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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.ref.dom2dtm;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTM;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTMManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTMWSFilter;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBaseIterators;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.ref.DTMManagerDefault;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.ref.ExpandedNameTable;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.ref.IncrementalSAXSource;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.res.XMLErrorResources;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.res.XMLMessages;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.FastStringBuffer;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.QName;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.StringBufferPool;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.TreeWalker;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.XMLCharacterRecognizer;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.XMLString;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.XMLStringFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Entity;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;

The DOM2DTM class serves up a DOM's contents via the DTM API. Note that it doesn't necessarily represent a full Document tree. You can wrap a DOM2DTM around a specific node and its subtree and the right things should happen. (I don't _think_ we currently support DocumentFrgment nodes as roots, though that might be worth considering.) Note too that we do not currently attempt to track document mutation. If you alter the DOM after wrapping DOM2DTM around it, all bets are off.
@LastModified: Oct 2017
/** The <code>DOM2DTM</code> class serves up a DOM's contents via the * DTM API. * * Note that it doesn't necessarily represent a full Document * tree. You can wrap a DOM2DTM around a specific node and its subtree * and the right things should happen. (I don't _think_ we currently * support DocumentFrgment nodes as roots, though that might be worth * considering.) * * Note too that we do not currently attempt to track document * mutation. If you alter the DOM after wrapping DOM2DTM around it, * all bets are off. * * @LastModified: Oct 2017 */
public class DOM2DTM extends DTMDefaultBaseIterators { static final boolean JJK_DEBUG=false; static final boolean JJK_NEWCODE=true;
Manefest constant
/** Manefest constant */
static final String NAMESPACE_DECL_NS="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
The current position in the DOM tree. Last node examined for possible copying to DTM.
/** The current position in the DOM tree. Last node examined for * possible copying to DTM. */
transient private Node m_pos;
The current position in the DTM tree. Who children get appended to.
/** The current position in the DTM tree. Who children get appended to. */
private int m_last_parent=0;
The current position in the DTM tree. Who children reference as their previous sib.
/** The current position in the DTM tree. Who children reference as their * previous sib. */
private int m_last_kid=NULL;
The top of the subtree. %REVIEW%: 'may not be the same as m_context if "//foo" pattern.'
/** The top of the subtree. * %REVIEW%: 'may not be the same as m_context if "//foo" pattern.' * */
transient private Node m_root;
True iff the first element has been processed. This is used to control synthesis of the implied xml: namespace declaration node.
/** True iff the first element has been processed. This is used to control synthesis of the implied xml: namespace declaration node. */
boolean m_processedFirstElement=false;
true if ALL the nodes in the m_root subtree have been processed; false if our incremental build has not yet finished scanning the DOM tree.
/** true if ALL the nodes in the m_root subtree have been processed; * false if our incremental build has not yet finished scanning the * DOM tree. */
transient private boolean m_nodesAreProcessed;
The node objects. The instance part of the handle indexes directly into this vector. Each DTM node may actually be composed of several DOM nodes (for example, if logically-adjacent Text/CDATASection nodes in the DOM have been coalesced into a single DTM Text node); this table points only to the first in that sequence.
/** The node objects. The instance part of the handle indexes * directly into this vector. Each DTM node may actually be * composed of several DOM nodes (for example, if logically-adjacent * Text/CDATASection nodes in the DOM have been coalesced into a * single DTM Text node); this table points only to the first in * that sequence. */
protected List<Node> m_nodes = new ArrayList<>();
Construct a DOM2DTM object from a DOM node.
  • mgr – The DTMManager who owns this DTM.
  • domSource – the DOM source that this DTM will wrap.
  • dtmIdentity – The DTM identity ID for this DTM.
  • whiteSpaceFilter – The white space filter for this DTM, which may be null.
  • xstringfactory – XMLString factory for creating character content.
  • doIndexing – true if the caller considers it worth it to use indexing schemes.
/** * Construct a DOM2DTM object from a DOM node. * * @param mgr The DTMManager who owns this DTM. * @param domSource the DOM source that this DTM will wrap. * @param dtmIdentity The DTM identity ID for this DTM. * @param whiteSpaceFilter The white space filter for this DTM, which may * be null. * @param xstringfactory XMLString factory for creating character content. * @param doIndexing true if the caller considers it worth it to use * indexing schemes. */
public DOM2DTM(DTMManager mgr, DOMSource domSource, int dtmIdentity, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, XMLStringFactory xstringfactory, boolean doIndexing) { super(mgr, domSource, dtmIdentity, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringfactory, doIndexing); // Initialize DOM navigation m_pos=m_root = domSource.getNode(); // Initialize DTM navigation m_last_parent=m_last_kid=NULL; m_last_kid=addNode(m_root, m_last_parent,m_last_kid, NULL); // Apparently the domSource root may not actually be the // Document node. If it's an Element node, we need to immediately // add its attributes. Adapted from nextNode(). // %REVIEW% Move this logic into addNode and recurse? Cleaner! // // (If it's an EntityReference node, we're probably scrod. For now // I'm just hoping nobody is ever quite that foolish... %REVIEW%) // // %ISSUE% What about inherited namespaces in this case? // Do we need to special-case initialize them into the DTM model? if(ELEMENT_NODE == m_root.getNodeType()) { NamedNodeMap attrs=m_root.getAttributes(); int attrsize=(attrs==null) ? 0 : attrs.getLength(); if(attrsize>0) { int attrIndex=NULL; // start with no previous sib for(int i=0;i<attrsize;++i) { // No need to force nodetype in this case; // addNode() will take care of switching it from // Attr to Namespace if necessary. attrIndex=addNode(attrs.item(i),0,attrIndex,NULL); m_firstch.setElementAt(DTM.NULL,attrIndex); } // Terminate list of attrs, and make sure they aren't // considered children of the element m_nextsib.setElementAt(DTM.NULL,attrIndex); // IMPORTANT: This does NOT change m_last_parent or m_last_kid! } // if attrs exist } //if(ELEMENT_NODE) // Initialize DTM-completed status m_nodesAreProcessed = false; }
Construct the node map from the node.
  • node – The node that is to be added to the DTM.
  • parentIndex – The current parent index.
  • previousSibling – The previous sibling index.
  • forceNodeType – If not DTM.NULL, overrides the DOM node type. Used to force nodes to Text rather than CDATASection when their coalesced value includes ordinary Text nodes (current DTM behavior).
Returns:The index identity of the node that was added.
/** * Construct the node map from the node. * * @param node The node that is to be added to the DTM. * @param parentIndex The current parent index. * @param previousSibling The previous sibling index. * @param forceNodeType If not DTM.NULL, overrides the DOM node type. * Used to force nodes to Text rather than CDATASection when their * coalesced value includes ordinary Text nodes (current DTM behavior). * * @return The index identity of the node that was added. */
protected int addNode(Node node, int parentIndex, int previousSibling, int forceNodeType) { int nodeIndex = m_nodes.size(); // Have we overflowed a DTM Identity's addressing range? if(m_dtmIdent.size() == (nodeIndex>>>DTMManager.IDENT_DTM_NODE_BITS)) { try { if(m_mgr==null) throw new ClassCastException(); // Handle as Extended Addressing DTMManagerDefault mgrD=(DTMManagerDefault)m_mgr; int id=mgrD.getFirstFreeDTMID(); mgrD.addDTM(this,id,nodeIndex); m_dtmIdent.addElement(id<<DTMManager.IDENT_DTM_NODE_BITS); } catch(ClassCastException e) { // %REVIEW% Wrong error message, but I've been told we're trying // not to add messages right not for I18N reasons. // %REVIEW% Should this be a Fatal Error? error(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_NO_DTMIDS_AVAIL, null));//"No more DTM IDs are available"; } } m_size++; // ensureSize(nodeIndex); int type; if(NULL==forceNodeType) type = node.getNodeType(); else type=forceNodeType; // %REVIEW% The Namespace Spec currently says that Namespaces are // processed in a non-namespace-aware manner, by matching the // QName, even though there is in fact a namespace assigned to // these nodes in the DOM. If and when that changes, we will have // to consider whether we check the namespace-for-namespaces // rather than the node name. // // %TBD% Note that the DOM does not necessarily explicitly declare // all the namespaces it uses. DOM Level 3 will introduce a // namespace-normalization operation which reconciles that, and we // can request that users invoke it or otherwise ensure that the // tree is namespace-well-formed before passing the DOM to Xalan. // But if they don't, what should we do about it? We probably // don't want to alter the source DOM (and may not be able to do // so if it's read-only). The best available answer might be to // synthesize additional DTM Namespace Nodes that don't correspond // to DOM Attr Nodes. if (Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE == type) { String name = node.getNodeName(); if (name.startsWith("xmlns:") || name.equals("xmlns")) { type = DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE; } } m_nodes.add(node); m_firstch.setElementAt(NOTPROCESSED,nodeIndex); m_nextsib.setElementAt(NOTPROCESSED,nodeIndex); m_prevsib.setElementAt(previousSibling,nodeIndex); m_parent.setElementAt(parentIndex,nodeIndex); if(DTM.NULL != parentIndex && type != DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE && type != DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE) { // If the DTM parent had no children, this becomes its first child. if(NOTPROCESSED == m_firstch.elementAt(parentIndex)) m_firstch.setElementAt(nodeIndex,parentIndex); } String nsURI = node.getNamespaceURI(); // Deal with the difference between Namespace spec and XSLT // definitions of local name. (The former says PIs don't have // localnames; the latter says they do.) String localName = (type == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) ? node.getNodeName() : node.getLocalName(); // Hack to make DOM1 sort of work... if(((type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) || (type == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE)) && null == localName) localName = node.getNodeName(); // -sb ExpandedNameTable exnt = m_expandedNameTable; // %TBD% Nodes created with the old non-namespace-aware DOM // calls createElement() and createAttribute() will never have a // localname. That will cause their expandedNameID to be just the // nodeType... which will keep them from being matched // successfully by name. Since the DOM makes no promise that // those will participate in namespace processing, this is // officially accepted as Not Our Fault. But it might be nice to // issue a diagnostic message! if(node.getLocalName()==null && (type==Node.ELEMENT_NODE || type==Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE)) { // warning("DOM 'level 1' node "+node.getNodeName()+" won't be mapped properly in DOM2DTM."); } int expandedNameID = (null != localName) ? exnt.getExpandedTypeID(nsURI, localName, type) : exnt.getExpandedTypeID(type); m_exptype.setElementAt(expandedNameID,nodeIndex); indexNode(expandedNameID, nodeIndex); if (DTM.NULL != previousSibling) m_nextsib.setElementAt(nodeIndex,previousSibling); // This should be done after m_exptype has been set, and probably should // always be the last thing we do if (type == DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE) declareNamespaceInContext(parentIndex,nodeIndex); return nodeIndex; }
Get the number of nodes that have been added.
/** * Get the number of nodes that have been added. */
public int getNumberOfNodes() { return m_nodes.size(); }
This method iterates to the next node that will be added to the table. Each call to this method adds a new node to the table, unless the end is reached, in which case it returns null.
Returns:The true if a next node is found or false if there are no more nodes.
/** * This method iterates to the next node that will be added to the table. * Each call to this method adds a new node to the table, unless the end * is reached, in which case it returns null. * * @return The true if a next node is found or false if * there are no more nodes. */
protected boolean nextNode() { // Non-recursive one-fetch-at-a-time depth-first traversal with // attribute/namespace nodes and white-space stripping. // Navigating the DOM is simple, navigating the DTM is simple; // keeping track of both at once is a trifle baroque but at least // we've avoided most of the special cases. if (m_nodesAreProcessed) return false; // %REVIEW% Is this local copy Really Useful from a performance // point of view? Or is this a false microoptimization? Node pos=m_pos; Node next=null; int nexttype=NULL; // Navigate DOM tree do { // Look down to first child. if (pos.hasChildNodes()) { next = pos.getFirstChild(); // %REVIEW% There's probably a more elegant way to skip // the doctype. (Just let it go and Suppress it? if(next!=null && DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE==next.getNodeType()) next=next.getNextSibling(); // Push DTM context -- except for children of Entity References, // which have no DTM equivalent and cause no DTM navigation. if(ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE!=pos.getNodeType()) { m_last_parent=m_last_kid; m_last_kid=NULL; // Whitespace-handler context stacking if(null != m_wsfilter) { short wsv = m_wsfilter.getShouldStripSpace(makeNodeHandle(m_last_parent),this); boolean shouldStrip = (DTMWSFilter.INHERIT == wsv) ? getShouldStripWhitespace() : (DTMWSFilter.STRIP == wsv); pushShouldStripWhitespace(shouldStrip); } // if(m_wsfilter) } } // If that fails, look up and right (but not past root!) else { if(m_last_kid!=NULL) { // Last node posted at this level had no more children // If it has _no_ children, we need to record that. if(m_firstch.elementAt(m_last_kid)==NOTPROCESSED) m_firstch.setElementAt(NULL,m_last_kid); } while(m_last_parent != NULL) { // %REVIEW% There's probably a more elegant way to // skip the doctype. (Just let it go and Suppress it? next = pos.getNextSibling(); if(next!=null && DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE==next.getNodeType()) next=next.getNextSibling(); if(next!=null) break; // Found it! // No next-sibling found. Pop the DOM. pos=pos.getParentNode(); if(pos==null) { // %TBD% Should never arise, but I want to be sure of that... if(JJK_DEBUG) { System.out.println("***** DOM2DTM Pop Control Flow problem"); for(;;); // Freeze right here! } } // The only parents in the DTM are Elements. However, // the DOM could contain EntityReferences. If we // encounter one, pop it _without_ popping DTM. if(pos!=null && ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE == pos.getNodeType()) { // Nothing needs doing if(JJK_DEBUG) System.out.println("***** DOM2DTM popping EntRef"); } else { popShouldStripWhitespace(); // Fix and pop DTM if(m_last_kid==NULL) m_firstch.setElementAt(NULL,m_last_parent); // Popping from an element else m_nextsib.setElementAt(NULL,m_last_kid); // Popping from anything else m_last_parent=m_parent.elementAt(m_last_kid=m_last_parent); } } if(m_last_parent==NULL) next=null; } if(next!=null) nexttype=next.getNodeType(); // If it's an entity ref, advance past it. // // %REVIEW% Should we let this out the door and just suppress it? // More work, but simpler code, more likely to be correct, and // it doesn't happen very often. We'd get rid of the loop too. if (ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE == nexttype) pos=next; } while (ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE == nexttype); // Did we run out of the tree? if(next==null) { m_nextsib.setElementAt(NULL,0); m_nodesAreProcessed = true; m_pos=null; if(JJK_DEBUG) { System.out.println("***** DOM2DTM Crosscheck:"); for(int i=0;i<m_nodes.size();++i) System.out.println(i+":\t"+m_firstch.elementAt(i)+"\t"+m_nextsib.elementAt(i)); } return false; } // Text needs some special handling: // // DTM may skip whitespace. This is handled by the suppressNode flag, which // when true will keep the DTM node from being created. // // DTM only directly records the first DOM node of any logically-contiguous // sequence. The lastTextNode value will be set to the last node in the // contiguous sequence, and -- AFTER the DTM addNode -- can be used to // advance next over this whole block. Should be simpler than special-casing // the above loop for "Was the logically-preceeding sibling a text node". // // Finally, a DTM node should be considered a CDATASection only if all the // contiguous text it covers is CDATASections. The first Text should // force DTM to Text. boolean suppressNode=false; Node lastTextNode=null; nexttype=next.getNodeType(); // nexttype=pos.getNodeType(); if(TEXT_NODE == nexttype || CDATA_SECTION_NODE == nexttype) { // If filtering, initially assume we're going to suppress the node suppressNode=((null != m_wsfilter) && getShouldStripWhitespace()); // Scan logically contiguous text (siblings, plus "flattening" // of entity reference boundaries). Node n=next; while(n!=null) { lastTextNode=n; // Any Text node means DTM considers it all Text if(TEXT_NODE == n.getNodeType()) nexttype=TEXT_NODE; // Any non-whitespace in this sequence blocks whitespace // suppression suppressNode &= XMLCharacterRecognizer.isWhiteSpace(n.getNodeValue()); n=logicalNextDOMTextNode(n); } } // Special handling for PIs: Some DOMs represent the XML // Declaration as a PI. This is officially incorrect, per the DOM // spec, but is considered a "wrong but tolerable" temporary // workaround pending proper handling of these fields in DOM Level // 3. We want to recognize and reject that case. else if(PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE==nexttype) { suppressNode = (pos.getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("xml")); } if(!suppressNode) { // Inserting next. NOTE that we force the node type; for // coalesced Text, this records CDATASections adjacent to // ordinary Text as Text. int nextindex=addNode(next,m_last_parent,m_last_kid, nexttype); m_last_kid=nextindex; if(ELEMENT_NODE == nexttype) { int attrIndex=NULL; // start with no previous sib // Process attributes _now_, rather than waiting. // Simpler control flow, makes NS cache available immediately. NamedNodeMap attrs=next.getAttributes(); int attrsize=(attrs==null) ? 0 : attrs.getLength(); if(attrsize>0) { for(int i=0;i<attrsize;++i) { // No need to force nodetype in this case; // addNode() will take care of switching it from // Attr to Namespace if necessary. attrIndex=addNode(attrs.item(i), nextindex,attrIndex,NULL); m_firstch.setElementAt(DTM.NULL,attrIndex); // If the xml: prefix is explicitly declared // we don't need to synthesize one. // // NOTE that XML Namespaces were not originally // defined as being namespace-aware (grrr), and // while the W3C is planning to fix this it's // safer for now to test the QName and trust the // parsers to prevent anyone from redefining the // reserved xmlns: prefix if(!m_processedFirstElement && "xmlns:xml".equals(attrs.item(i).getNodeName())) m_processedFirstElement=true; } // Terminate list of attrs, and make sure they aren't // considered children of the element } // if attrs exist if(!m_processedFirstElement) { // The DOM might not have an explicit declaration for the // implicit "xml:" prefix, but the XPath data model // requires that this appear as a Namespace Node so we // have to synthesize one. You can think of this as // being a default attribute defined by the XML // Namespaces spec rather than by the DTD. attrIndex=addNode(new DOM2DTMdefaultNamespaceDeclarationNode( (Element)next,"xml",NAMESPACE_DECL_NS, makeNodeHandle(((attrIndex==NULL)?nextindex:attrIndex)+1) ), nextindex,attrIndex,NULL); m_firstch.setElementAt(DTM.NULL,attrIndex); m_processedFirstElement=true; } if(attrIndex!=NULL) m_nextsib.setElementAt(DTM.NULL,attrIndex); } //if(ELEMENT_NODE) } // (if !suppressNode) // Text postprocessing: Act on values stored above if(TEXT_NODE == nexttype || CDATA_SECTION_NODE == nexttype) { // %TBD% If nexttype was forced to TEXT, patch the DTM node next=lastTextNode; // Advance the DOM cursor over contiguous text } // Remember where we left off. m_pos=next; return true; }
Return an DOM node for the given node.
  • nodeHandle – The node ID.
Returns:A node representation of the DTM node.
/** * Return an DOM node for the given node. * * @param nodeHandle The node ID. * * @return A node representation of the DTM node. */
public Node getNode(int nodeHandle) { int identity = makeNodeIdentity(nodeHandle); return m_nodes.get(identity); }
Get a Node from an identity index. NEEDSDOC @param nodeIdentity NEEDSDOC ($objectName$) @return
/** * Get a Node from an identity index. * * NEEDSDOC @param nodeIdentity * * NEEDSDOC ($objectName$) @return */
protected Node lookupNode(int nodeIdentity) { return m_nodes.get(nodeIdentity); }
Get the next node identity value in the list, and call the iterator if it hasn't been added yet.
  • identity – The node identity (index).
Returns:identity+1, or DTM.NULL.
/** * Get the next node identity value in the list, and call the iterator * if it hasn't been added yet. * * @param identity The node identity (index). * @return identity+1, or DTM.NULL. */
protected int getNextNodeIdentity(int identity) { identity += 1; if (identity >= m_nodes.size()) { if (!nextNode()) identity = DTM.NULL; } return identity; }
Get the handle from a Node.

%OPT% This will be pretty slow.

%OPT% An XPath-like search (walk up DOM to root, tracking path; walk down DTM reconstructing path) might be considerably faster on later nodes in large documents. That might also imply improving this call to handle nodes which would be in this DTM but have not yet been built, which might or might not be a Good Thing.

%REVIEW% This relies on being able to test node-identity via object-identity. DTM2DOM proxying is a great example of a case where that doesn't work. DOM Level 3 will provide the isSameNode() method to fix that, but until then this is going to be flaky.
  • node – A node, which may be null.
Returns:The node handle or DTM.NULL.
/** * Get the handle from a Node. * <p>%OPT% This will be pretty slow.</p> * * <p>%OPT% An XPath-like search (walk up DOM to root, tracking path; * walk down DTM reconstructing path) might be considerably faster * on later nodes in large documents. That might also imply improving * this call to handle nodes which would be in this DTM but * have not yet been built, which might or might not be a Good Thing.</p> * * %REVIEW% This relies on being able to test node-identity via * object-identity. DTM2DOM proxying is a great example of a case where * that doesn't work. DOM Level 3 will provide the isSameNode() method * to fix that, but until then this is going to be flaky. * * @param node A node, which may be null. * * @return The node handle or <code>DTM.NULL</code>. */
private int getHandleFromNode(Node node) { if (null != node) { int len = m_nodes.size(); boolean isMore; int i = 0; do { for (; i < len; i++) { if (m_nodes.get(i) == node) return makeNodeHandle(i); } isMore = nextNode(); len = m_nodes.size(); } while(isMore || i < len); } return DTM.NULL; }
Get the handle from a Node. This is a more robust version of getHandleFromNode, intended to be usable by the public.

%OPT% This will be pretty slow.

%REVIEW% This relies on being able to test node-identity via object-identity. DTM2DOM proxying is a great example of a case where that doesn't work. DOM Level 3 will provide the isSameNode() method to fix that, but until then this is going to be flaky.
  • node – A node, which may be null.
Returns:The node handle or DTM.NULL.
/** Get the handle from a Node. This is a more robust version of * getHandleFromNode, intended to be usable by the public. * * <p>%OPT% This will be pretty slow.</p> * * %REVIEW% This relies on being able to test node-identity via * object-identity. DTM2DOM proxying is a great example of a case where * that doesn't work. DOM Level 3 will provide the isSameNode() method * to fix that, but until then this is going to be flaky. * * @param node A node, which may be null. * * @return The node handle or <code>DTM.NULL</code>. */
public int getHandleOfNode(Node node) { if (null != node) { // Is Node actually within the same document? If not, don't search! // This would be easier if m_root was always the Document node, but // we decided to allow wrapping a DTM around a subtree. if((m_root==node) || (m_root.getNodeType()==DOCUMENT_NODE && m_root==node.getOwnerDocument()) || (m_root.getNodeType()!=DOCUMENT_NODE && m_root.getOwnerDocument()==node.getOwnerDocument()) ) { // If node _is_ in m_root's tree, find its handle // // %OPT% This check may be improved significantly when DOM // Level 3 nodeKey and relative-order tests become // available! for(Node cursor=node; cursor!=null; cursor= (cursor.getNodeType()!=ATTRIBUTE_NODE) ? cursor.getParentNode() : ((org.w3c.dom.Attr)cursor).getOwnerElement()) { if(cursor==m_root) // We know this node; find its handle. return getHandleFromNode(node); } // for ancestors of node } // if node and m_root in same Document } // if node!=null return DTM.NULL; }
Retrieves an attribute node by by qualified name and namespace URI.
  • nodeHandle – int Handle of the node upon which to look up this attribute..
  • namespaceURI – The namespace URI of the attribute to retrieve, or null.
  • name – The local name of the attribute to retrieve.
Returns:The attribute node handle with the specified name ( nodeName) or DTM.NULL if there is no such attribute.
/** * Retrieves an attribute node by by qualified name and namespace URI. * * @param nodeHandle int Handle of the node upon which to look up this attribute.. * @param namespaceURI The namespace URI of the attribute to * retrieve, or null. * @param name The local name of the attribute to * retrieve. * @return The attribute node handle with the specified name ( * <code>nodeName</code>) or <code>DTM.NULL</code> if there is no such * attribute. */
public int getAttributeNode(int nodeHandle, String namespaceURI, String name) { // %OPT% This is probably slower than it needs to be. if (null == namespaceURI) namespaceURI = ""; int type = getNodeType(nodeHandle); if (DTM.ELEMENT_NODE == type) { // Assume that attributes immediately follow the element. int identity = makeNodeIdentity(nodeHandle); while (DTM.NULL != (identity = getNextNodeIdentity(identity))) { // Assume this can not be null. type = _type(identity); // %REVIEW% // Should namespace nodes be retrievable DOM-style as attrs? // If not we need a separate function... which may be desirable // architecturally, but which is ugly from a code point of view. // (If we REALLY insist on it, this code should become a subroutine // of both -- retrieve the node, then test if the type matches // what you're looking for.) if (type == DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE || type==DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE) { Node node = lookupNode(identity); String nodeuri = node.getNamespaceURI(); if (null == nodeuri) nodeuri = ""; String nodelocalname = node.getLocalName(); if (nodeuri.equals(namespaceURI) && name.equals(nodelocalname)) return makeNodeHandle(identity); } else // if (DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE != type) { break; } } } return DTM.NULL; }
Get the string-value of a node as a String object (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#data-model for the definition of a node's string-value).
  • nodeHandle – The node ID.
Returns:A string object that represents the string-value of the given node.
/** * Get the string-value of a node as a String object * (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#data-model * for the definition of a node's string-value). * * @param nodeHandle The node ID. * * @return A string object that represents the string-value of the given node. */
public XMLString getStringValue(int nodeHandle) { int type = getNodeType(nodeHandle); Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); // %TBD% If an element only has one text node, we should just use it // directly. if(DTM.ELEMENT_NODE == type || DTM.DOCUMENT_NODE == type || DTM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE == type) { FastStringBuffer buf = StringBufferPool.get(); String s; try { getNodeData(node, buf); s = (buf.length() > 0) ? buf.toString() : ""; } finally { StringBufferPool.free(buf); } return m_xstrf.newstr( s ); } else if(TEXT_NODE == type || CDATA_SECTION_NODE == type) { // If this is a DTM text node, it may be made of multiple DOM text // nodes -- including navigating into Entity References. DOM2DTM // records the first node in the sequence and requires that we // pick up the others when we retrieve the DTM node's value. // // %REVIEW% DOM Level 3 is expected to add a "whole text" // retrieval method which performs this function for us. FastStringBuffer buf = StringBufferPool.get(); while(node!=null) { buf.append(node.getNodeValue()); node=logicalNextDOMTextNode(node); } String s=(buf.length() > 0) ? buf.toString() : ""; StringBufferPool.free(buf); return m_xstrf.newstr( s ); } else return m_xstrf.newstr( node.getNodeValue() ); }
Determine if the string-value of a node is whitespace
  • nodeHandle – The node Handle.
Returns:Return true if the given node is whitespace.
/** * Determine if the string-value of a node is whitespace * * @param nodeHandle The node Handle. * * @return Return true if the given node is whitespace. */
public boolean isWhitespace(int nodeHandle) { int type = getNodeType(nodeHandle); Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); if(TEXT_NODE == type || CDATA_SECTION_NODE == type) { // If this is a DTM text node, it may be made of multiple DOM text // nodes -- including navigating into Entity References. DOM2DTM // records the first node in the sequence and requires that we // pick up the others when we retrieve the DTM node's value. // // %REVIEW% DOM Level 3 is expected to add a "whole text" // retrieval method which performs this function for us. FastStringBuffer buf = StringBufferPool.get(); while(node!=null) { buf.append(node.getNodeValue()); node=logicalNextDOMTextNode(node); } boolean b = buf.isWhitespace(0, buf.length()); StringBufferPool.free(buf); return b; } return false; }
Retrieve the text content of a DOM subtree, appending it into a user-supplied FastStringBuffer object. Note that attributes are not considered part of the content of an element.

There are open questions regarding whitespace stripping. Currently we make no special effort in that regard, since the standard DOM doesn't yet provide DTD-based information to distinguish whitespace-in-element-context from genuine #PCDATA. Note that we should probably also consider xml:space if/when we address this. DOM Level 3 may solve the problem for us.

%REVIEW% Actually, since this method operates on the DOM side of the fence rather than the DTM side, it SHOULDN'T do any special handling. The DOM does what the DOM does; if you want DTM-level abstractions, use DTM-level methods.

  • node – Node whose subtree is to be walked, gathering the contents of all Text or CDATASection nodes.
  • buf – FastStringBuffer into which the contents of the text nodes are to be concatenated.
/** * Retrieve the text content of a DOM subtree, appending it into a * user-supplied FastStringBuffer object. Note that attributes are * not considered part of the content of an element. * <p> * There are open questions regarding whitespace stripping. * Currently we make no special effort in that regard, since the standard * DOM doesn't yet provide DTD-based information to distinguish * whitespace-in-element-context from genuine #PCDATA. Note that we * should probably also consider xml:space if/when we address this. * DOM Level 3 may solve the problem for us. * <p> * %REVIEW% Actually, since this method operates on the DOM side of the * fence rather than the DTM side, it SHOULDN'T do * any special handling. The DOM does what the DOM does; if you want * DTM-level abstractions, use DTM-level methods. * * @param node Node whose subtree is to be walked, gathering the * contents of all Text or CDATASection nodes. * @param buf FastStringBuffer into which the contents of the text * nodes are to be concatenated. */
protected static void getNodeData(Node node, FastStringBuffer buf) { switch (node.getNodeType()) { case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE : case Node.ELEMENT_NODE : { for (Node child = node.getFirstChild(); null != child; child = child.getNextSibling()) { getNodeData(child, buf); } } break; case Node.TEXT_NODE : case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : // Never a child but might be our starting node buf.append(node.getNodeValue()); break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : // warning(XPATHErrorResources.WG_PARSING_AND_PREPARING); break; default : // ignore break; } }
Given a node handle, return its DOM-style node name. This will include names such as #text or #document.
  • nodeHandle – the id of the node.
Returns:String Name of this node, which may be an empty string. %REVIEW% Document when empty string is possible... %REVIEW-COMMENT% It should never be empty, should it?
/** * Given a node handle, return its DOM-style node name. This will * include names such as #text or #document. * * @param nodeHandle the id of the node. * @return String Name of this node, which may be an empty string. * %REVIEW% Document when empty string is possible... * %REVIEW-COMMENT% It should never be empty, should it? */
public String getNodeName(int nodeHandle) { Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); // Assume non-null. return node.getNodeName(); }
Given a node handle, return the XPath node name. This should be the name as described by the XPath data model, NOT the DOM-style name.
  • nodeHandle – the id of the node.
Returns:String Name of this node, which may be an empty string.
/** * Given a node handle, return the XPath node name. This should be * the name as described by the XPath data model, NOT the DOM-style * name. * * @param nodeHandle the id of the node. * @return String Name of this node, which may be an empty string. */
public String getNodeNameX(int nodeHandle) { String name; short type = getNodeType(nodeHandle); switch (type) { case DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE : { Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); // assume not null. name = node.getNodeName(); if(name.startsWith("xmlns:")) { name = QName.getLocalPart(name); } else if(name.equals("xmlns")) { name = ""; } } break; case DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : case DTM.ELEMENT_NODE : case DTM.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : case DTM.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : { Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); // assume not null. name = node.getNodeName(); } break; default : name = ""; } return name; }
Given a node handle, return its XPath-style localname. (As defined in Namespaces, this is the portion of the name after any colon character).
  • nodeHandle – the id of the node.
Returns:String Local name of this node.
/** * Given a node handle, return its XPath-style localname. * (As defined in Namespaces, this is the portion of the name after any * colon character). * * @param nodeHandle the id of the node. * @return String Local name of this node. */
public String getLocalName(int nodeHandle) { if(JJK_NEWCODE) { int id=makeNodeIdentity(nodeHandle); if(NULL==id) return null; Node newnode=m_nodes.get(id); String newname=newnode.getLocalName(); if (null == newname) { // XSLT treats PIs, and possibly other things, as having QNames. String qname = newnode.getNodeName(); if('#'==qname.charAt(0)) { // Match old default for this function // This conversion may or may not be necessary newname=""; } else { int index = qname.indexOf(':'); newname = (index < 0) ? qname : qname.substring(index + 1); } } return newname; } else { String name; short type = getNodeType(nodeHandle); switch (type) { case DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : case DTM.ELEMENT_NODE : case DTM.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : case DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE : case DTM.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : { Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); // assume not null. name = node.getLocalName(); if (null == name) { String qname = node.getNodeName(); int index = qname.indexOf(':'); name = (index < 0) ? qname : qname.substring(index + 1); } } break; default : name = ""; } return name; } }
Given a namespace handle, return the prefix that the namespace decl is mapping. Given a node handle, return the prefix used to map to the namespace.

%REVIEW% Are you sure you want "" for no prefix?

%REVIEW-COMMENT% I think so... not totally sure. -sb

  • nodeHandle – the id of the node.
Returns:String prefix of this node's name, or "" if no explicit namespace prefix was given.
/** * Given a namespace handle, return the prefix that the namespace decl is * mapping. * Given a node handle, return the prefix used to map to the namespace. * * <p> %REVIEW% Are you sure you want "" for no prefix? </p> * <p> %REVIEW-COMMENT% I think so... not totally sure. -sb </p> * * @param nodeHandle the id of the node. * @return String prefix of this node's name, or "" if no explicit * namespace prefix was given. */
public String getPrefix(int nodeHandle) { String prefix; short type = getNodeType(nodeHandle); switch (type) { case DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE : { Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); // assume not null. String qname = node.getNodeName(); int index = qname.indexOf(':'); prefix = (index < 0) ? "" : qname.substring(index + 1); } break; case DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : case DTM.ELEMENT_NODE : { Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); // assume not null. String qname = node.getNodeName(); int index = qname.indexOf(':'); prefix = (index < 0) ? "" : qname.substring(0, index); } break; default : prefix = ""; } return prefix; }
Given a node handle, return its DOM-style namespace URI (As defined in Namespaces, this is the declared URI which this node's prefix -- or default in lieu thereof -- was mapped to.)

%REVIEW% Null or ""? -sb

  • nodeHandle – the id of the node.
Returns:String URI value of this node's namespace, or null if no namespace was resolved.
/** * Given a node handle, return its DOM-style namespace URI * (As defined in Namespaces, this is the declared URI which this node's * prefix -- or default in lieu thereof -- was mapped to.) * * <p>%REVIEW% Null or ""? -sb</p> * * @param nodeHandle the id of the node. * @return String URI value of this node's namespace, or null if no * namespace was resolved. */
public String getNamespaceURI(int nodeHandle) { if(JJK_NEWCODE) { int id=makeNodeIdentity(nodeHandle); if(id==NULL) return null; Node node=m_nodes.get(id); return node.getNamespaceURI(); } else { String nsuri; short type = getNodeType(nodeHandle); switch (type) { case DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : case DTM.ELEMENT_NODE : case DTM.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : case DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE : case DTM.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : { Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); // assume not null. nsuri = node.getNamespaceURI(); // %TBD% Handle DOM1? } break; default : nsuri = null; } return nsuri; } }
Utility function: Given a DOM Text node, determine whether it is logically followed by another Text or CDATASection node. This may involve traversing into Entity References. %REVIEW% DOM Level 3 is expected to add functionality which may allow us to retire this.
/** Utility function: Given a DOM Text node, determine whether it is * logically followed by another Text or CDATASection node. This may * involve traversing into Entity References. * * %REVIEW% DOM Level 3 is expected to add functionality which may * allow us to retire this. */
private Node logicalNextDOMTextNode(Node n) { Node p=n.getNextSibling(); if(p==null) { // Walk out of any EntityReferenceNodes that ended with text for(n=n.getParentNode(); n!=null && ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE == n.getNodeType(); n=n.getParentNode()) { p=n.getNextSibling(); if(p!=null) break; } } n=p; while(n!=null && ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE == n.getNodeType()) { // Walk into any EntityReferenceNodes that start with text if(n.hasChildNodes()) n=n.getFirstChild(); else n=n.getNextSibling(); } if(n!=null) { // Found a logical next sibling. Is it text? int ntype=n.getNodeType(); if(TEXT_NODE != ntype && CDATA_SECTION_NODE != ntype) n=null; } return n; }
Given a node handle, return its node value. This is mostly as defined by the DOM, but may ignore some conveniences.

  • nodeHandle – The node id.
Returns:String Value of this node, or null if not meaningful for this node type.
/** * Given a node handle, return its node value. This is mostly * as defined by the DOM, but may ignore some conveniences. * <p> * * @param nodeHandle The node id. * @return String Value of this node, or null if not * meaningful for this node type. */
public String getNodeValue(int nodeHandle) { // The _type(nodeHandle) call was taking the lion's share of our // time, and was wrong anyway since it wasn't coverting handle to // identity. Inlined it. int type = _exptype(makeNodeIdentity(nodeHandle)); type=(NULL != type) ? getNodeType(nodeHandle) : NULL; if(TEXT_NODE!=type && CDATA_SECTION_NODE!=type) return getNode(nodeHandle).getNodeValue(); // If this is a DTM text node, it may be made of multiple DOM text // nodes -- including navigating into Entity References. DOM2DTM // records the first node in the sequence and requires that we // pick up the others when we retrieve the DTM node's value. // // %REVIEW% DOM Level 3 is expected to add a "whole text" // retrieval method which performs this function for us. Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); Node n=logicalNextDOMTextNode(node); if(n==null) return node.getNodeValue(); FastStringBuffer buf = StringBufferPool.get(); buf.append(node.getNodeValue()); while(n!=null) { buf.append(n.getNodeValue()); n=logicalNextDOMTextNode(n); } String s = (buf.length() > 0) ? buf.toString() : ""; StringBufferPool.free(buf); return s; }
A document type declaration information item has the following properties: 1. [system identifier] The system identifier of the external subset, if it exists. Otherwise this property has no value.
Returns:the system identifier String object, or null if there is none.
/** * A document type declaration information item has the following properties: * * 1. [system identifier] The system identifier of the external subset, if * it exists. Otherwise this property has no value. * * @return the system identifier String object, or null if there is none. */
public String getDocumentTypeDeclarationSystemIdentifier() { Document doc; if (m_root.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) doc = (Document) m_root; else doc = m_root.getOwnerDocument(); if (null != doc) { DocumentType dtd = doc.getDoctype(); if (null != dtd) { return dtd.getSystemId(); } } return null; }
Return the public identifier of the external subset, normalized as described in 4.2.2 External Entities [XML]. If there is no external subset or if it has no public identifier, this property has no value.
Returns:the public identifier String object, or null if there is none.
/** * Return the public identifier of the external subset, * normalized as described in 4.2.2 External Entities [XML]. If there is * no external subset or if it has no public identifier, this property * has no value. * * @return the public identifier String object, or null if there is none. */
public String getDocumentTypeDeclarationPublicIdentifier() { Document doc; if (m_root.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) doc = (Document) m_root; else doc = m_root.getOwnerDocument(); if (null != doc) { DocumentType dtd = doc.getDoctype(); if (null != dtd) { return dtd.getPublicId(); } } return null; }
Returns the Element whose ID is given by elementId. If no such element exists, returns DTM.NULL. Behavior is not defined if more than one element has this ID. Attributes (including those with the name "ID") are not of type ID unless so defined by DTD/Schema information available to the DTM implementation. Implementations that do not know whether attributes are of type ID or not are expected to return DTM.NULL.

%REVIEW% Presumably IDs are still scoped to a single document, and this operation searches only within a single document, right? Wouldn't want collisions between DTMs in the same process.

  • elementId – The unique id value for an element.
Returns:The handle of the matching element.
/** * Returns the <code>Element</code> whose <code>ID</code> is given by * <code>elementId</code>. If no such element exists, returns * <code>DTM.NULL</code>. Behavior is not defined if more than one element * has this <code>ID</code>. Attributes (including those * with the name "ID") are not of type ID unless so defined by DTD/Schema * information available to the DTM implementation. * Implementations that do not know whether attributes are of type ID or * not are expected to return <code>DTM.NULL</code>. * * <p>%REVIEW% Presumably IDs are still scoped to a single document, * and this operation searches only within a single document, right? * Wouldn't want collisions between DTMs in the same process.</p> * * @param elementId The unique <code>id</code> value for an element. * @return The handle of the matching element. */
public int getElementById(String elementId) { Document doc = (m_root.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) ? (Document) m_root : m_root.getOwnerDocument(); if(null != doc) { Node elem = doc.getElementById(elementId); if(null != elem) { int elemHandle = getHandleFromNode(elem); if(DTM.NULL == elemHandle) { int identity = m_nodes.size()-1; while (DTM.NULL != (identity = getNextNodeIdentity(identity))) { Node node = getNode(identity); if(node == elem) { elemHandle = getHandleFromNode(elem); break; } } } return elemHandle; } } return DTM.NULL; }
The getUnparsedEntityURI function returns the URI of the unparsed entity with the specified name in the same document as the context node (see [3.3 Unparsed Entities]). It returns the empty string if there is no such entity.

XML processors may choose to use the System Identifier (if one is provided) to resolve the entity, rather than the URI in the Public Identifier. The details are dependent on the processor, and we would have to support some form of plug-in resolver to handle this properly. Currently, we simply return the System Identifier if present, and hope that it a usable URI or that our caller can map it to one. TODO: Resolve Public Identifiers... or consider changing function name.

If we find a relative URI reference, XML expects it to be resolved in terms of the base URI of the document. The DOM doesn't do that for us, and it isn't entirely clear whether that should be done here; currently that's pushed up to a higher level of our application. (Note that DOM Level 1 didn't store the document's base URI.) TODO: Consider resolving Relative URIs.

(The DOM's statement that "An XML processor may choose to completely expand entities before the structure model is passed to the DOM" refers only to parsed entities, not unparsed, and hence doesn't affect this function.)

  • name – A string containing the Entity Name of the unparsed entity.
Returns:String containing the URI of the Unparsed Entity, or an empty string if no such entity exists.
/** * The getUnparsedEntityURI function returns the URI of the unparsed * entity with the specified name in the same document as the context * node (see [3.3 Unparsed Entities]). It returns the empty string if * there is no such entity. * <p> * XML processors may choose to use the System Identifier (if one * is provided) to resolve the entity, rather than the URI in the * Public Identifier. The details are dependent on the processor, and * we would have to support some form of plug-in resolver to handle * this properly. Currently, we simply return the System Identifier if * present, and hope that it a usable URI or that our caller can * map it to one. * TODO: Resolve Public Identifiers... or consider changing function name. * <p> * If we find a relative URI * reference, XML expects it to be resolved in terms of the base URI * of the document. The DOM doesn't do that for us, and it isn't * entirely clear whether that should be done here; currently that's * pushed up to a higher level of our application. (Note that DOM Level * 1 didn't store the document's base URI.) * TODO: Consider resolving Relative URIs. * <p> * (The DOM's statement that "An XML processor may choose to * completely expand entities before the structure model is passed * to the DOM" refers only to parsed entities, not unparsed, and hence * doesn't affect this function.) * * @param name A string containing the Entity Name of the unparsed * entity. * * @return String containing the URI of the Unparsed Entity, or an * empty string if no such entity exists. */
public String getUnparsedEntityURI(String name) { String url = ""; Document doc = (m_root.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) ? (Document) m_root : m_root.getOwnerDocument(); if (null != doc) { DocumentType doctype = doc.getDoctype(); if (null != doctype) { NamedNodeMap entities = doctype.getEntities(); if(null == entities) return url; Entity entity = (Entity) entities.getNamedItem(name); if(null == entity) return url; String notationName = entity.getNotationName(); if (null != notationName) // then it's unparsed { // The draft says: "The XSLT processor may use the public // identifier to generate a URI for the entity instead of the URI // specified in the system identifier. If the XSLT processor does // not use the public identifier to generate the URI, it must use // the system identifier; if the system identifier is a relative // URI, it must be resolved into an absolute URI using the URI of // the resource containing the entity declaration as the base // URI [RFC2396]." // So I'm falling a bit short here. url = entity.getSystemId(); if (null == url) { url = entity.getPublicId(); } else { // This should be resolved to an absolute URL, but that's hard // to do from here. } } } } return url; }
5. [specified] A flag indicating whether this attribute was actually specified in the start-tag of its element, or was defaulted from the DTD.
  • attributeHandle – the attribute handle
Returns:true if the attribute was specified; false if it was defaulted.
/** * 5. [specified] A flag indicating whether this attribute was actually * specified in the start-tag of its element, or was defaulted from the * DTD. * * @param attributeHandle the attribute handle * @return <code>true</code> if the attribute was specified; * <code>false</code> if it was defaulted. */
public boolean isAttributeSpecified(int attributeHandle) { int type = getNodeType(attributeHandle); if (DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE == type) { Attr attr = (Attr)getNode(attributeHandle); return attr.getSpecified(); } return false; }
Bind an IncrementalSAXSource to this DTM. NOT RELEVANT for DOM2DTM, since we're wrapped around an existing DOM.
  • source – The IncrementalSAXSource that we want to recieve events from on demand.
/** Bind an IncrementalSAXSource to this DTM. NOT RELEVANT for DOM2DTM, since * we're wrapped around an existing DOM. * * @param source The IncrementalSAXSource that we want to recieve events from * on demand. */
public void setIncrementalSAXSource(IncrementalSAXSource source) { }
getContentHandler returns "our SAX builder" -- the thing that someone else should send SAX events to in order to extend this DTM model.
Returns:null if this model doesn't respond to SAX events, "this" if the DTM object has a built-in SAX ContentHandler, the IncrmentalSAXSource if we're bound to one and should receive the SAX stream via it for incremental build purposes...
/** getContentHandler returns "our SAX builder" -- the thing that * someone else should send SAX events to in order to extend this * DTM model. * * @return null if this model doesn't respond to SAX events, * "this" if the DTM object has a built-in SAX ContentHandler, * the IncrmentalSAXSource if we're bound to one and should receive * the SAX stream via it for incremental build purposes... * */
public org.xml.sax.ContentHandler getContentHandler() { return null; }
Return this DTM's lexical handler. %REVIEW% Should this return null if constrution already done/begun?
Returns:null if this model doesn't respond to lexical SAX events, "this" if the DTM object has a built-in SAX ContentHandler, the IncrementalSAXSource if we're bound to one and should receive the SAX stream via it for incremental build purposes...
/** * Return this DTM's lexical handler. * * %REVIEW% Should this return null if constrution already done/begun? * * @return null if this model doesn't respond to lexical SAX events, * "this" if the DTM object has a built-in SAX ContentHandler, * the IncrementalSAXSource if we're bound to one and should receive * the SAX stream via it for incremental build purposes... */
public org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler getLexicalHandler() { return null; }
Return this DTM's EntityResolver.
Returns:null if this model doesn't respond to SAX entity ref events.
/** * Return this DTM's EntityResolver. * * @return null if this model doesn't respond to SAX entity ref events. */
public org.xml.sax.EntityResolver getEntityResolver() { return null; }
Return this DTM's DTDHandler.
Returns:null if this model doesn't respond to SAX dtd events.
/** * Return this DTM's DTDHandler. * * @return null if this model doesn't respond to SAX dtd events. */
public org.xml.sax.DTDHandler getDTDHandler() { return null; }
Return this DTM's ErrorHandler.
Returns:null if this model doesn't respond to SAX error events.
/** * Return this DTM's ErrorHandler. * * @return null if this model doesn't respond to SAX error events. */
public org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() { return null; }
Return this DTM's DeclHandler.
Returns:null if this model doesn't respond to SAX Decl events.
/** * Return this DTM's DeclHandler. * * @return null if this model doesn't respond to SAX Decl events. */
public org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler getDeclHandler() { return null; }
Returns:true iff we're building this model incrementally (eg we're partnered with a IncrementalSAXSource) and thus require that the transformation and the parse run simultaneously. Guidance to the DTMManager.
/** @return true iff we're building this model incrementally (eg * we're partnered with a IncrementalSAXSource) and thus require that the * transformation and the parse run simultaneously. Guidance to the * DTMManager. * */
public boolean needsTwoThreads() { return false; } // ========== Direct SAX Dispatch, for optimization purposes ========
Returns whether the specified ch conforms to the XML 1.0 definition of whitespace. Refer to the definition of S for details.
  • ch – Character to check as XML whitespace.
Returns: =true if ch is XML whitespace; otherwise =false.
/** * Returns whether the specified <var>ch</var> conforms to the XML 1.0 definition * of whitespace. Refer to <A href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#NT-S"> * the definition of <CODE>S</CODE></A> for details. * @param ch Character to check as XML whitespace. * @return =true if <var>ch</var> is XML whitespace; otherwise =false. */
private static boolean isSpace(char ch) { return XMLCharacterRecognizer.isWhiteSpace(ch); // Take the easy way out for now. }
Directly call the characters method on the passed ContentHandler for the string-value of the given node (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#data-model for the definition of a node's string-value). Multiple calls to the ContentHandler's characters methods may well occur for a single call to this method.
  • nodeHandle – The node ID.
  • ch – A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
/** * Directly call the * characters method on the passed ContentHandler for the * string-value of the given node (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#data-model * for the definition of a node's string-value). Multiple calls to the * ContentHandler's characters methods may well occur for a single call to * this method. * * @param nodeHandle The node ID. * @param ch A non-null reference to a ContentHandler. * * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException */
public void dispatchCharactersEvents( int nodeHandle, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler ch, boolean normalize) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException { if(normalize) { XMLString str = getStringValue(nodeHandle); str = str.fixWhiteSpace(true, true, false); str.dispatchCharactersEvents(ch); } else { int type = getNodeType(nodeHandle); Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); dispatchNodeData(node, ch, 0); // Text coalition -- a DTM text node may represent multiple // DOM nodes. if(TEXT_NODE == type || CDATA_SECTION_NODE == type) { while( null != (node=logicalNextDOMTextNode(node)) ) { dispatchNodeData(node, ch, 0); } } } }
Retrieve the text content of a DOM subtree, appending it into a user-supplied FastStringBuffer object. Note that attributes are not considered part of the content of an element.

There are open questions regarding whitespace stripping. Currently we make no special effort in that regard, since the standard DOM doesn't yet provide DTD-based information to distinguish whitespace-in-element-context from genuine #PCDATA. Note that we should probably also consider xml:space if/when we address this. DOM Level 3 may solve the problem for us.

%REVIEW% Note that as a DOM-level operation, it can be argued that this routine _shouldn't_ perform any processing beyond what the DOM already does, and that whitespace stripping and so on belong at the DTM level. If you want a stripped DOM view, wrap DTM2DOM around DOM2DTM.

  • node – Node whose subtree is to be walked, gathering the contents of all Text or CDATASection nodes.
/** * Retrieve the text content of a DOM subtree, appending it into a * user-supplied FastStringBuffer object. Note that attributes are * not considered part of the content of an element. * <p> * There are open questions regarding whitespace stripping. * Currently we make no special effort in that regard, since the standard * DOM doesn't yet provide DTD-based information to distinguish * whitespace-in-element-context from genuine #PCDATA. Note that we * should probably also consider xml:space if/when we address this. * DOM Level 3 may solve the problem for us. * <p> * %REVIEW% Note that as a DOM-level operation, it can be argued that this * routine _shouldn't_ perform any processing beyond what the DOM already * does, and that whitespace stripping and so on belong at the DTM level. * If you want a stripped DOM view, wrap DTM2DOM around DOM2DTM. * * @param node Node whose subtree is to be walked, gathering the * contents of all Text or CDATASection nodes. */
@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") protected static void dispatchNodeData(Node node, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler ch, int depth) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException { switch (node.getNodeType()) { case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE : case Node.ELEMENT_NODE : { for (Node child = node.getFirstChild(); null != child; child = child.getNextSibling()) { dispatchNodeData(child, ch, depth+1); } } break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : // %REVIEW% case Node.COMMENT_NODE : if(0 != depth) break; // NOTE: Because this operation works in the DOM space, it does _not_ attempt // to perform Text Coalition. That should only be done in DTM space. case Node.TEXT_NODE : case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : String str = node.getNodeValue(); if(ch instanceof CharacterNodeHandler) { ((CharacterNodeHandler)ch).characters(node); } else { ch.characters(str.toCharArray(), 0, str.length()); } break; // /* case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : // // warning(XPATHErrorResources.WG_PARSING_AND_PREPARING); // break; */ default : // ignore break; } } TreeWalker m_walker = new TreeWalker(null);
Directly create SAX parser events from a subtree.
  • nodeHandle – The node ID.
  • ch – A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
/** * Directly create SAX parser events from a subtree. * * @param nodeHandle The node ID. * @param ch A non-null reference to a ContentHandler. * * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException */
public void dispatchToEvents(int nodeHandle, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler ch) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException { TreeWalker treeWalker = m_walker; ContentHandler prevCH = treeWalker.getContentHandler(); if(null != prevCH) { treeWalker = new TreeWalker(null); } treeWalker.setContentHandler(ch); try { Node node = getNode(nodeHandle); treeWalker.traverseFragment(node); } finally { treeWalker.setContentHandler(null); } } public interface CharacterNodeHandler { public void characters(Node node) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException; }
For the moment all the run time properties are ignored by this class.
  • property – a String value
  • value – an Object value
/** * For the moment all the run time properties are ignored by this * class. * * @param property a <code>String</code> value * @param value an <code>Object</code> value */
public void setProperty(String property, Object value) { }
No source information is available for DOM2DTM, so return null here.
  • node – an int value
/** * No source information is available for DOM2DTM, so return * <code>null</code> here. * * @param node an <code>int</code> value * @return null */
public SourceLocator getSourceLocatorFor(int node) { return null; } }