child != null ) { serializeNode( child ); child = child.getNextSibling(); } return; } default: { // fall through } } } checkUnboundNamespacePrefixedNode(node); _printer.printText("&"); _printer.printText(node.getNodeName()); _printer.printText(";"); } else { child = node.getFirstChild(); while ( child != null ) { serializeNode( child ); child = child.getNextSibling(); } } break; } case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : { if (fDOMFilter !=null && (fDOMFilter.getWhatToShow() & NodeFilter.SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION)!= 0) { short code = fDOMFilter.acceptNode(node); switch (code) { case NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT: case NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP: { return; // skip this node } default: { // fall through } } } processingInstructionIO( node.getNodeName(), node.getNodeValue() ); break; } case Node.ELEMENT_NODE : { if (fDOMFilter !=null && (fDOMFilter.getWhatToShow() & NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT)!= 0) { short code = fDOMFilter.acceptNode(node); switch (code) { case NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT: { return; } case NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP: { Node child = node.getFirstChild(); while ( child != null ) { serializeNode( child ); child = child.getNextSibling(); } return; // skip this node } default: { // fall through } } } serializeElement( (Element) node ); break; } case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE : { DocumentType docType; serializeDocument(); // If there is a document type, use the SAX events to // serialize it. docType = ( (Document) node ).getDoctype(); if (docType != null) { // DOM Level 2 (or higher) try { String internal; _printer.enterDTD(); _docTypePublicId = docType.getPublicId(); _docTypeSystemId = docType.getSystemId(); internal = docType.getInternalSubset(); if ( internal != null && internal.length() > 0 ) _printer.printText( internal ); endDTD(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore _printer.enterDTD(); _docTypePublicId = null; _docTypeSystemId = null; endDTD(); } serializeDTD(docType.getName()); } _started = true; // !! Fall through } case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : { Node child; // By definition this will happen if the node is a document, // document fragment, etc. Just serialize its contents. It will // work well for other nodes that we do not know how to serialize. child = node.getFirstChild(); while ( child != null ) { serializeNode( child ); child = child.getNextSibling(); } break; } default: break; } } /* Serializes XML Declaration, according to 'xml-declaration' property. */ protected void serializeDocument()throws IOException { int i; String dtd = _printer.leaveDTD(); if (! _started) { if (! _format.getOmitXMLDeclaration()) { StringBuffer buffer; // Serialize the document declaration appreaing at the head // of very XML document (unless asked not to). buffer = new StringBuffer( "<?xml version=\"" ); if (_format.getVersion() != null) buffer.append( _format.getVersion() ); else buffer.append( "1.0" ); buffer.append( '"' ); String format_encoding = _format.getEncoding(); if (format_encoding != null) { buffer.append( " encoding=\"" ); buffer.append( format_encoding ); buffer.append( '"' ); } if (_format.getStandalone() && _docTypeSystemId == null && _docTypePublicId == null) buffer.append( " standalone=\"yes\"" ); buffer.append( "?>" ); _printer.printText( buffer ); _printer.breakLine(); } } // Always serialize these, even if not te first root element. serializePreRoot(); } /* Serializes DTD, if present. */ protected void serializeDTD(String name) throws IOException{ String dtd = _printer.leaveDTD(); if (! _format.getOmitDocumentType()) { if (_docTypeSystemId != null) { // System identifier must be specified to print DOCTYPE. // If public identifier is specified print 'PUBLIC // <public> <system>', if not, print 'SYSTEM <system>'. _printer.printText( "<!DOCTYPE " ); _printer.printText( name ); if (_docTypePublicId != null) { _printer.printText( " PUBLIC " ); printDoctypeURL( _docTypePublicId ); if (_indenting) { _printer.breakLine(); for (int i = 0 ; i < 18 + name.length() ; ++i) _printer.printText( " " ); } else _printer.printText( " " ); printDoctypeURL( _docTypeSystemId ); } else { _printer.printText( " SYSTEM " ); printDoctypeURL( _docTypeSystemId ); } // If we accumulated any DTD contents while printing. // this would be the place to print it. if (dtd != null && dtd.length() > 0) { _printer.printText( " [" ); printText( dtd, true, true ); _printer.printText( ']' ); } _printer.printText( ">" ); _printer.breakLine(); } else if (dtd != null && dtd.length() > 0) { _printer.printText( "<!DOCTYPE " ); _printer.printText( name ); _printer.printText( " [" ); printText( dtd, true, true ); _printer.printText( "]>" ); _printer.breakLine(); } } }
Must be called by a method about to print any type of content. If the element was just opened, the opening tag is closed and will be matched to a closing tag. Returns the current element state with empty and afterElement set to false.
  • IOException – An I/O exception occurred while serializing
Returns:The current element state
/** * Must be called by a method about to print any type of content. * If the element was just opened, the opening tag is closed and * will be matched to a closing tag. Returns the current element * state with <tt>empty</tt> and <tt>afterElement</tt> set to false. * * @return The current element state * @throws IOException An I/O exception occurred while * serializing */
protected ElementState content() throws IOException { ElementState state; state = getElementState(); if ( ! isDocumentState() ) { // Need to close CData section first if ( state.inCData && ! state.doCData ) { _printer.printText( "]]>" ); state.inCData = false; } // If this is the first content in the element, // change the state to not-empty and close the // opening element tag. if ( state.empty ) { _printer.printText( '>' ); state.empty = false; } // Except for one content type, all of them // are not last element. That one content // type will take care of itself. state.afterElement = false; // Except for one content type, all of them // are not last comment. That one content // type will take care of itself. state.afterComment = false; } return state; }
Called to print the text contents in the prevailing element format. Since this method is capable of printing text as CDATA, it is used for that purpose as well. White space handling is determined by the current element state. In addition, the output format can dictate whether the text is printed as CDATA or unescaped.
  • text – The text to print
  • IOException – An I/O exception occured while serializing
/** * Called to print the text contents in the prevailing element format. * Since this method is capable of printing text as CDATA, it is used * for that purpose as well. White space handling is determined by the * current element state. In addition, the output format can dictate * whether the text is printed as CDATA or unescaped. * * @param text The text to print * @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while * serializing */
protected void characters( String text ) throws IOException { ElementState state; state = content(); // Check if text should be print as CDATA section or unescaped // based on elements listed in the output format (the element // state) or whether we are inside a CDATA section or entity. if ( state.inCData || state.doCData ) { // Print a CDATA section. The text is not escaped, but ']]>' // appearing in the code must be identified and dealt with. // The contents of a text node is considered space preserving. if ( ! state.inCData ) { _printer.printText("<![CDATA["); state.inCData = true; } int saveIndent = _printer.getNextIndent(); _printer.setNextIndent( 0 ); printCDATAText( text); _printer.setNextIndent( saveIndent ); } else { int saveIndent; if ( state.preserveSpace ) { // If preserving space then hold of indentation so no // excessive spaces are printed at line breaks, escape // the text content without replacing spaces and print // the text breaking only at line breaks. saveIndent = _printer.getNextIndent(); _printer.setNextIndent( 0 ); printText( text, true, state.unescaped ); _printer.setNextIndent( saveIndent ); } else { printText( text, false, state.unescaped ); } } }
Returns the suitable entity reference for this character value, or null if no such entity exists. Calling this method with '&' will return "&amp;".
  • ch – Character value
Returns:Character entity name, or null
/** * Returns the suitable entity reference for this character value, * or null if no such entity exists. Calling this method with <tt>'&amp;'</tt> * will return <tt>"&amp;amp;"</tt>. * * @param ch Character value * @return Character entity name, or null */
protected abstract String getEntityRef( int ch );
Called to serializee the DOM element. The element is serialized based on the serializer's method (XML, HTML, XHTML).
  • elem – The element to serialize
  • IOException – An I/O exception occured while serializing
/** * Called to serializee the DOM element. The element is serialized based on * the serializer's method (XML, HTML, XHTML). * * @param elem The element to serialize * @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while * serializing */
protected abstract void serializeElement( Element elem ) throws IOException;
Comments and PIs cannot be serialized before the root element, because the root element serializes the document type, which generally comes first. Instead such PIs and comments are accumulated inside a vector and serialized by calling this method. Will be called when the root element is serialized and when the document finished serializing.
  • IOException – An I/O exception occured while serializing
/** * Comments and PIs cannot be serialized before the root element, * because the root element serializes the document type, which * generally comes first. Instead such PIs and comments are * accumulated inside a vector and serialized by calling this * method. Will be called when the root element is serialized * and when the document finished serializing. * * @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while * serializing */
protected void serializePreRoot() throws IOException { int i; if ( _preRoot != null ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < _preRoot.size() ; ++i ) { printText(_preRoot.get( i ), true, true ); if ( _indenting ) _printer.breakLine(); } _preRoot.clear(); } } //---------------------------------------------// // Text pretty printing and formatting methods // //---------------------------------------------// protected void printCDATAText( String text ) throws IOException { int length = text.length(); char ch; for ( int index = 0 ; index < length; ++index ) { ch = text.charAt( index ); if (ch == ']' && index + 2 < length && text.charAt(index + 1) == ']' && text.charAt(index + 2) == '>') { // check for ']]>' if (fDOMErrorHandler != null) { // REVISIT: this means that if DOM Error handler is not registered we don't report any // fatal errors and might serialize not wellformed document if ((features & DOMSerializerImpl.SPLITCDATA) == 0) { String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage( DOMMessageFormatter.SERIALIZER_DOMAIN, "EndingCDATA", null); if ((features & DOMSerializerImpl.WELLFORMED) != 0) { // issue fatal error modifyDOMError(msg, DOMError.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR, "wf-invalid-character", fCurrentNode); fDOMErrorHandler.handleError(fDOMError); throw new LSException(LSException.SERIALIZE_ERR, msg); } // issue error modifyDOMError(msg, DOMError.SEVERITY_ERROR, "cdata-section-not-splitted", fCurrentNode); if (!fDOMErrorHandler.handleError(fDOMError)) { throw new LSException(LSException.SERIALIZE_ERR, msg); } } else { // issue warning String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage( DOMMessageFormatter.SERIALIZER_DOMAIN, "SplittingCDATA", null); modifyDOMError( msg, DOMError.SEVERITY_WARNING, null, fCurrentNode); fDOMErrorHandler.handleError(fDOMError); } } // split CDATA section _printer.printText("]]]]><![CDATA[>"); index += 2; continue; } if (!XMLChar.isValid(ch)) { // check if it is surrogate if (++index <length) { surrogates(ch, text.charAt(index),true); } else { fatalError("The character '"+ch+"' is an invalid XML character"); } continue; } if ( ( ch >= ' ' && _encodingInfo.isPrintable(ch) && ch != 0x7F ) || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' ) { _printer.printText(ch); } else { // The character is not printable -- split CDATA section _printer.printText("]]>&#x"); _printer.printText(Integer.toHexString(ch)); _printer.printText(";<![CDATA["); } } } protected void surrogates(int high, int low, boolean inContent) throws IOException{ if (XMLChar.isHighSurrogate(high)) { if (!XMLChar.isLowSurrogate(low)) { //Invalid XML fatalError("The character '"+(char)low+"' is an invalid XML character"); } else { int supplemental = XMLChar.supplemental((char)high, (char)low); if (!XMLChar.isValid(supplemental)) { //Invalid XML fatalError("The character '"+(char)supplemental+"' is an invalid XML character"); } else { if (inContent && content().inCData) { _printer.printText("]]>&#x"); _printer.printText(Integer.toHexString(supplemental)); _printer.printText(";<![CDATA["); } else { printHex(supplemental); } } } } else { fatalError("The character '"+(char)high+"' is an invalid XML character"); } }
Called to print additional text with whitespace handling. If spaces are preserved, the text is printed as if by calling printText(String, boolean, boolean) with a call to Printer.breakLine for each new line. If spaces are not preserved, the text is broken at space boundaries if longer than the line width; Multiple spaces are printed as such, but spaces at beginning of line are removed.
  • chars – The text to print
  • start – The start offset
  • length – The number of characters
  • preserveSpace – Space preserving flag
  • unescaped – Print unescaped
/** * Called to print additional text with whitespace handling. * If spaces are preserved, the text is printed as if by calling * {@link #printText(String,boolean,boolean)} with a call to {@link Printer#breakLine} * for each new line. If spaces are not preserved, the text is * broken at space boundaries if longer than the line width; * Multiple spaces are printed as such, but spaces at beginning * of line are removed. * * @param chars The text to print * @param start The start offset * @param length The number of characters * @param preserveSpace Space preserving flag * @param unescaped Print unescaped */
protected void printText( char[] chars, int start, int length, boolean preserveSpace, boolean unescaped ) throws IOException { if ( preserveSpace ) { // Preserving spaces: the text must print exactly as it is, // without breaking when spaces appear in the text and without // consolidating spaces. If a line terminator is used, a line // break will occur. while ( length-- > 0 ) { char ch = chars[ start ]; ++start; if ( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || unescaped ) { _printer.printText( ch ); } else { printEscaped( ch ); } } } else { // Not preserving spaces: print one part at a time, and // use spaces between parts to break them into different // lines. Spaces at beginning of line will be stripped // by printing mechanism. Line terminator is treated // no different than other text part. while ( length-- > 0 ) { char ch = chars[ start ]; ++start; if ( ch == ' ' || ch == '\f' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ) { _printer.printSpace(); } else if ( unescaped ) { _printer.printText( ch ); } else { printEscaped( ch ); } } } } protected void printText( String text, boolean preserveSpace, boolean unescaped ) throws IOException { int index; char ch; if ( preserveSpace ) { // Preserving spaces: the text must print exactly as it is, // without breaking when spaces appear in the text and without // consolidating spaces. If a line terminator is used, a line // break will occur. for ( index = 0 ; index < text.length() ; ++index ) { ch = text.charAt( index ); if ( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || unescaped ) _printer.printText( ch ); else printEscaped( ch ); } } else { // Not preserving spaces: print one part at a time, and // use spaces between parts to break them into different // lines. Spaces at beginning of line will be stripped // by printing mechanism. Line terminator is treated // no different than other text part. for ( index = 0 ; index < text.length() ; ++index ) { ch = text.charAt( index ); if ( ch == ' ' || ch == '\f' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ) { _printer.printSpace(); } else if ( unescaped ) { _printer.printText( ch ); } else { printEscaped( ch ); } } } }
Print a document type public or system identifier URL. Encapsulates the URL in double quotes, escapes non-printing characters and print it equivalent to printText.
  • url – The document type url to print
/** * Print a document type public or system identifier URL. * Encapsulates the URL in double quotes, escapes non-printing * characters and print it equivalent to {@link #printText}. * * @param url The document type url to print */
protected void printDoctypeURL( String url ) throws IOException { int i; _printer.printText( '"' ); for( i = 0 ; i < url.length() ; ++i ) { if ( url.charAt( i ) == '"' || url.charAt( i ) < 0x20 || url.charAt( i ) > 0x7F ) { _printer.printText( '%' ); _printer.printText( Integer.toHexString( url.charAt( i ) ) ); } else _printer.printText( url.charAt( i ) ); } _printer.printText( '"' ); } protected void printEscaped( int ch ) throws IOException { String charRef; // If there is a suitable entity reference for this // character, print it. The list of available entity // references is almost but not identical between // XML and HTML. charRef = getEntityRef( ch ); if ( charRef != null ) { _printer.printText( '&' ); _printer.printText( charRef ); _printer.printText( ';' ); } else if ( ( ch >= ' ' && _encodingInfo.isPrintable((char)ch) && ch != 0x7F ) || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' ) { // Non printables are below ASCII space but not tab or line // terminator, ASCII delete, or above a certain Unicode threshold. if (ch < 0x10000) { _printer.printText((char)ch ); } else { _printer.printText((char)(((ch-0x10000)>>10)+0xd800)); _printer.printText((char)(((ch-0x10000)&0x3ff)+0xdc00)); } } else { printHex(ch); } }
Escapes chars
/** * Escapes chars */
final void printHex( int ch) throws IOException { _printer.printText( "&#x" ); _printer.printText(Integer.toHexString(ch)); _printer.printText( ';' ); }
Escapes a string so it may be printed as text content or attribute value. Non printable characters are escaped using character references. Where the format specifies a deault entity reference, that reference is used (e.g. &lt;).
  • source – The string to escape
/** * Escapes a string so it may be printed as text content or attribute * value. Non printable characters are escaped using character references. * Where the format specifies a deault entity reference, that reference * is used (e.g. <tt>&amp;lt;</tt>). * * @param source The string to escape */
protected void printEscaped( String source ) throws IOException { for ( int i = 0 ; i < source.length() ; ++i ) { int ch = source.charAt(i); if ((ch & 0xfc00) == 0xd800 && i+1 < source.length()) { int lowch = source.charAt(i+1); if ((lowch & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00) { ch = 0x10000 + ((ch-0xd800)<<10) + lowch-0xdc00; i++; } } printEscaped(ch); } } //--------------------------------// // Element state handling methods // //--------------------------------//
Return the state of the current element.
Returns:Current element state
/** * Return the state of the current element. * * @return Current element state */
protected ElementState getElementState() { return _elementStates[ _elementStateCount ]; }
Enter a new element state for the specified element. Tag name and space preserving is specified, element state is initially empty.
Returns:Current element state, or null
/** * Enter a new element state for the specified element. * Tag name and space preserving is specified, element * state is initially empty. * * @return Current element state, or null */
protected ElementState enterElementState( String namespaceURI, String localName, String rawName, boolean preserveSpace ) { ElementState state; if ( _elementStateCount + 1 == _elementStates.length ) { ElementState[] newStates; // Need to create a larger array of states. This does not happen // often, unless the document is really deep. newStates = new ElementState[ _elementStates.length + 10 ]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < _elementStates.length ; ++i ) newStates[ i ] = _elementStates[ i ]; for ( int i = _elementStates.length ; i < newStates.length ; ++i ) newStates[ i ] = new ElementState(); _elementStates = newStates; } ++_elementStateCount; state = _elementStates[ _elementStateCount ]; state.namespaceURI = namespaceURI; state.localName = localName; state.rawName = rawName; state.preserveSpace = preserveSpace; state.empty = true; state.afterElement = false; state.afterComment = false; state.doCData = state.inCData = false; state.unescaped = false; state.prefixes = _prefixes; _prefixes = null; return state; }
Leave the current element state and return to the state of the parent element. If this was the root element, return to the state of the document.
Returns:Previous element state
/** * Leave the current element state and return to the * state of the parent element. If this was the root * element, return to the state of the document. * * @return Previous element state */
protected ElementState leaveElementState() { if ( _elementStateCount > 0 ) { /*Corrected by David Blondeau (blondeau@intalio.com)*/ _prefixes = null; //_prefixes = _elementStates[ _elementStateCount ].prefixes; -- _elementStateCount; return _elementStates[ _elementStateCount ]; } String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.SERIALIZER_DOMAIN, "Internal", null); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); }
Returns true if in the state of the document. Returns true before entering any element and after leaving the root element.
Returns:True if in the state of the document
/** * Returns true if in the state of the document. * Returns true before entering any element and after * leaving the root element. * * @return True if in the state of the document */
protected boolean isDocumentState() { return _elementStateCount == 0; }
Clears document state.
/** Clears document state. **/
final void clearDocumentState() { _elementStateCount = 0; }
Returns the namespace prefix for the specified URI. If the URI has been mapped to a prefix, returns the prefix, otherwise returns null.
  • namespaceURI – The namespace URI
Returns:The namespace prefix if known, or null
/** * Returns the namespace prefix for the specified URI. * If the URI has been mapped to a prefix, returns the * prefix, otherwise returns null. * * @param namespaceURI The namespace URI * @return The namespace prefix if known, or null */
protected String getPrefix( String namespaceURI ) { String prefix; if ( _prefixes != null ) { prefix = _prefixes.get( namespaceURI ); if ( prefix != null ) return prefix; } if ( _elementStateCount == 0 ) { return null; } for ( int i = _elementStateCount ; i > 0 ; --i ) { if ( _elementStates[ i ].prefixes != null ) { prefix = _elementStates[ i ].prefixes.get( namespaceURI ); if ( prefix != null ) return prefix; } } return null; }
The method modifies global DOM error object
  • message –
  • severity –
  • type –
Returns:a DOMError
/** * The method modifies global DOM error object * * @param message * @param severity * @param type * @return a DOMError */
protected DOMError modifyDOMError(String message, short severity, String type, Node node){ fDOMError.reset(); fDOMError.fMessage = message; fDOMError.fType = type; fDOMError.fSeverity = severity; fDOMError.fLocator = new DOMLocatorImpl(-1, -1, -1, node, null); return fDOMError; } protected void fatalError(String message) throws IOException{ if (fDOMErrorHandler != null) { modifyDOMError(message, DOMError.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR, null, fCurrentNode); fDOMErrorHandler.handleError(fDOMError); } else { throw new IOException(message); } }
DOM level 3: Check a node to determine if it contains unbound namespace prefixes.
  • node – The node to check for unbound namespace prefices
/** * DOM level 3: * Check a node to determine if it contains unbound namespace prefixes. * * @param node The node to check for unbound namespace prefices */
protected void checkUnboundNamespacePrefixedNode (Node node) throws IOException{ } }