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/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */
package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.algorithms; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchProviderException; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.signature.XMLSignatureException; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.Constants; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.EncryptionConstants; import org.w3c.dom.Document;
Digest Message wrapper and selector class.
/** * Digest Message wrapper and selector class. * * <pre> * MessageDigestAlgorithm.getInstance() * </pre> */
public class MessageDigestAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
Message Digest - NOT RECOMMENDED MD5
/** Message Digest - NOT RECOMMENDED MD5*/
public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_NOT_RECOMMENDED_MD5 = Constants.MoreAlgorithmsSpecNS + "md5";
Digest - Required SHA1
/** Digest - Required SHA1*/
public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA1 = Constants.SignatureSpecNS + "sha1";
Message Digest - OPTIONAL SHA224
/** Message Digest - OPTIONAL SHA224*/
public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA224 = Constants.MoreAlgorithmsSpecNS + "sha224";
Message Digest - RECOMMENDED SHA256
/** Message Digest - RECOMMENDED SHA256*/
public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA256 = EncryptionConstants.EncryptionSpecNS + "sha256";
Message Digest - OPTIONAL SHA384
/** Message Digest - OPTIONAL SHA384*/
public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA384 = Constants.MoreAlgorithmsSpecNS + "sha384";
Message Digest - OPTIONAL SHA512
/** Message Digest - OPTIONAL SHA512*/
public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA512 = EncryptionConstants.EncryptionSpecNS + "sha512";
Message Digest - OPTIONAL RIPEMD-160
/** Message Digest - OPTIONAL RIPEMD-160*/
public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_RIPEMD160 = EncryptionConstants.EncryptionSpecNS + "ripemd160"; // Newer digest algorithms...all optional public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_WHIRLPOOL = Constants.XML_DSIG_NS_MORE_07_05 + "whirlpool"; public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA3_224 = Constants.XML_DSIG_NS_MORE_07_05 + "sha3-224"; public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA3_256 = Constants.XML_DSIG_NS_MORE_07_05 + "sha3-256"; public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA3_384 = Constants.XML_DSIG_NS_MORE_07_05 + "sha3-384"; public static final String ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA3_512 = Constants.XML_DSIG_NS_MORE_07_05 + "sha3-512";
Field algorithm stores the actual MessageDigest
/** Field algorithm stores the actual {@link java.security.MessageDigest} */
private final MessageDigest algorithm;
Constructor for the brave who pass their own message digest algorithms and the corresponding URI.
  • doc –
  • algorithmURI –
/** * Constructor for the brave who pass their own message digest algorithms and the * corresponding URI. * @param doc * @param algorithmURI */
private MessageDigestAlgorithm(Document doc, String algorithmURI) throws XMLSignatureException { super(doc, algorithmURI); algorithm = getDigestInstance(algorithmURI); }
Factory method for constructing a message digest algorithm by name.
  • doc –
  • algorithmURI –
Returns:The MessageDigestAlgorithm element to attach in document and to digest
/** * Factory method for constructing a message digest algorithm by name. * * @param doc * @param algorithmURI * @return The MessageDigestAlgorithm element to attach in document and to digest * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public static MessageDigestAlgorithm getInstance( Document doc, String algorithmURI ) throws XMLSignatureException { return new MessageDigestAlgorithm(doc, algorithmURI); } private static MessageDigest getDigestInstance(String algorithmURI) throws XMLSignatureException { String algorithmID = JCEMapper.translateURItoJCEID(algorithmURI); if (algorithmID == null) { Object[] exArgs = { algorithmURI }; throw new XMLSignatureException("algorithms.NoSuchMap", exArgs); } MessageDigest md; String provider = JCEMapper.getProviderId(); try { if (provider == null) { md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithmID); } else { md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithmID, provider); } } catch (java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { Object[] exArgs = { algorithmID, ex.getLocalizedMessage() }; throw new XMLSignatureException("algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm", exArgs); } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) { Object[] exArgs = { algorithmID, ex.getLocalizedMessage() }; throw new XMLSignatureException("algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm", exArgs); } return md; }
Returns the actual MessageDigest algorithm object
Returns:the actual MessageDigest algorithm object
/** * Returns the actual {@link java.security.MessageDigest} algorithm object * * @return the actual {@link java.security.MessageDigest} algorithm object */
public MessageDigest getAlgorithm() { return algorithm; }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.isEqual which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
  • digesta –
  • digestb –
Returns:the result of the MessageDigest.isEqual method
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#isEqual} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @param digesta * @param digestb * @return the result of the {@link java.security.MessageDigest#isEqual} method */
public static boolean isEqual(byte[] digesta, byte[] digestb) { return MessageDigest.isEqual(digesta, digestb); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.digest() which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
Returns:the result of the MessageDigest.digest() method
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#digest()} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @return the result of the {@link java.security.MessageDigest#digest()} method */
public byte[] digest() { return algorithm.digest(); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.digest(byte[]) which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
  • input –
Returns:the result of the MessageDigest.digest(byte[]) method
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#digest(byte[])} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @param input * @return the result of the {@link java.security.MessageDigest#digest(byte[])} method */
public byte[] digest(byte input[]) { return algorithm.digest(input); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.digest(byte[], int, int) which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
  • buf –
  • offset –
  • len –
Returns:the result of the MessageDigest.digest(byte[], int, int) method
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#digest(byte[], int, int)} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @param buf * @param offset * @param len * @return the result of the {@link java.security.MessageDigest#digest(byte[], int, int)} method * @throws java.security.DigestException */
public int digest(byte buf[], int offset, int len) throws java.security.DigestException { return algorithm.digest(buf, offset, len); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.getAlgorithm which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
Returns:the result of the MessageDigest.getAlgorithm method
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#getAlgorithm} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @return the result of the {@link java.security.MessageDigest#getAlgorithm} method */
public String getJCEAlgorithmString() { return algorithm.getAlgorithm(); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.getProvider which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
Returns:the result of the MessageDigest.getProvider method
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#getProvider} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @return the result of the {@link java.security.MessageDigest#getProvider} method */
public java.security.Provider getJCEProvider() { return algorithm.getProvider(); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.getDigestLength which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
Returns:the result of the MessageDigest.getDigestLength method
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#getDigestLength} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @return the result of the {@link java.security.MessageDigest#getDigestLength} method */
public int getDigestLength() { return algorithm.getDigestLength(); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.reset which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#reset} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * */
public void reset() { algorithm.reset(); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.update(byte[]) which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
  • input –
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#update(byte[])} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @param input */
public void update(byte[] input) { algorithm.update(input); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.update(byte) which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
  • input –
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#update(byte)} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @param input */
public void update(byte input) { algorithm.update(input); }
Proxy method for MessageDigest.update(byte[], int, int) which is executed on the internal MessageDigest object.
  • buf –
  • offset –
  • len –
/** * Proxy method for {@link java.security.MessageDigest#update(byte[], int, int)} * which is executed on the internal {@link java.security.MessageDigest} object. * * @param buf * @param offset * @param len */
public void update(byte buf[], int offset, int len) { algorithm.update(buf, offset, len); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String getBaseNamespace() { return Constants.SignatureSpecNS; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String getBaseLocalName() { return Constants._TAG_DIGESTMETHOD; } }