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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.xs;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.InvalidDatatypeValueException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.ValidationContext;

Validator for datatype (W3C Schema 1.1)
Author:Ankit Pasricha, IBM
/** * Validator for <precisionDecimal> datatype (W3C Schema 1.1) * * @xerces.experimental * * @author Ankit Pasricha, IBM * */
class PrecisionDecimalDV extends TypeValidator { static final class XPrecisionDecimal { // sign: 0 for absent; 1 for positive values; -1 for negative values (except in case of INF, -INF) int sign = 1; // total digits. >= 1 int totalDigits = 0; // integer digits when sign != 0 int intDigits = 0; // fraction digits when sign != 0 int fracDigits = 0; //precision //int precision = 0; // the string representing the integer part String ivalue = ""; // the string representing the fraction part String fvalue = ""; int pvalue = 0; XPrecisionDecimal(String content) throws NumberFormatException { if(content.equals("NaN")) { ivalue = content; sign = 0; } if(content.equals("+INF") || content.equals("INF") || content.equals("-INF")) { ivalue = content.charAt(0) == '+' ? content.substring(1) : content; return; } initD(content); } void initD(String content) throws NumberFormatException { int len = content.length(); if (len == 0) throw new NumberFormatException(); // these 4 variables are used to indicate where the integre/fraction // parts start/end. int intStart = 0, intEnd = 0, fracStart = 0, fracEnd = 0; // Deal with leading sign symbol if present if (content.charAt(0) == '+') { // skip '+', so intStart should be 1 intStart = 1; } else if (content.charAt(0) == '-') { intStart = 1; sign = -1; } // skip leading zeroes in integer part int actualIntStart = intStart; while (actualIntStart < len && content.charAt(actualIntStart) == '0') { actualIntStart++; } // Find the ending position of the integer part for (intEnd = actualIntStart; intEnd < len && TypeValidator.isDigit(content.charAt(intEnd)); intEnd++); // Not reached the end yet if (intEnd < len) { // the remaining part is not ".DDD" or "EDDD" or "eDDD", error if (content.charAt(intEnd) != '.' && content.charAt(intEnd) != 'E' && content.charAt(intEnd) != 'e') throw new NumberFormatException(); if(content.charAt(intEnd) == '.') { // fraction part starts after '.', and ends at the end of the input fracStart = intEnd + 1; // find location of E or e (if present) // Find the ending position of the fracion part for (fracEnd = fracStart; fracEnd < len && TypeValidator.isDigit(content.charAt(fracEnd)); fracEnd++); } else { pvalue = Integer.parseInt(content.substring(intEnd + 1, len)); } } // no integer part, no fraction part, error. if (intStart == intEnd && fracStart == fracEnd) throw new NumberFormatException(); // ignore trailing zeroes in fraction part /*while (fracEnd > fracStart && content.charAt(fracEnd-1) == '0') { fracEnd--; }*/ // check whether there is non-digit characters in the fraction part for (int fracPos = fracStart; fracPos < fracEnd; fracPos++) { if (!TypeValidator.isDigit(content.charAt(fracPos))) throw new NumberFormatException(); } intDigits = intEnd - actualIntStart; fracDigits = fracEnd - fracStart; if (intDigits > 0) { ivalue = content.substring(actualIntStart, intEnd); } if (fracDigits > 0) { fvalue = content.substring(fracStart, fracEnd); if(fracEnd < len) { pvalue = Integer.parseInt(content.substring(fracEnd + 1, len)); } } totalDigits = intDigits + fracDigits; } // Construct a canonical String representation of this number // for the purpose of deriving a hashCode value compliant with // equals. // The toString representation will be: // NaN for NaN, INF for +infinity, -INF for -infinity, 0 for zero, // and [1-9].[0-9]*[1-9]?(E[1-9][0-9]*)? for other numbers. private static String canonicalToStringForHashCode(String ivalue, String fvalue, int sign, int pvalue) { if ("NaN".equals(ivalue)) { return "NaN"; } if ("INF".equals(ivalue)) { return sign < 0 ? "-INF" : "INF"; } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); final int ilen = ivalue.length(); final int flen0 = fvalue.length(); int lastNonZero; for (lastNonZero = flen0; lastNonZero > 0 ; lastNonZero--) { if (fvalue.charAt(lastNonZero -1 ) != '0') break; } final int flen = lastNonZero; int iStart; int exponent = pvalue; for (iStart = 0; iStart < ilen; iStart++) { if (ivalue.charAt(iStart) != '0') break; } int fStart = 0; if (iStart < ivalue.length()) { builder.append(sign == -1 ? "-" : ""); builder.append(ivalue.charAt(iStart)); iStart++; } else { if (flen > 0) { for (fStart = 0; fStart < flen; fStart++) { if (fvalue.charAt(fStart) != '0') break; } if (fStart < flen) { builder.append(sign == -1 ? "-" : ""); builder.append(fvalue.charAt(fStart)); exponent -= ++fStart; } else { return "0"; } } else { return "0"; } } if (iStart < ilen || fStart < flen) { builder.append('.'); } while (iStart < ilen) { builder.append(ivalue.charAt(iStart++)); exponent++; } while (fStart < flen) { builder.append(fvalue.charAt(fStart++)); } if (exponent != 0) { builder.append("E").append(exponent); } return builder.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object val) { if (val == this) return true; if (!(val instanceof XPrecisionDecimal)) return false; XPrecisionDecimal oval = (XPrecisionDecimal)val; return this.compareTo(oval) == EQUAL; } @Override public int hashCode() { // There's nothing else we can use easily, because equals could // return true for widely different representation of the // same number - and we don't have any canonical representation. // The problem here is that we must ensure that if two numbers // are equals then their hash code must also be equals. // hashCode for 1.01E1 should be the same as hashCode for 0.101E2 // So we call cannonicalToStringForHashCode - which implements an // algorithm that invents a normalized string representation // for this number, and we return a hash for that. return canonicalToStringForHashCode(ivalue, fvalue, sign, pvalue).hashCode(); }
/** * @return */
private int compareFractionalPart(XPrecisionDecimal oval) { if(fvalue.equals(oval.fvalue)) return EQUAL; StringBuffer temp1 = new StringBuffer(fvalue); StringBuffer temp2 = new StringBuffer(oval.fvalue); truncateTrailingZeros(temp1, temp2); return temp1.toString().compareTo(temp2.toString()); } private void truncateTrailingZeros(StringBuffer fValue, StringBuffer otherFValue) { for(int i = fValue.length() - 1;i >= 0; i--) if(fValue.charAt(i) == '0') fValue.deleteCharAt(i); else break; for(int i = otherFValue.length() - 1;i >= 0; i--) if(otherFValue.charAt(i) == '0') otherFValue.deleteCharAt(i); else break; } public int compareTo(XPrecisionDecimal val) { // seen NaN if(sign == 0) return INDETERMINATE; //INF is greater than everything and equal to itself if(ivalue.equals("INF") || val.ivalue.equals("INF")) { if(ivalue.equals(val.ivalue)) return EQUAL; else if(ivalue.equals("INF")) return GREATER_THAN; return LESS_THAN; } //-INF is smaller than everything and equal itself if(ivalue.equals("-INF") || val.ivalue.equals("-INF")) { if(ivalue.equals(val.ivalue)) return EQUAL; else if(ivalue.equals("-INF")) return LESS_THAN; return GREATER_THAN; } if (sign != val.sign) return sign > val.sign ? GREATER_THAN : LESS_THAN; return sign * compare(val); } // To enable comparison - the exponent part of the decimal will be limited // to the max value of int. private int compare(XPrecisionDecimal val) { if(pvalue != 0 || val.pvalue != 0) { if(pvalue == val.pvalue) return intComp(val); else { if(intDigits + pvalue != val.intDigits + val.pvalue) return intDigits + pvalue > val.intDigits + val.pvalue ? GREATER_THAN : LESS_THAN; //otherwise the 2 combined values are the same if(pvalue > val.pvalue) { int expDiff = pvalue - val.pvalue; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(ivalue); StringBuffer fbuffer = new StringBuffer(fvalue); for(int i = 0;i < expDiff; i++) { if(i < fracDigits) { buffer.append(fvalue.charAt(i)); fbuffer.deleteCharAt(i); } else buffer.append('0'); } return compareDecimal(buffer.toString(), val.ivalue, fbuffer.toString(), val.fvalue); } else { int expDiff = val.pvalue - pvalue; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(val.ivalue); StringBuffer fbuffer = new StringBuffer(val.fvalue); for(int i = 0;i < expDiff; i++) { if(i < val.fracDigits) { buffer.append(val.fvalue.charAt(i)); fbuffer.deleteCharAt(i); } else buffer.append('0'); } return compareDecimal(ivalue, buffer.toString(), fvalue, fbuffer.toString()); } } } else { return intComp(val); } }
  • val –
/** * @param val * @return */
private int intComp(XPrecisionDecimal val) { if (intDigits != val.intDigits) return intDigits > val.intDigits ? GREATER_THAN : LESS_THAN; return compareDecimal(ivalue, val.ivalue, fvalue, val.fvalue); }
  • val –
/** * @param val * @return */
private int compareDecimal(String iValue, String fValue, String otherIValue, String otherFValue) { int ret = iValue.compareTo(otherIValue); if (ret != 0) return ret > 0 ? GREATER_THAN : LESS_THAN; if(fValue.equals(otherFValue)) return EQUAL; StringBuffer temp1=new StringBuffer(fValue); StringBuffer temp2=new StringBuffer(otherFValue); truncateTrailingZeros(temp1, temp2); ret = temp1.toString().compareTo(temp2.toString()); return ret == 0 ? EQUAL : (ret > 0 ? GREATER_THAN : LESS_THAN); } private String canonical; @Override public synchronized String toString() { if (canonical == null) { makeCanonical(); } return canonical; } private void makeCanonical() { // REVISIT: to be determined by working group canonical = "TBD by Working Group"; }
  • decimal –
/** * @param decimal * @return */
public boolean isIdentical(XPrecisionDecimal decimal) { if(ivalue.equals(decimal.ivalue) && (ivalue.equals("INF") || ivalue.equals("-INF") || ivalue.equals("NaN"))) return true; if(sign == decimal.sign && intDigits == decimal.intDigits && fracDigits == decimal.fracDigits && pvalue == decimal.pvalue && ivalue.equals(decimal.ivalue) && fvalue.equals(decimal.fvalue)) return true; return false; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.xs.TypeValidator#getAllowedFacets() */ @Override public short getAllowedFacets() { return ( XSSimpleTypeDecl.FACET_PATTERN | XSSimpleTypeDecl.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleTypeDecl.FACET_ENUMERATION |XSSimpleTypeDecl.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE |XSSimpleTypeDecl.FACET_MININCLUSIVE | XSSimpleTypeDecl.FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE | XSSimpleTypeDecl.FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE | XSSimpleTypeDecl.FACET_TOTALDIGITS | XSSimpleTypeDecl.FACET_FRACTIONDIGITS); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.xs.TypeValidator#getActualValue(java.lang.String, com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.ValidationContext) */ @Override public Object getActualValue(String content, ValidationContext context) throws InvalidDatatypeValueException { try { return new XPrecisionDecimal(content); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "precisionDecimal"}); } } @Override public int compare(Object value1, Object value2) { return ((XPrecisionDecimal)value1).compareTo((XPrecisionDecimal)value2); } @Override public int getFractionDigits(Object value) { return ((XPrecisionDecimal)value).fracDigits; } @Override public int getTotalDigits(Object value) { return ((XPrecisionDecimal)value).totalDigits; } @Override public boolean isIdentical(Object value1, Object value2) { if(!(value2 instanceof XPrecisionDecimal) || !(value1 instanceof XPrecisionDecimal)) return false; return ((XPrecisionDecimal)value1).isIdentical((XPrecisionDecimal)value2); } }