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package com.sun.media.sound;

import javax.sound.midi.MidiUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.midi.Transmitter;

MidiInDevice class representing functionality of MidiIn devices.
Author:David Rivas, Kara Kytle, Florian Bomers
/** * MidiInDevice class representing functionality of MidiIn devices. * * @author David Rivas * @author Kara Kytle * @author Florian Bomers */
final class MidiInDevice extends AbstractMidiDevice implements Runnable { private volatile Thread midiInThread; MidiInDevice(AbstractMidiDeviceProvider.Info info) { super(info); } // $$kk: 06.24.99: i have this both opening and starting the midi in device. // may want to separate these?? @Override protected synchronized void implOpen() throws MidiUnavailableException { int index = ((MidiInDeviceProvider.MidiInDeviceInfo)getDeviceInfo()).getIndex(); id = nOpen(index); // can throw MidiUnavailableException if (id == 0) { throw new MidiUnavailableException("Unable to open native device"); } // create / start a thread to get messages if (midiInThread == null) { midiInThread = JSSecurityManager.createThread(this, "Java Sound MidiInDevice Thread", // name false, // daemon -1, // priority true); // doStart } nStart(id); // can throw MidiUnavailableException } // $$kk: 06.24.99: i have this both stopping and closing the midi in device. // may want to separate these?? @Override protected synchronized void implClose() { long oldId = id; id = 0; super.implClose(); // close the device nStop(oldId); if (midiInThread != null) { try { midiInThread.join(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // IGNORE EXCEPTION } } nClose(oldId); } @Override public long getMicrosecondPosition() { long timestamp = -1; if (isOpen()) { timestamp = nGetTimeStamp(id); } return timestamp; } // OVERRIDES OF ABSTRACT MIDI DEVICE METHODS @Override protected boolean hasTransmitters() { return true; } @Override protected Transmitter createTransmitter() { return new MidiInTransmitter(); }
An own class to distinguish the class name from the transmitter of other devices.
/** * An own class to distinguish the class name from * the transmitter of other devices. */
private final class MidiInTransmitter extends BasicTransmitter { private MidiInTransmitter() { super(); } } @Override public void run() { // while the device is started, keep trying to get messages. // this thread returns from native code whenever stop() or close() is called while (id!=0) { // go into native code and retrieve messages nGetMessages(id); if (id!=0) { try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } // let the thread exit midiInThread = null; }
Callback from native code when a short MIDI event is received from hardware.
  • timeStamp – time-stamp in microseconds
@parampackedMsg: status | data1 << 8 | data2 << 8
/** * Callback from native code when a short MIDI event is received from hardware. * @param packedMsg: status | data1 << 8 | data2 << 8 * @param timeStamp time-stamp in microseconds */
void callbackShortMessage(int packedMsg, long timeStamp) { if (packedMsg == 0 || id == 0) { return; } /*if(Printer.verbose) { int status = packedMsg & 0xFF; int data1 = (packedMsg & 0xFF00)>>8; int data2 = (packedMsg & 0xFF0000)>>16; Printer.verbose(">> MidiInDevice callbackShortMessage: status: " + status + " data1: " + data1 + " data2: " + data2 + " timeStamp: " + timeStamp); }*/ getTransmitterList().sendMessage(packedMsg, timeStamp); } void callbackLongMessage(byte[] data, long timeStamp) { if (id == 0 || data == null) { return; } getTransmitterList().sendMessage(data, timeStamp); } private native long nOpen(int index) throws MidiUnavailableException; private native void nClose(long id); private native void nStart(long id) throws MidiUnavailableException; private native void nStop(long id); private native long nGetTimeStamp(long id); // go into native code and get messages. May be blocking private native void nGetMessages(long id); }