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package sun.font;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;

import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;

import java.awt.font.TextAttribute;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

This class provides drawing and bounds-measurement of underlines. Additionally, it has a factory method for obtaining underlines from values of underline attributes.
/** * This class provides drawing and bounds-measurement of * underlines. Additionally, it has a factory method for * obtaining underlines from values of underline attributes. */
abstract class Underline {
Draws the underline into g2d. The thickness should be obtained from a LineMetrics object. Note that some underlines ignore the thickness parameter. The underline is drawn from (x1, y) to (x2, y).
/** * Draws the underline into g2d. The thickness should be obtained * from a LineMetrics object. Note that some underlines ignore the * thickness parameter. * The underline is drawn from (x1, y) to (x2, y). */
abstract void drawUnderline(Graphics2D g2d, float thickness, float x1, float x2, float y);
Returns the bottom of the bounding rectangle for this underline.
/** * Returns the bottom of the bounding rectangle for this underline. */
abstract float getLowerDrawLimit(float thickness);
Returns a Shape representing the underline. The thickness should be obtained from a LineMetrics object. Note that some underlines ignore the thickness parameter.
/** * Returns a Shape representing the underline. The thickness should be obtained * from a LineMetrics object. Note that some underlines ignore the * thickness parameter. */
abstract Shape getUnderlineShape(float thickness, float x1, float x2, float y); // Implementation of underline for standard and Input Method underlines. // These classes are private. // IM Underlines ignore thickness param, and instead use // DEFAULT_THICKNESS private static final float DEFAULT_THICKNESS = 1.0f; // StandardUnderline's constructor takes a boolean param indicating // whether to override the default thickness. These values clarify // the semantics of the parameter. private static final boolean USE_THICKNESS = true; private static final boolean IGNORE_THICKNESS = false; // Implementation of standard underline and all input method underlines // except UNDERLINE_LOW_GRAY. private static final class StandardUnderline extends Underline { // the amount by which to move the underline private float shift; // the actual line thickness is this value times // the requested thickness private float thicknessMultiplier; // if non-null, underline is drawn with a BasicStroke // with this dash pattern private float[] dashPattern; // if false, all underlines are DEFAULT_THICKNESS thick // if true, use thickness param private boolean useThickness; // cached BasicStroke private BasicStroke cachedStroke; StandardUnderline(float shift, float thicknessMultiplier, float[] dashPattern, boolean useThickness) { this.shift = shift; this.thicknessMultiplier = thicknessMultiplier; this.dashPattern = dashPattern; this.useThickness = useThickness; this.cachedStroke = null; } private BasicStroke createStroke(float lineThickness) { if (dashPattern == null) { return new BasicStroke(lineThickness, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER); } else { return new BasicStroke(lineThickness, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f, dashPattern, 0); } } private float getLineThickness(float thickness) { if (useThickness) { return thickness * thicknessMultiplier; } else { return DEFAULT_THICKNESS * thicknessMultiplier; } } private Stroke getStroke(float thickness) { float lineThickness = getLineThickness(thickness); BasicStroke stroke = cachedStroke; if (stroke == null || stroke.getLineWidth() != lineThickness) { stroke = createStroke(lineThickness); cachedStroke = stroke; } return stroke; } void drawUnderline(Graphics2D g2d, float thickness, float x1, float x2, float y) { Stroke saveStroke = g2d.getStroke(); g2d.setStroke(getStroke(thickness)); g2d.draw(new Line2D.Float(x1, y + shift, x2, y + shift)); g2d.setStroke(saveStroke); } float getLowerDrawLimit(float thickness) { return shift + getLineThickness(thickness); } Shape getUnderlineShape(float thickness, float x1, float x2, float y) { Stroke ulStroke = getStroke(thickness); Line2D line = new Line2D.Float(x1, y + shift, x2, y + shift); return ulStroke.createStrokedShape(line); } } // Implementation of UNDERLINE_LOW_GRAY. private static class IMGrayUnderline extends Underline { private BasicStroke stroke; IMGrayUnderline() { stroke = new BasicStroke(DEFAULT_THICKNESS, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f, new float[] {1, 1}, 0); } void drawUnderline(Graphics2D g2d, float thickness, float x1, float x2, float y) { Stroke saveStroke = g2d.getStroke(); g2d.setStroke(stroke); Line2D.Float drawLine = new Line2D.Float(x1, y, x2, y); g2d.draw(drawLine); drawLine.y1 += DEFAULT_THICKNESS; drawLine.y2 += DEFAULT_THICKNESS; drawLine.x1 += DEFAULT_THICKNESS; g2d.draw(drawLine); g2d.setStroke(saveStroke); } float getLowerDrawLimit(float thickness) { return DEFAULT_THICKNESS * 2; } Shape getUnderlineShape(float thickness, float x1, float x2, float y) { GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); Line2D.Float line = new Line2D.Float(x1, y, x2, y); gp.append(stroke.createStrokedShape(line), false); line.y1 += DEFAULT_THICKNESS; line.y2 += DEFAULT_THICKNESS; line.x1 += DEFAULT_THICKNESS; gp.append(stroke.createStrokedShape(line), false); return gp; } } // Keep a map of underlines, one for each type // of underline. The Underline objects are Flyweights // (shared across multiple clients), so they should be immutable. // If this implementation changes then clone underline // instances in getUnderline before returning them. private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Underline> UNDERLINES = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Underline>(6); private static final Underline[] UNDERLINE_LIST; static { Underline[] uls = new Underline[6]; uls[0] = new StandardUnderline(0, 1, null, USE_THICKNESS); UNDERLINES.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON, uls[0]); uls[1] = new StandardUnderline(1, 1, null, IGNORE_THICKNESS); UNDERLINES.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_ONE_PIXEL, uls[1]); uls[2] = new StandardUnderline(1, 2, null, IGNORE_THICKNESS); UNDERLINES.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_TWO_PIXEL, uls[2]); uls[3] = new StandardUnderline(1, 1, new float[] { 1, 1 }, IGNORE_THICKNESS); UNDERLINES.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_DOTTED, uls[3]); uls[4] = new IMGrayUnderline(); UNDERLINES.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_GRAY, uls[4]); uls[5] = new StandardUnderline(1, 1, new float[] { 4, 4 }, IGNORE_THICKNESS); UNDERLINES.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_DASHED, uls[5]); UNDERLINE_LIST = uls; }
Return the Underline for the given value of TextAttribute.INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE or TextAttribute.UNDERLINE. If value is not an input method underline value or TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON, null is returned.
/** * Return the Underline for the given value of * TextAttribute.INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE or * TextAttribute.UNDERLINE. * If value is not an input method underline value or * TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON, null is returned. */
static Underline getUnderline(Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } return UNDERLINES.get(value); } static Underline getUnderline(int index) { return index < 0 ? null : UNDERLINE_LIST[index]; } }