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package com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.util;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

Author:Morten Jorgensen
/** * @author Morten Jorgensen */
public class ErrorMessages_ca extends ListResourceBundle { /* * XSLTC compile-time error messages. * * General notes to translators and definitions: * * 1) XSLTC is the name of the product. It is an acronym for "XSLT Compiler". * XSLT is an acronym for "XML Stylesheet Language: Transformations". * * 2) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document * into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text). The * stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document. * * 3) A template is a component of a stylesheet that is used to match a * particular portion of an input document and specifies the form of the * corresponding portion of the output document. * * 4) An axis is a particular "dimension" in a tree representation of an XML * document; the nodes in the tree are divided along different axes. * Traversing the "child" axis, for instance, means that the program * would visit each child of a particular node; traversing the "descendant" * axis means that the program would visit the child nodes of a particular * node, their children, and so on until the leaf nodes of the tree are * reached. * * 5) An iterator is an object that traverses nodes in a tree along a * particular axis, one at a time. * * 6) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a * modifier on the tag. For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'> * "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with * the values "val" and "val2", respectively. * * 7) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate * a prefix with a URI (the namespace). The meanings of element names and * attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that * namespace. * * 8) DOM is an acronym for Document Object Model. It is a tree * representation of an XML document. * * SAX is an acronym for the Simple API for XML processing. It is an API * used inform an XML processor (in this case XSLTC) of the structure and * content of an XML document. * * Input to the stylesheet processor can come from an XML parser in the * form of a DOM tree or through the SAX API. * * 9) DTD is a document type declaration. It is a way of specifying the * grammar for an XML file, the names and types of elements, attributes, * etc. * * 10) XPath is a specification that describes a notation for identifying * nodes in a tree-structured representation of an XML document. An * instance of that notation is referred to as an XPath expression. * * 11) Translet is an invented term that refers to the class file that contains * the compiled form of a stylesheet. */ // These message should be read from a locale-specific resource bundle
Get the lookup table for error messages.
Returns:The message lookup table.
/** Get the lookup table for error messages. * * @return The message lookup table. */
public Object[][] getContents() { return new Object[][] { {ErrorMsg.MULTIPLE_STYLESHEET_ERR, "S'ha definit m\u00e9s d'un full d'estils en el mateix fitxer."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a * template. The same name was used on two different templates in the * same stylesheet. */ {ErrorMsg.TEMPLATE_REDEF_ERR, "La plantilla ''{0}'' ja est\u00e0 definida en aquest full d''estils."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a * template. A reference to the template name was encountered, but the * template is undefined. */ {ErrorMsg.TEMPLATE_UNDEF_ERR, "La plantilla ''{0}'' no est\u00e0 definida en aquest full d''estils."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a variable * that was defined more than once. */ {ErrorMsg.VARIABLE_REDEF_ERR, "La variable ''{0}'' s''ha definit m\u00e9s d''una vegada en el mateix \u00e0mbit."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a variable * or parameter. A reference to the variable or parameter was found, * but it was never defined. */ {ErrorMsg.VARIABLE_UNDEF_ERR, "La variable o el par\u00e0metre ''{0}'' no s''ha definit."}, /* * Note to translators: The word "class" here refers to a Java class. * Processing the stylesheet required a class to be loaded, but it could * not be found. The substitution text is the name of the class. */ {ErrorMsg.CLASS_NOT_FOUND_ERR, "No s''ha trobat la classe ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The word "method" here refers to a Java method. * Processing the stylesheet required a reference to the method named by * the substitution text, but it could not be found. "public" is the * Java keyword. */ {ErrorMsg.METHOD_NOT_FOUND_ERR, "No s''ha trobat el m\u00e8tode extern ''{0}'' (ha de ser public)."}, /* * Note to translators: The word "method" here refers to a Java method. * Processing the stylesheet required a reference to the method named by * the substitution text, but no method with the required types of * arguments or return type could be found. */ {ErrorMsg.ARGUMENT_CONVERSION_ERR, "No s''ha pogut convertir l''argument o tipus de retorn a la crida del m\u00e8tode ''{0}''"}, /* * Note to translators: The file or URI named in the substitution text * is missing. */ {ErrorMsg.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR, "No s''ha trobat el fitxer o URI ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: This message is displayed when the URI * mentioned in the substitution text is not well-formed syntactically. */ {ErrorMsg.INVALID_URI_ERR, "L''URI ''{0}'' no \u00e9s v\u00e0lid."}, /* * Note to translators: The file or URI named in the substitution text * exists but could not be opened. */ {ErrorMsg.FILE_ACCESS_ERR, "No es pot obrir el fitxer o l''URI ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: <xsl:stylesheet> and <xsl:transform> are * keywords that should not be translated. */ {ErrorMsg.MISSING_ROOT_ERR, "S''esperava l''element <xsl:stylesheet> o <xsl:transform>."}, /* * Note to translators: The stylesheet contained a reference to a * namespace prefix that was undefined. The value of the substitution * text is the name of the prefix. */ {ErrorMsg.NAMESPACE_UNDEF_ERR, "El prefix d''espai de noms ''{0}'' no s''ha declarat."}, /* * Note to translators: The Java function named in the stylesheet could * not be found. */ {ErrorMsg.FUNCTION_RESOLVE_ERR, "No s''ha pogut resoldre la crida de la funci\u00f3 ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a * function. A literal string here means a constant string value. */ {ErrorMsg.NEED_LITERAL_ERR, "L''argument de ''{0}'' ha de ser una cadena de literals."}, /* * Note to translators: This message indicates there was a syntactic * error in the form of an XPath expression. The substitution text is * the expression. */ {ErrorMsg.XPATH_PARSER_ERR, "S''ha produ\u00eft un error en analitzar l''expressi\u00f3 XPath ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: An element in the stylesheet requires a * particular attribute named by the substitution text, but that * attribute was not specified in the stylesheet. */ {ErrorMsg.REQUIRED_ATTR_ERR, "No s''ha especificat l''atribut obligatori ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: This message indicates that a character not * permitted in an XPath expression was encountered. The substitution * text is the offending character. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_CHAR_ERR, "L''expressi\u00f3 XPath cont\u00e9 el car\u00e0cter no perm\u00e8s ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: A processing instruction is a mark-up item in * an XML document that request some behaviour of an XML processor. The * form of the name of was invalid in this case, and the substitution * text is the name. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_PI_ERR, "La instrucci\u00f3 de processament t\u00e9 el nom no perm\u00e8s ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: This message is reported if the stylesheet * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an * attribute in a place other than on an element. The substitution text * specifies the name of the attribute. */ {ErrorMsg.STRAY_ATTRIBUTE_ERR, "L''atribut ''{0}'' es troba fora de l''element."}, /* * Note to translators: An attribute that wasn't recognized was * specified on an element in the stylesheet. The attribute is named * by the substitution * text. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_ERR, "No es permet l''atribut ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: "import" and "include" are keywords that should * not be translated. This messages indicates that the stylesheet * named in the substitution text imported or included itself either * directly or indirectly. */ {ErrorMsg.CIRCULAR_INCLUDE_ERR, "Import/include circular. El full d''estils ''{0}'' ja s''ha carregat."}, /* * Note to translators: A result-tree fragment is a portion of a * resulting XML document represented as a tree. "<xsl:sort>" is a * keyword and should not be translated. */ {ErrorMsg.RESULT_TREE_SORT_ERR, "Els fragments de l'arbre de resultats no es poden classificar (es passen per alt els elements <xsl:sort>). Heu de classificar els nodes quan creeu l'arbre de resultats. "}, /* * Note to translators: A name can be given to a particular style to be * used to format decimal values. The substitution text gives the name * of such a style for which more than one declaration was encountered. */ {ErrorMsg.SYMBOLS_REDEF_ERR, "El formatatge decimal ''{0}'' ja est\u00e0 definit."}, /* * Note to translators: The stylesheet version named in the * substitution text is not supported. */ {ErrorMsg.XSL_VERSION_ERR, "XSLTC no d\u00f3na suport a la versi\u00f3 XSL ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The definitions of one or more variables or * parameters depend on one another. */ {ErrorMsg.CIRCULAR_VARIABLE_ERR, "Hi ha una refer\u00e8ncia de variable/par\u00e0metre circular a ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The operator in an expresion with two operands was * not recognized. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_BINARY_OP_ERR, "L'operador de l'expressi\u00f3 bin\u00e0ria \u00e9s desconegut."}, /* * Note to translators: This message is produced if a reference to a * function has too many or too few arguments. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_ARG_ERR, "La crida de funci\u00f3 t\u00e9 arguments no permesos."}, /* * Note to translators: "document()" is the name of function and must * not be translated. A node-set is a set of the nodes in the tree * representation of an XML document. */ {ErrorMsg.DOCUMENT_ARG_ERR, "El segon argument de la funci\u00f3 document() ha de ser un conjunt de nodes."}, /* * Note to translators: "<xsl:when>" and "<xsl:choose>" are keywords * and should not be translated. This message describes a syntax error * in the stylesheet. */ {ErrorMsg.MISSING_WHEN_ERR, "Es necessita com a m\u00ednim un element <xsl:when> a <xsl:choose>."}, /* * Note to translators: "<xsl:otherwise>" and "<xsl:choose>" are * keywords and should not be translated. This message describes a * syntax error in the stylesheet. */ {ErrorMsg.MULTIPLE_OTHERWISE_ERR, "Nom\u00e9s es permet un element <xsl:otherwise> a <xsl:choose>."}, /* * Note to translators: "<xsl:otherwise>" and "<xsl:choose>" are * keywords and should not be translated. This message describes a * syntax error in the stylesheet. */ {ErrorMsg.STRAY_OTHERWISE_ERR, "<xsl:otherwise> nom\u00e9s es pot utilitzar dins de <xsl:choose>."}, /* * Note to translators: "<xsl:when>" and "<xsl:choose>" are keywords * and should not be translated. This message describes a syntax error * in the stylesheet. */ {ErrorMsg.STRAY_WHEN_ERR, "<xsl:when> nom\u00e9s es pot utilitzar dins de <xsl:choose>."}, /* * Note to translators: "<xsl:when>", "<xsl:otherwise>" and * "<xsl:choose>" are keywords and should not be translated. This * message describes a syntax error in the stylesheet. */ {ErrorMsg.WHEN_ELEMENT_ERR, "A <xsl:choose> nom\u00e9s es permeten els elements <xsl:when> i <xsl:otherwise>."}, /* * Note to translators: "<xsl:attribute-set>" and "name" are keywords * that should not be translated. */ {ErrorMsg.UNNAMED_ATTRIBSET_ERR, "L'atribut 'name' falta a <xsl:attribute-set>."}, /* * Note to translators: An element in the stylesheet contained an * element of a type that it was not permitted to contain. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_CHILD_ERR, "L'element subordinat no \u00e9s perm\u00e8s."}, /* * Note to translators: The stylesheet tried to create an element with * a name that was not a valid XML name. The substitution text contains * the name. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_ELEM_NAME_ERR, "No podeu cridar un element ''{0}''"}, /* * Note to translators: The stylesheet tried to create an attribute * with a name that was not a valid XML name. The substitution text * contains the name. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_ATTR_NAME_ERR, "No podeu cridar un atribut ''{0}''"}, /* * Note to translators: The children of the outermost element of a * stylesheet are referred to as top-level elements. No text should * occur within that outermost element unless it is within a top-level * element. This message indicates that that constraint was violated. * "<xsl:stylesheet>" is a keyword that should not be translated. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_TEXT_NODE_ERR, "Hi ha dades fora de l'element de nivell superior <xsl:stylesheet>."}, /* * Note to translators: JAXP is an acronym for the Java API for XML * Processing. This message indicates that the XML parser provided to * XSLTC to process the XML input document had a configuration problem. */ {ErrorMsg.SAX_PARSER_CONFIG_ERR, "L'analitzador JAXP no s'ha configurat correctament"}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text names the internal error * encountered. */ {ErrorMsg.INTERNAL_ERR, "S''ha produ\u00eft un error intern d''XSLTC irrecuperable: ''{0}''"}, /* * Note to translators: The stylesheet contained an element that was * not recognized as part of the XSL syntax. The substitution text * gives the element name. */ {ErrorMsg.UNSUPPORTED_XSL_ERR, "L''element d''XSL ''{0}'' no t\u00e9 suport."}, /* * Note to translators: The stylesheet referred to an extension to the * XSL syntax and indicated that it was defined by XSLTC, but XSTLC does * not recognized the particular extension named. The substitution text * gives the extension name. */ {ErrorMsg.UNSUPPORTED_EXT_ERR, "No es reconeix l''extensi\u00f3 d''XSLTC ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet * was not, in fact, a stylesheet. XSLTC is able to detect that in this * case because the outermost element in the stylesheet has to be * declared with respect to the XSL namespace URI, but no declaration * for that namespace was seen. */ {ErrorMsg.MISSING_XSLT_URI_ERR, "El document d'entrada no \u00e9s un full d'estils (l'espai de noms XSL no s'ha declarat en l'element arrel)."}, /* * Note to translators: XSLTC could not find the stylesheet document * with the name specified by the substitution text. */ {ErrorMsg.MISSING_XSLT_TARGET_ERR, "No s''ha trobat la destinaci\u00f3 ''{0}'' del full d''estils."}, /* * Note to translators: access to the stylesheet target is denied */ {ErrorMsg.ACCESSING_XSLT_TARGET_ERR, "Could not read stylesheet target ''{0}'', because ''{1}'' access is not allowed."}, /* * Note to translators: This message represents an internal error in * condition in XSLTC. The substitution text is the class name in XSLTC * that is missing some functionality. */ {ErrorMsg.NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR, "No s''ha implementat ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet * was not, in fact, a stylesheet. */ {ErrorMsg.NOT_STYLESHEET_ERR, "El document d'entrada no cont\u00e9 cap full d'estils XSL."}, /* * Note to translators: The element named in the substitution text was * encountered in the stylesheet but is not recognized. */ {ErrorMsg.ELEMENT_PARSE_ERR, "No s''ha pogut analitzar l''element ''{0}''"}, /* * Note to translators: "use", "<key>", "node", "node-set", "string" * and "number" are keywords in this context and should not be * translated. This message indicates that the value of the "use" * attribute was not one of the permitted values. */ {ErrorMsg.KEY_USE_ATTR_ERR, "L'atribut use de <key> ha de ser node, node-set, string o number."}, /* * Note to translators: An XML document can specify the version of the * XML specification to which it adheres. This message indicates that * the version specified for the output document was not valid. */ {ErrorMsg.OUTPUT_VERSION_ERR, "La versi\u00f3 del document XML de sortida ha de ser 1.0"}, /* * Note to translators: The operator in a comparison operation was * not recognized. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_RELAT_OP_ERR, "L'operador de l'expressi\u00f3 relacional \u00e9s desconegut."}, /* * Note to translators: An attribute set defines as a set of XML * attributes that can be added to an element in the output XML document * as a group. This message is reported if the name specified was not * used to declare an attribute set. The substitution text is the name * that is in error. */ {ErrorMsg.ATTRIBSET_UNDEF_ERR, "S''ha intentat utilitzar el conjunt d''atributs ''{0}'' que no existeix."}, /* * Note to translators: The term "attribute value template" is a term * defined by XSLT which describes the value of an attribute that is * determined by an XPath expression. The message indicates that the * expression was syntactically incorrect; the substitution text * contains the expression that was in error. */ {ErrorMsg.ATTR_VAL_TEMPLATE_ERR, "No es pot analitzar la plantilla de valors d''atributs ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: ??? */ {ErrorMsg.UNKNOWN_SIG_TYPE_ERR, "El tipus de dades de la signatura de la classe ''{0}'' \u00e9s desconegut."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text refers to data types. * The message is displayed if a value in a particular context needs to * be converted to type {1}, but that's not possible for a value of * type {0}. */ {ErrorMsg.DATA_CONVERSION_ERR, "No es pot convertir el tipus de dades ''{0}'' en ''{1}''."}, /* * Note to translators: "Templates" is a Java class name that should * not be translated. */ {ErrorMsg.NO_TRANSLET_CLASS_ERR, "Templates no cont\u00e9 cap definici\u00f3 de classe translet."}, /* * Note to translators: "Templates" is a Java class name that should * not be translated. */ {ErrorMsg.NO_MAIN_TRANSLET_ERR, "Templates no cont\u00e9 cap classe amb el nom ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a class. */ {ErrorMsg.TRANSLET_CLASS_ERR, "No s''ha pogut carregar la classe translet ''{0}''."}, {ErrorMsg.TRANSLET_OBJECT_ERR, "La classe translet s''ha carregat, per\u00f2 no es pot crear la inst\u00e0ncia translet."}, /* * Note to translators: "ErrorListener" is a Java interface name that * should not be translated. The message indicates that the user tried * to set an ErrorListener object on object of the class named in the * substitution text with "null" Java value. */ {ErrorMsg.ERROR_LISTENER_NULL_ERR, "S''ha intentat establir ErrorListener de ''{0}'' en un valor nul."}, /* * Note to translators: StreamSource, SAXSource and DOMSource are Java * interface names that should not be translated. */ {ErrorMsg.JAXP_UNKNOWN_SOURCE_ERR, "XSLTC nom\u00e9s d\u00f3na suport a StreamSource, SAXSource i DOMSource."}, /* * Note to translators: "Source" is a Java class name that should not * be translated. The substitution text is the name of Java method. */ {ErrorMsg.JAXP_NO_SOURCE_ERR, "L''objecte source donat a ''{0}'' no t\u00e9 contingut."}, /* * Note to translators: The message indicates that XSLTC failed to * compile the stylesheet into a translet (class file). */ {ErrorMsg.JAXP_COMPILE_ERR, "No s'ha pogut compilar el full d'estils."}, /* * Note to translators: "TransformerFactory" is a class name. In this * context, an attribute is a property or setting of the * TransformerFactory object. The substitution text is the name of the * unrecognised attribute. The method used to retrieve the attribute is * "getAttribute", so it's not clear whether it would be best to * translate the term "attribute". */ {ErrorMsg.JAXP_INVALID_ATTR_ERR, "TransformerFactory no reconeix l''atribut ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: "setResult()" and "startDocument()" are Java * method names that should not be translated. */ {ErrorMsg.JAXP_SET_RESULT_ERR, "setResult() s'ha de cridar abans de startDocument()."}, /* * Note to translators: "Transformer" is a Java interface name that * should not be translated. A Transformer object should contained a * reference to a translet object in order to be used for * transformations; this message is produced if that requirement is not * met. */ {ErrorMsg.JAXP_NO_TRANSLET_ERR, "Transformer no cont\u00e9 cap objecte translet."}, /* * Note to translators: The XML document that results from a * transformation needs to be sent to an output handler object; this * message is produced if that requirement is not met. */ {ErrorMsg.JAXP_NO_HANDLER_ERR, "No s'ha definit cap manejador de sortida per al resultat de transformaci\u00f3."}, /* * Note to translators: "Result" is a Java interface name in this * context. The substitution text is a method name. */ {ErrorMsg.JAXP_NO_RESULT_ERR, "L''objecte result donat a ''{0}'' no \u00e9s v\u00e0lid."}, /* * Note to translators: "Transformer" is a Java interface name. The * user's program attempted to access an unrecognized property with the * name specified in the substitution text. The method used to retrieve * the property is "getOutputProperty", so it's not clear whether it * would be best to translate the term "property". */ {ErrorMsg.JAXP_UNKNOWN_PROP_ERR, "S''ha intentat accedir a una propietat Transformer ''{0}'' no v\u00e0lida."}, /* * Note to translators: SAX2DOM is the name of a Java class that should * not be translated. This is an adapter in the sense that it takes a * DOM object and converts it to something that uses the SAX API. */ {ErrorMsg.SAX2DOM_ADAPTER_ERR, "No s''ha pogut crear l''adaptador SAX2DOM ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: "XSLTCSource.build()" is a Java method name. * "systemId" is an XML term that is short for "system identification". */ {ErrorMsg.XSLTC_SOURCE_ERR, "S'ha cridat XSLTCSource.build() sense que s'hagu\u00e9s establert la identificaci\u00f3 del sistema."}, {ErrorMsg.COMPILE_STDIN_ERR, "L'opci\u00f3 -i s'ha d'utilitzar amb l'opci\u00f3 -o."}, /* * Note to translators: This message contains usage information for a * means of invoking XSLTC from the command-line. The message is * formatted for presentation in English. The strings <output>, * <directory>, etc. indicate user-specified argument values, and can * be translated - the argument <package> refers to a Java package, so * it should be handled in the same way the term is handled for JDK * documentation. */ {ErrorMsg.COMPILE_USAGE_STR, "RESUM\n java com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.cmdline.Compile [-o <sortida>]\n [-d <directori>] [-j <fitxer_jar>] [-p <paquet>]\n [-n] [-x] [-s] [-u] [-v] [-h] { <full_estils> | -i }\n\nOPCIONS\n -o <sortida> assigna el nom <sortida> al translet\n generat. Per defecte, el nom de translet\n s'obt\u00e9 del nom de <full_estils>. Aquesta opci\u00f3\n no es t\u00e9 en compte si es compilen diversos fulls d'estils.\n -d <directori> especifica un directori de destinaci\u00f3 per al translet\n -j <fitxer_jar> empaqueta les classes translet en un fitxer jar del nom\n especificat com a <fitxer_jar>\n -p <paquet> especifica un prefix de nom de paquet per a totes les classes\n translet generades.\n -n habilita l'inlining (com a mitjana, el funcionament per defecte\n \u00e9s millor).\n -x habilita la sortida de missatges de depuraci\u00f3 addicionals\n -s inhabilita la crida de System.exit\n -u interpreta els arguments <full_estils> com URL\n -i obliga el compilador a llegir el full d'estils des de l'entrada est\u00e0ndard\n -v imprimeix la versi\u00f3 del compilador\n -h imprimeix aquesta sent\u00e8ncia d'\u00fas.\n"}, /* * Note to translators: This message contains usage information for a * means of invoking XSLTC from the command-line. The message is * formatted for presentation in English. The strings <jarfile>, * <document>, etc. indicate user-specified argument values, and can * be translated - the argument <class> refers to a Java class, so it * should be handled in the same way the term is handled for JDK * documentation. */ {ErrorMsg.TRANSFORM_USAGE_STR, "RESUM \n java com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.cmdline.Transform [-j <fitxer_jar>]\n [-x] [-s] [-n <iteracions>] {-u <url_document> | <document>}\n <classe> [<par\u00e0m1>=<valor1> ...]\n\n utilitza la <classe> translet per transformar un document XML\n especificat com a <document>. La <classe> translet es troba\n o b\u00e9 a la CLASSPATH de l'usuari o b\u00e9 al <fitxer_jar> que es pot especificar opcionalment.\nOPCIONS\n -j <fitxer_jar> especifica un fitxer jar des del qual es pot carregar el translet\n -x habilita la sortida de missatges de depuraci\u00f3 addicionals\n -s inhabilita la crida de System.exit\n -n <iteracions> executa la transformaci\u00f3 el nombre de vegades <iteracions> i\n mostra informaci\u00f3 de perfil\n -u <url_document> especifica el document d'entrada XML com una URL\n"}, /* * Note to translators: "<xsl:sort>", "<xsl:for-each>" and * "<xsl:apply-templates>" are keywords that should not be translated. * The message indicates that an xsl:sort element must be a child of * one of the other kinds of elements mentioned. */ {ErrorMsg.STRAY_SORT_ERR, "<xsl:sort> nom\u00e9s es pot utilitzar amb <xsl:for-each> o <xsl:apply-templates>."}, /* * Note to translators: The message indicates that the encoding * requested for the output document was on that requires support that * is not available from the Java Virtual Machine being used to execute * the program. */ {ErrorMsg.UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING, "Aquesta JVM no d\u00f3na suport a la codificaci\u00f3 de sortida ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The message indicates that the XPath expression * named in the substitution text was not well formed syntactically. */ {ErrorMsg.SYNTAX_ERR, "S''ha produ\u00eft un error de sintaxi a ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a Java * class. The term "constructor" here is the Java term. The message is * displayed if XSLTC could not find a constructor for the specified * class. */ {ErrorMsg.CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_FOUND, "No s''ha trobat el constructor extern ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: "static" is the Java keyword. The substitution * text is the name of a function. The first argument of that function * is not of the required type. */ {ErrorMsg.NO_JAVA_FUNCT_THIS_REF, "El primer argument de la funci\u00f3 Java no static ''{0}'' no \u00e9s una refer\u00e8ncia d''objecte v\u00e0lida."}, /* * Note to translators: An XPath expression was not of the type * required in a particular context. The substitution text is the * expression that was in error. */ {ErrorMsg.TYPE_CHECK_ERR, "S''ha produ\u00eft un error en comprovar el tipus de l''expressi\u00f3 ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: An XPath expression was not of the type * required in a particular context. However, the location of the * problematic expression is unknown. */ {ErrorMsg.TYPE_CHECK_UNK_LOC_ERR, "S'ha produ\u00eft un error en comprovar el tipus d'expressi\u00f3 en una ubicaci\u00f3 desconeguda."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a command- * line option that was not recognized. */ {ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_CMDLINE_OPTION_ERR, "L''opci\u00f3 de l\u00ednia d''ordres ''{0}'' no \u00e9s v\u00e0lida."}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a command- * line option. */ {ErrorMsg.CMDLINE_OPT_MISSING_ARG_ERR, "A l''opci\u00f3 de l\u00ednia d''ordres ''{0}'' li falta un argument obligatori."}, /* * Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity * of another message. The substitution text contains two error * messages. The spacing before the second substitution text indents * it the same amount as the first in English. */ {ErrorMsg.WARNING_PLUS_WRAPPED_MSG, "AV\u00cdS: ''{0}''\n :{1}"}, /* * Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity * of another message. The substitution text is an error message. */ {ErrorMsg.WARNING_MSG, "AV\u00cdS: ''{0}''"}, /* * Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity * of another message. The substitution text contains two error * messages. The spacing before the second substitution text indents * it the same amount as the first in English. */ {ErrorMsg.FATAL_ERR_PLUS_WRAPPED_MSG, "ERROR MOLT GREU: ''{0}''\n :{1}"}, /* * Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity * of another message. The substitution text is an error message. */ {ErrorMsg.FATAL_ERR_MSG, "ERROR MOLT GREU: ''{0}''"}, /* * Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity * of another message. The substitution text contains two error * messages. The spacing before the second substitution text indents * it the same amount as the first in English. */ {ErrorMsg.ERROR_PLUS_WRAPPED_MSG, "ERROR: ''{0}''\n :{1}"}, /* * Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity * of another message. The substitution text is an error message. */ {ErrorMsg.ERROR_MSG, "ERROR: ''{0}''"}, /* * Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a class. */ {ErrorMsg.TRANSFORM_WITH_TRANSLET_STR, "Transformaci\u00f3 mitjan\u00e7ant translet ''{0}'' "}, /* * Note to translators: The first substitution is the name of a class, * while the second substitution is the name of a jar file. */ {ErrorMsg.TRANSFORM_WITH_JAR_STR, "Transformaci\u00f3 mitjan\u00e7ant translet ''{0}'' des del fitxer jar ''{1}''"}, /* * Note to translators: "TransformerFactory" is the name of a Java * interface and must not be translated. The substitution text is * the name of the class that could not be instantiated. */ {ErrorMsg.COULD_NOT_CREATE_TRANS_FACT, "No s''ha pogut crear una inst\u00e0ncia de la classe TransformerFactory ''{0}''."}, /* * Note to translators: The following message is used as a header. * All the error messages are collected together and displayed beneath * this message. */ {ErrorMsg.COMPILER_ERROR_KEY, "Errors del compilador:"}, /* * Note to translators: The following message is used as a header. * All the warning messages are collected together and displayed * beneath this message. */ {ErrorMsg.COMPILER_WARNING_KEY, "Avisos del compilador:"}, /* * Note to translators: The following message is used as a header. * All the error messages that are produced when the stylesheet is * applied to an input document are collected together and displayed * beneath this message. A 'translet' is the compiled form of a * stylesheet (see above). */ {ErrorMsg.RUNTIME_ERROR_KEY, "Errors de translet:"}, {ErrorMsg.JAXP_SECUREPROCESSING_FEATURE, "FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING: Cannot set the feature to false when security manager is present."} }; } }