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package sun.awt.X11;

import java.awt.dnd.DnDConstants;

import java.nio.ByteOrder;

import java.util.Arrays;

import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;

Motif DnD protocol global constants and convenience routines.
/** * Motif DnD protocol global constants and convenience routines. * * @since 1.5 */
class MotifDnDConstants { // utility class can not be instantiated private MotifDnDConstants() {} // Note that offsets in all native structures below do not depend on the // architecture. private static final Unsafe unsafe = XlibWrapper.unsafe; static final XAtom XA_MOTIF_ATOM_0 = XAtom.get("_MOTIF_ATOM_0"); static final XAtom XA_MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW = XAtom.get("_MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW"); static final XAtom XA_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS = XAtom.get("_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS"); static final XAtom XA_MOTIF_DRAG_INITIATOR_INFO = XAtom.get("_MOTIF_DRAG_INITIATOR_INFO"); static final XAtom XA_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO = XAtom.get("_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO"); static final XAtom XA_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE = XAtom.get("_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE"); static final XAtom XA_XmTRANSFER_SUCCESS = XAtom.get("XmTRANSFER_SUCCESS"); static final XAtom XA_XmTRANSFER_FAILURE = XAtom.get("XmTRANSFER_FAILURE"); static final XSelection MotifDnDSelection = new XSelection(XA_MOTIF_ATOM_0); public static final byte MOTIF_DND_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 0; /* Supported protocol styles */ public static final int MOTIF_PREFER_PREREGISTER_STYLE = 2; public static final int MOTIF_PREFER_DYNAMIC_STYLE = 4; public static final int MOTIF_DYNAMIC_STYLE = 5; public static final int MOTIF_PREFER_RECEIVER_STYLE = 6; /* Info structure sizes */ public static final int MOTIF_INITIATOR_INFO_SIZE = 8; public static final int MOTIF_RECEIVER_INFO_SIZE = 16; /* Sender/reason message masks */ public static final byte MOTIF_MESSAGE_REASON_MASK = (byte)0x7F; public static final byte MOTIF_MESSAGE_SENDER_MASK = (byte)0x80; public static final byte MOTIF_MESSAGE_FROM_RECEIVER = (byte)0x80; public static final byte MOTIF_MESSAGE_FROM_INITIATOR = (byte)0; /* Message flags masks and shifts */ public static final int MOTIF_DND_ACTION_MASK = 0x000F; public static final int MOTIF_DND_ACTION_SHIFT = 0; public static final int MOTIF_DND_STATUS_MASK = 0x00F0; public static final int MOTIF_DND_STATUS_SHIFT = 4; public static final int MOTIF_DND_ACTIONS_MASK = 0x0F00; public static final int MOTIF_DND_ACTIONS_SHIFT = 8; /* message type constants */ public static final byte TOP_LEVEL_ENTER = 0; public static final byte TOP_LEVEL_LEAVE = 1; public static final byte DRAG_MOTION = 2; public static final byte DROP_SITE_ENTER = 3; public static final byte DROP_SITE_LEAVE = 4; public static final byte DROP_START = 5; public static final byte DROP_FINISH = 6; public static final byte DRAG_DROP_FINISH = 7; public static final byte OPERATION_CHANGED = 8; /* drop action constants */ public static final int MOTIF_DND_NOOP = 0; public static final int MOTIF_DND_MOVE = 1 << 0; public static final int MOTIF_DND_COPY = 1 << 1; public static final int MOTIF_DND_LINK = 1 << 2; /* drop site status constants */ public static final byte MOTIF_NO_DROP_SITE = (byte)1; public static final byte MOTIF_INVALID_DROP_SITE = (byte)2; public static final byte MOTIF_VALID_DROP_SITE = (byte)3; private static long readMotifWindow() throws XException { long defaultScreenNumber = XlibWrapper.DefaultScreen(XToolkit.getDisplay()); long defaultRootWindow = XlibWrapper.RootWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), defaultScreenNumber); long motifWindow = 0; WindowPropertyGetter wpg = new WindowPropertyGetter(defaultRootWindow, XA_MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW, 0, 1, false, XConstants.AnyPropertyType); try { int status = wpg.execute(XErrorHandler.IgnoreBadWindowHandler.getInstance()); if (status == XConstants.Success && wpg.getData() != 0 && wpg.getActualType() == XAtom.XA_WINDOW && wpg.getActualFormat() == 32 && wpg.getNumberOfItems() == 1) { long data = wpg.getData(); // XID is CARD32. motifWindow = Native.getLong(data); } return motifWindow; } finally { wpg.dispose(); } } private static long createMotifWindow() throws XException { assert XToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread(); long defaultScreenNumber = XlibWrapper.DefaultScreen(XToolkit.getDisplay()); long defaultRootWindow = XlibWrapper.RootWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), defaultScreenNumber); long motifWindow = 0; long displayString = XlibWrapper.XDisplayString(XToolkit.getDisplay()); if (displayString == 0) { throw new XException("XDisplayString returns NULL"); } long newDisplay = XlibWrapper.XOpenDisplay(displayString); if (newDisplay == 0) { throw new XException("XOpenDisplay returns NULL"); } XlibWrapper.XGrabServer(newDisplay); try { XlibWrapper.XSetCloseDownMode(newDisplay, XConstants.RetainPermanent); XSetWindowAttributes xwa = new XSetWindowAttributes(); try { xwa.set_override_redirect(true); xwa.set_event_mask(XConstants.PropertyChangeMask); motifWindow = XlibWrapper.XCreateWindow(newDisplay, defaultRootWindow, -10, -10, 1, 1, 0, 0, XConstants.InputOnly, XConstants.CopyFromParent, (XConstants.CWOverrideRedirect | XConstants.CWEventMask), xwa.pData); if (motifWindow == 0) { throw new XException("XCreateWindow returns NULL"); } XlibWrapper.XMapWindow(newDisplay, motifWindow); long data = Native.allocateLongArray(1); try { Native.putLong(data, motifWindow); XErrorHandlerUtil.WITH_XERROR_HANDLER(XErrorHandler.VerifyChangePropertyHandler.getInstance()); XlibWrapper.XChangeProperty(XToolkit.getDisplay(), defaultRootWindow, XA_MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW.getAtom(), XAtom.XA_WINDOW, 32, XConstants.PropModeReplace, data, 1); XErrorHandlerUtil.RESTORE_XERROR_HANDLER(); if ((XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error != null) && (XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error.get_error_code() != XConstants.Success)) { throw new XException("Cannot write motif drag window handle."); } return motifWindow; } finally { unsafe.freeMemory(data); } } finally { xwa.dispose(); } } finally { XlibWrapper.XUngrabServer(newDisplay); XlibWrapper.XCloseDisplay(newDisplay); } } private static long getMotifWindow() throws XException { /* * Note: it is unsafe to cache the motif drag window handle, as another * client can change the _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW property on the root, the handle * becomes out-of-sync and all subsequent drag operations will fail. */ long motifWindow = readMotifWindow(); if (motifWindow == 0) { motifWindow = createMotifWindow(); } return motifWindow; } public static final class Swapper { // utility class can not be instantiated private Swapper() {} public static short swap(short s) { return (short)(((s & 0xFF00) >>> 8) | ((s & 0xFF) << 8)); } public static int swap(int i) { return ((i & 0xFF000000) >>> 24) | ((i & 0x00FF0000) >>> 8) | ((i & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | ((i & 0x000000FF) << 24); } public static short getShort(long data, byte order) { short s = unsafe.getShort(data); if (order != MotifDnDConstants.getByteOrderByte()) { return swap(s); } else { return s; } } public static int getInt(long data, byte order) { int i = unsafe.getInt(data); if (order != MotifDnDConstants.getByteOrderByte()) { return swap(i); } else { return i; } } }
DragBSI.h: typedef struct { BYTE byte_order; BYTE protocol_version; CARD16 num_target_lists B16; CARD32 heap_offset B32; } xmMotifTargetsPropertyRec;
/** * DragBSI.h: * * typedef struct { * BYTE byte_order; * BYTE protocol_version; * CARD16 num_target_lists B16; * CARD32 heap_offset B32; * } xmMotifTargetsPropertyRec; */
private static long[][] getTargetListTable(long motifWindow) throws XException { WindowPropertyGetter wpg = new WindowPropertyGetter(motifWindow, XA_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS, 0, 100000L, false, XA_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS.getAtom()); try { int status = wpg.execute(XErrorHandler.IgnoreBadWindowHandler.getInstance()); if (status != XConstants.Success || wpg.getActualType() != XA_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS.getAtom() || wpg.getData() == 0) { return null; } long data = wpg.getData(); if (unsafe.getByte(data + 1) != MOTIF_DND_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { return null; } boolean swapNeeded = unsafe.getByte(data + 0) != getByteOrderByte(); short numTargetLists = unsafe.getShort(data + 2); if (swapNeeded) { numTargetLists = Swapper.swap(numTargetLists); } long[][] table = new long[numTargetLists][]; ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.nativeOrder(); if (swapNeeded) { byteOrder = (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) ? ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN; } long bufptr = data + 8; for (short i = 0; i < numTargetLists; i++) { short numTargets = unsafe.getShort(bufptr); bufptr += 2; if (swapNeeded) { numTargets = Swapper.swap(numTargets); } table[i] = new long[numTargets]; for (short j = 0; j < numTargets; j++) { // NOTE: cannot use Unsafe.getInt(), since it crashes on // Solaris/Sparc if the address is not a multiple of 4. int target = 0; if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) { for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { target |= (unsafe.getByte(bufptr + idx) << 8*idx) & (0xFF << 8*idx); } } else { for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { target |= (unsafe.getByte(bufptr + idx) << 8*(3-idx)) & (0xFF << 8*(3-idx)); } } // NOTE: don't need to swap, since we read it in the proper // order already. table[i][j] = target; bufptr += 4; } } return table; } finally { wpg.dispose(); } } private static void putTargetListTable(long motifWindow, long[][] table) throws XException { assert XToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread(); int tableSize = 8; /* The size of leading xmMotifTargetsPropertyRec. */ for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { tableSize += table[i].length * 4 + 2; } long data = unsafe.allocateMemory(tableSize); try { // BYTE byte_order; unsafe.putByte(data + 0, getByteOrderByte()); // BYTE protocol_version; unsafe.putByte(data + 1, MOTIF_DND_PROTOCOL_VERSION); // CARD16 num_target_lists B16; unsafe.putShort(data + 2, (short)table.length); // CARD32 heap_offset B32; unsafe.putInt(data + 4, tableSize); long bufptr = data + 8; for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { unsafe.putShort(bufptr, (short)table[i].length); bufptr += 2; for (int j = 0; j < table[i].length; j++) { int target = (int)table[i][j]; // NOTE: cannot use Unsafe.putInt(), since it crashes on // Solaris/Sparc if the address is not a multiple of 4. if (ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) { for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { byte b = (byte)((target & (0xFF << (8*idx))) >> (8*idx)); unsafe.putByte(bufptr + idx, b); } } else { for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { byte b = (byte)((target & (0xFF << (8*idx))) >> (8*idx)); unsafe.putByte(bufptr + (3-idx), b); } } bufptr += 4; } } XErrorHandlerUtil.WITH_XERROR_HANDLER(XErrorHandler.VerifyChangePropertyHandler.getInstance()); XlibWrapper.XChangeProperty(XToolkit.getDisplay(), motifWindow, XA_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS.getAtom(), XA_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS.getAtom(), 8, XConstants.PropModeReplace, data, tableSize); XErrorHandlerUtil.RESTORE_XERROR_HANDLER(); if ((XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error != null) && (XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error.get_error_code() != XConstants.Success)) { // Create a new motif window and retry. motifWindow = createMotifWindow(); XErrorHandlerUtil.WITH_XERROR_HANDLER(XErrorHandler.VerifyChangePropertyHandler.getInstance()); XlibWrapper.XChangeProperty(XToolkit.getDisplay(), motifWindow, XA_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS.getAtom(), XA_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS.getAtom(), 8, XConstants.PropModeReplace, data, tableSize); XErrorHandlerUtil.RESTORE_XERROR_HANDLER(); if ((XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error != null) && (XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error.get_error_code() != XConstants.Success)) { throw new XException("Cannot write motif drag targets property."); } } } finally { unsafe.freeMemory(data); } } static int getIndexForTargetList(long[] formats) throws XException { assert XToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread(); if (formats.length > 0) { // Make a defensive copy. formats = formats.clone(); Arrays.sort(formats); } // NOTE: getMotifWindow() should never be called if the server is // grabbed. This will lock up the application as it grabs the server // itself. // Since we don't grab the server before getMotifWindow(), another // client might replace motif window after we read it from the root, but // before we grab the server. // We cannot resolve this problem, but we believe that this scenario is // very unlikely to happen. long motifWindow = getMotifWindow(); XlibWrapper.XGrabServer(XToolkit.getDisplay()); try { long[][] table = getTargetListTable(motifWindow); if (table != null) { for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { boolean equals = true; if (table[i].length == formats.length) { for (int j = 0; j < table[i].length; j++) { if (table[i][j] != formats[j]) { equals = false; break; } } } else { equals = false; } if (equals) { XlibWrapper.XUngrabServer(XToolkit.getDisplay()); return i; } } } else { // Create a new table. // The first two entries must always be the same. // (see DragBS.c) table = new long[2][]; table[0] = new long[] { 0 }; table[1] = new long[] { XAtom.XA_STRING }; } /* Index not found - expand the targets table. */ long[][] new_table = new long[table.length + 1][]; /* Copy the old contents to the new table. */ for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { new_table[i] = table[i]; } /* Fill in the new entry */ new_table[new_table.length - 1] = formats; putTargetListTable(motifWindow, new_table); return new_table.length - 1; } finally { XlibWrapper.XUngrabServer(XToolkit.getDisplay()); } } static long[] getTargetListForIndex(int index) { long motifWindow = getMotifWindow(); long[][] table = getTargetListTable(motifWindow); if (index < 0 || index >= table.length) { return new long[0]; } else { return table[index]; } } static byte getByteOrderByte() { // 'l' - for little endian, 'B' - for big endian. return ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN ? (byte)0x6C : (byte)0x42; } static void writeDragInitiatorInfoStruct(long window, int index) throws XException { assert XToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread(); long structData = unsafe.allocateMemory(MOTIF_INITIATOR_INFO_SIZE); try { // BYTE byte_order unsafe.putByte(structData, getByteOrderByte()); // BYTE protocol_version unsafe.putByte(structData + 1, MOTIF_DND_PROTOCOL_VERSION); // CARD16 protocol_version unsafe.putShort(structData + 2, (short)index); // CARD32 icc_handle unsafe.putInt(structData + 4, (int)XA_MOTIF_ATOM_0.getAtom()); XErrorHandlerUtil.WITH_XERROR_HANDLER(XErrorHandler.VerifyChangePropertyHandler.getInstance()); XlibWrapper.XChangeProperty(XToolkit.getDisplay(), window, XA_MOTIF_ATOM_0.getAtom(), XA_MOTIF_DRAG_INITIATOR_INFO.getAtom(), 8, XConstants.PropModeReplace, structData, MOTIF_INITIATOR_INFO_SIZE); XErrorHandlerUtil.RESTORE_XERROR_HANDLER(); if ((XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error != null) && (XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error.get_error_code() != XConstants.Success)) { throw new XException("Cannot write drag initiator info"); } } finally { unsafe.freeMemory(structData); } } static void writeDragReceiverInfoStruct(long window) throws XException { assert XToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread(); int dataSize = MotifDnDConstants.MOTIF_RECEIVER_INFO_SIZE; long data = unsafe.allocateMemory(dataSize); try { unsafe.putByte(data, MotifDnDConstants.getByteOrderByte()); /* byte order */ unsafe.putByte(data + 1, MotifDnDConstants.MOTIF_DND_PROTOCOL_VERSION); /* protocol version */ unsafe.putByte(data + 2, (byte)MotifDnDConstants.MOTIF_DYNAMIC_STYLE); /* protocol style */ unsafe.putByte(data + 3, (byte)0); /* pad */ unsafe.putInt(data + 4, (int)window); /* proxy window */ unsafe.putShort(data + 8, (short)0); /* num_drop_sites */ unsafe.putShort(data + 10, (short)0); /* pad */ unsafe.putInt(data + 12, dataSize); XErrorHandlerUtil.WITH_XERROR_HANDLER(XErrorHandler.VerifyChangePropertyHandler.getInstance()); XlibWrapper.XChangeProperty(XToolkit.getDisplay(), window, XA_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO.getAtom(), XA_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO.getAtom(), 8, XConstants.PropModeReplace, data, dataSize); XErrorHandlerUtil.RESTORE_XERROR_HANDLER(); if ((XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error != null) && (XErrorHandlerUtil.saved_error.get_error_code() != XConstants.Success)) { throw new XException("Cannot write Motif receiver info property"); } } finally { unsafe.freeMemory(data); } } public static int getMotifActionsForJavaActions(int javaActions) { int motifActions = MOTIF_DND_NOOP; if ((javaActions & DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE) != 0) { motifActions |= MOTIF_DND_MOVE; } if ((javaActions & DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY) != 0) { motifActions |= MOTIF_DND_COPY; } if ((javaActions & DnDConstants.ACTION_LINK) != 0) { motifActions |= MOTIF_DND_LINK; } return motifActions; } public static int getJavaActionsForMotifActions(int motifActions) { int javaActions = DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE; if ((motifActions & MOTIF_DND_MOVE) != 0) { javaActions |= DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE; } if ((motifActions & MOTIF_DND_COPY) != 0) { javaActions |= DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY; } if ((motifActions & MOTIF_DND_LINK) != 0) { javaActions |= DnDConstants.ACTION_LINK; } return javaActions; } }