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package sun.awt;

import java.awt.Font;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import sun.font.CompositeFontDescriptor;
import sun.font.SunFontManager;
import sun.font.FontManagerFactory;
import sun.font.FontUtilities;
import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;

Provides the definitions of the five logical fonts: Serif, SansSerif, Monospaced, Dialog, and DialogInput. The necessary information is obtained from fontconfig files.
/** * Provides the definitions of the five logical fonts: Serif, SansSerif, * Monospaced, Dialog, and DialogInput. The necessary information * is obtained from fontconfig files. */
public abstract class FontConfiguration { //static global runtime env protected static String osVersion; protected static String osName; protected static String encoding; // canonical name of default nio charset protected static Locale startupLocale = null; protected static Hashtable<String, String> localeMap = null; private static FontConfiguration fontConfig; private static PlatformLogger logger; protected static boolean isProperties = true; protected SunFontManager fontManager; protected boolean preferLocaleFonts; protected boolean preferPropFonts; private File fontConfigFile; private boolean foundOsSpecificFile; private boolean inited; private String javaLib; /* A default FontConfiguration must be created before an alternate * one to ensure proper static initialisation takes place. */ public FontConfiguration(SunFontManager fm) { if (FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { FontUtilities.getLogger() .info("Creating standard Font Configuration"); } if (FontUtilities.debugFonts() && logger == null) { logger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.FontConfiguration"); } fontManager = fm; setOsNameAndVersion(); /* static initialization */ setEncoding(); /* static initialization */ /* Separating out the file location from the rest of the * initialisation, so the caller has the option of doing * something else if a suitable file isn't found. */ findFontConfigFile(); } public synchronized boolean init() { if (!inited) { this.preferLocaleFonts = false; this.preferPropFonts = false; setFontConfiguration(); readFontConfigFile(fontConfigFile); initFontConfig(); inited = true; } return true; } public FontConfiguration(SunFontManager fm, boolean preferLocaleFonts, boolean preferPropFonts) { fontManager = fm; if (FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { FontUtilities.getLogger() .info("Creating alternate Font Configuration"); } this.preferLocaleFonts = preferLocaleFonts; this.preferPropFonts = preferPropFonts; /* fontConfig should be initialised by default constructor, and * its data tables can be shared, since readFontConfigFile doesn't * update any other state. Also avoid a doPrivileged block. */ initFontConfig(); }
Fills in this instance's osVersion and osName members. By default uses the system properties os.name and os.version; subclasses may override.
/** * Fills in this instance's osVersion and osName members. By * default uses the system properties os.name and os.version; * subclasses may override. */
protected void setOsNameAndVersion() { osName = System.getProperty("os.name"); osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version"); } private void setEncoding() { encoding = Charset.defaultCharset().name(); startupLocale = SunToolkit.getStartupLocale(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // methods for loading the FontConfig file // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public boolean foundOsSpecificFile() { return foundOsSpecificFile; } /* Smoke test to see if we can trust this configuration by testing if * the first slot of a composite font maps to an installed file. */ public boolean fontFilesArePresent() { init(); short fontNameID = compFontNameIDs[0][0][0]; short fileNameID = getComponentFileID(fontNameID); final String fileName = mapFileName(getComponentFileName(fileNameID)); Boolean exists = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { try { File f = new File(fileName); return Boolean.valueOf(f.exists()); } catch (Exception e) { return Boolean.FALSE; } } }); return exists.booleanValue(); } private void findFontConfigFile() { foundOsSpecificFile = true; // default assumption. String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home"); if (javaHome == null) { throw new Error("java.home property not set"); } javaLib = javaHome + File.separator + "lib"; String javaConfFonts = javaHome + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator + "fonts"; String userConfigFile = System.getProperty("sun.awt.fontconfig"); if (userConfigFile != null) { fontConfigFile = new File(userConfigFile); } else { fontConfigFile = findFontConfigFile(javaConfFonts); if (fontConfigFile == null) { fontConfigFile = findFontConfigFile(javaLib); } } } private void readFontConfigFile(File f) { /* This is invoked here as readFontConfigFile is only invoked * once per VM, and always in a privileged context, thus the * directory containing installed fall back fonts is accessed * from this context */ getInstalledFallbackFonts(javaLib); if (f != null) { try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(f.getPath()); if (isProperties) { loadProperties(in); } else { loadBinary(in); } in.close(); if (FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { logger.config("Read logical font configuration from " + f); } } catch (IOException e) { if (FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { logger.config("Failed to read logical font configuration from " + f); } } } String version = getVersion(); if (!"1".equals(version) && FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { logger.config("Unsupported fontconfig version: " + version); } } protected void getInstalledFallbackFonts(String javaLib) { String fallbackDirName = javaLib + File.separator + "fonts" + File.separator + "fallback"; File fallbackDir = new File(fallbackDirName); if (fallbackDir.exists() && fallbackDir.isDirectory()) { String[] ttfs = fallbackDir.list(fontManager.getTrueTypeFilter()); String[] t1s = fallbackDir.list(fontManager.getType1Filter()); int numTTFs = (ttfs == null) ? 0 : ttfs.length; int numT1s = (t1s == null) ? 0 : t1s.length; int len = numTTFs + numT1s; if (numTTFs + numT1s == 0) { return; } installedFallbackFontFiles = new String[len]; for (int i=0; i<numTTFs; i++) { installedFallbackFontFiles[i] = fallbackDir + File.separator + ttfs[i]; } for (int i=0; i<numT1s; i++) { installedFallbackFontFiles[i+numTTFs] = fallbackDir + File.separator + t1s[i]; } fontManager.registerFontsInDir(fallbackDirName); } } private File findImpl(String fname) { File f = new File(fname + ".properties"); if (FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { logger.info("Looking for text fontconfig file : " + f); } if (f.canRead()) { if (FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { logger.info("Found file : " + f); } isProperties = true; return f; } f = new File(fname + ".bfc"); if (FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { logger.info("Looking for binary fontconfig file : " + f); } if (f.canRead()) { if (FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { logger.info("Found file : " + f); } isProperties = false; return f; } return null; } private File findFontConfigFile(String dir) { if (!(new File(dir)).exists()) { return null; } String baseName = dir + File.separator + "fontconfig"; File configFile; String osMajorVersion = null; if (osVersion != null && osName != null) { configFile = findImpl(baseName + "." + osName + "." + osVersion); if (configFile != null) { return configFile; } int decimalPointIndex = osVersion.indexOf('.'); if (decimalPointIndex != -1) { osMajorVersion = osVersion.substring(0, osVersion.indexOf('.')); configFile = findImpl(baseName + "." + osName + "." + osMajorVersion); if (configFile != null) { return configFile; } } } if (osName != null) { configFile = findImpl(baseName + "." + osName); if (configFile != null) { return configFile; } } if (osVersion != null) { configFile = findImpl(baseName + "." + osVersion); if (configFile != null) { return configFile; } if (osMajorVersion != null) { configFile = findImpl(baseName + "." + osMajorVersion); if (configFile != null) { return configFile; } } } foundOsSpecificFile = false; configFile = findImpl(baseName); if (configFile != null) { return configFile; } if (FontUtilities.debugFonts()) { logger.info("Did not find a fontconfig file."); } return null; } /* Initialize the internal data tables from binary format font * configuration file. */ public static void loadBinary(InputStream inStream) throws IOException { DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(inStream); head = readShortTable(in, HEAD_LENGTH); int[] tableSizes = new int[INDEX_TABLEEND]; for (int i = 0; i < INDEX_TABLEEND; i++) { tableSizes[i] = head[i + 1] - head[i]; } table_scriptIDs = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_scriptIDs]); table_scriptFonts = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_scriptFonts]); table_elcIDs = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_elcIDs]); table_sequences = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_sequences]); table_fontfileNameIDs = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_fontfileNameIDs]); table_componentFontNameIDs = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_componentFontNameIDs]); table_filenames = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_filenames]); table_awtfontpaths = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_awtfontpaths]); table_exclusions = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_exclusions]); table_proportionals = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_proportionals]); table_scriptFontsMotif = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_scriptFontsMotif]); table_alphabeticSuffix = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_alphabeticSuffix]); table_stringIDs = readShortTable(in, tableSizes[INDEX_stringIDs]); //StringTable cache stringCache = new String[table_stringIDs.length + 1]; int len = tableSizes[INDEX_stringTable]; byte[] bb = new byte[len * 2]; table_stringTable = new char[len]; in.read(bb); int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < len) { table_stringTable[i++] = (char)(bb[j++] << 8 | (bb[j++] & 0xff)); } if (verbose) { dump(); } } /* Generate a binary format font configuration from internal data * tables. */ public static void saveBinary(OutputStream out) throws IOException { sanityCheck(); DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(out); writeShortTable(dataOut, head); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_scriptIDs); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_scriptFonts); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_elcIDs); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_sequences); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_fontfileNameIDs); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_componentFontNameIDs); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_filenames); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_awtfontpaths); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_exclusions); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_proportionals); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_scriptFontsMotif); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_alphabeticSuffix); writeShortTable(dataOut, table_stringIDs); //stringTable dataOut.writeChars(new String(table_stringTable)); out.close(); if (verbose) { dump(); } } //private static boolean loadingProperties; private static short stringIDNum; private static short[] stringIDs; private static StringBuilder stringTable; public static void loadProperties(InputStream in) throws IOException { //loadingProperties = true; //StringID starts from "1", "0" is reserved for "not defined" stringIDNum = 1; stringIDs = new short[1000]; stringTable = new StringBuilder(4096); if (verbose && logger == null) { logger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.FontConfiguration"); } new PropertiesHandler().load(in); //loadingProperties = false; stringIDs = null; stringTable = null; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // methods for initializing the FontConfig // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
set initLocale, initEncoding and initELC for this FontConfig object currently we just simply use the startup locale and encoding
/** * set initLocale, initEncoding and initELC for this FontConfig object * currently we just simply use the startup locale and encoding */
private void initFontConfig() { initLocale = startupLocale; initEncoding = encoding; if (preferLocaleFonts && !willReorderForStartupLocale()) { preferLocaleFonts = false; } initELC = getInitELC(); initAllComponentFonts(); } //"ELC" stands for "Encoding.Language.Country". This method returns //the ID of the matched elc setting of "initLocale" in elcIDs table. //If no match is found, it returns the default ID, which is //"NULL.NULL.NULL" in elcIDs table. private short getInitELC() { if (initELC != -1) { return initELC; } HashMap <String, Integer> elcIDs = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < table_elcIDs.length; i++) { elcIDs.put(getString(table_elcIDs[i]), i); } String language = initLocale.getLanguage(); String country = initLocale.getCountry(); String elc; if (elcIDs.containsKey(elc=initEncoding + "." + language + "." + country) || elcIDs.containsKey(elc=initEncoding + "." + language) || elcIDs.containsKey(elc=initEncoding)) { initELC = elcIDs.get(elc).shortValue(); } else { initELC = elcIDs.get("NULL.NULL.NULL").shortValue(); } int i = 0; while (i < table_alphabeticSuffix.length) { if (initELC == table_alphabeticSuffix[i]) { alphabeticSuffix = getString(table_alphabeticSuffix[i + 1]); return initELC; } i += 2; } return initELC; } public static boolean verbose; private short initELC = -1; private Locale initLocale; private String initEncoding; private String alphabeticSuffix; private short[][][] compFontNameIDs = new short[NUM_FONTS][NUM_STYLES][]; private int[][][] compExclusions = new int[NUM_FONTS][][]; private int[] compCoreNum = new int[NUM_FONTS]; private Set<Short> coreFontNameIDs = new HashSet<Short>(); private Set<Short> fallbackFontNameIDs = new HashSet<Short>(); private void initAllComponentFonts() { short[] fallbackScripts = getFallbackScripts(); for (int fontIndex = 0; fontIndex < NUM_FONTS; fontIndex++) { short[] coreScripts = getCoreScripts(fontIndex); compCoreNum[fontIndex] = coreScripts.length; /* System.out.println("coreScriptID=" + table_sequences[initELC * 5 + fontIndex]); for (int i = 0; i < coreScripts.length; i++) { System.out.println(" " + i + " :" + getString(table_scriptIDs[coreScripts[i]])); } */ //init exclusionRanges int[][] exclusions = new int[coreScripts.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < coreScripts.length; i++) { exclusions[i] = getExclusionRanges(coreScripts[i]); } compExclusions[fontIndex] = exclusions; //init componentFontNames for (int styleIndex = 0; styleIndex < NUM_STYLES; styleIndex++) { int index; short[] nameIDs = new short[coreScripts.length + fallbackScripts.length]; //core for (index = 0; index < coreScripts.length; index++) { nameIDs[index] = getComponentFontID(coreScripts[index], fontIndex, styleIndex); if (preferLocaleFonts && localeMap != null && fontManager.usingAlternateFontforJALocales()) { nameIDs[index] = remapLocaleMap(fontIndex, styleIndex, coreScripts[index], nameIDs[index]); } if (preferPropFonts) { nameIDs[index] = remapProportional(fontIndex, nameIDs[index]); } //System.out.println("nameid=" + nameIDs[index]); coreFontNameIDs.add(nameIDs[index]); } //fallback for (int i = 0; i < fallbackScripts.length; i++) { short id = getComponentFontID(fallbackScripts[i], fontIndex, styleIndex); if (preferLocaleFonts && localeMap != null && fontManager.usingAlternateFontforJALocales()) { id = remapLocaleMap(fontIndex, styleIndex, fallbackScripts[i], id); } if (preferPropFonts) { id = remapProportional(fontIndex, id); } if (contains(nameIDs, id, index)) { continue; } /* System.out.println("fontIndex=" + fontIndex + ", styleIndex=" + styleIndex + ", fbIndex=" + i + ",fbS=" + fallbackScripts[i] + ", id=" + id); */ fallbackFontNameIDs.add(id); nameIDs[index++] = id; } if (index < nameIDs.length) { short[] newNameIDs = new short[index]; System.arraycopy(nameIDs, 0, newNameIDs, 0, index); nameIDs = newNameIDs; } compFontNameIDs[fontIndex][styleIndex] = nameIDs; } } } private short remapLocaleMap(int fontIndex, int styleIndex, short scriptID, short fontID) { String scriptName = getString(table_scriptIDs[scriptID]); String value = localeMap.get(scriptName); if (value == null) { String fontName = fontNames[fontIndex]; String styleName = styleNames[styleIndex]; value = localeMap.get(fontName + "." + styleName + "." + scriptName); } if (value == null) { return fontID; } for (int i = 0; i < table_componentFontNameIDs.length; i++) { String name = getString(table_componentFontNameIDs[i]); if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { fontID = (short)i; break; } } return fontID; } public static boolean hasMonoToPropMap() { return table_proportionals != null && table_proportionals.length != 0; } private short remapProportional(int fontIndex, short id) { if (preferPropFonts && table_proportionals.length != 0 && fontIndex != 2 && //"monospaced" fontIndex != 4) { //"dialoginput" int i = 0; while (i < table_proportionals.length) { if (table_proportionals[i] == id) { return table_proportionals[i + 1]; } i += 2; } } return id; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods for handling font and style names // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected static final int NUM_FONTS = 5; protected static final int NUM_STYLES = 4; protected static final String[] fontNames = {"serif", "sansserif", "monospaced", "dialog", "dialoginput"}; protected static final String[] publicFontNames = {Font.SERIF, Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.MONOSPACED, Font.DIALOG, Font.DIALOG_INPUT}; protected static final String[] styleNames = {"plain", "bold", "italic", "bolditalic"};
Checks whether the given font family name is a valid logical font name. The check is case insensitive.
/** * Checks whether the given font family name is a valid logical font name. * The check is case insensitive. */
public static boolean isLogicalFontFamilyName(String fontName) { return isLogicalFontFamilyNameLC(fontName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); }
Checks whether the given font family name is a valid logical font name. The check is case sensitive.
/** * Checks whether the given font family name is a valid logical font name. * The check is case sensitive. */
public static boolean isLogicalFontFamilyNameLC(String fontName) { for (int i = 0; i < fontNames.length; i++) { if (fontName.equals(fontNames[i])) { return true; } } return false; }
Checks whether the given style name is a valid logical font style name.
/** * Checks whether the given style name is a valid logical font style name. */
private static boolean isLogicalFontStyleName(String styleName) { for (int i = 0; i < styleNames.length; i++) { if (styleName.equals(styleNames[i])) { return true; } } return false; }
Checks whether the given font face name is a valid logical font name. The check is case insensitive.
/** * Checks whether the given font face name is a valid logical font name. * The check is case insensitive. */
public static boolean isLogicalFontFaceName(String fontName) { return isLogicalFontFaceNameLC(fontName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); }
Checks whether the given font face name is a valid logical font name. The check is case sensitive.
/** * Checks whether the given font face name is a valid logical font name. * The check is case sensitive. */
public static boolean isLogicalFontFaceNameLC(String fontName) { int period = fontName.indexOf('.'); if (period >= 0) { String familyName = fontName.substring(0, period); String styleName = fontName.substring(period + 1); return isLogicalFontFamilyName(familyName) && isLogicalFontStyleName(styleName); } else { return isLogicalFontFamilyName(fontName); } } protected static int getFontIndex(String fontName) { return getArrayIndex(fontNames, fontName); } protected static int getStyleIndex(String styleName) { return getArrayIndex(styleNames, styleName); } private static int getArrayIndex(String[] names, String name) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (name.equals(names[i])) { return i; } } assert false; return 0; } protected static int getStyleIndex(int style) { switch (style) { case Font.PLAIN: return 0; case Font.BOLD: return 1; case Font.ITALIC: return 2; case Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC: return 3; default: return 0; } } protected static String getFontName(int fontIndex) { return fontNames[fontIndex]; } protected static String getStyleName(int styleIndex) { return styleNames[styleIndex]; }
Returns the font face name for the given logical font family name and style. The style argument is interpreted as in java.awt.Font.Font.
/** * Returns the font face name for the given logical font * family name and style. * The style argument is interpreted as in java.awt.Font.Font. */
public static String getLogicalFontFaceName(String familyName, int style) { assert isLogicalFontFamilyName(familyName); return familyName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + "." + getStyleString(style); }
Returns the string typically used in properties files for the given style. The style argument is interpreted as in java.awt.Font.Font.
/** * Returns the string typically used in properties files * for the given style. * The style argument is interpreted as in java.awt.Font.Font. */
public static String getStyleString(int style) { return getStyleName(getStyleIndex(style)); }
Returns a fallback name for the given font name. For a few known font names, matching logical font names are returned. For all other font names, defaultFallback is returned. defaultFallback differs between AWT and 2D.
/** * Returns a fallback name for the given font name. For a few known * font names, matching logical font names are returned. For all * other font names, defaultFallback is returned. * defaultFallback differs between AWT and 2D. */
public abstract String getFallbackFamilyName(String fontName, String defaultFallback);
Returns the 1.1 equivalent for some old 1.0 font family names for which we need to maintain compatibility in some configurations. Returns null for other font names.
/** * Returns the 1.1 equivalent for some old 1.0 font family names for * which we need to maintain compatibility in some configurations. * Returns null for other font names. */
protected String getCompatibilityFamilyName(String fontName) { fontName = fontName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (fontName.equals("timesroman")) { return "serif"; } else if (fontName.equals("helvetica")) { return "sansserif"; } else if (fontName.equals("courier")) { return "monospaced"; } return null; } protected static String[] installedFallbackFontFiles = null;
Maps a file name given in the font configuration file to a format appropriate for the platform.
/** * Maps a file name given in the font configuration file * to a format appropriate for the platform. */
protected String mapFileName(String fileName) { return fileName; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reordering // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Mappings from file encoding to font config name for font supporting * the corresponding language. This is filled in by initReorderMap() */ protected HashMap<String, Object> reorderMap = null; /* Platform-specific mappings */ protected abstract void initReorderMap(); /* Move item at index "src" to "dst", shuffling all values in * between down */ private void shuffle(String[] seq, int src, int dst) { if (dst >= src) { return; } String tmp = seq[src]; for (int i=src; i>dst; i--) { seq[i] = seq[i-1]; } seq[dst] = tmp; } /* Called to determine if there's a re-order sequence for this locale/ * encoding. If there's none then the caller can "bail" and avoid * unnecessary work */ public static boolean willReorderForStartupLocale() { return getReorderSequence() != null; } private static Object getReorderSequence() { if (fontConfig.reorderMap == null) { fontConfig.initReorderMap(); } HashMap<String, Object> reorderMap = fontConfig.reorderMap; /* Find the most specific mapping */ String language = startupLocale.getLanguage(); String country = startupLocale.getCountry(); Object val = reorderMap.get(encoding + "." + language + "." + country); if (val == null) { val = reorderMap.get(encoding + "." + language); } if (val == null) { val = reorderMap.get(encoding); } return val; } /* This method reorders the sequence such that the matches for the * file encoding are moved ahead of other elements. * If an encoding uses more than one font, they are all moved up. */ private void reorderSequenceForLocale(String[] seq) { Object val = getReorderSequence(); if (val instanceof String) { for (int i=0; i< seq.length; i++) { if (seq[i].equals(val)) { shuffle(seq, i, 0); return; } } } else if (val instanceof String[]) { String[] fontLangs = (String[])val; for (int l=0; l<fontLangs.length;l++) { for (int i=0; i<seq.length;i++) { if (seq[i].equals(fontLangs[l])) { shuffle(seq, i, l); } } } } } private static Vector<String> splitSequence(String sequence) { //String.split would be more convenient, but incurs big performance penalty Vector<String> parts = new Vector<>(); int start = 0; int end; while ((end = sequence.indexOf(',', start)) >= 0) { parts.add(sequence.substring(start, end)); start = end + 1; } if (sequence.length() > start) { parts.add(sequence.substring(start, sequence.length())); } return parts; } protected String[] split(String sequence) { Vector<String> v = splitSequence(sequence); return v.toArray(new String[0]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods for extracting information from the fontconfig data for AWT// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Hashtable<String, Charset> charsetRegistry = new Hashtable<>(5);
Returns FontDescriptors describing the physical fonts used for the given logical font name and style. The font name is interpreted in a case insensitive way. The style argument is interpreted as in java.awt.Font.Font.
/** * Returns FontDescriptors describing the physical fonts used for the * given logical font name and style. The font name is interpreted * in a case insensitive way. * The style argument is interpreted as in java.awt.Font.Font. */
public FontDescriptor[] getFontDescriptors(String fontName, int style) { assert isLogicalFontFamilyName(fontName); fontName = fontName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); int fontIndex = getFontIndex(fontName); int styleIndex = getStyleIndex(style); return getFontDescriptors(fontIndex, styleIndex); } private FontDescriptor[][][] fontDescriptors = new FontDescriptor[NUM_FONTS][NUM_STYLES][]; private FontDescriptor[] getFontDescriptors(int fontIndex, int styleIndex) { FontDescriptor[] descriptors = fontDescriptors[fontIndex][styleIndex]; if (descriptors == null) { descriptors = buildFontDescriptors(fontIndex, styleIndex); fontDescriptors[fontIndex][styleIndex] = descriptors; } return descriptors; } protected FontDescriptor[] buildFontDescriptors(int fontIndex, int styleIndex) { String fontName = fontNames[fontIndex]; String styleName = styleNames[styleIndex]; short[] scriptIDs = getCoreScripts(fontIndex); short[] nameIDs = compFontNameIDs[fontIndex][styleIndex]; String[] sequence = new String[scriptIDs.length]; String[] names = new String[scriptIDs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) { names[i] = getComponentFontName(nameIDs[i]); sequence[i] = getScriptName(scriptIDs[i]); if (alphabeticSuffix != null && "alphabetic".equals(sequence[i])) { sequence[i] = sequence[i] + "/" + alphabeticSuffix; } } int[][] fontExclusionRanges = compExclusions[fontIndex]; FontDescriptor[] descriptors = new FontDescriptor[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { String awtFontName; String encoding; awtFontName = makeAWTFontName(names[i], sequence[i]); // look up character encoding encoding = getEncoding(names[i], sequence[i]); if (encoding == null) { encoding = "default"; } CharsetEncoder enc = getFontCharsetEncoder(encoding.trim(), awtFontName); // we already have the exclusion ranges int[] exclusionRanges = fontExclusionRanges[i]; // create descriptor descriptors[i] = new FontDescriptor(awtFontName, enc, exclusionRanges); } return descriptors; }
Returns the AWT font name for the given platform font name and character subset.
/** * Returns the AWT font name for the given platform font name and * character subset. */
protected String makeAWTFontName(String platformFontName, String characterSubsetName) { return platformFontName; }
Returns the java.io name of the platform character encoding for the given AWT font name and character subset. May return "default" to indicate that getDefaultFontCharset should be called to obtain a charset encoder.
/** * Returns the java.io name of the platform character encoding for the * given AWT font name and character subset. May return "default" * to indicate that getDefaultFontCharset should be called to obtain * a charset encoder. */
protected abstract String getEncoding(String awtFontName, String characterSubsetName); private CharsetEncoder getFontCharsetEncoder(final String charsetName, String fontName) { Charset fc = null; if (charsetName.equals("default")) { fc = charsetRegistry.get(fontName); } else { fc = charsetRegistry.get(charsetName); } if (fc != null) { return fc.newEncoder(); } if (!charsetName.startsWith("sun.awt.") && !charsetName.equals("default")) { fc = Charset.forName(charsetName); } else { Class<?> fcc = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Class<?>>() { public Class<?> run() { try { return Class.forName(charsetName, true, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } return null; } }); if (fcc != null) { try { fc = (Charset) fcc.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (fc == null) { fc = getDefaultFontCharset(fontName); } if (charsetName.equals("default")){ charsetRegistry.put(fontName, fc); } else { charsetRegistry.put(charsetName, fc); } return fc.newEncoder(); } protected abstract Charset getDefaultFontCharset( String fontName); /* This retrieves the platform font directories (path) calculated * by setAWTFontPathSequence(String[]). The default implementation * returns null, its expected that X11 platforms may return * non-null. */ public HashSet<String> getAWTFontPathSet() { return null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // methods for extracting information from the fontconfig data for 2D // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Returns an array of composite font descriptors for all logical font faces.
/** * Returns an array of composite font descriptors for all logical font * faces. */
public CompositeFontDescriptor[] get2DCompositeFontInfo() { CompositeFontDescriptor[] result = new CompositeFontDescriptor[NUM_FONTS * NUM_STYLES]; String defaultFontFile = fontManager.getDefaultFontFile(); String defaultFontFaceName = fontManager.getDefaultFontFaceName(); for (int fontIndex = 0; fontIndex < NUM_FONTS; fontIndex++) { String fontName = publicFontNames[fontIndex]; // determine exclusion ranges for font // AWT uses separate exclusion range array per component font. // 2D packs all range boundaries into one array. // Both use separate entries for lower and upper boundary. int[][] exclusions = compExclusions[fontIndex]; int numExclusionRanges = 0; for (int i = 0; i < exclusions.length; i++) { numExclusionRanges += exclusions[i].length; } int[] exclusionRanges = new int[numExclusionRanges]; int[] exclusionRangeLimits = new int[exclusions.length]; int exclusionRangeIndex = 0; int exclusionRangeLimitIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < exclusions.length; i++) { int[] componentRanges = exclusions[i]; for (int j = 0; j < componentRanges.length; ) { int value = componentRanges[j]; exclusionRanges[exclusionRangeIndex++] = componentRanges[j++]; exclusionRanges[exclusionRangeIndex++] = componentRanges[j++]; } exclusionRangeLimits[i] = exclusionRangeIndex; } // other info is per style for (int styleIndex = 0; styleIndex < NUM_STYLES; styleIndex++) { int maxComponentFontCount = compFontNameIDs[fontIndex][styleIndex].length; // fall back fonts listed in the lib/fonts/fallback directory if (installedFallbackFontFiles != null) { maxComponentFontCount += installedFallbackFontFiles.length; } String faceName = fontName + "." + styleNames[styleIndex]; // determine face names and file names of component fonts String[] componentFaceNames = new String[maxComponentFontCount]; String[] componentFileNames = new String[maxComponentFontCount]; int index; for (index = 0; index < compFontNameIDs[fontIndex][styleIndex].length; index++) { short fontNameID = compFontNameIDs[fontIndex][styleIndex][index]; short fileNameID = getComponentFileID(fontNameID); componentFaceNames[index] = getFaceNameFromComponentFontName(getComponentFontName(fontNameID)); componentFileNames[index] = mapFileName(getComponentFileName(fileNameID)); if (componentFileNames[index] == null || needToSearchForFile(componentFileNames[index])) { componentFileNames[index] = getFileNameFromComponentFontName(getComponentFontName(fontNameID)); } /* System.out.println(publicFontNames[fontIndex] + "." + styleNames[styleIndex] + "." + getString(table_scriptIDs[coreScripts[index]]) + "=" + componentFileNames[index]); */ } if (installedFallbackFontFiles != null) { for (int ifb=0; ifb<installedFallbackFontFiles.length; ifb++) { componentFaceNames[index] = null; componentFileNames[index] = installedFallbackFontFiles[ifb]; index++; } } if (index < maxComponentFontCount) { String[] newComponentFaceNames = new String[index]; System.arraycopy(componentFaceNames, 0, newComponentFaceNames, 0, index); componentFaceNames = newComponentFaceNames; String[] newComponentFileNames = new String[index]; System.arraycopy(componentFileNames, 0, newComponentFileNames, 0, index); componentFileNames = newComponentFileNames; } // exclusion range limit array length must match component face name // array length - native code relies on this int[] clippedExclusionRangeLimits = exclusionRangeLimits; if (index != clippedExclusionRangeLimits.length) { int len = exclusionRangeLimits.length; clippedExclusionRangeLimits = new int[index]; System.arraycopy(exclusionRangeLimits, 0, clippedExclusionRangeLimits, 0, len); //padding for various fallback fonts for (int i = len; i < index; i++) { clippedExclusionRangeLimits[i] = exclusionRanges.length; } } /* System.out.println(faceName + ":"); for (int i = 0; i < componentFileNames.length; i++) { System.out.println(" " + componentFaceNames[i] + " -> " + componentFileNames[i]); } */ result[fontIndex * NUM_STYLES + styleIndex] = new CompositeFontDescriptor( faceName, compCoreNum[fontIndex], componentFaceNames, componentFileNames, exclusionRanges, clippedExclusionRangeLimits); } } return result; } protected abstract String getFaceNameFromComponentFontName(String componentFontName); protected abstract String getFileNameFromComponentFontName(String componentFontName); /* public class 2dFont { public String platformName; public String fontfileName; } private 2dFont [] componentFonts = null; */ /* Used on Linux to test if a file referenced in a font configuration * file exists in the location that is expected. If it does, no need * to search for it. If it doesn't then unless its a fallback font, * return that expensive code should be invoked to search for the font. */ HashMap<String, Boolean> existsMap; public boolean needToSearchForFile(String fileName) { if (!FontUtilities.isLinux) { return false; } else if (existsMap == null) { existsMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); } Boolean exists = existsMap.get(fileName); if (exists == null) { /* call getNumberCoreFonts() to ensure these are initialised, and * if this file isn't for a core component, ie, is a for a fallback * font which very typically isn't available, then can't afford * to take the start-up penalty to search for it. */ getNumberCoreFonts(); if (!coreFontFileNames.contains(fileName)) { exists = Boolean.TRUE; } else { exists = Boolean.valueOf((new File(fileName)).exists()); existsMap.put(fileName, exists); if (FontUtilities.debugFonts() && exists == Boolean.FALSE) { logger.warning("Couldn't locate font file " + fileName); } } } return exists == Boolean.FALSE; } private int numCoreFonts = -1; private String[] componentFonts = null; HashMap <String, String> filenamesMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashSet <String> coreFontFileNames = new HashSet<String>(); /* Return the number of core fonts. Note this isn't thread safe but * a calling thread can call this and getPlatformFontNames() in either * order. */ public int getNumberCoreFonts() { if (numCoreFonts == -1) { numCoreFonts = coreFontNameIDs.size(); Short[] emptyShortArray = new Short[0]; Short[] core = coreFontNameIDs.toArray(emptyShortArray); Short[] fallback = fallbackFontNameIDs.toArray(emptyShortArray); int numFallbackFonts = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < fallback.length; i++) { if (coreFontNameIDs.contains(fallback[i])) { fallback[i] = null; continue; } numFallbackFonts++; } componentFonts = new String[numCoreFonts + numFallbackFonts]; String filename = null; for (i = 0; i < core.length; i++) { short fontid = core[i]; short fileid = getComponentFileID(fontid); componentFonts[i] = getComponentFontName(fontid); String compFileName = getComponentFileName(fileid); if (compFileName != null) { coreFontFileNames.add(compFileName); } filenamesMap.put(componentFonts[i], mapFileName(compFileName)); } for (int j = 0; j < fallback.length; j++) { if (fallback[j] != null) { short fontid = fallback[j]; short fileid = getComponentFileID(fontid); componentFonts[i] = getComponentFontName(fontid); filenamesMap.put(componentFonts[i], mapFileName(getComponentFileName(fileid))); i++; } } } return numCoreFonts; } /* Return all platform font names used by this font configuration. * The first getNumberCoreFonts() entries are guaranteed to be the * core fonts - ie no fall back only fonts. */ public String[] getPlatformFontNames() { if (numCoreFonts == -1) { getNumberCoreFonts(); } return componentFonts; }
Returns a file name for the physical font represented by this platform font name, if the font configuration has such information available, or null if the information is unavailable. The file name returned is just a hint; a null return value doesn't necessarily mean that the font is unavailable, nor does a non-null return value guarantee that the file exists and contains the physical font. The file name can be an absolute or a relative path name.
/** * Returns a file name for the physical font represented by this platform font name, * if the font configuration has such information available, or null if the * information is unavailable. The file name returned is just a hint; a null return * value doesn't necessarily mean that the font is unavailable, nor does a non-null * return value guarantee that the file exists and contains the physical font. * The file name can be an absolute or a relative path name. */
public String getFileNameFromPlatformName(String platformName) { // get2DCompositeFontInfo // -> getFileNameFromComponentfontName() (W/M) // -> getFileNameFromPlatformName() // it's a waste of time on Win32, but I have to give X11 a chance to // call getFileNameFromXLFD() return filenamesMap.get(platformName); }
Returns a configuration specific path to be appended to the font search path.
/** * Returns a configuration specific path to be appended to the font * search path. */
public String getExtraFontPath() { return getString(head[INDEX_appendedfontpath]); } public String getVersion() { return getString(head[INDEX_version]); } /* subclass support */ protected static FontConfiguration getFontConfiguration() { return fontConfig; } protected void setFontConfiguration() { fontConfig = this; /* static initialization */ } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FontConfig data tables and the index constants in binary file // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* The binary font configuration file begins with a short[] "head", which * contains the offsets to the starts of the individual data table which * immediately follow. The current implementation includes the tables shown * below. * * (00) table_scriptIDs :stringIDs of all defined CharacterSubsetNames * (01) table_scriptFonts :scriptID x fontIndex x styleIndex-> * PlatformFontNameID mapping. Each scriptID might * have 1 or 20 entries depends on if it is defined * via a "allfonts.CharacterSubsetname" or a list of * "LogicalFontName.StyleName.CharacterSubsetName" * entries, positive entry means it's a "allfonts" * entry, a negative value means this is a offset to * a NUM_FONTS x NUM_STYLES subtable. * (02) table_elcIDs :stringIDs of all defined ELC names, string * "NULL.NULL.NULL" is used for "default" * (03) table_sequences :elcID x logicalFont -> scriptIDs table defined * by "sequence.allfonts/LogicalFontName.ELC" in * font configuration file, each "elcID" has * NUM_FONTS (5) entries in this table. * (04) table_fontfileNameIDs * :stringIDs of all defined font file names * (05) table_componentFontNameIDs * :stringIDs of all defined PlatformFontNames * (06) table_filenames :platformFontNamesID->fontfileNameID mapping * table, the index is the platformFontNamesID. * (07) table_awtfontpaths :CharacterSubsetNames->awtfontpaths mapping table, * the index is the CharacterSubsetName's stringID * and content is the stringID of awtfontpath. * (08) table_exclusions :scriptID -> exclusionRanges mapping table, * the index is the scriptID and the content is a id of an exclusionRanges int[]. * (09) table_proportionals:list of pairs of PlatformFontNameIDs, stores * the replacement info defined by "proportional" * keyword. * (10) table_scriptFontsMotif * :same as (01) except this table stores the * info defined with ".motif" keyword * (11) table_alphabeticSuffix * :elcID -> stringID of alphabetic/XXXX entries * (12) table_stringIDs :The index of this table is the string ID, the * content is the "start index" of this string in * stringTable, use the start index of next entry * as the "end index". * (13) table_stringTable :The real storage of all character strings defined * /used this font configuration, need a pair of * "start" and "end" indices to access. * (14) reserved * (15) table_fallbackScripts * :stringIDs of fallback CharacterSubsetnames, stored * in the order of they are defined in sequence.fallback. * (16) table_appendedfontpath * :stringtID of the "appendedfontpath" defined. * (17) table_version :stringID of the version number of this fontconfig file. */ private static final int HEAD_LENGTH = 20; private static final int INDEX_scriptIDs = 0; private static final int INDEX_scriptFonts = 1; private static final int INDEX_elcIDs = 2; private static final int INDEX_sequences = 3; private static final int INDEX_fontfileNameIDs = 4; private static final int INDEX_componentFontNameIDs = 5; private static final int INDEX_filenames = 6; private static final int INDEX_awtfontpaths = 7; private static final int INDEX_exclusions = 8; private static final int INDEX_proportionals = 9; private static final int INDEX_scriptFontsMotif = 10; private static final int INDEX_alphabeticSuffix = 11; private static final int INDEX_stringIDs = 12; private static final int INDEX_stringTable = 13; private static final int INDEX_TABLEEND = 14; private static final int INDEX_fallbackScripts = 15; private static final int INDEX_appendedfontpath = 16; private static final int INDEX_version = 17; private static short[] head; private static short[] table_scriptIDs; private static short[] table_scriptFonts; private static short[] table_elcIDs; private static short[] table_sequences; private static short[] table_fontfileNameIDs; private static short[] table_componentFontNameIDs; private static short[] table_filenames; protected static short[] table_awtfontpaths; private static short[] table_exclusions; private static short[] table_proportionals; private static short[] table_scriptFontsMotif; private static short[] table_alphabeticSuffix; private static short[] table_stringIDs; private static char[] table_stringTable;
Checks consistencies of complied fontconfig data. This method is called only at the build-time from build.tools.compilefontconfig.CompileFontConfig.
/** * Checks consistencies of complied fontconfig data. This method * is called only at the build-time from * build.tools.compilefontconfig.CompileFontConfig. */
private static void sanityCheck() { int errors = 0; //This method will only be called during build time, do we //need do PrivilegedAction? String osName = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<String>() { public String run() { return System.getProperty("os.name"); } }); //componentFontNameID starts from "1" for (int ii = 1; ii < table_filenames.length; ii++) { if (table_filenames[ii] == -1) { // The corresponding finename entry for a component // font name is mandatory on Windows, but it's // optional on Solaris and Linux. if (osName.contains("Windows")) { System.err.println("\n Error: <filename." + getString(table_componentFontNameIDs[ii]) + "> entry is missing!!!"); errors++; } else { if (verbose && !isEmpty(table_filenames)) { System.err.println("\n Note: 'filename' entry is undefined for \"" + getString(table_componentFontNameIDs[ii]) + "\""); } } } } for (int ii = 0; ii < table_scriptIDs.length; ii++) { short fid = table_scriptFonts[ii]; if (fid == 0) { System.out.println("\n Error: <allfonts." + getString(table_scriptIDs[ii]) + "> entry is missing!!!"); errors++; continue; } else if (fid < 0) { fid = (short)-fid; for (int iii = 0; iii < NUM_FONTS; iii++) { for (int iij = 0; iij < NUM_STYLES; iij++) { int jj = iii * NUM_STYLES + iij; short ffid = table_scriptFonts[fid + jj]; if (ffid == 0) { System.err.println("\n Error: <" + getFontName(iii) + "." + getStyleName(iij) + "." + getString(table_scriptIDs[ii]) + "> entry is missing!!!"); errors++; } } } } } if (errors != 0) { System.err.println("!!THERE ARE " + errors + " ERROR(S) IN " + "THE FONTCONFIG FILE, PLEASE CHECK ITS CONTENT!!\n"); System.exit(1); } } private static boolean isEmpty(short[] a) { for (short s : a) { if (s != -1) { return false; } } return true; } //dump the fontconfig data tables private static void dump() { System.out.println("\n----Head Table------------"); for (int ii = 0; ii < HEAD_LENGTH; ii++) { System.out.println(" " + ii + " : " + head[ii]); } System.out.println("\n----scriptIDs-------------"); printTable(table_scriptIDs, 0); System.out.println("\n----scriptFonts----------------"); for (int ii = 0; ii < table_scriptIDs.length; ii++) { short fid = table_scriptFonts[ii]; if (fid >= 0) { System.out.println(" allfonts." + getString(table_scriptIDs[ii]) + "=" + getString(table_componentFontNameIDs[fid])); } } for (int ii = 0; ii < table_scriptIDs.length; ii++) { short fid = table_scriptFonts[ii]; if (fid < 0) { fid = (short)-fid; for (int iii = 0; iii < NUM_FONTS; iii++) { for (int iij = 0; iij < NUM_STYLES; iij++) { int jj = iii * NUM_STYLES + iij; short ffid = table_scriptFonts[fid + jj]; System.out.println(" " + getFontName(iii) + "." + getStyleName(iij) + "." + getString(table_scriptIDs[ii]) + "=" + getString(table_componentFontNameIDs[ffid])); } } } } System.out.println("\n----elcIDs----------------"); printTable(table_elcIDs, 0); System.out.println("\n----sequences-------------"); for (int ii = 0; ii< table_elcIDs.length; ii++) { System.out.println(" " + ii + "/" + getString(table_elcIDs[ii])); short[] ss = getShortArray(table_sequences[ii * NUM_FONTS + 0]); for (int jj = 0; jj < ss.length; jj++) { System.out.println(" " + getString(table_scriptIDs[ss[jj]])); } } System.out.println("\n----fontfileNameIDs-------"); printTable(table_fontfileNameIDs, 0); System.out.println("\n----componentFontNameIDs--"); printTable(table_componentFontNameIDs, 1); System.out.println("\n----filenames-------------"); for (int ii = 0; ii < table_filenames.length; ii++) { if (table_filenames[ii] == -1) { System.out.println(" " + ii + " : null"); } else { System.out.println(" " + ii + " : " + getString(table_fontfileNameIDs[table_filenames[ii]])); } } System.out.println("\n----awtfontpaths---------"); for (int ii = 0; ii < table_awtfontpaths.length; ii++) { System.out.println(" " + getString(table_scriptIDs[ii]) + " : " + getString(table_awtfontpaths[ii])); } System.out.println("\n----proportionals--------"); for (int ii = 0; ii < table_proportionals.length; ii++) { System.out.println(" " + getString(table_componentFontNameIDs[table_proportionals[ii++]]) + " -> " + getString(table_componentFontNameIDs[table_proportionals[ii]])); } int i = 0; System.out.println("\n----alphabeticSuffix----"); while (i < table_alphabeticSuffix.length) { System.out.println(" " + getString(table_elcIDs[table_alphabeticSuffix[i++]]) + " -> " + getString(table_alphabeticSuffix[i++])); } System.out.println("\n----String Table---------"); System.out.println(" stringID: Num =" + table_stringIDs.length); System.out.println(" stringTable: Size=" + table_stringTable.length * 2); System.out.println("\n----fallbackScriptIDs---"); short[] fbsIDs = getShortArray(head[INDEX_fallbackScripts]); for (int ii = 0; ii < fbsIDs.length; ii++) { System.out.println(" " + getString(table_scriptIDs[fbsIDs[ii]])); } System.out.println("\n----appendedfontpath-----"); System.out.println(" " + getString(head[INDEX_appendedfontpath])); System.out.println("\n----Version--------------"); System.out.println(" " + getString(head[INDEX_version])); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data table access methods // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Return the fontID of the platformFontName defined in this font config * by "LogicalFontName.StyleName.CharacterSubsetName" entry or * "allfonts.CharacterSubsetName" entry in properties format fc file. */ protected static short getComponentFontID(short scriptID, int fontIndex, int styleIndex) { short fid = table_scriptFonts[scriptID]; //System.out.println("fid=" + fid + "/ scriptID=" + scriptID + ", fi=" + fontIndex + ", si=" + styleIndex); if (fid >= 0) { //"allfonts" return fid; } else { return table_scriptFonts[-fid + fontIndex * NUM_STYLES + styleIndex]; } } /* Same as getCompoentFontID() except this method returns the fontID define by * "xxxx.motif" entry. */ protected static short getComponentFontIDMotif(short scriptID, int fontIndex, int styleIndex) { if (table_scriptFontsMotif.length == 0) { return 0; } short fid = table_scriptFontsMotif[scriptID]; if (fid >= 0) { //"allfonts" > 0 or "not defined" == 0 return fid; } else { return table_scriptFontsMotif[-fid + fontIndex * NUM_STYLES + styleIndex]; } } private static int[] getExclusionRanges(short scriptID) { short exID = table_exclusions[scriptID]; if (exID == 0) { return EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; } else { char[] exChar = getString(exID).toCharArray(); int[] exInt = new int[exChar.length / 2]; int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < exInt.length; j++) { exInt[j] = (exChar[i++] << 16) + (exChar[i++] & 0xffff); } return exInt; } } private static boolean contains(short[] IDs, short id, int limit) { for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { if (IDs[i] == id) { return true; } } return false; } /* Return the PlatformFontName from its fontID*/ protected static String getComponentFontName(short id) { if (id < 0) { return null; } return getString(table_componentFontNameIDs[id]); } private static String getComponentFileName(short id) { if (id < 0) { return null; } return getString(table_fontfileNameIDs[id]); } //componentFontID -> componentFileID private static short getComponentFileID(short nameID) { return table_filenames[nameID]; } private static String getScriptName(short scriptID) { return getString(table_scriptIDs[scriptID]); } private HashMap<String, Short> reorderScripts; protected short[] getCoreScripts(int fontIndex) { short elc = getInitELC(); /* System.out.println("getCoreScripts: elc=" + elc + ", fontIndex=" + fontIndex); short[] ss = getShortArray(table_sequences[elc * NUM_FONTS + fontIndex]); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { System.out.println(" " + getString((short)table_scriptIDs[ss[i]])); } */ short[] scripts = getShortArray(table_sequences[elc * NUM_FONTS + fontIndex]); if (preferLocaleFonts) { if (reorderScripts == null) { reorderScripts = new HashMap<String, Short>(); } String[] ss = new String[scripts.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { ss[i] = getScriptName(scripts[i]); reorderScripts.put(ss[i], scripts[i]); } reorderSequenceForLocale(ss); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { scripts[i] = reorderScripts.get(ss[i]); } } return scripts; } private static short[] getFallbackScripts() { return getShortArray(head[INDEX_fallbackScripts]); } private static void printTable(short[] list, int start) { for (int i = start; i < list.length; i++) { System.out.println(" " + i + " : " + getString(list[i])); } } private static short[] readShortTable(DataInputStream in, int len ) throws IOException { if (len == 0) { return EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY; } short[] data = new short[len]; byte[] bb = new byte[len * 2]; in.read(bb); int i = 0,j = 0; while (i < len) { data[i++] = (short)(bb[j++] << 8 | (bb[j++] & 0xff)); } return data; } private static void writeShortTable(DataOutputStream out, short[] data) throws IOException { for (short val : data) { out.writeShort(val); } } private static short[] toList(HashMap<String, Short> map) { short[] list = new short[map.size()]; Arrays.fill(list, (short) -1); for (Entry<String, Short> entry : map.entrySet()) { list[entry.getValue()] = getStringID(entry.getKey()); } return list; } //runtime cache private static String[] stringCache; protected static String getString(short stringID) { if (stringID == 0) return null; /* if (loadingProperties) { return stringTable.substring(stringIDs[stringID], stringIDs[stringID+1]); } */ //sync if we want it to be MT-enabled if (stringCache[stringID] == null){ stringCache[stringID] = new String (table_stringTable, table_stringIDs[stringID], table_stringIDs[stringID+1] - table_stringIDs[stringID]); } return stringCache[stringID]; } private static short[] getShortArray(short shortArrayID) { String s = getString(shortArrayID); char[] cc = s.toCharArray(); short[] ss = new short[cc.length]; for (int i = 0; i < cc.length; i++) { ss[i] = (short)(cc[i] & 0xffff); } return ss; } private static short getStringID(String s) { if (s == null) { return (short)0; } short pos0 = (short)stringTable.length(); stringTable.append(s); short pos1 = (short)stringTable.length(); stringIDs[stringIDNum] = pos0; stringIDs[stringIDNum + 1] = pos1; stringIDNum++; if (stringIDNum + 1 >= stringIDs.length) { short[] tmp = new short[stringIDNum + 1000]; System.arraycopy(stringIDs, 0, tmp, 0, stringIDNum); stringIDs = tmp; } return (short)(stringIDNum - 1); } private static short getShortArrayID(short[] sa) { char[] cc = new char[sa.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i ++) { cc[i] = (char)sa[i]; } String s = new String(cc); return getStringID(s); } //utility "empty" objects private static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0]; private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; private static final short[] EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY = new short[0]; private static final String UNDEFINED_COMPONENT_FONT = "unknown"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Convert the FontConfig data in Properties file to binary data tables // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static class PropertiesHandler { public void load(InputStream in) throws IOException { initLogicalNameStyle(); initHashMaps(); FontProperties fp = new FontProperties(); fp.load(in); initBinaryTable(); } private void initBinaryTable() { //(0) head = new short[HEAD_LENGTH]; head[INDEX_scriptIDs] = (short)HEAD_LENGTH; table_scriptIDs = toList(scriptIDs); //(1)a: scriptAllfonts scriptID/allfonts -> componentFontNameID // b: scriptFonts scriptID -> componentFontNameID[20] //if we have a "allfonts.script" def, then we just put //the "-platformFontID" value in the slot, otherwise the slot //value is "offset" which "offset" is where 20 entries located //in the table attached. head[INDEX_scriptFonts] = (short)(head[INDEX_scriptIDs] + table_scriptIDs.length); int len = table_scriptIDs.length + scriptFonts.size() * 20; table_scriptFonts = new short[len]; for (Entry<Short, Short> entry : scriptAllfonts.entrySet()) { table_scriptFonts[entry.getKey().intValue()] = entry.getValue(); } int off = table_scriptIDs.length; for (Entry<Short, Short[]> entry : scriptFonts.entrySet()) { table_scriptFonts[entry.getKey().intValue()] = (short)-off; Short[] v = entry.getValue(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (v[i] != null) { table_scriptFonts[off++] = v[i]; } else { table_scriptFonts[off++] = 0; } } } //(2) head[INDEX_elcIDs] = (short)(head[INDEX_scriptFonts] + table_scriptFonts.length); table_elcIDs = toList(elcIDs); //(3) sequences elcID -> XXXX[1|5] -> scriptID[] head[INDEX_sequences] = (short)(head[INDEX_elcIDs] + table_elcIDs.length); table_sequences = new short[elcIDs.size() * NUM_FONTS]; for (Entry<Short, short[]> entry : sequences.entrySet()) { //table_sequences[entry.getKey().intValue()] = (short)-off; int k = entry.getKey().intValue(); short[] v = entry.getValue(); /* System.out.println("elc=" + k + "/" + getString((short)table_elcIDs[k])); short[] ss = getShortArray(v[0]); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { System.out.println(" " + getString((short)table_scriptIDs[ss[i]])); } */ if (v.length == 1) { //the "allfonts" entries for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FONTS; i++) { table_sequences[k * NUM_FONTS + i] = v[0]; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FONTS; i++) { table_sequences[k * NUM_FONTS + i] = v[i]; } } } //(4) head[INDEX_fontfileNameIDs] = (short)(head[INDEX_sequences] + table_sequences.length); table_fontfileNameIDs = toList(fontfileNameIDs); //(5) head[INDEX_componentFontNameIDs] = (short)(head[INDEX_fontfileNameIDs] + table_fontfileNameIDs.length); table_componentFontNameIDs = toList(componentFontNameIDs); //(6)componentFontNameID -> filenameID head[INDEX_filenames] = (short)(head[INDEX_componentFontNameIDs] + table_componentFontNameIDs.length); table_filenames = new short[table_componentFontNameIDs.length]; Arrays.fill(table_filenames, (short) -1); for (Entry<Short, Short> entry : filenames.entrySet()) { table_filenames[entry.getKey()] = entry.getValue(); } //(7)scriptID-> awtfontpath //the paths are stored as scriptID -> stringID in awtfontpahts head[INDEX_awtfontpaths] = (short)(head[INDEX_filenames] + table_filenames.length); table_awtfontpaths = new short[table_scriptIDs.length]; for (Entry<Short, Short> entry : awtfontpaths.entrySet()) { table_awtfontpaths[entry.getKey()] = entry.getValue(); } //(8)exclusions head[INDEX_exclusions] = (short)(head[INDEX_awtfontpaths] + table_awtfontpaths.length); table_exclusions = new short[scriptIDs.size()]; for (Entry<Short, int[]> entry : exclusions.entrySet()) { int[] exI = entry.getValue(); char[] exC = new char[exI.length * 2]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < exI.length; i++) { exC[j++] = (char) (exI[i] >> 16); exC[j++] = (char) (exI[i] & 0xffff); } table_exclusions[entry.getKey()] = getStringID(new String (exC)); } //(9)proportionals head[INDEX_proportionals] = (short)(head[INDEX_exclusions] + table_exclusions.length); table_proportionals = new short[proportionals.size() * 2]; int j = 0; for (Entry<Short, Short> entry : proportionals.entrySet()) { table_proportionals[j++] = entry.getKey(); table_proportionals[j++] = entry.getValue(); } //(10) see (1) for info, the only difference is "xxx.motif" head[INDEX_scriptFontsMotif] = (short)(head[INDEX_proportionals] + table_proportionals.length); if (scriptAllfontsMotif.size() != 0 || scriptFontsMotif.size() != 0) { len = table_scriptIDs.length + scriptFontsMotif.size() * 20; table_scriptFontsMotif = new short[len]; for (Entry<Short, Short> entry : scriptAllfontsMotif.entrySet()) { table_scriptFontsMotif[entry.getKey().intValue()] = (short)entry.getValue(); } off = table_scriptIDs.length; for (Entry<Short, Short[]> entry : scriptFontsMotif.entrySet()) { table_scriptFontsMotif[entry.getKey().intValue()] = (short)-off; Short[] v = entry.getValue(); int i = 0; while (i < 20) { if (v[i] != null) { table_scriptFontsMotif[off++] = v[i]; } else { table_scriptFontsMotif[off++] = 0; } i++; } } } else { table_scriptFontsMotif = EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY; } //(11)short[] alphabeticSuffix head[INDEX_alphabeticSuffix] = (short)(head[INDEX_scriptFontsMotif] + table_scriptFontsMotif.length); table_alphabeticSuffix = new short[alphabeticSuffix.size() * 2]; j = 0; for (Entry<Short, Short> entry : alphabeticSuffix.entrySet()) { table_alphabeticSuffix[j++] = entry.getKey(); table_alphabeticSuffix[j++] = entry.getValue(); } //(15)short[] fallbackScriptIDs; just put the ID in head head[INDEX_fallbackScripts] = getShortArrayID(fallbackScriptIDs); //(16)appendedfontpath head[INDEX_appendedfontpath] = getStringID(appendedfontpath); //(17)version head[INDEX_version] = getStringID(version); //(12)short[] StringIDs head[INDEX_stringIDs] = (short)(head[INDEX_alphabeticSuffix] + table_alphabeticSuffix.length); table_stringIDs = new short[stringIDNum + 1]; System.arraycopy(stringIDs, 0, table_stringIDs, 0, stringIDNum + 1); //(13)StringTable head[INDEX_stringTable] = (short)(head[INDEX_stringIDs] + stringIDNum + 1); table_stringTable = stringTable.toString().toCharArray(); //(14) head[INDEX_TABLEEND] = (short)(head[INDEX_stringTable] + stringTable.length()); //StringTable cache stringCache = new String[table_stringIDs.length]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////// private HashMap<String, Short> scriptIDs; //elc -> Encoding.Language.Country private HashMap<String, Short> elcIDs; //componentFontNameID starts from "1", "0" reserves for "undefined" private HashMap<String, Short> componentFontNameIDs; private HashMap<String, Short> fontfileNameIDs; private HashMap<String, Integer> logicalFontIDs; private HashMap<String, Integer> fontStyleIDs; //componentFontNameID -> fontfileNameID private HashMap<Short, Short> filenames; //elcID -> allfonts/logicalFont -> scriptID list //(1)if we have a "allfonts", then the length of the // value array is "1", otherwise it's 5, each font // must have their own individual entry. //scriptID list "short[]" is stored as an ID private HashMap<Short, short[]> sequences; //scriptID ->logicFontID/fontStyleID->componentFontNameID, //a 20-entry array (5-name x 4-style) for each script private HashMap<Short, Short[]> scriptFonts; //scriptID -> componentFontNameID private HashMap<Short, Short> scriptAllfonts; //scriptID -> exclusionRanges[] private HashMap<Short, int[]> exclusions; //scriptID -> fontpath private HashMap<Short, Short> awtfontpaths; //fontID -> fontID private HashMap<Short, Short> proportionals; //scriptID -> componentFontNameID private HashMap<Short, Short> scriptAllfontsMotif; //scriptID ->logicFontID/fontStyleID->componentFontNameID, private HashMap<Short, Short[]> scriptFontsMotif; //elcID -> stringID of alphabetic/XXXX private HashMap<Short, Short> alphabeticSuffix; private short[] fallbackScriptIDs; private String version; private String appendedfontpath; private void initLogicalNameStyle() { logicalFontIDs = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); fontStyleIDs = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); logicalFontIDs.put("serif", 0); logicalFontIDs.put("sansserif", 1); logicalFontIDs.put("monospaced", 2); logicalFontIDs.put("dialog", 3); logicalFontIDs.put("dialoginput",4); fontStyleIDs.put("plain", 0); fontStyleIDs.put("bold", 1); fontStyleIDs.put("italic", 2); fontStyleIDs.put("bolditalic", 3); } private void initHashMaps() { scriptIDs = new HashMap<String, Short>(); elcIDs = new HashMap<String, Short>(); componentFontNameIDs = new HashMap<String, Short>(); /*Init these tables to allow componentFontNameID, fontfileNameIDs to start from "1". */ componentFontNameIDs.put("", Short.valueOf((short)0)); fontfileNameIDs = new HashMap<String, Short>(); filenames = new HashMap<Short, Short>(); sequences = new HashMap<Short, short[]>(); scriptFonts = new HashMap<Short, Short[]>(); scriptAllfonts = new HashMap<Short, Short>(); exclusions = new HashMap<Short, int[]>(); awtfontpaths = new HashMap<Short, Short>(); proportionals = new HashMap<Short, Short>(); scriptFontsMotif = new HashMap<Short, Short[]>(); scriptAllfontsMotif = new HashMap<Short, Short>(); alphabeticSuffix = new HashMap<Short, Short>(); fallbackScriptIDs = EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY; /* version appendedfontpath */ } private int[] parseExclusions(String key, String exclusions) { if (exclusions == null) { return EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; } // range format is xxxx-XXXX,yyyyyy-YYYYYY,..... int numExclusions = 1; int pos = 0; while ((pos = exclusions.indexOf(',', pos)) != -1) { numExclusions++; pos++; } int[] exclusionRanges = new int[numExclusions * 2]; pos = 0; int newPos = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numExclusions * 2; ) { String lower, upper; int lo = 0, up = 0; try { newPos = exclusions.indexOf('-', pos); lower = exclusions.substring(pos, newPos); pos = newPos + 1; newPos = exclusions.indexOf(',', pos); if (newPos == -1) { newPos = exclusions.length(); } upper = exclusions.substring(pos, newPos); pos = newPos + 1; int lowerLength = lower.length(); int upperLength = upper.length(); if (lowerLength != 4 && lowerLength != 6 || upperLength != 4 && upperLength != 6) { throw new Exception(); } lo = Integer.parseInt(lower, 16); up = Integer.parseInt(upper, 16); if (lo > up) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (FontUtilities.debugFonts() && logger != null) { logger.config("Failed parsing " + key + " property of font configuration."); } return EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; } exclusionRanges[j++] = lo; exclusionRanges[j++] = up; } return exclusionRanges; } private Short getID(HashMap<String, Short> map, String key) { Short ret = map.get(key); if ( ret == null) { map.put(key, (short)map.size()); return map.get(key); } return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") // JDK-implementation class class FontProperties extends Properties { public synchronized Object put(Object k, Object v) { parseProperty((String)k, (String)v); return null; } } private void parseProperty(String key, String value) { if (key.startsWith("filename.")) { //the only special case is "MingLiu_HKSCS" which has "_" in its //facename, we don't want to replace the "_" with " " key = key.substring(9); if (!"MingLiU_HKSCS".equals(key)) { key = key.replace('_', ' '); } Short faceID = getID(componentFontNameIDs, key); Short fileID = getID(fontfileNameIDs, value); //System.out.println("faceID=" + faceID + "/" + key + " -> " // + "fileID=" + fileID + "/" + value); filenames.put(faceID, fileID); } else if (key.startsWith("exclusion.")) { key = key.substring(10); exclusions.put(getID(scriptIDs,key), parseExclusions(key,value)); } else if (key.startsWith("sequence.")) { key = key.substring(9); boolean hasDefault = false; boolean has1252 = false; //get the scriptID list String[] ss = splitSequence(value).toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); short [] sa = new short[ss.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { if ("alphabetic/default".equals(ss[i])) { //System.out.println(key + " -> " + ss[i]); ss[i] = "alphabetic"; hasDefault = true; } else if ("alphabetic/1252".equals(ss[i])) { //System.out.println(key + " -> " + ss[i]); ss[i] = "alphabetic"; has1252 = true; } sa[i] = getID(scriptIDs, ss[i]).shortValue(); //System.out.println("scriptID=" + si[i] + "/" + ss[i]); } //convert the "short[] -> string -> stringID" short scriptArrayID = getShortArrayID(sa); Short elcID = null; int dot = key.indexOf('.'); if (dot == -1) { if ("fallback".equals(key)) { fallbackScriptIDs = sa; return; } if ("allfonts".equals(key)) { elcID = getID(elcIDs, "NULL.NULL.NULL"); } else { if (logger != null) { logger.config("Error sequence def: <sequence." + key + ">"); } return; } } else { elcID = getID(elcIDs, key.substring(dot + 1)); //System.out.println("elcID=" + elcID + "/" + key.substring(dot + 1)); key = key.substring(0, dot); } short[] scriptArrayIDs = null; if ("allfonts".equals(key)) { scriptArrayIDs = new short[1]; scriptArrayIDs[0] = scriptArrayID; } else { scriptArrayIDs = sequences.get(elcID); if (scriptArrayIDs == null) { scriptArrayIDs = new short[5]; } Integer fid = logicalFontIDs.get(key); if (fid == null) { if (logger != null) { logger.config("Unrecognizable logicfont name " + key); } return; } //System.out.println("sequence." + key + "/" + id); scriptArrayIDs[fid.intValue()] = scriptArrayID; } sequences.put(elcID, scriptArrayIDs); if (hasDefault) { alphabeticSuffix.put(elcID, getStringID("default")); } else if (has1252) { alphabeticSuffix.put(elcID, getStringID("1252")); } } else if (key.startsWith("allfonts.")) { key = key.substring(9); if (key.endsWith(".motif")) { key = key.substring(0, key.length() - 6); //System.out.println("motif: all." + key + "=" + value); scriptAllfontsMotif.put(getID(scriptIDs,key), getID(componentFontNameIDs,value)); } else { scriptAllfonts.put(getID(scriptIDs,key), getID(componentFontNameIDs,value)); } } else if (key.startsWith("awtfontpath.")) { key = key.substring(12); //System.out.println("scriptID=" + getID(scriptIDs, key) + "/" + key); awtfontpaths.put(getID(scriptIDs, key), getStringID(value)); } else if ("version".equals(key)) { version = value; } else if ("appendedfontpath".equals(key)) { appendedfontpath = value; } else if (key.startsWith("proportional.")) { key = key.substring(13).replace('_', ' '); //System.out.println(key + "=" + value); proportionals.put(getID(componentFontNameIDs, key), getID(componentFontNameIDs, value)); } else { //"name.style.script(.motif)", we don't care anything else int dot1, dot2; boolean isMotif = false; dot1 = key.indexOf('.'); if (dot1 == -1) { if (logger != null) { logger.config("Failed parsing " + key + " property of font configuration."); } return; } dot2 = key.indexOf('.', dot1 + 1); if (dot2 == -1) { if (logger != null) { logger.config("Failed parsing " + key + " property of font configuration."); } return; } if (key.endsWith(".motif")) { key = key.substring(0, key.length() - 6); isMotif = true; //System.out.println("motif: " + key + "=" + value); } Integer nameID = logicalFontIDs.get(key.substring(0, dot1)); Integer styleID = fontStyleIDs.get(key.substring(dot1+1, dot2)); Short scriptID = getID(scriptIDs, key.substring(dot2 + 1)); if (nameID == null || styleID == null) { if (logger != null) { logger.config("unrecognizable logicfont name/style at " + key); } return; } Short[] pnids; if (isMotif) { pnids = scriptFontsMotif.get(scriptID); } else { pnids = scriptFonts.get(scriptID); } if (pnids == null) { pnids = new Short[20]; } pnids[nameID.intValue() * NUM_STYLES + styleID.intValue()] = getID(componentFontNameIDs, value); /* System.out.println("key=" + key + "/<" + nameID + "><" + styleID + "><" + scriptID + ">=" + value + "/" + getID(componentFontNameIDs, value)); */ if (isMotif) { scriptFontsMotif.put(scriptID, pnids); } else { scriptFonts.put(scriptID, pnids); } } } } }