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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.models;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dtd.models.CMNode;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.SchemaSymbols;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.XSComplexTypeDecl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.XSDeclarationPool;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.XSElementDecl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.XSModelGroupImpl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.XSParticleDecl;

This class constructs content models for a given grammar.
Author:Elena Litani, IBM, Sandy Gao, IBM
@LastModified: Nov 2017
/** * This class constructs content models for a given grammar. * * @xerces.internal * * @author Elena Litani, IBM * @author Sandy Gao, IBM * * @LastModified: Nov 2017 */
public class CMBuilder { // REVISIT: should update the decl pool to cache XSCM objects too private XSDeclarationPool fDeclPool = null; // It never changes, so a static member is good enough private static XSEmptyCM fEmptyCM = new XSEmptyCM(); // needed for DFA construction private int fLeafCount; // needed for UPA private int fParticleCount; //Factory to create Bin, Uni, Leaf nodes private CMNodeFactory fNodeFactory ; public CMBuilder(CMNodeFactory nodeFactory) { fDeclPool = null; fNodeFactory = nodeFactory ; } public void setDeclPool(XSDeclarationPool declPool) { fDeclPool = declPool; }
Get content model for the a given type
  • typeDecl – get content model for which complex type
  • forUPA – a flag indicating whether it is for UPA
Returns: a content model validator
/** * Get content model for the a given type * * @param typeDecl get content model for which complex type * @param forUPA a flag indicating whether it is for UPA * @return a content model validator */
public XSCMValidator getContentModel(XSComplexTypeDecl typeDecl, boolean forUPA) { // for complex type with empty or simple content, // there is no content model validator short contentType = typeDecl.getContentType(); if (contentType == XSComplexTypeDecl.CONTENTTYPE_SIMPLE || contentType == XSComplexTypeDecl.CONTENTTYPE_EMPTY) { return null; } XSParticleDecl particle = (XSParticleDecl)typeDecl.getParticle(); // if the content is element only or mixed, but no particle // is defined, return the empty content model if (particle == null) return fEmptyCM; // if the content model contains "all" model group, // we create an "all" content model, otherwise a DFA content model XSCMValidator cmValidator = null; if (particle.fType == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_MODELGROUP && ((XSModelGroupImpl)particle.fValue).fCompositor == XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_ALL) { cmValidator = createAllCM(particle); } else { cmValidator = createDFACM(particle, forUPA); } //now we are throught building content model and have passed sucessfully of the nodecount check //if set by the application fNodeFactory.resetNodeCount() ; // if the validator returned is null, it means there is nothing in // the content model, so we return the empty content model. if (cmValidator == null) cmValidator = fEmptyCM; return cmValidator; } XSCMValidator createAllCM(XSParticleDecl particle) { if (particle.fMaxOccurs == 0) return null; // get the model group, and add all children of it to the content model XSModelGroupImpl group = (XSModelGroupImpl)particle.fValue; // create an all content model. the parameter indicates whether // the <all> itself is optional XSAllCM allContent = new XSAllCM(particle.fMinOccurs == 0, group.fParticleCount); for (int i = 0; i < group.fParticleCount; i++) { // add the element decl to the all content model allContent.addElement((XSElementDecl)group.fParticles[i].fValue, group.fParticles[i].fMinOccurs == 0); } return allContent; } XSCMValidator createDFACM(XSParticleDecl particle, boolean forUPA) { fLeafCount = 0; fParticleCount = 0; // convert particle tree to CM tree CMNode node = useRepeatingLeafNodes(particle) ? buildCompactSyntaxTree(particle) : buildSyntaxTree(particle, forUPA, true); if (node == null) return null; // build DFA content model from the CM tree return new XSDFACM(node, fLeafCount); } // 1. convert particle tree to CM tree: // 2. expand all occurrence values: a{n, unbounded} -> a, a, ..., a+ // a{n, m} -> a, a, ..., a?, a?, ... // 3. convert model groups (a, b, c, ...) or (a | b | c | ...) to // binary tree: (((a,b),c),...) or (((a|b)|c)|...) // 4. make sure each leaf node (XSCMLeaf) has a distinct position private CMNode buildSyntaxTree(XSParticleDecl particle, boolean forUPA, boolean optimize) { int maxOccurs = particle.fMaxOccurs; int minOccurs = particle.fMinOccurs; boolean compactedForUPA = false; if (forUPA) { // When doing UPA, we reduce the size of the minOccurs/maxOccurs values to make // processing the DFA faster. For UPA the exact values don't matter. if (minOccurs > 1) { if (maxOccurs > minOccurs || particle.getMaxOccursUnbounded()) { minOccurs = 1; compactedForUPA = true; } else { // maxOccurs == minOccurs minOccurs = 2; compactedForUPA = true; } } if (maxOccurs > 1) { maxOccurs = 2; compactedForUPA = true; } } short type = particle.fType; CMNode nodeRet = null; if ((type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) || (type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT)) { // (task 1) element and wildcard particles should be converted to // leaf nodes // REVISIT: Make a clone of the leaf particle, so that if there // are two references to the same group, we have two different // leaf particles for the same element or wildcard decl. // This is useful for checking UPA. nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMLeafNode(particle.fType, particle.fValue, fParticleCount++, fLeafCount++); // (task 2) expand occurrence values nodeRet = expandContentModel(nodeRet, minOccurs, maxOccurs, optimize); if (nodeRet != null) { nodeRet.setIsCompactUPAModel(compactedForUPA); } } else if (type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_MODELGROUP) { // (task 1,3) convert model groups to binary trees XSModelGroupImpl group = (XSModelGroupImpl)particle.fValue; CMNode temp = null; // when the model group is a choice of more than one particles, but // only one of the particle is not empty, (for example // <choice> // <sequence/> // <element name="e"/> // </choice> // ) we can't not return that one particle ("e"). instead, we should // treat such particle as optional ("e?"). // the following boolean variable is true when there are at least // 2 non-empty children. boolean twoChildren = false; for (int i = 0; i < group.fParticleCount; i++) { // first convert each child to a CM tree temp = buildSyntaxTree(group.fParticles[i], forUPA, optimize && minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs == 1 && (group.fCompositor == XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE || group.fParticleCount == 1)); // then combine them using binary operation if (temp != null) { compactedForUPA |= temp.isCompactedForUPA(); if (nodeRet == null) { nodeRet = temp; } else { nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(group.fCompositor, nodeRet, temp); // record the fact that there are at least 2 children twoChildren = true; } } } // (task 2) expand occurrence values if (nodeRet != null) { // when the group is "choice", there is only one non-empty // child, and the group had more than one children, we need // to create a zero-or-one (optional) node for the non-empty // particle. if (group.fCompositor == XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_CHOICE && !twoChildren && group.fParticleCount > 1) { nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, nodeRet); } nodeRet = expandContentModel(nodeRet, minOccurs, maxOccurs, false); nodeRet.setIsCompactUPAModel(compactedForUPA); } } return nodeRet; } // 2. expand all occurrence values: a{n, unbounded} -> a, a, ..., a+ // a{n, m} -> a, a, ..., a?, a?, ... // 4. make sure each leaf node (XSCMLeaf) has a distinct position private CMNode expandContentModel(CMNode node, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean optimize) { CMNode nodeRet = null; if (minOccurs==1 && maxOccurs==1) { nodeRet = node; } else if (minOccurs==0 && maxOccurs==1) { //zero or one nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node); } else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) { //zero or more nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, node); } else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) { //one or more nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node); } else if (optimize && node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT || node.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) { // Only for elements and wildcards, subsume e{n,m} and e{n,unbounded} to e* // or e+ and, once the DFA reaches a final state, check if the actual number // of elements is between minOccurs and maxOccurs. This new algorithm runs // in constant space. // TODO: What is the impact of this optimization on the PSVI? nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode( minOccurs == 0 ? XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE : XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node); nodeRet.setUserData(new int[] { minOccurs, maxOccurs }); } else if (maxOccurs == SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) { // => a,a,..,a+ // create a+ node first, then put minOccurs-1 a's in front of it // for the first time "node" is used, we don't need to make a copy // and for other references to node, we make copies nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, node); // (task 4) we need to call copyNode here, so that we append // an entire new copy of the node (a subtree). this is to ensure // all leaf nodes have distinct position // we know that minOccurs > 1 nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE, multiNodes(node, minOccurs-1, true), nodeRet); } else { // {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),... // first n a's, then m-n a?'s. // copyNode is called, for the same reason as above if (minOccurs > 0) { nodeRet = multiNodes(node, minOccurs, false); } if (maxOccurs > minOccurs) { node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, node); if (nodeRet == null) { nodeRet = multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, false); } else { nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE, nodeRet, multiNodes(node, maxOccurs-minOccurs, true)); } } } return nodeRet; } private CMNode multiNodes(CMNode node, int num, boolean copyFirst) { if (num == 0) { return null; } if (num == 1) { return copyFirst ? copyNode(node) : node; } int num1 = num/2; return fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE, multiNodes(node, num1, copyFirst), multiNodes(node, num-num1, true)); } // 4. make sure each leaf node (XSCMLeaf) has a distinct position private CMNode copyNode(CMNode node) { int type = node.type(); // for choice or sequence, copy the two subtrees, and combine them if (type == XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_CHOICE || type == XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_SEQUENCE) { XSCMBinOp bin = (XSCMBinOp)node; node = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(type, copyNode(bin.getLeft()), copyNode(bin.getRight())); } // for ?+*, copy the subtree, and put it in a new ?+* node else if (type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE || type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE || type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE) { XSCMUniOp uni = (XSCMUniOp)node; node = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(type, copyNode(uni.getChild())); } // for element/wildcard (leaf), make a new leaf node, // with a distinct position else if (type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT || type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) { XSCMLeaf leaf = (XSCMLeaf)node; node = fNodeFactory.getCMLeafNode(leaf.type(), leaf.getLeaf(), leaf.getParticleId(), fLeafCount++); } return node; } // A special version of buildSyntaxTree() which builds a compact syntax tree // containing compound leaf nodes which carry occurence information. This method // for building the syntax tree is chosen over buildSyntaxTree() when // useRepeatingLeafNodes() returns true. private CMNode buildCompactSyntaxTree(XSParticleDecl particle) { int maxOccurs = particle.fMaxOccurs; int minOccurs = particle.fMinOccurs; short type = particle.fType; CMNode nodeRet = null; if ((type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) || (type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT)) { return buildCompactSyntaxTree2(particle, minOccurs, maxOccurs); } else if (type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_MODELGROUP) { XSModelGroupImpl group = (XSModelGroupImpl)particle.fValue; if (group.fParticleCount == 1 && (minOccurs != 1 || maxOccurs != 1)) { return buildCompactSyntaxTree2(group.fParticles[0], minOccurs, maxOccurs); } else { CMNode temp = null; // when the model group is a choice of more than one particles, but // only one of the particle is not empty, (for example // <choice> // <sequence/> // <element name="e"/> // </choice> // ) we can't not return that one particle ("e"). instead, we should // treat such particle as optional ("e?"). // the following int variable keeps track of the number of non-empty children int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < group.fParticleCount; i++) { // first convert each child to a CM tree temp = buildCompactSyntaxTree(group.fParticles[i]); // then combine them using binary operation if (temp != null) { ++count; if (nodeRet == null) { nodeRet = temp; } else { nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMBinOpNode(group.fCompositor, nodeRet, temp); } } } if (nodeRet != null) { // when the group is "choice" and the group has one or more empty children, // we need to create a zero-or-one (optional) node for the non-empty particles. if (group.fCompositor == XSModelGroupImpl.MODELGROUP_CHOICE && count < group.fParticleCount) { nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, nodeRet); } } } } return nodeRet; } private CMNode buildCompactSyntaxTree2(XSParticleDecl particle, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs) { // Convert element and wildcard particles to leaf nodes. Wrap repeating particles in a CMUniOpNode. CMNode nodeRet = null; if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs == 1) { nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMLeafNode(particle.fType, particle.fValue, fParticleCount++, fLeafCount++); } else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs == 1) { // zero or one nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMLeafNode(particle.fType, particle.fValue, fParticleCount++, fLeafCount++); nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_ONE, nodeRet); } else if (minOccurs == 0 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) { // zero or more nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMLeafNode(particle.fType, particle.fValue, fParticleCount++, fLeafCount++); nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, nodeRet); } else if (minOccurs == 1 && maxOccurs==SchemaSymbols.OCCURRENCE_UNBOUNDED) { // one or more nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMLeafNode(particle.fType, particle.fValue, fParticleCount++, fLeafCount++); nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, nodeRet); } else { // {n,m}: Instead of expanding this out, create a compound leaf node which carries the // occurence information and wrap it in the appropriate CMUniOpNode. nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMRepeatingLeafNode(particle.fType, particle.fValue, minOccurs, maxOccurs, fParticleCount++, fLeafCount++); if (minOccurs == 0) { nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ZERO_OR_MORE, nodeRet); } else { nodeRet = fNodeFactory.getCMUniOpNode(XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ONE_OR_MORE, nodeRet); } } return nodeRet; } // This method checks if this particle can be transformed into a compact syntax // tree containing compound leaf nodes which carry occurence information. Currently // it returns true if each model group has minOccurs/maxOccurs == 1 or // contains only one element/wildcard particle with minOccurs/maxOccurs == 1. private boolean useRepeatingLeafNodes(XSParticleDecl particle) { int maxOccurs = particle.fMaxOccurs; int minOccurs = particle.fMinOccurs; short type = particle.fType; if (type == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_MODELGROUP) { XSModelGroupImpl group = (XSModelGroupImpl) particle.fValue; if (minOccurs != 1 || maxOccurs != 1) { if (group.fParticleCount == 1) { XSParticleDecl particle2 = group.fParticles[0]; short type2 = particle2.fType; return ((type2 == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT || type2 == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) && particle2.fMinOccurs == 1 && particle2.fMaxOccurs == 1); } return (group.fParticleCount == 0); } for (int i = 0; i < group.fParticleCount; ++i) { if (!useRepeatingLeafNodes(group.fParticles[i])) { return false; } } } return true; } }